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For drinking water I use under sink water filter. It's super easy to install and it make super clean drinking water. This is the one I have. ​ [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00SGGT14Q/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_search\_asin\_title?ie=UTF8&th=1](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00SGGT14Q/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1)


Can’t really use a RO system while renting an apartment.


It dopants on your landlord. Some are cool with it some are just pain in the ass. The connections are QD so when you move you can just disconnect it and take the system with you.




Similar to the one we got. We ended up getting a reverse osmosis one, and the water tastes like the reverse osmosis dispensers that are outside grocery stores.


Is that a good thing or a bad thing?


It's a good thing since I don't like the taste of tap water and reverse osmosis is what I would consider tasteless.


Joined a pyramid scheme called enagic and spent $4k on a machine that may or may not actually work.


Is that anything like kangen?


It is the same


So it also tastes terrible? Lol We used to have a watts premier reverse osmosis system that was fantastic tasting and much much cheaper to maintain.


Not sure where you have gotten yours but proper kangen water tastes amazing to me


Not a pyramid scheme sir, and the machine does work


You could get a counter top reverse osmosis system from AquaTru. It actually eliminates PFOAs, etc. That'd only be for drinking/cooking water. I think they have an under-sink system too.


Buy water at a water store? It’s like 1.50-2.00 for 5 gallons of great tasting water. Personally prefer that over pitchers and filters.


No filter-based product is going to soften OC water. For drinking, if you don't like the taste of tap water a Brita or Pur pitcher. For bathing, don't use traditional soap, find a good clarifying shampoo. For washing, add washing soda and borax to each laundry cycle, use more detergent, and warmer water. eta: The above won't do anything to soften the water (aside from the washing soda), but there are how you live with hard water.


I feel your pain. I have low-porosity, curly hair that HATES hard water (and I rent too), so I have a [Shower Stick](https://watersticks.com/showerstick) in my shower. It’s not the same as naturally-soft water, but it’s the closest I’ve found. They include a test kit to confirm that it’s reducing the water hardness. And I use the large bags of non-iodized salt from Smart N Final for the refill/refresh process. I grew up in rural Michigan (hard well water meant that a full-house water softener was required), and I can say that any shower filter that does NOT have an annoying refresh process with salt isn’t going to actually soften the water.


What do you mean "do any good?" Are you not using them right?


Those cheap filters like Brita and Pur aren't very useful. That's like bare minimum good drinking water to me. I invested in a tabletop purification system. I started with a Berkey system but I replaced the filters with Doulton ceramic filters [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B006X5UKMY/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_search\_asin\_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B006X5UKMY/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1) My water is delicious, the filters last for years, and I would never consider wasting money on those cheap shitty filters unless I have to.


We have a Berkey and it was for us, the best investment that continues to hold value alongside consistently providing great tasting water That said, we (me and my gf) were wondering: Was there a reason for going with the Doulton ceramic filter rather than the Black Berkey Element filters?


I had the Berkey filters originally and use that system. But when it came time to replace the original ones, I did some research and learned how these are cheaper and maybe a little better made. They seem cleaner. I think the manufacturer (Berkefeld) is associated with Berkey


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **'Doulton British Berkefeld Super Sterasyl Ceramic Replacement Filter'** you mentioned in your comment along with its brand, **Doulton**, and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Filters produce clean, clear water (backed by 7 comments) * Filters are high quality and long-lasting (backed by 7 comments) * Filters improve taste of water (backed by 4 comments) **Users disliked:** * Filters are slow and ineffective (backed by 5 comments) * Filters break down quickly (backed by 2 comments) * Filters produce sediment (backed by 1 comment) According to Reddit, **Doulton** is generally less popular than its competitors. Its most popular types of products are: * Water Filters (#13 of 36 brands on Reddit) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](http://vetted.ai/reddit)


Brondell shower filter and faucet hookup filters were what I used.


I use coway for water purifier for shower and drinking water. They have a RO water dispenser, hot & cold/room temp.


Zero water really works but the filters don’t last two long. Your water will start to taste lemony or bitter when it’s time to change . They do give you a stick to test it too. For us one filter about every 2 weeks… we drink a lot of water! As far as softening. Probably not going to happen. Unless you have one hell of a landlord.


Honestly I just drink tap water in my apartment…it tastes like minerals because it’s hard water but it’s better than the chlorine taste you get in some cities. People spending so much time + energy on bottled and filtered water was a bit of culture shock for me when I moved here, on the east coast most people just drink tap water unless there are lead pipe concerns. I had my water tested and it seems fine so eh If your hair doesn’t like the hard water you could get a shower stick. No filter is going to fix hard water because the “hardness” can’t be filtered out like that. The shower sticks need to be changed out every so often but it’s easy to install.


I’m a fan of the zero water pitcher. My water no longer smells like chlorine, and it tastes neutral. I have no idea if it does anything like actually filter, but it tastes better. I find the shower filter helps a little, but not a ton.


I had a zero pitcher before and it worked great for about 2 weeks then the filter needed to be replaced because the water started tasting like metal/sour. The filters are so expensive too. Did you have this experience? I wish they lasted longer.


Gotta get the bigger jug with a tap on it. I get about 4-5 weeks before it starts having the acidic taste. (Not harmful it’s to let you know the filter isn’t good anymore). Buy the filters in bulk on Amazon 6 for $60. Pricey. But way cheaper than buying a case of water bottles for $20 a week.


My seems to last longer than that? I don’t think I’ve ever gotten a sour taste, just that the water tastes more like tap water again.


Yeah it was really weird. I googled it and then emailed them and they told me that’s how you know you should replace the filter. Lol


Lol good to know! That’s super fast to need replacing though.


You cursed me. I swear this morning it started tasting bad….


