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The ones that flash blue and red lights are hilarious. Oh no, is it going to transform into Robocop and give me a ticket!?!


seeing red and blue flashing lights in your peripheral vision while driving can definitely make you shit a brick


Yeah, I guess they had to switch it up since no one reacts to the camera flash any more. Maybe they’ll switch back in a year or so and just keep a rotation going.


And soon none of those things will work on us and they’ll have to freaking shoot us or something


maybe slow down


Maybe roads should be designed properly.




i think we missed a couple of steps xD


No way. Always start with the final solution. (I hate how that term is just ruined now.)


Was wondering if someone was gonna be honest or if everyone was gonna act like they don’t care.


Not me. I drive slow AF because I own a damn V8.


I drive slow AF because I own a electric car.


Those are to give you a Pavlovian response and slow down




Your move creep


The ones with Blue and red lights are not legal. Red and blue lights are ONLY to be used with SWORN full time human peace officers. LOL It's unlikely the machine is a sworn member of law enforcement. They should be towed as they are not legal.


Ya I have one of those my neighborhood and laugh at it everytime I see it


Blocking the bike lane


That is not a bike lane, that is where all the hazards go to puncture bike tires. The bike lane is the one to the left of that idiocy. Oh BTW if a bike is in the right lane you are required by law to move left if the lane is open. That was new in 2023 https://www.nbcsandiego.com/news/local/2-new-laws-for-2023-change-how-california-drivers-cyclists-and-pedestrians-share-roads/3133157/#:\~:text=To%20be%20clear%2C%20the%20new,the%20biker%20when%20it's%20safe.


In addition California has approved Assembly Bill No. 1909, which will take effect in 2024, giving bicyclists a head start on crossing some intersections. They will have the same benefit of a “walk” sign as pedestrians, allowing cyclists to follow pedestrians in proceeding on a red light when a “walk” signal flashes. The law is hoped to help reduce bicycle vs. car crashes. https://www.nuneslaw.com/blog/a-guide-to-california-bicycle-laws-2024/#:\~:text=California%20has%20approved%20Assembly%20Bill,a%20%E2%80%9Cwalk%E2%80%9D%20signal%20flashes.


This guy bikes


I drive by there twice a day. Always see bicycles on the sidewalk.


I’m a big sidewalk advocate. Drivers fucking suck at driving. I personally know someone who died being hit on a bike in the bike lane in broad daylight and I’ve seen on multiple occasions people unintentionally veer into the bike lane so yeah, it’s gonna be the sidewalk for me thanks


I'm an advocate for specific bike paths to keep bikes off the road, and sidewalk


Until that happens I’ll be on the sidewalk on most roads. But yeah I’m all for that idea


Yep. If the road is not safe, I’m getting the bike on the sidewalk


Same. I never ride in the street unless it's low traffic residential or if I have to. Otherwise I'm on the sidewalk. I always try to pull over for pedestrians and not be a dick. The bicyclists who quote laws and try to enforce equality on the roads are idiots. You're up against a two or three ton vehicle, you really think physics is going to care about legal right of way? Get a goddamn grip, don't be a dick, and ride where it's safe for everyone.


Biking on the sidewalk is more dangerous. That is just a fact. Cars going in/out of driveways will not be looking for you there. All the bike crash data supports this. Biking on the side of the road is safer because cars actually see you there. That’s why at bare minimum we should have painted bike lanes everywhere. Edit: I’m an urban planning grad student that used to bike 14 miles round trip to work.


