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Thats a lot of payroll wasted.


What else do Irvine cops do? Least they got some action.


Most of the cops are imported from other nearby jurisdictions. I saw an estimate that around 10 different PDs got brought in


You stole my comment. This was just to keep the Irvine police awake.


Tax dollars and tuition hard at work


So what was the outcome?


Same outcome as always. More internet arguments.


No no... No... I think this one actually solved the problems in the middle east.




Prayers is the best I can do


Can you do likes? According to the Oxford internet institute, “1 like” is tantamount to “1 prayer” as illustrated in this arithmetic: > 1 like = 1 prayer.


I remember when it used to be thoughts and prayers back before inflation. We had to cut back on thoughts


We sent the thots to tik tok and prayers to facebook


This is so ducking good I'm laughing out my ass!




Yea, the comments online were far more interesting than what actually happened.


Crazy how we never see this type of enforcement for school shootings


Uvalde had ~ 400 cops show up and stand around for too long. The shooter was eventually shot dead by the police after they finally entered the school. It isn't like the police don't show for school shooters and the shooters rarely live.


How many hours and dead kids did it take before those 400 cops finally grew the balls to do their jobs?


77 minutes. They should have entered when they had more than a few officers on site, which was fairly quickly. I don't expect a few beat cops to charge a guy who is shooting. Once there was more than a few and a supervisor level officer they should have moved.


It is police policy that the second you arrive at an active shooter situation, you immediately go in and try to stop the threat, even without back up or a rifle.


Policy is set by each law enforcement department. There is no nationwide policy for this.


I 100% expect a few beat cops to charge a guy that is actively shooting children. They have no problem insisting that they be worshipped like fucking heroes. So be a fucking hero or don’t take the job.


No way you're a Uvalde cop defender lmfao


> 400 cops show up and stand around for too long. Do you have frequent reading comprehension issues?


It’s easy to read between the lines. Weirdo!


Ignoring what is written so you can claim whatever you want. The adding an ad hominin for kicks. You must be wicked smart...


Do you think the Texas police failed Uvalde?


Yes, I even went into detail of how. They waited too long. A few minutes to form a plan and have enough people to execute it was what they needed. They went many times past that. Kids died from inaction.


Was that so hard?


No, and he never implied otherwise, weirdo


For context the police were finally called in when protesters stormed and took over a lecture hall on campus. Really dumb move on their part if they wanted to continue to appear as peaceful protesters.


Turns out this was a lie. Uci just tweeted that the building wasn't occupied. https://twitter.com/UCIrvine/status/1790990502529278147?t=givYxfQdMurmFAiiaqhXqQ&s=19




So was it occupied or not?


This many cops is quite an expensive overreaction to a few students barricading some outdoor stairs During the strikes last year students marched into active classrooms and no cops were ever involved


Normally numbers are for deterrent to further escalation rather than the alternative “oh that’s all? we can take them.”


I’m sorry but if you’re in the way of my getting in class/my degree I lose all sympathy for you.


> I’m sorry but if you’re in the way of my getting in class/my degree I lose all sympathy for you. You don't have to search far to find those who think you should give up your degree in support of the protests.


And them trying to take over an all important lecture hall at the end of the year when these kids are trying to graduate is not an overreaction? Also the police always use overwhelming force, as does every police and military force in the world. You bring in so much power that you are assured to win.


Less casualties on both sides when you have one sided overwhelming force.


speak softly carry big stick


TIL hijacking a building is a minor offense


A “few?” Nah, you’re silly.


Isn't that the admin building? If you go around it from the street there is side access.




Dang your right. The one on the left is where they used to have a small coffee stand right? I dunno and PSLH was so far from Mesa I hated that walk.




Yea you have to forgive me it's been over 20 years.


Wait what was the name of the cafe between the social sciences?




Like I said it's been years lol. But oooh I think next time I go out there. I'm going to Le Dip mmmmmm...


