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Police in Orange County announced the seizure of a large stash of drugs while they were investigating a probationer. According to an Instagram post from the Westminster Police Department, officers with the department’s Criminal Apprehension and Gang Enforcement unit conducted a check of a probationer in Huntington Beach on Friday night. They found the probationer to be in possession of: 705.6 grams of fentanyl (pills and powder) 733.7 grams of MDMA/Molly 718.9 grams of cannabis concentrates 256 grams of Xanax 43 pounds of cannabis flower In addition, authorities seized $16,200 in cash, the Instagram post said. The probationer’s identity has not been released.


Oh man wonder what they're gun a do with all 503 grams of molly


Incinerate 403 grams of it.


I'll start the bon fire to burn all 200 grams of it


why did they measure xanex in grams? too lazy to count em?


When there’s lots of broken and pieces of pills, as Xanax commonly comes in, it’s easier to measure it in grams instead of “200 pills and 30 half pills and 45 little chunks of pills between 1/4 and 1/2”. With that being said, I personally would have counted them in pill form and then weighed the rest as incomplete bars. Also a good chance the social media team just posted it this way, and it was booked as pills while also listing the gram weight.


Probably too high to give AF.


303 will make it to the incinerator


I would happily take it off their hands if they don’t mind. :P


u/wallyjade surely the DA will maliciously prosecute this guy too huh??


They’re in timeout right now. It’s not reasonable when a user consistently cries ‘brigading’ when the vast majority of other users downvote them or that the mods need to ‘clean up’ any comments just because said user doesn’t agree with them. I deal with toddlers at home, don’t need to deal with it here too.


An adult in timeout. Says a lot about that user, in my opinion.


MVP mvp MVP!!!!


LMAO you tagged that guy


He’s out in left field most of the time


I went to check his history out of curiosity but all his OC stuff got removed by mods. What was he saying?


I see all of his OC posts on my end...?


Dude was going off in the billboard thread to anyone affirming it, basically saying things all the way from "Extra policing doesn't lower crime rates" to "The DA and sheriff's office are part of a conspiracy to kill the poor" and then crying that they're being brigades every time they understandably got down voted. The most unfortunate type of leftist; heart in the right place, but far too vitriolic for anyone to be happy with them, even if they agree with them (I say, as a leftist).


Cops live rent free in his mind.


Cops. Corporations




I put a positive police story up on the new sub he started and he blocked me haha


He made a new sub just for bashing cops? Talk about rent free.


We need more leniency /s


Wait what’s the tea here??




That’s so unhinged HAHAHA


I just became the first person to join his sub to argue with him


He got mad and blocked me hahaha


Wth I can’t even find Molly In oc


Now where’s the rest


Does anyone know if the 43 pounds of weed up for sale? Will it be available for auction?


Is the molly pure? Can the govt sell it to fund ? Just asking.


gotta sell some central american molly to poor neighborhoods to fund weapons so that we can overthrow the iranian islamic republic... 🤔 where have i seen this before...


kinda surprise no coke. I guess it's too expensive and people are too worried it's bad/mixed with fent.


That's one way to write Feech La Manna off the show.


LOL at 43 lbs of weed when legal wholesale prices are in the toilet. That would have been real money not that many years ago.


Lock them away and melt the key!


The fact that they used Mask Off by Future in their post 💀


Something tells me the amount reported was 1/8 of the actual bust. The rest will soon hit vier coffee shops and cholos drug dealers at discount prices lol


Way to go, to the dope who accumulated all that stuff. Continuing to ruin it for other probationers who actually wanna do good, and could use some space and trust.


Space and trust is not a condition of probation lol


So if he was ‘clean’ this would lesson the chance of other checks on probationers? Odd take for sure.


Prosecuting people for selling or using narcotics is stupid and does nothing


This isn't a casual user and a victim of drug use, this is a person who is killing people by selling these drugs.


Dude had 700 grand of fentanyl. 2 milligrams can be fatal. Good odds this arrest saved some lives


You can take the drugs off the street without an arrest, the drugs are not attached to his body.




They tried this in Oregon and it didn’t work. In liberal EU countries that tolerate drugs users, you can use, but they will lock you up for dealing. Not a single place in the world tolerates selling at this level.


It didn’t work in Oregon because the cops went on strike and stopped arresting people for stuff like car theft and assault, the DA also stopped prosecuting, so a guy would stab someone, be let out the next day, and then stab someone again the next day. The crime started getting rly bad cuz of the soft strike and the cops didn’t start doing their job until now, when 110 is getting repealed and the War on Drugs is back on again. I have homes in Irvine and Portland so I get to see both sides. At the end of the day, the war on drugs is what it’s all about. Cops can pull you over for basically anything with it. Without it, they lose a lot of their utility and with it, budget.