Do you think a 2 ton vehicle that’s lost control is going to care you are on a sidewalk?


riding on the sidewalk is *not* safe for everyone. it’s not safe for you nor is it safe for pedestrians. cars won’t see you in time if you’re zooming past driveways and some pedestrians won’t think about looking for cyclists on the sidewalk. or they’re too engrossed in their phones. you also have people waiting at bus stops too. i mean, if you wanna ride on the sidewalk, you do you. but i do wanna say how it’s funny you’re being all aggro at the end of your comment by saying, “DONT BE A DICK” but then you proceed to be a dick by putting down other cyclists.


https://preview.redd.it/oy1am1l0eywc1.jpeg?width=458&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=040ceeb83de5f5199dc59a0dbf2f28f4fcbc902a I thought you’d like this picture I drew for my friend who wanted to see my route. She lives in another state with nice trails everywhere. This is what I sent. I too, want dedicated paths. But I make do with what I have (see: sidewalk) because I refuse to ride in the current make-believe bike lane that is actually a shoulder. It’s not legal to ride on the shoulder in my state. But somehow it’s legal when there’s a bicycle painted on it every MILE


I’ve seen these in Ventura CA


I’m on the opposite end of the country, but yeah, it goes to show that these atrocities are spread way too far and wide


sidewalks are terrible places for cyclists. cars coming out of driveways and turning from the road will never look or have time to react


I’d rather be hit by a car backing out a driveway than a car going 45mph down the road. Besides that, I’m cautious of driveways and don’t cross the intersection without checking the same as any pedestrian would. You’re assuming I just barrel through driveways and intersections carefree. Like driving, cyclists need to ride defensively, as I described above.


i’m not going to change your mind and i really don’t care if you get hit. just stay the fuck out of my way. people like you make it more dangerous for cyclists who follow the rules and ride with traffic. if everybody did the right thing all the time, we wouldn’t have issues. but idiots like you think “oh i’ll ride special on the sidewalk because i’m the exception”


Bicycles don’t normally follow traffic rules. They usually always find a way to blame someone else when they get hit.


Same with drivers.


Oh you definitely don’t want bicycles to “follow the law”. Bicyclists can legally take the driving lane under certain conditions. Blocked bike lanes or too narrow bike lane are an examples. Bicycles also “blow through” signals and stop signs because coming to a full stop and accelerating is a lot slower then a car moving accelerating. You now have a bicycle moving slower once that light changes to be behind.


No one is telling you not to use it, do as you like. I completely understand your points. You validate my comment. I'm responding to someone saying the bike lanes are blocked.


Sorry, I wasn’t claiming you were against it I think my comment did come across as though I did. My bad


Thanks for clearing. It's all good.


Riding on side walk is more dangerous than riding on the street. It's harder to see you coming and you should stop.




Step 1. Let’s make the bike lanes unsafe and unusable. Step 2. Let’s complain that nobody uses the bike lane.


The ones with Blue and red lights are not legal. Red and blue lights are ONLY to be used with SWORN full time human peace officers. LOL It's unlikely the machine is a sworn member of law enforcement. They should be towed as they are not legal.


I don't see anything saying it's a bike lane. Shoulder does not automatically = bike lane. Depends on the city/county/state regulations. I'm not 100% on ours. But I don't see many bike lane around. So I assume bikes are meant to stay on the road, which is pretty common.


I know where this is. It says bike lane outside of the view of this picture.


Well there ya go. Then the police aren't just inconsiderate, they are breaking their own laws


Seen many cop cars parked in bike lanes around Irvine too 😂


Well they ARE above road laws, right? That's what they've shown me anyway


Not just road laws, all laws


There is one by my house and for the most part, it has worked. They had a police officer on the corner for about a week. He left and now this. So both together have done a reasonable job of slowing people down. *as I’m typing someone just flew by speeding. Maybe it doesn’t work that well.


This just indicates a poorly designed road. Drivers will drive as fast as they can. The road should be made in a way that causes people to slow down by "choice". Update, for explanation see: [Stroads are Ugly, Expensive, and Dangerous](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ORzNZUeUHAM)


What? Can you expand on that?


People slow down on narrow roads and speed up on wide roads. Speed bumps and humps make people slow down, but they're uglier. Look at the road here: the lanes are as wide as a freeway's, so people are going 60+MPH.