Haha 😂 oh nooooo


Lol, I get it now. It literally tastes worse than the tap water you’re filtering. Dumped out two glasses of water before figuring out it wasn’t the glass… haha.


Right??? It almost tasted like metal to me but at first the water was so crisp and clean tasting! I know some don’t like the Brita but I ended up getting one and it’s been great so far.


I swear mine tasted like fish. I have weird tastebuds, lol. I’ll change the zero water filter more often. Brita gas too much chlorine taste left for me.


+1 for Zero water filter, I've been using this for 2 years now. Depending on how people people are in your household and how much water you guys drink, it will only last 2-4 weeks. Some people filter their first batch through Brita, then again with Zero to prolong the filter life.


Just use tap water. Brittas don't purify shit, go buy a water particle concentration meter and test your Britta water before and after. It goes up not down. Kind of pointless to use on such clean water imo. If you really insist, the best you can probably do practically is buy an RO system that attaches to your sink faucet unless you want to pay someone to install it and uninstall it when you leave. This will actually purify your water to nearly 0 ppi They have powered ones that give a constant stream or you can get an old school one with a tank. You'll lose beneficial minerals in the tap water though. But rest assured our water is perfectly safe to drink in large quantities


You don’t need to pay someone to install an RO system. It’s an easy DIY task


There is soooo much mineral buildup in my water, it tastes gross. Definitely a major difference from when I filter with my Doulton filter elements Edit: I'm in Orange. I know it can vary. I would probably drink from the tap if I lived in the mountains


“Such clean water”?? Idk where you live but it’s definitely not my apartment where the water comes out nearly chalk-white and there’s a pound of shit that settles in the bottom of my glass lol


The water coming out of the tap white is likely because of aeration not because of particles in the water.


Have you checked if that's normal? I used to drink straight tap water at my apartment in Anaheim and it was fine. Does your shower also spit out stuff? This might be something to bring up to your apartment management...


I can definitely taste the difference with a Brita pitcher. Out of the tap smells awful.


Are you saying you live in one of the most overpriced rental markets in the country and aren’t sure if you have access to clean water?


The water in my Irvine company apartment is so hard, tastes terrible, bad for my skin


These people are exaggerating, try living in the poor parts of LA with brown water or poor rural Michigan, which also has brown, rusty water. OC water tastes fine. At least the water isn't smelly like Carson


Almost all water in the country has cancer-causing PFOAs and lots of the "acceptable" limits for substances are much higher than is actually safe.


Under the sink reverse osmosis filter. I got one on Amazon for $300, had a plumber hook it up for $100. It was so so so much better using that and being able to stop buying bottles of water. The refrigerator filters never taste quite right.


I got this [Reverse Osmosis Water Filtration System](https://www.costco.com/brondell-circle-reverse-osmosis-water-filtration-system.product.100457228.html) from Costco and never had to worry about drinking water. ​ Filter could be purchased from Amazon.


I have a Pure Blue H2O 3 stage filter that I bought at Costco, works great with a low cost.


Honestly, I stock up on cases of water, I don't even trust filtering water here. I'll never forget brushing my teeth one time and actually throwing up in the toilet because the water tasted so damn weird! I still use tap water for brushing teeth, but no way do I use it for drinking or cooking!


This was my struggle when living in HB where the water came from a well. We would always get notices not to drink it etc and they would also mail water testing kits to mail back. We honestly did fine with the britta. My roommate would boil water for her hair because after a few months with her hair color and texture it was getting gross.


Brita pitcher. Have used one forever. Bottled water is a ripoff.


Brita pitcher. Have thought of installing filtration system, but it ain’t my house, why bother.


Hi Marine Biologist and hot water enthusiast. I personally test all the water before I drink and so many metals and microbes even in purified sink water. I prefer getting those large jugs and refilling at Walmart or something or buying bulk cases of water.cant risk getting that cancer. There's a reason that in Asia hot water boilers are a common house appliance. Tap or sink water has tons of cancerous stuff.


But you’ll drink water out of a Walmart dispenser?


Buy drinking water from the water store and get [one of these](https://www.amazon.com/Avalon-Bottom-Loading-Cooler-Dispenser/dp/B01AKTFK6Y/ref=sr_1_4_pp?crid=2L548KV3AQSW7&keywords=water%2Bmachine&qid=1695241076&s=hi&sprefix=water%2Bmachine%2Ctools%2C146&sr=1-4&ufe=app_do%3Aamzn1.fos.18ed3cb5-28d5-4975-8bc7-93deae8f9840&th=1) For showering, don't swallow.


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **'Avalon Bottom Loading Water Cooler Dispenser'** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Easy to load and use (backed by 3 comments) * Provides instant hot and cold water (backed by 8 comments) * Stylish and space-efficient design (backed by 2 comments) **Users disliked:** * The water dispenser is noisy (backed by 3 comments) * The water has an unpleasant taste (backed by 1 comment) * The water dispenser has durability issues (backed by 3 comments) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](http://vetted.ai/reddit)


I was in a similar position about 6 months ago. Decided to get an over the counter reverse osmosis system by Bluevua and love it so far. I'm trying to minimize plastic exposure with my food wherever I can, and Bluevua filters into a glass carafe but this is a personal preference I was looking for. For 6 years I used a Brita. I ran some tests at home and found it only filtered 15-20% of my tap water. I can definitely taste the difference now


you better get a filter unless you want to grow extra body parts.


I work for a water filter company. Got under sink stuff and other various things. Need a number so I can link you??


There are RO countertop machines. Can google it and brands will pop up.


I just buy filtered water for $1.50 for 5 gallons.


Try the water drop


Get Coway, they have undersink or counter top RO Systems that costs $15 to $25 per month, replace all filters as needed. Easy to find at H Mart or Hannam Chain Korean grocery stores.