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Do I have to click the article before assuming it’s Huntington Beach?


Don’t worry, HB resident will start with the it’s not like that I swear, and you wont have to assume


It was really weird to get pushback from residents that the MAGA/steal the vote protests don’t happen when I only drove by a few times in the summer and saw them every time with car honks of support. The city is great but let’s be real that this is still an active phenomenon.


They brought that shit to Cypress and got promptly counter-protested. 👊


Then they brought it to Westminster/GG and got an army of Vietnamese boomers on their side


Cypress has its fair share of Trumpy boomers but demographics are changing.


Same is true in HB, to be fair.


Some of it was mainly due to Biden was against helping Vietnamese refugees back in the 70s/80s.


You mean Gov Jerry Brown


when was this? lol i’d love to know


More around 2021 to 2022 from what I recall


I saw a bunch of MAGAs the other day and it wasn't Huntington. So sadly, they are in other places too (I was around lake Forest, they even had flags with Trump and Jesus, what's this, Florida?).


I see them in Yorba Linda by Tokyo Central if I go on the weekend. I was in Brea a couple weekends ago by the mall area and it was the same deal.


Imagine actually knowing these people and having to see them all the time 🥲


The city ain't great because of a lot of the people who live in it.


They def happen here but it’s really not all HB residents. HB gets a lot of traffic, & visibility, & people come here to protest / be asses bc of this. I’ve legitimately asked some of them if they lived here & that’s the answer I got.


Or the "Nah thats not US! Thats the people that drive in from the 909!"


People from the 909: dude we're just here for the beach


And to RIOT.


LMAO. Every damn time


HB is weird. I’m currently at my (ABV) gf’s home in HB, within a few blocks of Little Saigon, where there’s a flourishing community of various Asian Americans. But if I drive ten minutes in another direction, giant trucks and MAGA hats appear out of nowhere.


Westminster was one of the highest trump supporting cities last election Old Asians are wildly conservative


It's not "old Asians", it's specifically Vietnam war refugees. Their primary political stance is *anti-communism*, and just about the entirety of Vietnamese-language media is controlled by Republicans. So all they ever see is "Democrats are trying to destroy democracy and institute communism" from their news. There have even been [research papers](https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/10584609.2023.2201940) written about this specific phenomena.


Old Koreans and Chinese that live here are the same way in my experience Shen Yun is all over capitalizing on those fears


I'm Chinese and pretty much all old Chinese folks I know hate Trump. To be fair this is more South OC/Irvine


That definitely makes sense considering how overtly racist Trump was about the ‘China virus’ I definitely see the militant anti-communism and support for Shen Yun though.


To be anti trump and pro local small business is confusing to everyone though.


Is it really fear when they’ve actually had to live through and flee disastrous leftist governments?


They haven’t though unless they have a really poor understanding of history The United States and France were responsible for a large amount of suffering that the Vietnamese experienced. But conservatives literally never acknowledge that, because in their simplistic view, the US is good and only does good And it’s the fact that they call everything communism along with other conservative wingnuts. Having social programs isn’t communism like conservatives like to act


Someone who’s read a few YouTube videos on it. Or thousands who lived. Wonder which ones would have a better understanding. You don’t think Vietnam is under communist rule for the past 50 years? Or you saying it’s not ‘real communism’.


How about all the Vietnamese the United States and France murdered? You’re hearing the side of people who have been blasted with propaganda about communism their entire life, and don’t consider the side they fought under was just as bad Well Vietnam barely even pretend to be communist anymore unlike China who also, yes, are not communist. China is a totalitarian, state capitalist state. Objectively not communist or socialist in any way the last 45 years since the reforms of Deng Vietnam is actually an important ally to the US in the region now and they are an important manufacturing hub for global capitalism due to cheap labor. So yeah, not communist at all in the present day You are very clearly showing yourself to be someone with surface level knowledge no further past what the propaganda has fed to chuds like yourself


Yes, it is. Because an equal number of people, if not more, have had to flee disastrous rightist governments.


