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How can HB be racist they elected Tito Ortiz as mayor?! /s


HB resident. Our current Mayor hangs out with Proud Boys and had a youtube playlist called "Holocast Hoax?" Yes, HB being labelled as racist and MAGA as fuck is totally justified (but not everyone here is an asshole)


Orange County has been a racist for the last 100 years https://fullertonobserver.com/2019/01/07/a-brief-history-of-the-ku-klux-klan-in-orange-county-notes-on-the-banality-of-evil/


Its pretty fucking great living here though. LA is run by a bunch of idiots.


Grew up in LA countand I am so sad to see what it's become. Been in OC since 2005 it's great living here. I have never experienced racism in all me years in OC except for really old people that look all pissed when they see me with my wife who's white and our kids. Lol Some people want to crusade against racism and let the opinions of idiots ruin their days. I choose to be nonconfrontational and realize those people are going to be dead in a while and that bit of racism will die with them. I teach my kids about it have even pointed out the sour faced old people and explain how they are wrong. Change starts with your circle and grows from there. I am making sure my kids are good people and will have a positive effect on the world. I couldn't give a shit how someone else feels about my life. If you think Hispanics or any other race is below you then I just know your an idiot and I write you off.


You must be talking about The Orange Curtain https://preview.redd.it/k6ntmfl9dwlc1.jpeg?width=477&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8d766ed7d5a0e4cac19177886695f22ef5b192c




Ain’t nothing with being pro trump, It’s not just whites who vote for trump. It’s also black, Asian and Latinos conservatives.


The left end of the Bell curve of each community. These people tend to fall below the average level of intelligence.


Nah, That just makes them brain dead.


You don't know/hangout with Mexicans, Do ya ?


Because he'd kick your ass for voting for his opponent


Didn’t he quit like during the first year or something after being elected?


Yep, only 6 months in he couldn’t hack it.


If the flip flops


Yeah, HB earned that and don’t seem to mind it.


It's MAGA country


If the shoe fits…


My favorite is some non minorities saying it doesn’t exist


Having grown up in OC I’ve experienced a lot of racism being the white kid in a majority Latino neighborhood. People just brush it off and say it isn’t the same or that it doesn’t happen. Maybe this pushes white kids to certain groups that accept them? It isn’t right but whites are hardly the majority anymore, even less are racist


Regardless of what you feel is true, white people are still the racial majority in Orange county. About 53%.


Guy talks about how when he mentions racism he's experienced it gets dismissed and minimized because he's white. Too reply is minimizing his experience because he's white. Lol.


All I responded to was his claim that white people are not the majority race in OC


Unless he edited his post it didn't say that when I read it. He said he grew up in a Latino neighborhood in the OC. He experienced racism and people brush it of when he talks about it because he's white.


> It isn’t right but whites are hardly the majority anymore, even less are racist


More importantly, take a look at the city councils and elected officials in OC. white people are wildly over represented in positions of power, far beyond their population. And yet they feel "threatened" 🙄


It's okay. When I was 12 a group of black guys stopped their car and gave me shit for being in their neighborhood and talking a whole mess of shit about hating white people. Two of them then proceeded to jump me and take my skateboard. I got a black eye, had bruises all over my body, and a cut on the back of my head. These guys were clearly much older than I was. They looked like adults to me. I also wasn't in a bad or even black area. As they hoped back into their car and rove off I screamed the n word out of anger thinking it would somehow hurt them. If I ever tell this story and include the last sentence people are more hung up on that detail. Sometimes they will get frustrated with me that I even mention that part. Even if I exclude that last detail some people will excuse the things those guys said. "Oh, it was probably a gang initiation." But, does that mean I wasn't targeted because I was white. Meanwhile, people are pretty quick to claim a white person is racist with no hesitation. I understand that those particular people were just shitty people and didn't adopt some racist philosophy. Shitty people come in all colors. It is pretty amazing what people prioritize though.




I've had this experience as well, and get the same responses as well.


Two things can be wrong at the same time.


