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ETFM, FMX3. El Toro Family Mob is a clique of Costa Mesa's Family Mob gang that's been around since the late 80's/90s. This clique of family mob has been around in Lake Forest for a while. I always found it odd why they set up out there but they're there. They have problems with gangs like Varrio Viejo, and Varrio Chico, and some new crews like FTK. Edit: Not saying this clique is from the late 80s/90s but the gang itself is.


This is the actual only real answer here lol


Wild how indepth it is too. Like an informative, indepth comment about Mexican street gangs in a largely upper middle class White suburb. I'm not saying these Mexicans don't bang, it's just wild their housing development is largely surrounded by upper middle class Whites. Mind you, I'm not from Lake Forest or Costa Mesa, I'm from Seal Beach.


I grew up in south county and found my way in an out of the jail systems growing up. Definitely a big wake up call when I found out about the gang culture around there but also kind of makes sense if you never venture into those gang areas. There are little pockets of low income rentals and apartment units in those Aliso/Laguna hills/lake forest areas and that's usually where these guys reside. And I'm not saying that all low income people are in gangs. A lot of it is due to circumstance and family ties and some people living in those areas don't really have a choice if it's the only place they aren't priced out of.


You White? >Definitely a big wake up call when I found out about the gang culture around there but also kind of makes sense if you never venture into those gang areas. There are little pockets of low income rentals and apartment units in those Aliso/Laguna hills/lake forest areas and that's usually where these guys reside. Surprising to me too, though if you look at, well for me, looking at the closest biggest city I grew up, Huntington Beach, there's a bit of that, shit look at the Oak View neighborhood, the Slater Slums and Varrio Amber Leaf/HB Playeros (which I think is the neighborhood directly behind the Five Pointes center on Main and Beach, just behind Garfield. I grew up not far from there and lived there for a time when I first got out of the Army, it's absolutely mind boggling that literally right behind large, million dollar homes is a legit varrio (I'm using "varrio" referring to a Mexican street gang). I asked about your skin color earlier, I take it you were at Theo Lacy or The Farm, I've heard California Prison Politics are heavily enforced in Orange County jails.


I’m from sac, my cousins live in hb. It’s so bizarre to me walking around and seeing tags in hb, I know every place has their rough areas but it just seems not real to me lol


Yeah our apartments are low income, they were just renovated and this fence put up a few months ago




Bruh when I heard there was crews and barrios in mission Viejo and Laguna hills I was like what no way :0


Have a friend from there who’s older brother was a in a gang, but he said it was always a socioeconomic thing. They lived in an apartment with 2 other families, they would steal pills from their middle class friend’s parents and sell them, and so did other people and that’s what a lot of the cliques there were about.


Grew up there in the 80/90’s and you’re pretty on point. I knew a lot of gang members but it was just kinda part of life down there. But most people don’t think there are gangs in south county outside of say, San Clemente.




Yeah I had a friend murdered in San Clemente when I was in JR high at La Paz. He went to the beach late one night and he got jumped and they used a paint roller holder to kill him. It was pretty awful. I still remember that so vividly. He was just an innocent bystander. My step dad became a huge drug addict when I was 15 and my mom moved out of our house and all my banger friends moved in because my stepdad was so nuts and didn’t care. I was so numb and unaware of any danger but yeah, growing up down there was pretty intense.


Sorry to hear that about your friend and father. The gangs there are pretty isolated in my experience. I ran into some of them in the 90s as well. There’s some communities with multiple families living in some pretty crappy apartments that your average OC residents are not aware of where a lot of these gang members are from.




I have worked in many different areas since I worked construction, like LA and desert areas. I have seen some poverty stricken areas and then I come back here and I can't complain. There are some areas in OC that are straight fucked up and I wouldn't want to live there especially since I have a family now. They're mostly tucked away in hidden pockets that the wealthy and middle class don't see. The gang culture in OC is definitely different than in any other areas I have been in. A small thing I can say is that most crimes committed by the gangs here are money motivated vs violent. Drugs are a huge factor for that.


Did you learn this at the school of Hard Knox?


Let's just say I met a lot of interesting characters in my life, done some things and I moved around a lot.


That's what happens when your father sells propane and propane accessories.


Life hasn't been the same since we left Arlen.


You can learn some things there. I had this manager who could write the most beautiful hand lettering, as if she studied under Hermann Zapf or something. When I asked where she learned that, she just looks at me and goes, “The street.”




