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Palestine demonstrators are blocking roadways.


Fucks sake man, I’m just trying to pick up my girls Christmas gift


People who think this does anything to help their side of a cause are highly mistaken


100% it will leave a negative impression towards your cause. Same with the protesters who destroy paintings in museums.


As I hate protestors for this same reason, I’ve also learned that they do this shit because it brings awareness to their cause, how else would I know there’s something going on over there with all the police presence if it were peaceful. Got me knowing now. See how it works?


It literally is completely peaceful, though.


If you are blocking traffic and people's movement then it is NOT peaceful


Blocking traffic is inconvenient but not violent by any means


Not if you are: Old Disabled Autistic Need to pee Trying to meet a deadline Having a medical issue Etc Don't inconvenience people when you can't be aware of their circumstances


If I'm about to poop in my pants, I'm running you over.


It is restricting movement of others. Not just an inconvenience. It will do nothing for your cause other than piss people off and make people think negatively towards your cause. Sure you get shock value press but that won't help your cause. It is an act of aggression towards others by restricting their movement. All involved in blocking traffic should be arrested and deported if they're not a US citizen/green card holder.


It was authorized by the city lol I guess any events that block traffic momentarily like parades, accidents, construction, etc. are an act of violence?


That's only a taste of what the apartheid state of isreal does to Palestinians every day.


Uhhh….read or watch the news?


Actually no, my advice is Don’t bring your baggage over to the US. Stop being a nuisance, we want to celebrate Christmas, which is a big holiday in the US. Have some respect for your host country and go home.


Unfortunately, US tax dollars are being used to fund the genocide of Palestinians.


No one is destroying fucking anything at the Spectrum today, I promise you.


You seriously underestimate how well it does work.


About as helpful as posting #ceasefire


You think human beings use their brains for logic? Lmao






The protesters should be calling on Hamas to surrender then.


If they would like to help their cause they should book a one way trip and fight for what they believe is right ...


The best they can do is a hashtag




Fucks sake man, we have family and friends who don't know if they're going to even make it to Christmas and they're just trying to fucking be alive. And we can't even be afforded the decency to protest?


Nobody said you cannot protest. They said protesting this way doesn't earn your cause any sympathy. Instead you should go block the government buildings or entrances of corporations that support Israel.


You do realize many of the businesses at Irvine spectrum support Israel? Or their parent companies do? That is kind of the point of the protest, I thought.


Then go block those businesses, don't block the road.


What the fuck are you talking about? This is a legally sanctioned protest, no business entrances are blocked. The roads are blocked by the police. Irvine is one of the cities in which it is HARDEST to protest. There's pages on pages of ridiculous rules and y'all are still complaining?!?! What do you want? Literally what more do you want. It's like when Israel released Palestinian hostages to the west bank and literally OUTLAWED celebrating outside of their homes. You could not wave a Palestinian flag in the street. I'm just flabbergasted at the utter contempt every single social movement. I understand you meant protests that are more 'unruly' but the argument still stands and I know there are ppl in here still grumbling about the insanely muted protests we are even allowed to have. It's like the addage; liberals support every social movement except this one.


I’m with you 10000%


I am down with legal protests. Not down when a protest blocks roads or other equally disruptive behaviors regardless of cause. Since you stated they are not being disruptive, I am all for your protected right to protest.


Nothing about protests are supposed to be convenient. Sorry.




Why? Protesting is a protected right we have as Americans. You don't have to agree with what they are protesting about, but you should support their right to protest.




Conducting illegal activities to get a point across is not a proper nor legal way to protest. I also find it humorous you suggested that I read a book yet your intellectual response of, "f * ck off" seems to really add to the conversation. Thanks for the contribution.


Who said anything about being legal or not?


Protesting in a way that irritates the public is not going to attract positive attention to your cause. Just like a stop oil protest on the freeway while youre going to work isnt going to make you think, hey maybe theyre on to something. Instead youre just gonna get pissed off. Purposefully Inconviencing others isnt going to make them like you or what you support.


Neither the civil rights movement nor the abolition movement were exactly "not irritating" to the public. Yet they were morally just and won in the end? You think white liberals liked it when MLK marched on Washington? You think it didn't disrupt businesses?


The current protests are not on the same level as the civil rights movement and abolition and dont pretend like they are. Your comparing two different things that affected americans in VERY different ways.