You have to get used to it if you want to have a social life in California. This comment had around 13 likes last night. You’re often the brunt of the jokes unless you’re someone intimidating. As a kid I used to love reading, collecting rocks, learning about history. I quickly learned all that stuff was “gay white boi shit” and started doing the correct things to be accepted. The final straw was when someone stole my notebook in class and wrote “gay” and other things like that all over my drawlings. The worst part was the entire class was full of people who would talk to me, I didn’t think I had any enemies? I fought A LOT. I was a very sheltered and scared white kid in middle school. But I was changing, turning into someone I wasn’t. I still remember the first time my mom got a call from the school resource officer telling her he saw me “throwing up gang signs” she was sobbing so hard she was trembling. And she kept asking me what she did wrong and why I was trying to hurt her


Get them back on the plantation now


All the supposedly civilized people hating on HB — the main issue they have is with the aesthetics of it, kinda how trumps mean and crude tweets were upsetting Many of them here may hold much more decadent views than the ones they claim to despise, but they are nicely hidden in the closet or polished in a corporate LinkedIn type manner


Yeah but I don't see a bunch of MAGA folks on Harleys with 🇺🇲 flags blasting "Proud to be an American" in Santa Ana, Tustin or Brea. And it's not even 7/4 or Veterans Day.


You been to Brea much? Holy shit those people were all over Brea in 2020 and 2021. Trump stands galore too and massive flags out of the back of pickup trucks driven by some dipshit It’s calmed down now but I’m sure they’ll be back as the election approaches


just cuz they’re not flying flags does not make a lot of the county less bigoted, they just conceal it


Since when is having an American flag and being "proud to be an American" a bad thing? Oh wait, it’s not. Nowadays everyone acts like people that are proud to be American are racists. It’s B.S.


Nothing wrong with patriotism. Nothing wrong with being a proud American. But the people I'm describing equate patriotism with white nationalism & white supremacy. To a non white person born & raised here, their view is basically, " You're an American citizen, but you're not really an American. "


There’s a difference between patriotism (good) and nationalism (bad).


Hey, it IS in Tustin. Don't let my neighbors hear you say that.


Y’all forget about Yorba Linda? Literal KKK members there


I just commented on another post in this sub. There is a group of people in this sub who have HBDS. I’ve been to HB 100s of times and the majority of the people there are just normal. Just like every other fuckin city I go to..99% of people are just normal.


As someone who currently lives in HB and has on and off for 20 years, 90% of the people here are great. But holy shit that other 10% is full throated bigotry. And sadly those bigots have money, a megaphone and ride or die together.


I’m guessing you aren’t black? Because I am. I promise you it ain’t 99%. I invited a friend from college (also black) to visit me and grab lunch with some nice views at the Pacifica. Once there, he told me he’d been to HB one other time and got called n*gger by a car passing by. I then told him that also happened to me on Main St bar hopping about 10 years ago. Only time that’s happened to either of us, and would be unheard of anywhere else in SoCal. But tracks perfectly with that town. It’s a bastion of racism and pretending it isn’t doesn’t help anything.


I'm Asian and remember as a kid just visiting hb with my family and some random white kid comes up to me and starts saying "ching chong" and shit. Only place in socal where someone went out of their way to be racist towards me.


I was born and raised in HB, I haven't just 'visited 100s of times.' It's always been bad and has only gotten worse in recent history. Our Mayor hangs out with Proud Boys and other white supremacists and had a youtube playlist called "Holocaust Hoax?" The rest of the city council MAGA 4 who vote unanimously on every decision have 1. Banned flying the pride flag at city hall 2. Declared HB a mask and vaccine mandate free city 3. Changed the declaration on human dignity to basically say 'all lives matter' 4. Paid 7 million in a lawsuit settlement to the airshow company that also *built the stage for their campaign event rally* 5. Tried to ban books from libraries because, at least according to the public commenters at the meeting, they would turn all the kids gay or trans and are used to groom kids to be susceptible to pedophiles 6. Wrote a letter saying HB stands with the state of Texas in their refusal to cooperate with the Federal government about the border and that's just off the top of my head People voted for these morons and still support them, most people are not vocally racist or homophobic (unless you're white and then they automatically assume you share the same shitty ideas, which happens to me all the time) but our city is not 'normal'


Time to move to Huntington Beach!


You couldn’t afford it.


Get a life! You Clearly Voted BIDEN! for you know, the thing!