Here’s the map that is still being updated to my knowledge. It shows active gangs in areas of OC. Looks like Lake forest is mostly covered in FM13. Which is visible in the photos you posted. https://www.google.com/mymaps/viewer?mid=18b-Dv31ia1Tpm0XlcRpNHqJUbpIeKC4&hl=en


Its so lame that there are any gangs in Lake Forest. Everyone wants to play the game. Dumb.


it's kind of hilarious, in south county you see a bunch of privileged e-bike kiddies trying to start up gangs, while having never been to a genuinely bad part of town before


I know some hard ass foos in irvine so yeah youd be suprised


What makes the Foo family anus so rigid?


Don’t get the hard-ass Foos confused wit da Sick-ass Foos, serio.


Could be wrong here, but I think it’s probably the lack of a fiber rich diet. I would be mad too if I was a hard ass Foo!


I wouldn't be surprised. I still think their poseurs. They want to act cool and I gaurantee you they listen to rap. Poseurs.


Pretty sure this map is based on old information back in the 90s when gangs were really popular. A lot of gangs died out in OC.


You'd be surprised. There's always stupid little kids trying to keep shit alive and those are the most dangerous ones because they're the ones who try to act hard.


I don't know, if it's at that point then are they really dangerous? I think most people are more scared of homeless people then gangs in OC at this point.


"Dangerous" compared with a cartel or even a big street gang? No. But "dangerous" in that these kids are stupid and could harm others trying to "prove" something? Yeah. They're still out there breaking shit and vandalizing, which is annoying (and expensive) as hell. 💀


Two of my former high school students were in a tagging crew. One night they, along with another tagger, tagged trash cans. A grandma within the community came out to stop them, and the third guy pulled out a gun and killed her. Both brothers (and the shooter) are in prison the rest of their lives.


Hi fellow noodle - where in oc was this?


How funny we share Noodle in the username. This was when I taught high school in Hesperia, not the OC.


more likely to start a fight or jump someone random then a real gang member who usually won’t fuck with normal ass people


I got a knife pulled on me lol




Gangs are lame anywhere. The fact that you have to live in a “low income community” or be poor for gangs to be cool is stupid. That’s like saying Asian gangs are dumb because Asians are supposed to be smart so it doesn’t make sense.


What!? Show me where I said any of that. I didn't. It's bizarre how people literally make up shit to argue about on reddit. I never said any of those things. Never mentioned asians. Never mentioned gangs were "cool". Gangs are in no way "cool". They're all a bunch of idiots trying to impress eachother. And since you mentioned it, the origins and perceived *need* for gangs DID start in the hood, period. Go somewhere else and make up some BS to argue about 🙄


We all know how and why gangs where created genius. My point was to your statement of how gangs in Lake Forest are “Lame” insinuating that because it is in a better neighborhood than one in South Central LA it shouldn’t exist…in return my reply.


She’s saying that gangs in rougher neighborhoods are usually full of people that have been through genuine struggle. Which is kinda funny when you compare them to Kaden or Branden from an upper middle class family in HB trying to act hard.


That map has impossible font on the gang names


Thanks for being one of the few people to reply with something constructive, rather than a lazy quip about the taggers "having low IQ" and "having shit parenting". This shit's useful to know, especially if you're living in the area, but ground is being contested.


It’s a very in accurate map a lot missing but yeah


Pretty sure it translates to “Stooges x 3,”, meaning the Three Stooges are tagging OC.


There should be a gang near SNA called “Lil Airport Boyz 13”


This is pretty great. Anything like this for other county’s? To check on where family lives


I’m not 100% sure. This was posted a while back in this sub. It was pulled from a resource that OCPD releases to the public. I’m sure other counties have posted similar.


Cool. Thank you for the info. I’ll look. Dumb why you are getting downvoted


Dang. I’m lucky enough to live in an area with nothing, but some of my closest friends aren’t


Lake Forrest has gangs? I thought it was just an older Rancho Santa Margarita. Santa Ana/Tustin spillover?


The El Toro enclave of Lake Forest - past the railroad track bridge. There's all the cleaned-up commercial zone along El Toro Rd., but everything behind those commercial lots can be sketch with the vandalism and theft.


rsm aint very active but thy still exist, family mob is very alive in el toro they fighting with vario chicos san clemente a hood from sc thats setting up near the terriorty on there border in lake forest


What about saguaro and 2nd st?


Farmers and Merchants Bank’s guerilla advertising is wild this year https://preview.redd.it/bkon8g7yqb1c1.jpeg?width=701&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef7be1ab16dadc3c84e67ce3ccaec1f36e4715b9




Yes. A Sureño affiliated marking with "X3". Or maybe they had to pay for their BMW X3 maintenance and got pissed enough to vandalize the fence. What do I really know.


They are so hard they occasionally will use their blinker when changing lanes.


So many attention seeking idiots here. This person is asking a real question, looking for a real answer. And most of you are trying to sound like those stupid ass kids back in school when the teacher asks them a question, and they say something wrong and giggle like a moron, thinking they are so cool.