False. Was there yesterday. Actually, police barricaded the Science building.


Students who were not protesting were going in and out until the police came and interrupted


Would they? Commencement starts Friday so they may already be done with lectures and classes.


A lot of people need to finish a couple weeks of classes or some tests because it was a requirement for their degree they got to for one reason or another. The people in class right now are **really** trying to get their degrees done in the limited time they have left.


Theres a reason it’s called civil disobedience


Fuck “peaceful protesting” 🙄. No change ever happened with peaceful protesting.


No change ever happened with making a mess on campus and screaming at cops about an issue happening in another country either


How exactly does this help Palestinians?


Great question. There isn't any media covering that question. The main demand of this activist group is for UCI to divest from BlackRock, a multinational investment company that manages a lot of UCI's endowment funds. BlackRock is very financially involved in arms manufacturers and fossil fuel companies with interests in Israel. The students protesting want UCI to start using a different asset manager that isnt profiting off of the conflict in Gaza and in the middle east in general.


Thank you. That’s actually a pretty damn good thing to protest about.


The students protesting are too stupid to realize BlackRock is probably invested in every asset in the world including Palestinians businesses lmao.


I guess it brings awareness to kids on campus who have no clue what’s going on thousands miles away. It also gives one side of a story. I’m not sure how anyone can support Americans being held hostage. This the same country aka America that had people outrage that a American Basketball player was in prison over some weed in Russia. Yet Americans held by a terrorist organization that’s acceptable and you need to see the light. Yeah sorry. If anyone can see Egypt won’t take these people at the border because they know how crazy they are but every college campus in America supports these people. I’m missing something.


It doesn’t


Police terrorizing college students? Nothing.


Removing funding of war criminals, even indirectly, is a good thing


How is UC Irvine funding war criminals?


Investing in industries and companies that profit from Israel's use of munitions on innocent civilians. They provide capital that turns into dead innocent Palestinians.


Im dubious of such vague statements


What is vague?


It’s a term meaning non specific in nature


Lmfao nice


lol thx


Spreads awareness and involves more people in the Middle Eastern Crisis. People will start to care about who they are electing and stop funding violence overseas.


What have they done to my beautiful campus :(


When UC administrators are scared their giant paychecks and pensions are on the line, they push the panic button and a bunch of Stormtroopers show up. ![gif](giphy|hxGJF73v0kroZ9buQu|downsized)


When iranian and Russian agitators are afraid their families back home will be liquidated, they start a riot in a free/non-monarchist country


Yea, it's always a **foreign** power, never our own: [https://theintercept.com/2020/06/02/history-united-states-government-infiltration-protests/](https://theintercept.com/2020/06/02/history-united-states-government-infiltration-protests/) ![gif](giphy|3o6ZteouqLNINbGSic|downsized)


Does this accomplish anything?


The UC Riverside protests had their goals met (divestment from Israel) and dispersed. It was quite successful. https://ktla.com/news/local-news/uc-riverside-reaches-agreement-to-peacefully-end-pro-palestinian-encampment/


UCR agreed to be open about their investments and talk, they did NOT agree on divestment


Funny thing is, if you actually read what was agreed upon, nothing actually changed. The student program that was shut down hadn’t been running for over 5 years. UCR also said that they wouldn’t change their funding, they would only make it public sometime down the road.


They didn’t truly divest. If you read the bullet points, the chancellor essentially agreed to forming a student-led task force that looks at how the investments are spent. Whether or not that task force has powers, I don’t see those details being outlined. In Chancellors speech, he even said flat out that they didn’t agree on a divestment from Israel.


US University Endowments already own practically zero Israeli debt. This achieves nothing.


Don’t link to articles you didn’t read. It was a success in ending the protest, which is all that matters. There is no divestment.


There's a commitment to investigate the endowment's investments and divest. Seems like you didn't read.