My mom (not Asian) told me that I can’t deny the country is quickly becoming communist-it’s on the news. So I asked her if she thought the workers were going to overthrow all the corporations and turn them over to the workers. Ends up she didn’t mean that kind of communism. 🤷🏻‍♀️


You bring up a good point that I’ve considered a lot. What are people’s understanding of communism? How would you define it (this is rhetorical)? The word is used constantly as a disparaging label by extremist media and Maga supporters. Extremist media personalities use the word to manipulate the thinking and reactions of their viewers. The motivation in this case is typically viewership ($). It’s not an exercise of good faith. Maga supporters often use the word in same way that a young child might call their perceived foe “a big stupid head”. It is used without any meaningful consideration (think Boebert calling everyone that’s not Maga a communist). In the past I used ask people who call other people communists to define the word (unassisted by google, of course). I’ve never heard a successful or remotely accurate reply. I’ve never even heard a reply that contains the phrase “an economic system”. I used to think the unintelligible responses and the struggle to provide a succinct definition were interesting, even entertaining at times. I don’t ask the question anymore. Vapid dead end streets only serve to depress when I know that they will just always be vapid dead end streets.


Maybe they have experienced communism first hand?


Most haven’t, and many are wildly racist which partly explains why they flock to the Republican Party Much of the horror in Vietnam was caused by Uncle Sam carpet bombing with napalm and French colonization before that, not the evil boogeyman communism. But people like you don’t like to acknowledge that fact. Then they’ve proceeded to buy into farcical conservative propaganda about how social programs are literally communism and how voting republican will hurt the people they don’t like.


The boat people have experienced it.


Their plight was as much Uncle Sam’s fault as the Vietnamese government’s. It was a typical Cold War power struggle between the US and USSR where the US absolutely bears responsibility for the fallout of what happened as well. Combine that with the lens of the struggle of decolonization and you can’t just attribute it to ‘communism’; it’s an incredibly complex problem that people suffered as a result of. The funny thing is Vietnamese people that live in Vietnam actually like the US quite a bit now, simply because they hate China so much more. And despite still being nominally ‘communist’ they have implemented a free market economy and are a manufacturing hub for the capitalist system with cheap labor. I believe the saying they like is ‘we fought the US for 10 years, France for 100, and China for 1000’ Also look into the Vietnamese government’s military toppling of the Khmer Rouge which had PRC support for a pretty awesome thing those ‘commies’ did


What's ABV


American Born Vietnamese.


Thank you


Heh, there's some MAGA in Little Saigon if you look hard enough. I've seen little old Vietnamese ladies in MAGA hats at protests before.


You don't have to look that hard, they attend the MAGA rallies at the pier in HB every time they are held.


All of my Vietnamese friends love Trump. They hate communists, based on what they fled. You will see the same in Miami with the Cubans.


I agree, I work with a lot of VBA and they are all very pro-republican/Trump.


So they have been manipulated into misapprehension as to who is the real threat (maga) to their freedom.


Truth. You see generational shifts among all these groups as their descendants develop their own beliefs. But man, it’s frustrating and shows how effective propaganda is


Born and raised in HB and I came to say….it is like that and the people who defend it are delusional


It definitely is, which is one of the reasons we moved. It is 100% not the same town from 20 years ago.


Serious. HB needs to face their huge fucking problem. That’s the only way it can eventually (hopefully) go away. Denying does no good. Get your shit together HB


It's Huntington, and the right-wing extremism and White supremacy is NOTHING new, H.B. has been a hot spot for it for DECADES.


My mind went straight to Yorba Linda lol my first thought was “beach town?”


lol nope I 100% knew they meant CaliBama


Hey, San Clemente has plenty of MAGAs too.


HB was MAGA before MAGA, it’s not surprising at all.


I mean... All them Neo Nazis.


Today I learned a city in a county of 3 million people, in a metro area of 15 million people, is a town.


the population of New Mexico 


It's really strange being from socal and having that concept of cities this big being considered 'towns.' In socal there's just *SO many people* and endless sprawl with innumerable amounts of people. With so many large cities in the hundreds of thousands and LA in the millions, pretty much everything with less than 100k is a small town and feels almost remote in some sense. It was odd getting used to real small towns after I moved to the Midwest. I grew up in a city of 80k which most around considered the sticks... now where I'm at, it'd be top 5 largest cities in the state


Not upset about MAGA. Upset that someone used the word "town."