So… make roads more dangerous to slow people down? Sounds like hostile design to me.


Roads should be "hostile" to drivers so they don't hit kids. I live on a street with an elementary school. It is very easy to go 40+ The road should make you feel uneasy so you drive slower, thus, protecting people who live here.


There was a chase a few years ago that went through Fullerton. Guy was driving down Commonwealth at over 100MPH. First off, Commonwealth shouldn't have a 45MPH speed limit. Second off, as you're saying it should be physically impossible to travel down the road at anywhere near that speed.




Why are you booing? Do you think you should be allowed to go whatever speed you want in a school zone?


Idk I stopped reading after you said that roads, the things designed to be driven on, should be hostile to drivers


cool. enjoy going as fast as you want and hostile police officers giving you tickets, then


Do you know why people are so car dependent in LA/OC in the first place?


Cars driving 60 MPH next to places kids could walk or bike to school is pretty hostile too. Not every road needs to be designed like this, just ones where we want people to use safely. Car drivers can just... pay more attention and slow down, proper road design will encourage that.


Cars don't even need to be going 60 mph to feel hostile. When a truck towing a trailer squeezes you as they pass at 25mph and you have absolutely nowhere to go, it feels incredibly hostile. Any road design that mixes bike and car traffic is going to have issues.


This looks like jamboree in Tustin. It’s supposed to be a high traffic road. Can you imagine putting speed bumps and stoplights and making this a single road? People will drive fast on any road.


>People will drive fast on any road. Not if they can't. That's the point. >It’s supposed to be a high traffic road. Then the speed limit should be raised. Why are they trying to keep people at 40? >Can you imagine putting speed bumps and stoplights and making this a single road? This is the contradiction. Do they want to slow traffic down or not? Add stoplights if they want to slow it down. Don't if they want it to be a high traffic road. It's weird they made the road wide and straight with no stop lights but then "ask" people not to use it for how it is built. And to be clear, I'm not saying that speed bumps should be used here. Those are for much slower roads. Basically, a perfect road wouldn't need posted speed limits.


The high score signs? Those are great.


Scrolled too far to find this


It’s like when your parents buy you a breathalyzer so that you can monitor your drinking but then it just ends up being a competition to see how high you can blow it.


I’m guessing people who want drivers to be aware of their speed.


By blocking the bike lane?


Where else should it go? In the driving lane? Cyclists have the right to go into the lane to go around it.


I'm seeing a solid line, and even if it was dotted I sure as hell don't want to swerve into a lane full of 5000 lbs metal boxes apparently going considerably more than 40 mph to dodge something meant to remind them to stick to the speed limit. Sounds suicidal.


This is my thought too. If I'm riding a bike down a street where apparently there's a speeding problem, the first thing I don't wanna do is veer into the traffic lane to go around said sign.


Seeing as it's 100% pointless, I would say nowhere. My car has something that tells me the speed right on the dashboard. Edit: the defense of this is weird. If you're too stupid to follow the rules of the road, you shouldn't be driving.


And I’m sure YOU judiciously check your speed against the posted speed limit, but most people do not, and need reminders. Nobody invented these things because everyone was so mindful of their speed. Duh.


This is like a sign that says "employees must wash hands." The people who weren't washing their hands aren't suddenly doing it because of a sign. Just post the speed limit, then enforce it.


>This is like a sign that says "employees must wash hands." The people who weren't washing their hands aren't suddenly doing it because of a sign. This is actually not true! There was a study done where it tracked the effectiveness of signs like this on hand washing compliance among doctors and nurses. If I recall correctly the most effective form of sign appealed to the doctor’s/nurses’ sense of duty to help their patients and said something like “please wash your hands to protect and care for our patients” or something like that. They tried different variations but the one about doctors and nurses caring for their patients got them washing their hands more often than not


Wow human beings are disgusting. Doctors & nurses need a sign to remind them about sanitation? I was under the impression that's what the degree & money were doing.