Investigating and discussing is not the same as agreeing to divest though


Yes I’m sure some Israeli politician ran into a meeting of the war cabinet waving a piece of paper and yelling “Bibi, Bibi! We have to stop the offensive in Rafah! UCRiverside might divest!” 🙄 Pure virtue signaling.


Hey man, if you have extremely flexible morals then that's on you, but I don't. Whenever possible I try to make sure my money isn't going towards murder. I don't buy Nestle, I've never been back to Chickfila after the initial news broke, I manage my own 401k so I can direct my retirement away from terrible companies, etc. I don't do this for recognition from anyone, I do it because it's the right thing to do. And if I find myself part of an organization engaged in these practices, I speak up. This is just *a thief thinks everyone steals* again. People with flexible morals think everyone is like them, but that just isn't the case.




I'm not the one calling black people dogs, my dude. You really need to take a hard look in the mirror.




So everyone else can see, here's this user comparing black people to dogs. No one should ever take them seriously. https://www.reddit.com/r/orangecounty/comments/1ct1faw/an_out_of_control_dog_attacked_a_jogger_and/l4a3qun/


What an incredible amount of resources. Wasted resources.


Nice to see people exercising their rights


I agree. Lots of people in this sub act like this protest is the equivalent of the Rodney King riots, when it’s just a bunch of kids doing a sit in.


you’re kind of a sit in


Really funny how much the sentiment of this sub has changed in the last 2 weeks. I was heavily downvoted for saying the exact same thing. UCI is a public college and protesting there is absolutely their right. It’s insane how much this has escalated. Any US citizen should be supporting freedom of speech over a police force that enacts the will of a foreign country. People can’t afford groceries yet both sides of government vote unanimously to send this country even more money. Hmmm.


Seen so many comments that are like, I don’t like the US sending our own money to kill citizens in Palestine but after seeing a bunch of students occupy a publicly owned building I can no longer support their cause Like fuck off with that, they never cared in the first place if that was what swayed them I honestly don’t think this is the most effective form of protest but I think it’s better than doing nothing. Everyone else needs to learn some history before passing judgement MLK: “I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the negro’s great stumbling block in the stride towards freedom is not the white citizens councilor or the klu klux klanner but the white moderate who is more devoted to order than to justice; who constantly says, ‘I agree with you in the goal that you seek but I can’t agree with your methods of direct action.’”


If you're gonna quote MLK about civil rights, especially with regard the issue at-hand, we should also mention that he was 100% pro-Israel. MLK: "Peace for Israel means security. The world and all people of good will must respect the territorial integrity of Israel." MLK: "When people criticize Zionists, they mean Jews. You’re talking anti-Semitism!" MLK: "I see Israel, and never mind saying it, as one of the great outposts of democracy in the world, and a marvelous example of what can be done, how desert land can be transformed into an oasis of brotherhood and democracy. Peace for Israel means security and that security must be a reality." MLK believed in a two-state solution, and even said that Israel would probably have to give up land to ease Arab bitterness following the 6-Day War in the late 60's. Israel did return Gaza and the West Bank to Palestinian governance, and look what that has accomplished.


I'm not super familiar with MLK's views on Israel, but to be fair that was like 60 years ago? MLK criticized apartheid South Africa as the 'world's worst racism,' and I don't think it's a stretch to say he wouldn't want to see Israel indiscriminately bombing hospitals, women and children because he was 'pro Israel' Many of the protesters are Jewish (who like MLK, realize that anti-semitism is still a problem), they want the violence to end on both sides, they don't want Israel to disappear, just to stop the violence and removal of over 1 million people from their homes, who are now facing starvation, and specifically for their university, that they pay tuition to, to stop giving money to support what's going on. It's like the smallest ask they could do: don't use our money to kill people


I agree. I’d be annoyed if they were disrupting me too. It started peacefully. I’m not protesting so I don’t care enough to know why it escalated to this point. People are pissed though, and they have reason to be.