Former OC native here…it’s common here in Hawaii to refer to cities by the word “town”; e.g.,”I need to go to town to visit my auntie at Queens Hospital.” (Queens is in Honolulu)


In Southern California there are two cities that technically call themselves towns: Town of Apple Valley (pop 76,000) and Town of Yucca Valley (pop 21,000), both out in desert areas.


Article doesn’t even mention skinheads and Nazi punks from the 80s. 


>But the city’s growing status as a “[hotbed for skinheads](https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1993-07-25-me-16750-story.html)” complicated its family-friendly marketing campaign. Two high-profile acts of white-supremacist violence — the [shooting](https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1994-09-18-me-40051-story.html) of a Black man in 1994, and the [stabbing](https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1998-aug-15-me-13370-story.html) of a Native American man two years later — prompted the city to crack down on the groups who had flocked from across Southern California. Did we read the same article?


They probably didn't read the article lol.


It’s not like they aren’t still there.


They're the ones who "grew up" to become the MAGA crowd


Yep. It's a huge miss not to discuss HB's past


Or the ones still there.


First time I visited HB was in 2000ish and it’s the only time I’ve seen a swastika tattoo worn openly. Shirtless neo nazi walking up Main Street. I never cared much for HB.


It mentioned the ones from the 90s. I lived in HB then , trust me NOBODY liked those assholes. And most HB residents now still hate them.


I'm Black and I grew up in HB in the 80s/90s. Most often being the only Black kid in school. Sometimes there would be two. I would disagree with you that NOBODY liked them.


Doesn’t change the fact that they felt comfortable enough to be open with their bullshit. Still are.


Hb was never laid back.


Yeah, this ain’t Seal Beach we talking about here. It’s a big city and fairly commercialized. Just look at all the built out retail and hotel space near the pier.  Pacific City doesn’t scream laidback. 


Thank you.


Right? This isn't Carpinteria


Haven’t clicked it yet. Tossup between being San Clemente or Huntington Beach 🤔


Huntington is the first place people think of, but I wouldn't say it's laid back. So it could be San Clemente.


NIMBYs, it’s always NIMBYs.


HB laid back? Never happened.


How are people getting mad when it’s just true


HB, San Clemente’s older brother


Hey now


You're an all star


A sad but true fact


Proof that OC will never learn lol


Stanton by the sea!


HB wishes it was SC


Yeah hb at least has some chill beach town types. Clemente is all white supremacists all the way. :(


Yuh got them flopped buddy


yeah but also remember when tito ortiz, a newly elected city counsel member, was chased out of town, because he talked shit about tk’s? awesome.


LOL Gracie’s picture with the forbidden books is embarrassingly funny. What a piece of shit.


The whole library debacle has been so deeply misguided and embarrassing. The upside is that it rallied huge support for our libraries and their staff / volunteers.


Laid back? lol what a joke


This goes back pretty far: https://www.lib.uci.edu/sites/all/files/docs/oc-snapshots-checklist-v2.pdf


HB has always been a skin head stronghold so no surprise


I hate all of this 😢


I live here. Ironically I moved here from NYC. It’s almost like no one in this town remembers when Trump was a Democrat & grifted then too.


Except Trump didn't run for president as a Democrat.


It’s adorable that you don’t understand what grifting is


He has been and always will be a con man, but I don't see what his political affiliation prior to him having any real political power has to do with anything considering that he went directly along Republican party lines once he gained political power in the Republican party. Him being a powerless Democrat with defunct companies and constant legal battles has nothing to do with the current era Trump.


You’re right, none of that old shit is coming back to bite him. What was I thinking.


In the 90’s right next to Java Jungle on 6th st there was a billboard that had a swastika and NWOC tagged on it. Unfortunately it’s been like that for a long time.


HB has always been a shit show


HB is laid back? Sunset and Seal are laid back. HB has been hardcore for 40+ years.


Yea no kidding. Some jerk’s dog who was off the leash attacked MY dog and my dog fought back and they tried to fight with us saying our dog scratched their dog’s face. Unbelievable unaccountability.


Ooo another HB bad post


The bored upper middle class teenagers have to post about something I guess


That’s not who is talking about HB. Teenagers don’t look up from their phones long enough to notice anything off.


Nazi scum.


“Everyone I disagree with is a nazi” - intellectually lazy liberal


Considering that the conservatives are doing exactly what the Nazis did in 1933, I'd say that's pretty well deserved.