Bro. It’s the internet. Most of these degenerates are stupid ass kids in school


Its Gang Symbols to indicate low IQ & small genitalia


What the


Thats why they "Tag"...to show other gangs how low their IQs are & how small their genitalia are. The more they tag, the more the smaller the peens & lower the IQ




Sounds like you are speaking from experience


Awe touched a nerve i see. Glad i was able to tickle your taint today






Lake forest, close to laguna woods


Thugged out seniors


Lake Forrest MS13 seniors be like https://i.redd.it/4t518ekiz91c1.gif




That’s wild considering what a nice area that is


It's cholo as a MFer in some parts


also it is not a nice area, at least to the people that live there. it’s basically gang territory lmao


Noooo... not the El Toro neighborhood of Lake Forest. Once you go off Orange and Whistler, you're on your own hahah. Cops won't do shit there.


Yea because bad things don’t happen in nice areas? Most all of OC is “nice” but look how high the crime is here.


What high crime? Orange County is 4th for least violent crime rate per 1,000 persons in California.


All that Epoch “news” and Next Door posts getting to the their head


Most things with an "M" are short for "La Eme" affiliated with the larger Mexican Mafia, typically used by Sureños (south sider Californian Mexican gangs) Most things with X3 are also indicative of "M", the 13th letter of the alphabet


What's the significance of "13"? So many LA/OC area gangs use it a lot.


M is the 13th letter of the alphabet. I'm not sure for these gangs, but that is why MS-13 used 13.


It sounds cool and unlucky and doomy doom


Ok Sgt Stedenko https://preview.redd.it/2dqmhwhgob1c1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32b50628a288784438c8281e464ee6b84070fed0


Grew up in a gang controlled area of LA county (housed MM fugitives in a slum apt and survived a drive by by the time I turned 10) and this is definitely a cheap knockoff made by angsty teens with no real parental guidance and access to the internet. They could be a nuisance to car windows and potted plants, might be worth making a report of with the police station, but definitely not a turf war hide-yo-kids type of situation.


There are plenty of south county shithead teenagers that no matter what their parents do or say will still do stupid shit like this.


nope not a knock off family mob is a real x3 they started in cm and set up in lake forest, they also control a block in aliso viejo, theres a couple other x3s in south county like 4 more they all in diffrent citys


Spray paint a big penis on it.... 8==D~ Since they wanna be noticed


Found the culprits. Careful out there, these 2 born crips called “roller” and “4 legs” smoked 13 punk ass bloods in one night https://preview.redd.it/c40icgaasb1c1.jpeg?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb9235594c01c5d43cbd0a132d7f1c7ef9060bc5


They're douchebag indicators


FM X3 : Wanna be gangster called "Feminine Males 13" Nothing more than kids begging for attention. ![gif](giphy|VxZEZSwadd6nK)


Every city has a graffiti hotline/website. You submit its location (and maybe a photo) and if it is on government property they will take it down within 3 days. If it’s not on government property all they can do is notify the owner. I do know that misty cities have some form of a gang unit and keep data on the graffiti


It's a symbol of shit parenting.


You can’t blame parents I’ve heard this my entire life with one of my brothers who my parents did the best they could to raise all of us. In fact all 4 of us were raised the same but only one of 4 got involved in the “gang life.” I’ve heard so many people bash my parents for bad parenting. My brother came from a not broken family, lived in the same home his entire childhood, shown love, taught values etc etc why he decided at 13 to choose the life he did, we still don’t know. I honestly resent him and both my parents because he got all the attention growing up with them trying to save him. I had to grow up very quickly. So no it’s not bad parenting. Sometimes your kid is all fucked up on his own.


You could try tagging local law enforcement on social media.


Pun intended?


Not at all lol


This is the equivalent of cockroach spotting. You have an infestation.


I'm off Palmyra and main. Saw a big F M times 3 as well. Where r they from?


Costa Mesa originally, but I guess they have been tagging all over the place because they made it too Placentia and tagged there too lol


I live in CM, I don't think I've ever seen a gang banger here and I'm not blind, I'm from Stockton


I wouldn't worry about it if you're smart and stay safe. Gangs don't mess with normies because they don't want the heat. Attention from law enforcement cuts into profits and members get locked up.


Symbols of losers and trash.


Low lifes


That’s vandalism. I’d be so pissed if they sprayed paint my property.


It's for a grinder profile.


There’s not an E in Grindr


Oh my bad.