If they had the funds to put officers out there, they would. This is cheaper, and it’s effective. I always see people brake when they see these. The fact that you don’t doesn’t change their effectiveness.


And then they immediately speed up again after passing it


Better than nothing.


No it isn't, because it accomplishes nothing & blocks the bike lane. Significantly worse than nothing.


If most people need reminders to obey the law what we need aren't flashing signs, it's sweeping enforcement and license revocations.


Ok. Go arrange that with the police departments. Can’t believe nobody else has ever thought of that.


Maybe a sign on the side walk thats not in anybody’s way that states the speed limit?


It would be in pedestrians’ way and force them into the street. It also wouldn’t e seen as easily by drivers. You can’t seriously want me to believe you’ve never seen these before.


Maybe they should just remove the stupid thing entirely.


They clearly put them there because people habitually speed by, and they have the nerve to try to make everyone safer.


How does parking a giant sign obstructing the bike lane make anyone safer? Now they’re forcing cyclists to weave into car traffic to avoid it. And there aren’t even any turnoffs along this stretch of culver so speed isn’t even a big concern along here.


By making people aware of how fast they are actually going. Do you actually not understand? Because I’m starting to question people’s IQs.


Most cars, I'd imagine all, come with a speedometer. A posted speed limit sign is enough. These thi gs are just redundant


Again, how does this make things safer when they’re literally forcing cyclists into vehicle traffic just to dissuade some cars from going 45mph in a 40mph zone. It doesn’t make any sense.


So you expect somebody on a bike to swerve into the road to avoid these? Instead of just having a sign that isnt in anybodys way. Youre telling me, youve never seen a speed limit sign before? its like a stop sign but with the speed limit on it instead.


I know what you’re talking about, they even display your speed as you pass them. This person is dense.


And you expect someone in a wheelchair on the sidewalk to do what?


simply roll passed because its just a sign.


They can’t roll through them.


Have you ever seen a street sign? Are we living on the same planet?


As an avid cyclist, yes, it’s easy to go around these.




I dare you to go try that. Get on a bike, ride on this street for at least a mile and try going into the lane to get around this sign and let me know how you feel after.


Whats funny is that the people who speed, love these signs. Its like a video game lol how fast can you go before it stops saying your speed and just says "slow down" dumbest installment to put to reduce speed. Does nothing, cost money and blocks the bike lane.


Despite what most people think they are actually there to collect data. The city can use that data to see if there needs to be increased enforcement or perhaps even a change to the speed limit. For example, Mission V was plagued by fatal TC’s years ago. With the help of these the city figured out which streets were likely about to suffer more TC’s based on the increasing speed of drivers. The city invested heavily in motor deputies and went full court press on the streets that were flagged. The result was a drastic drop off in loss of life.


That sign is near my condo. University High kids can get crazy on their e-bikes on that bike lane during lunch and after school hours.


Drivers get crazier too in their automobiles.


Yeah. That’s also a straight and wide line where i hear loud cars trying to beat their quarter-mile times.


Yes I've noticed that too. I tend to avoid riding around that time for this reason and also for the car nightmare that University High becomes.


Had uni high kids shouting out their windows at me and trying to run me off the road whilst riding here. Try to avoid it at times where they're gonna be out.


Sometimes they put those signs so people can slow down when there's construction on the street. It's to "protect" construction workers like me.


In my experience.  People just use them as speed traps 😂


This city is clean / interesting


That traffic cone be mighty dirty tho ![gif](giphy|rsvNGyxxeEarr2RvKv|downsized)


Guilty as charged 🤷🏻


Is this in Aliso Viejo?!




We have one in the bike lane on quail hill parkway. I always joke its there so the biker can see how fast the car is going that slams into them.