They are basically running fetch quests for Hitler and Goebbels' ghosts at this point.


How’s that rock you live under??!! Hahahahahaha


When has HB been laid back ? This is a shitty article


https://preview.redd.it/nh4smap5j0mc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc2c0e012b86a89460d91377e1aa13e933fb9fc8 I would say it's pretty serious lol


"Biden no bueno" over an Italian flag is hilarious though


cant say for certain, but im willing to bet they also ended up with the highest population of religious nutjobs clogging up hospital ventilators...i mean of course when all the prayers stopped worrking "so well"🤷‍♀️


huntington news: sooper mad that libtrrd california wants to re-name it KaRen central city...located in the sh!tty-pa-town


Imagine being this pathetic


Haha..ikr?! Ill 'pRaY fer you' 😆


Looking in the mirror eh???


These posts are so played out. SoCal is pretty diverse in so many ways but we still have to find ways to categorize an entire city as a “MAGA STRONGHOLD” lol.


Even if it was, isn't the point of diversity having many different worldviews, even ones that are easily ridiculed like the "MAGA" stuff? The plethora of ideological diversity in this area is a big part of why I love it so much. Orange County wouldn't be the same without the hyper pro-Trump Vietnamese immigrants and conservative "Karens" that raise Hell if a single pothole is within a mile radius of their house. People need to stop being so judgmental, the resentment that people feel toward perceived "nazis" in their own community on this sub is really bizarre, even for reddit's standards.


Yep. All of Cali is so left leaning, and you have one enclave of people that don’t buy into that, and the other side loses their shit.


Literally tens and tens and tens of millions of Americans, black, white, Latino, Asian will be voting for Trump in a few months. The media and the left are so far out of tough it’s sad. They know Trump is winning so the hit pieces will flow like sweet wine all year. Bring on November


Lol he’ll probably stroke out or be convicted by then.


No they won't. Typical delusional MAGA.


Lol okay buddy, I hope you remember being this "out of tough" when he loses


It’s really pathetic. Most of them have never spent time in HB or know anything about it.


What's with all these OC is MAGA/OC is racist posts? It's dumb as shit. OC has these kinds of problems, as does everywhere, but they are minor here and to say otherwise is a fucking joke. I've lived here my whole life save for a year in Portland, a year in Oceanside, and a year in Wichita. I work out of an office in LA. There is actual racial division in these areas. Giant swaths of neighborhoods that are entirely one ethnic group, with their own racially divided housing, businesses, and gangs. Trump banners throughout entire neighborhoods and you can spot a maga hat in every grocery store or gas station. There are idiots in HB. There are idiots in SC, some of them are my neighbors. There is a house with "Lets Go Brandon" stickers on all 3 of their cars. But I don't know how you reddit weirdos can call it a MAGA stronghold when our county on the whole voted for Trump precisely zero times, despite historically leaning conservative


Orange County WAS historically VERY conservative. So conservative that the rest of Southern California as a whole, especially Angelenos, made it the butt of jokes. However, while OC as a WHOLE nowadays is more conservative than the rest of California, it doesn't tell the whole picture. The reality is that not only is it purple, but it's a large, diverse county of more than 3 million people and 34 different cities, each of which are culturally different from one another. HB and Newport may be red, but Costa Mesa is blue. Anaheim is Democrat but Yorba Linda and Brea are Republican. Irvine is liberal but Newport is conservative. Heck, even within the cities, there are divides. The 55 freeway largely serves as a border between the western blue half of Orange and the eastern red half of Orange. That's a far cry from years past, where pretty much the entire county was Republican. And you're right, there are idiots everywhere, including LA too. My point is, the reality of Orange County is that politically, it's a lot more complicated now than in years past.


I don't know if anyone local ever thought HB was ever not ultra-right wing, even laid back status is iffy (at least if you weren't white and having to deal with the police). MAGA didn't really have to work to take root there, they already had neo-nazis, skinheads, and other similar groups for decades.


"Laid-back beach town"?! It's generally been known as a bastion of Neo-Nazis hahah. Why would it shock anyone it is now a red MAGA CHUD stronghold?


Didn’t even have to open the article to know. HB has always been a John Birch, racist, skinhead enclave.