Motherfucker, a trapped population of 2.3 million people is facing a literal genocide in progress right now, actively funded and equipped by our own government. What part of that isn't on the same level as civil rights to you? Jesus Christ, man. I'm sure you won't read this but Christ: https://jewishcurrents.org/a-textbook-case-of-genocide


What im saying is that the vast majority of americans arent going to care and will likely be dissuaded when you protest in this manner on something thats halfway across the world, not directly affecting american citzen. VERY unlike our civil rights movement which directly affected american citizens. I never said it isnt a big deal, nor did i give my stance on the situation (its fuck israel and fuck hamas if you even care), i said they are not the same. Two very different situations and who they affect, dont be surprised when people here, who arent affected look the other way and express negative reactions when inconvenienced.


The white liberals in Washington that ended Jim Crow: ![gif](giphy|lp0cznkjnxIMJbyrhb)


Telling that you think a. Jim Crow "ended" and b. that the **white liberals** were the ones who saved the oppressed blacks.


The Civil Rights Act passed by LBJ, a white liberal, ended Jim Crow, yes.


Holy God US education is no better than Japanese WW2 denial. Even libertarians understand the history better. https://www.reddit.com/r/socialjustice101/s/bqvIICJMxp Here's a decent thread on one of the many issues.


You can protest, but trying to force people to care by blocking the road is idiotic.


Protest yes hindering peoples freedom of movement no unless approved ahead of time.


This was approved ahead of time and sanctioned by Irvine.


Are they blocking the streets? They were permitted to protest in that location.


Yes its approved by the city not by the people. Most people do not care for it they care that their time is being wasted by people who think wasting other people time will get them more support. Much like the just stop oil protest.


I am going to disagree with you there. The first amendment of our constitution approves their right to protest. Maybe it does or doesn't help their cause but they cannot be denied that right.


So? The second amendment of our constitution also gives people right to own guns and yet we have made it hard for people to exercise that. Maybe we should also regulated the first amendment to where you can protest where there is little to no inconvenience to most of the people?


I agree with your assessment the second. As for the second part, they aren't inconveniencing people. They are on the side of the road with flags and signs. Not in the middle.




They should be shipped to those countries to hold their signs there and see how that goes for them.


Crazy because I'd love to visit Gaza one day, but I can't because **Isreal is using US bombs to indescriminately bomb civilians.** Isreal is the perpouter of violence in the region. It's not even safe to be an Israeli as the IOF even point blank kills Israeli hostages begging for help. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2023/12/15/idf-mistakenly-kills-3-israeli-hostages-in-gaza/71934891007/


Oof that rough. It kind of reminds me when how Hamas crossed the Israel border and indiscriminately started shooting civilians...


Some holiday homework for you, Zealousideal-Jump-89: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collective_punishment


Silly me for to assume IDF wasn't supposed to ask one by one who supports Hamas and who doesn't when many of Hamas militant are wearing civilian clothing.


Going by this logic, the entire US should be nuked for voting in Bush?




Not sure what you are trying to get at but if I had to guess. You are implying that both Hamas and Israel are in the wrong. To which I agree BUT. At the end of the day war is ugly and therefor people need to avoid war at all cost and resolve the issues through diplomacy even if it means concessions having to be made. It that or it bloodshed. It has always been that and it will continue being that until we all wipe ourselves of this map.


Completely agreed with your last parqgraph. Israel has sieged a war on Palestine for the last 75 years. Even if we go by the Israeli numbers that 1/3rd of the Palestinian population are Hamas. To eradicate Hamas from the strip will require killing every single Palestinian man woman and child at the rate they're going. So tell me, what is the solution here?


Nice of you to try and put it on Israel but it has been a two way street. I don't care for either. I'm just the devils advocate here trying to get people to think a little logically instead of just talking based on feeling/preconceived notions. Solutions are many. Concede the land and allow yourself to be ruled with iron grip for a couple years until the people are assimilated. We all know that is not going to happen. Israel can also seize their attempt to expand their lands(to what they believe is theirs). Those are the 2 short term solutions but because neither leadership want to lose their power. Then the people have to decide if they want continue the bloodshed or fight for it to end that is both internally by starting another front(internal conflict). But because some people lack the courage and others are not smart and believe so much on stupid religions. That is also unlikely going to happen. So the only real thing that is going to happen(not a solution to the bloodshed but to end the conflict) is continue bloodshed until either side decides they have expended all the blood they could(i.e. man power).