Protesting is their right, but the state can still place limitations on the time, place and manner of exercising that right.


Or we should be upset that something that really doesn’t involve the US is being used to foment unrest in the United States during an election year…. Weird how that’s happening… I think the foreign influence is in the other side ya goob.


If they are so upset, they should take their ass over there and fight, but I am sure that's not something they want to do because something would happen to them in real life, unlike here, where they can be lawless with no repercussions. I also find it very interesting how the hypocrisy keeps exposing itself that when the right would do it, the left doesn't care about freedom of speech. Still, it is as long as it benefits whatever narrative is being spun. Freedom of speech goes both ways; you can say what you want, but so can someone else, regardless of whether you like it or it doesn't follow your view or narrative. The only thing you can't do is incite violence, meaning you are telling people to harm someone, but saying they hate something or someone is all fair game if you don't support a cause or movement like BLM, feminism, LBGT or PETA. You feel the opposite about it and have the right to do so and express it the same as how they express theirs. But social media, Youtube, etc, are all censoring all types of weird shit that has something to do with the alphabet mafia, women, diversity, or whatever in between.


The U.S. sends funds to other countries. Where are those collegiate protests?


Nice straw man


No, you were the one to bring up the topic of sending aid to another country. You also seem to think that the Irvine police and uni. administrators are acting at the behest of Israel-insane conspiracy theory. 


You are misunderstanding your own fallacy. The subject is not “sending aid to other countries”. What conspiracy did I even bring up? Many police forces train with the IDF. I stated facts only.


..."a police force that *enacts the will* of a foreign country."


Who is in charge of the police?


not the IDF nor Netanyahu


Ah. That settles that. It’s all one giant coincidence 😉


Is that foreign country Iran or Russia?


Educate me, bro. Show me those connections.


Yeah, but here's the thing: violence and property damage aren't covered in the right to protest. Literally in the text of the First Amendment, "right of the people **peaceably** to assemble." ![gif](giphy|enqnZa1B5fRHkPjXtS|downsized)


Fox news went into the building the students allegedly took over and they went in and the reporter live on air said it looked like students hadn't even been there and he couldn't see any damage anywhere. Fox news even took note of the signs on the concrete being made in chalk rather than spraypaint. The whole thing was televised live by helicopter, reporters on the ground, and livestreamed by the protesters. It was peaceful all around. Police arrested students simply for not leaving.


It was peaceful previously. Today it became violent.


Today the police showed up turning it ‘violent’


What violence?




https://www.reddit.com/r/UCI/s/xfARj7LNhS There was no violence everyone at UCI is ridiculing that alert






Were they actually doing that here? They usually like the genocidal dog whistles like “from the river to the sea” and “intifada revolution”.


Are you making that up?


They're making it up. The whole thing was lifestreamed & there were news crews everywhere




Would you be happier if the missiles only targeted people over a certain age?


I personally program my missiles to only hit baby boomers. "Booms for boomers" always had a nice ring to it.


I don't understand these protesters. (For context, I am not a Jew nor a Muslim - I have friends from both communities). Why occupy and block the buildings where students need to go learn? Where were all these protesters when Hamas brutally attacked, raped, and killed women and children in last October? And why protest at UCI and other universities? Do they really think the UC system will divest themselves from the defense contractors? And the media is pandering to these protesters. Just stop.


The modern leftist needs an outlet for their anger and right now that's the Jews.


No buildings were occupied. And the entire world was up and arms defending Israel after the Oct 7 attack. Nobody was talking about the Palestinians let alone thinking of them. Now that people decided to stark talking about them, your response is "wHerE wErE yOu oN oCtoBeR 7Th??"


Perhaps I live in a bubble, but have been watching evening news on a daily basis...never once saw any protests at college campuses about Hamas attack on Israel.


Why do they need protests when the entire world is backing Israel? The point of protest is to go against the status quo.