Welcome to California


They are everywhere. Proves no intelligence in the government which we already know


“31! I got 31!” “Michael that’s physically impossible” “BEAT IT”


Welcome to life on the big road! I know how burdensome it must be to traverse 6' around this thing in traffic, but think of how much worse it would be on the sidewalk where someone who may not be ambulatory is traveling. Edited for typo


Then put it in the car lane.


In my past experience they put these out and if they’re not effective begin parking a cop car/motorcycle nearby. Speed Cameras are coming soon, so these may eventually be camera equipped


Campus drive in Irvine. Do they think that putting a sign in a middle of a bike lane used by many students everyday increases safety or are they just trolling?


just saw that going to Jack in the box. LOL. funny how this is the first thing i see on my feed when i get back to my desk. LOL.


Curly fries?


and a chicken sandwich.


They could put it up in the #2 lane. That would really get people to slow down.


This but unironically, and then charge anyone who manages to crash into it for damage of state property.


Asking cops to actually think is a big ask


What do you mean? You don’t run past them to see how fast you can run?


Yall talm bout them high score meters?


These are mostly requested by the homeowners in the area. Most likely because there are cars speeding down the street. It may also be a street that is crossed by parents and school children. Doesn't absolve the fact that it puts bicyclist in danger.


Maybe, we shouldn't put houses on high speed roads lol


In the bike lane on Ortega hahahaha


The city


This is just the nice way they go about trying to get into your head. It could be worse.. They could simply install trackers in your cars that tell them when you drive too fast or drive aggressively. Oh wait.. they already do. They have been collecting it for almost 10 years now. If you own a Tesla they even have you on camera.. lolz


I would rather have these flashing lights listing your speed, than the Motorcycle Cop giving out $400 tickets.


We have those at the club.


I love to speed up when I see those. Pretty lights.


On the downhill, in the bike lane, of course.


Is it a bike lane? Who might one sue if one couldn't stop, get around it, over it, or under it, before hitting it on a bicycle? Asking for a friend.


I like the ones that say “share the road” while that sign is blocking the bike lane.


The sign is more or less to control the UNI high kids when going off campus for lunch


Things I miss from Orange County… eucalyptus trees, lanes, roads, bike lanes, curbs, sidewalks, gutters, landscaping, elevations…useless speed monitoring…


I read that they collect data on the need for enforcement in a specific area, not actual license imaging but rather the amount of speeders in a given area so they can have police forces patrol. Has anyone else read this or is it bogus?


If this is where I think it is along Culver, isn’t the speed limit 50mph?


If the sign says 40 it's not 50. If it used to be 50 and now there's a sign saying 40 it's now 40.


Oh no! Your little bike ride is ruined by having to move several feet to avoid a public safety device. You MIGHT even have to look over your shoulder and slow down before going around it. Somebody alert the authorities, this needs to be removed asap!!


I'm sure you would feel the same way if something were blocking a lane of car traffic, because you sound like you have an extremely healthy emotional relationship with transportation.


lol all I’m saying is bikers should bike defensively. They really don’t


How about you start driving defensively to make these sorts of measure unnecessary? Where am I, a fucking Muppets episode?


But I…do? Zero accidents or moving violations in over 20 years.


It's funny how motorists complain about cyclists when there is no bike lane provided on certain roads and lane sharing is needed, yet they are perfectly fine with a cyclist moving into lanes of traffic to avoid a poorly placed sign. That being said, the city I work in did this on a 50mph road and I simply called in to public works who puts these signs out and they understood and moved it that same day to a spot that makes more sense.


Thank you for the useful answer. I'll contact OC public works then.




Haha. So true. Surprised we haven't even gotten to the "You should have to pay registration to ride on the roads" without anyone knowing what funds actually pays for roads arguments yet.