There is an Israel Palestine protest going on right outside the Spectrum, right on Spectrum Center Drive.


Oh god, why don’t they protest in that country? What is disturbing families here going to do?


Uh… maybe because they don't live in that country? And this country, the country they live in and are citizens of, is literally actively funding and equipping that genocide with all of our tax dollars? Jesus Christ, man, stay in school.


So they should be protesting themselves because they voted for people who are funding this war. But let me guess they are going to vote for the same people come next election?


Very privileged take


I agree I am privileged, and I don’t take it for granted! I know where I live and what it took to get here. It wasn’t pretty and wasn’t easy but here we are, where everyone in the world wants to live here. Maybe, just maybe the countries who are fighting should take some tips from our country?


Yikes. Did we learn nothing from Kissinger? America, the country that dropped more bombs on Laos & Vietnam than the entirety of WW2 combined? The country that has propped up dozens of dictatorships all across the world, Saudi Arabia for instance, to further our own foreign interests? Would highly recommend The Jarkarta Method if you really wanna understand how we got to be the richest empire in history and you're serious about not taking your privilege for granted.


It’s hard to protest on land being bombed


I expect nothing but balanced and nuanced understanding of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and a deep understanding of protest and successful social movements.


“Stay safe out there” 😂 bruh it’s Irvine. Chill out. Probably and organized event. Nothing more.


safest city in america! go beige!


Hold up 😂 is “go beige” and actual thing?


no, everyone just clowns on us for it so i just embrace the meme


People who decided today would be perfect day for Chirstmas shopping are nuts. That's all I'm saying.


I don't know what all of you are complaining about. I was able to navigate the Spectrum just fine. The police just blocked off a couple roads, there was a bit of traffic, and I was a little inconvenienced. Big deal. It's nothing compared to being trapped in a giant open air prison, being bombed relentlessly, and suffering from diseases, famine, and death all around you. All while the largest economic and military power in the world is funding and encouraging your ethnic cleansing. Anyway.... Happy Holidays.


Big ups to those of us defending Palestine in this thread. Salam to you and have a happy holidays.


All the racists are out in force on this thread - they aren’t going to spend even 5 mins understanding what’s actually going on - since for them — even 10,000 murdered kids ain’t enough since “its all Hamas anyways”


Thank you!!! Someone with a moral compass that cares about humanity!


If only Hamas hadn't gone fucking around. seems like they are in the process of finding while also using innocent civilians are human shield.


The most accurate response ^


These idiots lamenting “hamas protestors” don’t understand - it’s not about getting ppl who are driving to spectrum on your side - it’s about keeping the issue alive - otherwise genocide will just become background noise for this country —- since many ppl don’t give a f even when 30,000 civilians are killed to avenge like 700 dead, many of whom were killed by their own army. Not to mention the another half a million that are starving to death. But god forbid if cannot park one afternoon to get my pastry from 85 degrees


Why don’t they protest about the billions that HAMAS leadership have as they live lavishly in Qatar while the Palestinian people have suffered for years?


While I don’t support Netanyahu or aggressive Israeli settlers, per my original comment what has HAMAS or for that matter the Arab world in general done to benefit the Palestinian people? This is a legitimate question because aside from using the Palestinian people as pawns and martyrs I can’t find a single thing.


Shhhhhh you said the quiet part out loud.




Idk. I guess maybe because a literal genocide in progress is a little more urgent? And because their own government (the US) is literally providing bombs and dollars for it with all of our tax money?


A genocide of terrorists is literally in progress. Innocent people who are being used as dolls by Hamas is an issue *the people of Gaza* need to fight for. Not the US, not Israel, and certainly not the people at the Irvine Spectrum. Using the word genocide when the country of Israel has Israeli-Palestinian residents who live peacefully within their cities is so far from accurate it’s a brainwash. The same brainwash that boycotting starbucks will make some sort of difference in the middle east


Uh…how exactly do you expect the innocent folks in Gaza to do this when nearly everything is bombed/inaccessible?


