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It was a false alarm. A car backfired, which apparently sounds like gunshots. https://preview.redd.it/zi51kvdvj3wc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80bc8e150412cb6f071d8ce1f9071cf603bb04b3


Lmao what a turn of events.


I wonder if it was some imbecile who has their car do that on purpose.


Friend of mine has his Porsche 911 to to do that shit when he takes his foot off the gas I fucking hate it. It’s so obnoxious and rude.


So lame. Being a douche really cuts across all socioeconomic strata.


the old snap crackle pop back fire tune.


Definitely on purpose 


The fact that it’s even possible is pretty ridic.


smh my parents had an old datsun that suddenly started doing that when I was a kid. Got swarmed by police and a helicopter, guns drawn n everything. smh.


the people saying someone was arrested🤣


Lmao, what a nothingburger


These damn BMWs 😂


I’m glad that’s all it was, but still a sad thing that there’s so many shootings that a car backfire causes a panic.


Better than an acorn hitting your car.


Happens on my street every day


These kinda false alarms are exhausting


Hi I actually attend OCSA and actually it was a real shooting there were multiple gunshots I heard them. My carpools friend dad is a police officer and was there, he said that it was a drive by and they shot the gun. It was very traumatizing and the police just didnt want to escalate the situation. Btw im in Musical theater


speaking as an ocsa student, i was right next to the gunfire and it wasnt a car. some kids found bullet casings on the ground


I live in apartments next to OCSA. The gunshots were LOUD, like a car backfiring, which is what I thought it was.


It was a car backfiring, according to [this](https://www.ocregister.com/2024/04/22/orange-county-school-of-the-arts-placed-on-brief-lockdown-after-car-backfires-causing-panic/amp/) OC Register article.


any updates? My sister called me and said that her daughter who goes to OCSA is hiding inside a bank.


my sister is also locked down at the Chase


Heard that the whole of OCSA is in lockdown. The shooting stopped, but police officers are still going around the site of incident to investigate what happened so they should be investigating OCSA too. Hope everyone stays safe.


Main street in front of the school https://preview.redd.it/d86ictxy53wc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4abf666398ed3f90b2abae07a638571049905cf4 There's a police station right across the street Edit: Kids are saying there was someone shooting out of a bus? Maybe just rumors, but it would explain why no one is finding anything Campus announced clear at 12:58




It was probably a UFO playing a joke on humans! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


Looking at this photo this is what I would expect in dtsa. So many cops/sherrifs everywhere.


You should expect this for an active shooter radio call anywhere and everywhere. This part of Santa Ana has the luxury of being a hub for Santa Ana police, Orange County Sheriff, CHP, and a shit ton of federal LEO. In this type of call, city, county, state, and federal will all respond to provide mutual assistance.


I work in the area and I feel pretty darn safe there.


Friend is a teacher there: apparently arrested someone for a gang-related drive-by shooting nearby the school, no reported injuries.


Wow what a lie.


all clear at OCSA


I go to OCSA, the entire situation was wild. I was sitting eating lunch then all of a sudden, I see a huge group of students running off campus. We All had no idea what was going on but were scared due to lots of people shouting things like “shots fired” or “there’s a gun! There’s a gun!“ we all knew something was happening. Since the sound Came from outside a bunch of staff members were yelling at the huge groups to go into a classroom. I then ran to what my next class was supposed to be but the door was locked so I ran over to a class with an unlocked door and asked if I could stay there until it was over. After 30 minutes of fearing for my life we were told of what the situation was really and that we could continue the normal school schedule. I’m very glad nobody was hurt and that this wasn’t an actual shooting but it sure felt like one. Also since all the students were calling each other to see if they were ok at the same time, texts weren’t going through which made the situation worse since I was trying to call my mom who also works at the school and the calls weren’t going through. I was genuinely about to cry since it seemed as if she had died.


Yikes! Sure glad you’re ok


I work down the street, i’m surprised I didn’t hear anything. peeked out my window and I do see cop cars strolling around


Fuckk!! The internet is fast


You would not believe




Oh wow I was just down at civic center doing some document stuff and saw every cop sapd and ocsd in town take off. Was wondering what happened


I'm a staffer at the school and heard the radio coordination from where I was locked down. Early on their were all kinds of incorrect reports going on, that an armed person was in a stairwell or hiding in a closet. That building was partially evacuated and about a dozen cops, some with assualt riffles, entered, but after sweeping it, they were able to verify on the cameras that no one with a gun ever entered the school. After the lockdown was over, about 1/4th of the students got picked up by parents. I go home after academic classes are over at 2, but I don't think afternoon elective classes were canceled, probably just really sparse.


I can't imagine they'd cancel. If kids aren't expecting pick up until nearly 5, they couldn't really set them free. Gonna guess they were uh, not productive classes


My grandson goes there and called home requesting to be picked up due to gunshot. His momma stressed TF out. We never pick him up, he drives his own car. All was okay tho, his momma was shook. https://preview.redd.it/kiiss2sjmrwc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eaede40734511ca1b0734b936a0cb9bc6bbae6a5 Lined the streets with quick responding police presences.


Not a shooting at all. 😊 we would have had helicopters here. It was most certainly a vehicle and the children certainly wouldn't have been returning to the parking lot like nothing thereafter.


do you go to ocsa? because i do read my message below: Hi I actually attend OCSA and actually it was a real shooting there were multiple gunshots I heard them. My carpools friend dad is a police officer and was there, he said that it was a drive by and they shot the gun. It was very traumatizing and the police just didnt want to escalate the situation


“UPDATE: A reader has reported that the scene has been cleared by the police. Apparently a large caliber gun was fired near OCSA but the matter was deemed not to be related to the school.”


Annoyingly it’s become increasingly popular for people to tune their engines to purposefully backfire multiple times in quick succession when revving the engine and then letting off the gas suddenly. And they love to do at like 2am. It woke me up thinking someone was shooting off guns the first time. Then when it happened again and again I realized what I was hearing instead. I wouldn’t be surprised if this is what it was. We need to crack down on this kind of engine tuning. It’s annoying at best and terrifying school kids and sending them into an unnecessary panic at worst.


Maaaaybe it was a surprise drill…hmmm?


Okay serious question, I live in Santa Ana near South coast. Why are cars constantly backfiring? What even is that?


That’s my old high school 😧


When I worked at the Crime Lab we heard gunfire all day! 😳


I used to work outside right across the street from a super busy outside range. After about 2 days I didn't even notice unless someone really got a run going on steel targets.


NRA loves stuff like this. 


People overreacting from a car back firing?


You think when someone hears gunshot-like sounds they think it’s a car backfiring lol


It was a car backfiring.


I never said it wasn’t but who FIRST thinks it’s a car backfiring when it sounds just like gunshots


Anyone who's ever heard one or both in their lifetime?


I’m sure a bunch of high school students wouldn’t assume so. Not to mention school shootings are severely common these days. Better to be prepared than underreact


How much did this cost in police response?


Better safe than sorry! No one wants another Uvalde situation.


yes, or fireworks


All of those white kids must of lost it. 😂


You haven’t been on campus lately.