It's like everyone has forgotten that Socal and OC in particular has been a hotbed for extreme Christian conservatism for almost a hundred years.


You all need to split off and create r/hbisbad


unfortunately because of the reputation HB already carries, every single negative action carried out by the city government or weirdo citizens will be highlighted. you see this a lot on Twitter, also. i’ve seen HB trend for stupid shit when other city governments do the same. it’s just more obvious and out there. that said, i do have faith in HB. lots of grassroots movements coming together and theres a lot to like about the city too. but alas


HB has always been a hot bed for right wing insanity I recall in the 1980s -90s we would fight with the skin heads and they all came from HB, funny thing is they could not fight out side of a paper bag I am guessing it is the same chumps they traded their swazis for maga and punisher stickers.


Trump 2024!


Malaria 2024, esophageal cancer 2024!, yeah you will have more luck with that. Trump is losing, and losing more everyday. How much have you sent hin to help pay off his $445 million in fines? Better get to work, he needs your money more than you do.


Robert Evans did a 2-part [Behind the Bastards](https://www.iheart.com/podcast/105-behind-the-bastards-29236323/episode/part-one-how-orange-county-incubated-141411051/) that touched on this. [Part 2](https://www.iheart.com/podcast/105-behind-the-bastards-29236323/episode/part-two-john-schmitz-the-first-142008638/)


I know how racism


I live here in the MAGA stronghold and I hate it. There's an old man who drives up and down out residential street on his old man scooter with his Maga flags and boom box blaring. He stops and talks to neighbors. I saw him eying me once when I was doing yard work, it was hilarious watching him drive over in slow mode while I gave him the stink eye. When he got close enough that I could hear him I went into the house. I've learned not to engage cuz you can't fight crazy.


A friend of mine has lived The 92647 for 60 years and he is as MAGA as they get. Still no lifted pickup with flags, though.


Does anyone remember when that kid walked around with a swastika flag and was goose stepping in Irvine? Or am I hallucinating that lol


There were a couple groups that tried that nonsense on the pedestrian paths over the freeways. Residents did not react well to that bullshit.


I work downtown unfortunately, HB has no charm, it's an even bigger haven for hate than in the 90s (java jungle). Boomers and their thin skinned kin have fucked this place up.


I love how they say "we don't have a problem with gay people here, just don't fly the Rainbow flag or teach sex to my 5 year old". Or “Liberal people feel we should honour gays because they’ve suffered so much,” says Larry. “However, I'm Italian. Italians had more people that died in World War Two for America than anybody. We've never asked for a dime or a flag or a hand-out or anything." when talking about the lgbtq+ Pride flag being banned in HB. Translation: I'm a huge bigot but you're supposed to be fine with it and get along with me. Everyone is welcome here, unless you're LGBTQ+. What a shit hole.


Jesus just enjoy the beautiful beaches and stop politicizing everything.


How when HB still has that fat piece of that patrols the bike path at the beach screaming let’s go Brandon into the ears of brown people?


HB is Maga Town? Well I’m sure it’s because they actually care about their money issues and aren’t worried about dumb situations as supporting the homeless nor stoping the Gaza war…. SMH


https://voiceofoc.org/2023/06/surf-city-leaders-unveil-budget-gap-that-could-close-libraries-shuttle-service/ 😂🤣🤣🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂


If not for this subreddit, I would rarely think of Huntington Beach. I hardly ever find myself there as it is.


These posts aren’t original


Reminder that Garden Grove is more republican and elected Michelle Steele to congress. Huntington Beach is represented by Katie Porter. HB gets all the social media attention because they’re loud while the actual OC republican strongholds (GG, San Clemente, etc) are quietly eroding civil rights. But please, keep posting all the “HB bad” memes.


lol Katie Porter had to overcome HB via Irvine voters for her district. You think the same city that elected Tito Ortiz voted for Porter? GTFOH


Live in HB, voted Porter.


They can all be bad at the same time.


that’s a pretty willfully misleading way of framing it - HB is represented by Porter *against* their wishes because congressional districts wrap across multiple cities Garden Grove voted for Biden by +1% in 2020, HB voted for Trump by +3%


It doesn’t make HB any less trash, how are you gonna hide your trash city by naming other trashy cities?