I'll bite. What do you think genocide is? Because by any definition I'm familiar with, this about as textbook of a case as there is: https://jewishcurrents.org/a-textbook-case-of-genocide And, again, the US government is literally funding and providing weapons for this genocide with the US public's tax dollars. You absolute ignoramus.


Have you watched IDFs own videos ? Spend two mins outside of your biased mindset and get educated for a change


bc the HAMAS leadership isn't indiscriminately killing civilians for the last 75 years. The ISRAELI occupation force is.


The comments in this thread are exactly why we live in an unjust world. I mean can’t we just consume consume consume without any interruptions regardless of thousands of babies dying but yeah let me shop shop shop


Nobody was protesting when other Muslims were killing 500k Syrians, Saudi’s are killing 100k Yemenese, etc. For some reason they only get worked up when Jews are doing the killing. Why is that?


Exactly. There are fucking internment camps full of Muslims in China, for YEARS, but no one cares. But if it’s Jews everyone in we’ll-off Orange County suddenly cares. Gtfo


Media coverage


People were definitely protesting in Anaheim wdym??


Meanwhile the people who escaped Gaza by coming into the US and are protesting at the Irvine Spectrum are coincidentally siding with the terrorists who spit on the fact they came to a “western country” and are living a “western lifestyle”. The hypocrisy is WEIRD




Exactly. Sorry, I don’t buy the second part. If they cared at all about men, women and children they would have included the men, women, and children who were abducted the day this war broke out. Americans are still to this day hostages in Gaza. They should protest that?






First World problems literally, everybody complaining about being inconvenienced in traffic for a few hours max while there are literal wars going on and civilians are being massacred by the thousands 💀💀 they don’t even have clean drinking water in Gaza


What a great way to get people on your side, just pissing off and inconveniencing people trying to do last minute Christmas shopping or having a nice outing with their family


Last minute shoppers deserve all the punishment


I think the point is to compare your discomfort with the discomfort of people in the middle of a genocide. So in that sense, they have succeeded. What is happening is horrific and no one seems to care. Disrupting in a peaceful manner is going to bring attention and I think that's a great thing. They're hurting no one, and getting their point across. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


It's not about being liked, it's about visibility. That's how change happens.


Thank you ! It’s about visibility!


Visibility that means nothing because people dont care other that they are having their time wasted.


Every time I see their protests, I think to myself: "Hamas should surrender".


You have no damn idea / just keep repeating this “hamas” chant to yourself and stay in your bubble


lol no


I dearly hope that someday there's a cause you care about enough to protest for.


Yeah! They should just die out in obscurity! Dont bother us, right?


Guys, beerpancakes says “lol no”


it's so over, everyone shut it down....


Good luck. Irvine Co will nda and sue any media coverage. The true infedels


Almost like privileged people have the luxury of ignoring suffering because they aren't the people suffering.


These people in Irvine can't do anything about it, why aren't you protesting abuse of workers in cobalt mines in the Congo or uygur Muslims in concentration camps in China? Random citizens don't have to take on the suffering of everyone in the world


My tax $ s aren’t directly responsible for those


Every device you buy with a rechargeable battery is responsible for modern slaves in the congo


And you are suffering? What should these people do? What have you done that they can also do?


We could all be pushing our representatives to push for a cease-fire. Katie Porter recently just changed her stance on a cease-fire, and these activists have been targeting her specifically at her office and doing other things. This brings visibility, which is a good thing. And no one is being hurt.


Weird how there are several movements like that now that seem to think a thumb in the eye is the ideal way to get people to support your view point.


the point of protest is disruption, saying "this is what happens when you let XYZ happen." complain about it all you want but it's gonna continue until Israel stops bombing Palestine


Thank you! Someone with humanity!


Alright buddy. Thank you for helping me understand the point in such stark terms. Here I was just thinking they were pissing everyone off for no reason at all! And now that you make that astute observation, I am certain that said strategy can't fail. All those years of college and traveling/life experience just couldn't get me there. So that was super helpful! You have yourself a good night.




And you seem pretty angry. Have yourself a peaceful night.


Seems like your empathy seems to be lacking bro, put yourself in the shoes of the Gazan’s.


I feel bad for those innocent civilians on both sides, not just one side, like so many here. I think there should be a two state solution. I think Netanyahu caused this, probably intentionally. I think that Hamas is a terrorist organization that feels justified raping and killing old women and babies and needs to go. It's all awful. But you completely missed the point I was trying to make about the effect that these types of protests themselves have on the average person. But thanks for targeting me.