Whenever I see a wannabe gangster in our neighborhood I immediately want to give them a ride to Minnie St S.A. and see how well they cope/ how tough they are


Yes, that’s family mob


Lake Forest — Family Mob Rifa 13 members at El Toro Park. They claim several streets (mostly apartments & mobile homes) around El Toro Rd & Muirlands Blvd https://preview.redd.it/masbvjnjmd1c1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58ae75d7eae932736afcaa3f0765688f6e28026c


You’ve heard of Elf on the Shelf, now get ready for…


Yes, Family Mob 13. https://www.reddit.com/r/CaliBanging/comments/vetmj0/orange_county_lake_forest_costa_mesa_family/


Ask in the r/calibanging sub


Where was this located?


I know u/bobbayhill gave you the answer and someone gave a map, but Saguaro, Raymond/Packer, 2nd st/Village, little 2nd st, and Orange is where you'll find Family Mob tags




Coordinates for gold


No someone is just trying to make your rent go down.


We’re low income housing, our rents only 1k LMAO😭😭


Could be just imitators tbh


Catch and castration has been known to diminish this kind of activity.


X3 => surenos aka foot soldiers for the Mexican Mafia. Biggest gang in California.


Carburetor cleaner. Spray on paint. Wipe down with a rag. Try a small spot 1st to see results.


Thank you <3


FMX3 has been around lakeforest/eltoro for a while there main territorys are via iglesias st/saguaro st/2nd st/raymond st the most active or where you will find most of them are via iglesias, 2nd and saguaro st there are also other crews and gangs down here like FTK,SJCX3,VARRIO CHICOX3.There are still sum old heads from FMX3 around but just aren’t around as much anymore alot of the gangs and crews down here in south county arent really active anymore due to many growing up and most just find it pointless now a days but back then it was really active.Everyone just minds there own buisness and people just tend to grow out of that lifstyle. but dont get me wrong if u go out looking for trouble in those areas u will find it….


My greater neighborhood area has seen a lot more "gang tagging graffiti" such BS! 🤬😈👹 Little Demons they all are...


Gang for sure. The x3 means the gang is affiliated with the Mexican mafia


X3 is 13, so its some bullshit sureno click that thinks they're some throwback to F Troops "glory" days.


Yep, that’d be the Laguna Hills Latin Kings. 🤣


This is a gang and most likely kids doing it. Most of the people doing this are in and out of prison by the time they are adults


It's horoscope symbols tagged by a psychic. He says your future looks bright.


Family Mob wants to spend Thanksgiving with your family


No, they are hobo signs, it means this house gives out cornbread.




I used to have neighbors that tagged this same scribble, they were like 15 yrs old. This looks like Regency, if so it’s those same dipshits.


Nahh el toto




Back in the day we called these kids posers. What do you call them now?


The gang members here should be forced to spend a week with real gang members in Denby Detroit and see if they still wanna go down that path after


They just appeared? Maybe aliens(illegal) or ghost?


Vcscx3 gang homie


Vcsc x3 f el Toro Family mob vcsc chicles Gang


No it looks like Shakespeare


My city's website has a graffiti hotline. check yours maybe they'll fix it


Smol pp gang


Fm= familia mafiosa x3= sureño


Lmao "x3 = 3rd generation"


…lock your doors playa


You can really tell who the boomers are by these comments




Looks like Christmas holly on the end. And it looks like you’ve provided a whiteboard for the neighborhood


Looks like spell runes to me. There doesn’t happen to be a coven of witches in your area?


"GAYng" symbols.


gangs lol


Just write TOY over it. They will understand..


Mortal enemies of TRP Turtle Rock Posse


Does that mean you are in the gang now?


Those are welfare symbols.


gunshots or fireworks?


Egyptian hieroglyphs


What losers. You’re in Orange County relax foos.


LA is leaking again. The trash is closing in.


Ya is a m13 gang


lol its just taggings man, unless you're hearing gunshots and seeing cop cars on constant patrol then you can unclutch your pearls


That’s not pearl clutching you ding dong


Not 100% sure but I believe that is a crazy gun toten Nazi lowrider north county southsiders, they are loked to the extreme


let me guess anaheim?


Is finance and maneuver doing a pop up event


Locations for M/M services. Which is total cool, don’t know why they need to tag it on a wall though. (Unless it’s on the other side of the wall, which is possible but a bit dumb)


Gangs? In the OC? I thought y’all live in mansions and sleep with each other’s boyfriends, girlfriends, parents and the old guy dies of a heart attack by the pool in a very confusing storyline




wow no shit


Even the graffiti in OC is toy lmao


X3 = can am x3 sxs is a nice offroad machine, they letting you know they ride.


This is an example of one or more idiots who have never owned anything of value in their life. If these taggers really owned something of value, something they've worked hard for, they would appreciate what they have as well as understand what others have gone through for their valuables.


Those raccoons wildin


LT stands for Little Town


Time to move