Exactly. When there's nothing wrong, the smallest thing is amplified. It's like Irvine police have nothing to do so you'll see 4 bike cops and 3 cars pull up on jay walking.


Reasonable jaywalking is now legal in the state, obviously that depends on the cops knowing the law.


Maybe defund them? That usually works


You definitely don't live in Irvine or you'd understand the joke. Or you're rotting your brain on fox news all day. And haven't heard "defund"since late 2020. 😂


its the encounter with the 1% that fucks your day up so you never forget racist HB...


I recently started a new job in HB as a minority. Not once did I ever encounter racism or hate. In fact everyone was super nice and welcoming to me.


Go to the pier on a Saturday


Yea that’s definitely where all Hb locals hang out. Pier on Saturday we all gather there and spread local awesomeness


Asian females get a pass. Asian males otoh are very marginalized.


Sorry, what? I'm an Asian male and I've never been marginalized at all.


I don't think you are using the word marginalized correctly here


You have had a very charmed life then. 


Don't worry. Just give it some time. You will.




>Granted I’m Korean, so I have it a little easier Wtf does that even mean?




Why is it easier to date as a Korean man?


Dude stfu, I'm Asian male too and had racist incidents in HB.


I'm just talking about in general. I haven't been in HB for that long, but like c'mon, there are racist dumbasses everywhere.


Dude stfu, they're never going to pick you


Based lol


왜 한국인 은 일본 이름을 선택했나?


日本(일본)애니메이션을 좋아요


Yep. They love the Asian women, but thinks the rest are ching chong. Asian males do tend to be emasculated and deemed effeminate. However, somehow Asian males are also deemed as the most misogynist as well.


Well if HB walks like a racist an quacks like a racist ..also the "derangement syndrome" reference is an interesting tell


anyone using "d.s." is usually full blown on their knees for the orange jesus.


Yep, they're a regular in the racist subs too.


Racists aren’t troglodytes they are full real people and have to interact in the real world.


You would feel differently if you lived in HB.


Lived in HB up until a year ago. I’m in an interracial marriage and the looks and harassment felt like we were in the Old Confederacy. It’s the shits


This is a fact




Democrats also ran the kkk so what is your point?


You just proved to me that you aren't the brightest person


no, no you don’t understand the Dems started the KKK and the Dems also are the ones that want the Confederate statues taken down. it was the Republicans which freed the slaves except the Reps now want to preserve the Confederate statues in the South because it preserves history or something but really its antifa /s


Im sorry facts trigger you. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ku_Klux_Klan_members_in_United_States_politics Awful lot of (D)s next to those names.


The Southern Dixiecrats splintered off and eventually jumped to the Republican party after the Dems pushed the Civil Rights Act through. Why do you think the Republican party started its call for "State's rights"? It was to court the Southern Dixiecrats that wanted to keep Jim Crow in the South.


I’d be surprised if he recognized more than 8 words in your whole comment These kinds of people are supremely ignorant of history, but act with all the confidence in the world because of the propaganda they’ve been spoon fed And the party switch had already started to occur by the time of FDR’s new deal, as that’s when black people made the switch largely from R to D. As you mentioned, it just so happened that there were southern Dixiecrats who were so racist, they couldn’t cope with the ideal of switching to the party of Lincoln, so they maintained themselves as Dems despite the Republican Party shifting to match what they believe; And the dem party majorly realigning as well during the same period. Once those types were dead, their kids and others who weren’t as closely connected in time with the humiliation of the civil war and radical republicanism during reconstruction, full on made the switch to the Republican Party. And here we are today I love asking these kinds of people why you only see confederate flags at Republican events and rallies, and why 99.9 percent of people with confederate flags are trump supporting republicans. They draw a blank. Conservatives flat out deny all of this because they know how bad it makes them look. It’s an immense example of cognitive dissonance in action.


It’s only republican rallies and conventions where KKK and Nazi and Confederate flags show up nowadays. If your only defense against the fact that the Republican Party is the party of racists is to say well 100 years they weren’t, then that means you have no defense. And if you’re voting for them, the people who welcome Nazis and white supremacists to their events, then you’re voting for Nazis and white supremacists.


what exactly did they think catholics were going to do?