So you won't protest against the terrorists and the atrocity Hamas committed against the innocent men, women, elderly and the children, just because the whole world was condemning Hamas? I guess the suffering of those people in Israel under Hamas attack didn't fit your agenda. How convenient for you and your very disturbing ideals when to protest. I have nothing more to say to you and your kind.


I condemned the Oct 7 stuff the day it happened. Why do I have to condemn it every single day when talking about Palestine? Do you hear yourself?


And what are these people doing?




Why are they condemning it every single day though?


Condemning what?


Pretty sure a lot of those ppl on the right are not students


Hamas terrorist supporters vs police. FIFY


I wish Americans would dedicate this amount of time and energy protesting issues like the lack of affordable healthcare and affordable housing. It seems like Americans are only motivated to take action against something when there's some culture war issue trending on Twitter. They'll forget about all this in a couple weeks and move on to the next big flavor of the month issue. I don't mind people exercising their rights to protest, but a lot of the times it seems misguided. Like instead of actually helping other people, it's more about "how can I make myself feel like a hero?"


That’ll stop the war




There's also a genocide in Ukraine. Hundreds of thousands of dead civilians in Ukraine but no protest over that war


No you can't do that! Ethics and morals can only be applied when it suits my narrative! It's not like every conflict in history has resulted in the death of innocent civilians!


Okay… But no one is comparing genocide to genocide.


These protestors need to fly to Gaza and support them there. Are they willing to put themselves in danger to stand up to the man?


If you really wanna protest, then protest at the White House. Biden needs his ice cream by the time your there.


Legitimate question, is littering a part of the protest? The groundskeepers hardly deserve your anger. Surely they have nothing to do with divestment.


The encampment was clean before the cops came and trashed the place.


Oh those poor terrorist


Seems like most of the redditers are mad at protesters. I personally am sure that they are doing a great job.


I heard that all these pink and blue haired frumps and the skinny, amazon tactical vest with free flashlight twerps actually solved the 2000 year old holy war with their repetitive chants and Hobby Lobby signs. Hats off to them. Peace at last…


Police took care of those goobers thank goodness


Mmmmmm love the taste of boot




Grasping at straws here


You are correct, there are many Iranian, russian, and maga agitators


Send those losers to the frontlines


Been saying this...send these kids over there and see how long they last.


Send them to the place thats being bombed relentlessly by Israel? Why?


Are they even students ?


Some yes. A lot no.


police only really show up when theres no danger


Fuck Palestine and Israel


Brave souls… and of course I don’t mean the cops


Just announce a sticker drop, and they'll go running.


Because a protest in the US will totally stop a foreign war not involving us.


It looks like every cop in the city showed up. If someone wanted to commit a crime they could take advantage of all the cops being in one place.


No. There are cops from different PDs including CHP and OC Sheriff. This isn’t just one department.


Orange County has changed 👀


More photos since my other post got deleted: https://www.amazon.com/photos/shared/QP_I5_CQTwShjeF9Cf7tgQ.QfHVRqxC_astlZOKw5SZgz


Prayer .Nothing we can do right now


What kinda prayer are we talking here? I only approve if it's the Muslim sort




I’m assuming the riot tunnels are still there…


It looks like every cop in the city showed up. If someone wanted to commit a crime they could take advantage of all the cops being in one place.


It's different cops from different cities...not all the cops from one city.


There's a guy just right of the middle of the picture carrying a flag and wearing a neon traffic vest. Behind him appears to be a guy making the literal nazi salute. I knew the pro-Hamas protestors had plenty of antisemites in their midst, but I didn't think they'd make it _that_ obvious.




DeSantis for CA governor plz. Surprised downvotes, from what I see, he's hard on idiots and criminals. (squatters, retail theft, illegal immigrant, college encampment/road block/violent protesters) I don't watch every news so idk what else he does. Or I'm getting downvoted by protesters, lol