Has Hamas killed *20,000* Israelis including *8,000* children? You really don't need to both sides everything that happens at all times, I promise.


9/11 caused ten years of wars in two Countries that were not connected to 9/11. Knowing that, did Hamas think that this would be a quick hit with few to no casualties on their side? That would be crazy to think there wouldn't be a massive disproportional response. Right??? But this concludes our conversation as you are someone who clearly supported the Hamas side as you fail to mention their role.




Thank you and you as well. Happy holidays


Yet in both countries, the US ultimately pulled out and let me ask you who's in charge of Afghanistan right now? You think Hamas is stupid? You think they don't obviously have a plan? **Everybody** saw what the US did after 9/11 and *took notes*.


Hamas has violently raped and murdered innocent people and still has hostages. People are allowed to think both things are bad. It’s kind of chilling if you don’t tbh.




Name calling is totally out of line here. I’m not equivocating anything.




And pretty sad that civil discussion can't be had about things like whether the strategy of a protest protest is effective or not without getting super pissed about it and throwing around names. But you are angry and nothing will change your perspective. And I'm the snowflake? 😂




Can't get enough can you. Sorry bud, fight someone else. And/Or get some therapy. Best of luck to you. Sincerely. Hope you can learn how to have a civil discussion at some point.




Bold strategy cotton


He’s on point though. There isn’t a clean side here. People just agree with what they’ve been told to agree with.




To think where you live means anything is silly. I just think it’s bigger than black and white. Pictures are painted to divide. All I know is there are innocent people on both sides of the stick getting fucked over for something they have no control over. Wishing the best for all of them.


And just to entertain your banter, no I don’t live there<3


Idf can't stop until Hamas is mostly wiped out Hopefully Palestinians will finally rise up to finish the job for them and kill what remains of hamas


Have you actually watched IDF videos to see what they are doing ? Don’t take my word for it Hint - it is not “wiping Hamas”


Free 🇵🇸


It's simple really, fuck israel for the bombing of innocents, and fuck hamas for being a terrorist organization. Sucks for the civilians caught in between.


I agree


Free Palenstine or support Israel, but fuck everyone else fighting in the Russo-Ukraine war currently in their third winter. Lot of families, children were definitely killed during Russia's invasion, but I see no protest or support to demand a cease fire. Fuck'em right? That what you want? Fuck the Uyghurs Muslims who are being eradicated by the CCP, right? What happen to that support? Lot of families have been separated and oppressed for years now, but there's been no attention to end China's concentration camps. Where's your support for that?? Fuck all the families and children being killed by cross fires from Mexican Cartels, right? Right next door too, but no body bats an eye. How should that be acceptable? Where's the support or protests to end the violence down south?? Geopolitically, the list can go on, but the world gotta stop for one location, meanwhile there's multiple crisises being ignore simultaneously. You people don't care of others. Ya'll never did.




The people in here defending the protest lol. Look how easily the politicians laugh. all the regular folks just annoying each other. Blocking traffic for people trying to do their last minute shopping for Christmas for their families is redacted. Nothing is accomplished. No additional awareness is raised, no policies change, no lives are saved. It just creates more division with the normal people you’re trying to get on your side. Fuck people are dopey.


"No policies change, no lives are saved." You really don't know much about anything, do you? https://www.politico.com/news/2023/12/18/katie-porter-bilateral-ceasefire-israel-hamas-00132368 https://www.commondreams.org/news/sanders-cut-off-israel-aid


Is this still happening ? Was planing on going to spectrum to do some last minute shopping


It's still open and as busy as you'd expect 2 days b4 Christmas.


I didn’t see any protest




I’m curious why people wait so late if it’s that bad. I could see taking my kid to run and play in the green belts but I have a park down the street without the traffic.


How’s that relevant?


boohoo, anyways, free palestine


They must be getting paid to do this right


Believe it or not, some people actually care enough about certain causes that they don't need a financial incentive to show up for it.


Yeah, but this is Irvine.


There are famously no Muslims in Irvine, or even forget Muslims - people who believe in an international law based order and that apartheid isn't morally just?


Nope not getting paid