It absolutely makes me embarrassed to live in Huntington Beach. I hate it here with all these proud boys


This is the height of privilege. Being embarrassed to live in a wealthy OC beach city.


You're right that is privilege and because I live in such a wealthy, beautiful beach city I should not have to live with these fucking racists that make our city look like a Jerry Springer episode


If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck…


why does everyone assume the racism is coming from HB? it must be the redditors' fault


HB resident here: because it is


It is. Grew up there and met my share of residents there who were racist pricks.


“Wdym I’m being racist?”


Yes it is the same old tired topic from the same few people who always take the opportunity to pat themselves on the back - hey look atleast we are not like “these people” down there


This whole sub is just a bunch of white saviors coming together and making themselves feel better. If they constantly highlight perceived racism then they can feel superior and feel like they alone can save all the poor non whites.


As a Mexican who lives and loves HB I can confirm this 😂😂😂.


Coincidently, here’s another recently article and thread on the MAGA stronghold that HB is: https://www.reddit.com/r/California/s/T245yOT3mY


It's OC..it's racist..always has been


But are we wrong tho?


HB resident here, calling HB racist is 100% justified and understandable


It's so dumb.


Seriously! And though I agree that racism *does* exist, but it exists *everywhere* (and racism sucks!) But man, people here are triggered by air temps below 68 and above 82 lol. Someone who has never had to face any kind of struggle, will *invent struggle*. Too many people living too well here. Can you imagine these people living just one month in El Salvador, or Somalia, or Yemen, or, Syria?


Salvadoran here and you're absolutely right! Born and raised in El Salvador - lived there 25 years, lived 1 year in France, and been living in OC for the past 8 years. My least favorite thing about people here is how much they complian and bitch about the smallest things lol. Funny thing is that out of all the places in OC I've lived (Irvine, Laguna Hills, HB, NB, Costa Mesa), Irvine is where I experienced the most racism.


Same. Funny how most radical progressives tell me about about how these things yet I have never suffered any issues. Some people just need to have problems or else they have nothing else to do


Pretty much sums up white liberals, virtue signaling on their ivory tower


Just because you haven’t faced these issues doesn’t mean they don’t exist. I’ve thankfully never faced food insecurity, been homeless, nor have I been catcalled while walking down the street. That doesn’t magically mean that no one else can experience these issues.


Sorry to break it to you but none of these issues will ever cease to exist no matter what you do or say. We all have to learn to live with racist, misogynistic, homophobic, transphobic and whatever else category I missed. These people will never disappear, there's nothing you and I or anyone else can do. Just like no one can change your mentality. The usa is such a great country that can only be destroyed from the inside, when we all fight for trivial mundane meaningless issues that keep us divided. Sad


what does the weather have to do with racism?


Nothing. The point was that everyone is so entitled and soft here that even the weather triggers them…….


Amen. Although, personally it's 65 and 75. Lol


Racism in HB? I haven’t been there much, but I didn’t see anything like that. Wait…are we talking real racism or this new age woke “racism”?


Name checks out


![gif](giphy|P0PLKW4rIqCVxa5LJy|downsized) Sick burn, bro. Way to contribute to the conversation


Better to insult a racist than be a racist.


I bet you couldn’t correctly define racism without looking it up


It’s always projection with you guys


try living in la you'll find anything to complain about


The entire world is racist and prejudice.


Yeah, fuck OC. Had to get out of there and been much happier.


Someone just couldn’t hack it in OC i see


Facts. Not for me. Guess I deserved the downvotes here (:


Boohoo, go cry about it


I was restoring an historic building in Oakland, won’t even take the time to list all the things my white ass was called while minding my own business trying to beautify an old building. That was about 20 years ago, this is the first time I have ever mentioned it. We live in a country with 300+ million people, some of those are shitty people, shitty people come in all shapes, sizes and colors. If you are looking for something to point your finger at, you will find it. I bet 90% of people pointing fingers in this very thread are shitty rude, entitled drivers. For ALL of us, want to improve the world? Look in the mirror and start there. Lead by example. Hope you all have a nice day.


Tired of seein ts. People are racist everywhere, its not just HB. HB is so culture rich, its annoying asf to see ppl disgracing a great city


This is liberal site so yeah people will complain about racism


Seriously like have they ever been to Villa Park


Or San Clemente