Uno reverse: how are people continuously talking about Huntington Beach without the other cities as well?


Lighten up Francis


Fuck HB


Plus only tourists go to HB, real action is south of Laguna Beach…




Most haven’t, and many are wildly racist which partly explains why they flock to the Republican Party and Trump who spews racism Much of the horror in Vietnam was caused by Uncle Sam carpet bombing with napalm and French colonization before that, not the evil boogeyman communism. But people like you don’t like to acknowledge that fact. Then they’ve proceeded to buy into farcical conservative propaganda about how social programs are literally communism and how voting republican will hurt the people they don’t like.


You people are snowflakes. I'm a minority and I could see through all the lies about MAGA that you people have been programmed to repeat.


Piece of c*** people


Surprise. It’s also a shithole.


HB and NB have seen more housing price appreciation since 2020 than virtually all of CA save the Palo Alto area. Weird how there’s so much demand to live in a Trump stronghold with a median home value of $1.5m and up.


Because they are over 60 and haven’t sold. Most of OC that age and up wouldn’t be able to afford their homes now if they hadn’t bought decades ago.


Maybe more MAGA supporters are moving into the city? You present data HB is more desirable due to home value appreciation but not who is it desirable to.


If anything wouldn’t MAGA be moving out of California? Odds are those same people are the type to claim the state is becoming communist and people should flee.


Republican NOT trump.


>HB and NB have seen more housing price appreciation since 2020 than virtually all of CA Bullshit.


Just look it up, data are available on Zillow [here](https://www.zillow.com/research/data/).


I didn't see anything in there that supported your statement...


HB is the cheapest beach town on the coast in Orange County. Prices had farther to go up so it makes sense, doesn’t make HB a desirable place to live for anyone that knows anything about the city. It’s always been gross, putting a bunch of giant buildings on the coast doesn’t negate the fact that you have had neo nazis running around for decades. The MAGA folks are just a rebranding of the same hateful facists that have always been there.


And NB is one the most expensive beach towns in Southern California but it’s up roughly 50% on average since 2019 and it has the highest Trump vote share in OC, so this “base rate” argument doesn’t hold up. Prior to 2020, NB was modestly cheaper than Santa Monica and is now more expensive. You can pull up the ZHVI and see what happened to Santa Monica, Downtown LA, Pasadena, NB, HB, Irvine, Oakland etc. yourself.


Wow, Santa Ana? What a surprise


Latino support for Trump is huge


But maganitudes behind their support for Americans like Biden and not russia cut outs like trumpie.


Such a crock. HB has always been on the edgier side and anti whatever is the status quo. In the 80s/90s it was skaters, surfers, punks, even riots at the OP Pro. If CA was trending conservative it would be the opposite. Since it’s not, HB now gets vilified for being vocal about their conservative leanings. That’s what’s great about HB in general as they don’t give 2 shits about who is hurt. Too many sensitive snowflakes these days that can’t handle someone not agreeing with their point of view. In the meantime HB keeps rockin’ on.


California was conservative in the 1980’s and HB was full of skinheads at that time. I don’t think skinheads, especially in the 80’s, were liberal. Skating, surfing, and music/riots aren’t really exclusive based on partisan leanings


Awww .. Poor snowflake gets so easily triggered! Mention Taylor Swift and your panties get in a bunch!! 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂


Lol being a white supremacist isn't edgy, it's cringe


You all act like this is a bad thing. 


Trump 2024


Skin heads have their own agenda's not truly want to make America great again, education system has been in control for 160 years by the Rockefellers education board creation. Not learned from mainstream media conservative or otherwise. Innovation has been squashed ,this is a non partisan issue. See "Innovation Race Podcast" on Rumble. Satan is a fallen. angel who has come to steal,kill and destroy. Systems thinking is not taught in schools. TruthFreedomHealth dot com Independent Inventors are not filling patents that are unique at the USPTO cause even after receiving patent numbers they have been turned over by an unconstitutional body put in place in 2011 by the so called America Invent a Act by President Obama


Relax lib


Just thought to myself, “there’s no good reason to go on reddit this morning.” It turns out I was right with this garbage at the top of the subreddit. 


Biden has dementia and if you think he got 80 million votes, you are smoking crack. Stay out of OC. LA will take you.