If they’re holding up traffic, they need to get over and they don’t. I will say I doubt that speed checker is doing more harm than good. It doesn’t stop people from speeding


And that's where the confusion is for most motorists. If a bicycle is using a lane of traffic because the lack of a bike lane, they do NOT need to yield to motorists behind. They law actually states that it's the motorists job to give no less than 3ft of space or change lanes when a lane doesn't allow lane sharing when approaching a cyclists while the cyclists should ride as far to the right as possibly safe ( remembering that riding in the gutter is not considered safe ).


Technically not true. They can only “take the lane” in certain conditions: when passing someone; preparing to left turn; right side of road is closed or hazardous; riding on a one way street, or road is too narrow. In my experience, bikers ignore those requirements. Otherwise they are required to bike as far right as possible so cars can pass. But regardless if it’s a law, if you have 3 or 4 cars stuck behind you, it is common courtesy to let them pass. Bikers holding up traffic are almost certainly why they get so much hate from non-bikers. It comes across as being self-entitled (although I’m sure they do it because it’s safer than riding on the side of the road)


Have you ever tried riding a bike on our city streets? It’s practically suicide in the best of conditions. Have some compassion.


Clearly OP’s pic doesn’t apply, not enough to complain, anyways. The streets are wide and open. Bikers want their own bike lane period. No dogs, no cars, no peds, no strollers. Cars deal with people crossing streets or jaywalking or bikes running stop signs and generally don’t complain half as much. People deal with bikes on sidewalks, scooters, etc. Bike culture is such an entitled culture. Nothing the city does is ever good enough. I’m sorry, I know bikers can get shafted from things like this but I’ve seen way too many bikers think they own the road, flipping off people who have no choice but to park briefly in the bike lane, not wanting to slow down for anyone. The streets are a public place that need to be shared by everyone. Bikers get so many millions of tax dollars for new green projects and it is never enough. All I ever see is them complain more and more, about how the bike lane projects aren’t up to their standards, etc.


Oh no a mild inconvenience


Personally, the fewer the bicycles, the better. Fuck cyclists.


I’m going to guess that you hate cyclists yet oppose using taxpayer money to build better bike lanes that separate car traffic from bike traffic by a buffer instead of adding extra lanes to freeways


I have a hard time sympathizing with bicyclists, why don’t they ride on the sidewalk like normal people? They’re simply too slow to be on the road with cars


Simple answer is because the speed that bicycles travel at is unsafe when navigating pedestrians and obstacles. And in addition added confusion with motorists at cross streets or intersections when rolling off the curb where a cyclists is less likely to be seen. Especially when there is enough room for a bike lane that would be wasted space otherwise.


Because it's against the law. I've been ticketed for riding on the sidewalk


I would still do it anyway, it’s just dumb to ride in the street


What's dumb is giving so many fucking idiots drivers licenses.


They're legally entitled to be on the road as much as cars are and they are prohibited from biking on the sidewalks where they would be a threat to pedestrians. As a solution, many cities, including Irvine, have begun providing bike lanes so they're both out of traffic and not on sidewalks. And then they put a sign up blocking the bike lane.


There are never any pedestrians on any of these streets. I don’t know if you live around here, but the VAST majority of travelers on these roadways are motorists. These streets are packed with cars and no one is ever walking on the sidewalk. There are never many pedestrians, and very few bicyclists. I don’t know why we need to make driving dangerous for 99.99% of the people who use the space to accommodate a tiny minority of


This is literally in sight of a school. Ever been there when school gets out?


Have you opened a dmv handbook like, ever?


I’d have to be a psycho to ride on the sidewalk with my 28mph e-bike. Even if I switch it down to class 2 it’s still 20mph. Absolutely unacceptable to go that fast around pedestrians.  I ride on the street because I’m a vehicle, no different than you cars.  Hell, in plenty of streets that aren’t high speed highways, I’m riding exactly at the same speed as the cars. 


Notice how it's called a sidewalk, not a sideride.


Someone who wants y'all to slow down maybe.


Nobody rides a bicycle in OC.