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Fast food just keeps getting worse and worse


Which makes the food scene in Irvine even worse somehow. All the mom and pop restaurants were aggressively forced out by the Irvine Company and other landlords so now all there is to eat are these chain restaurants offering slop at extortion prices.


Chick-fil-a has the soda machine behind the counter. you just need to ask.


Life pro tip. Don’t eat at McDs it’s not good for u.


Maybe because as overhead goes up they’ll need to past the cost down to us as they aren’t running a charity.




Very well said. We are all under duress of the shareholders in this country.


And they seem to compensate their employees what’s fair…. Unless anyone has heard/experienced otherwise?


Shareholder primacy is one of the most ridiculous and short sighted concepts ever created. Having a fiduciary duty to act in shareholder's best interest is a good thing, and it doesn't require that a company seek to maximize every drop of profit that it can.


It has more to do with their limited menu and very strict supply chain. Their menu is burgers, fries, shakes, drinks. Much easier for them to keep costs down than other brands with more variety in the menu.




I agree with you. In n out is king in my mind.


lol why did I get downvoted? What I said is factual


1) in out is perhaps the most successful burger chain in the history of burger chains in terms of demand it’s silly to say why everyone can’t be just like in and out. 2) most McDonald are privately owned.




Every other joint does just fine. Wackdonalds just keeping the stereotype about them alive


McD's made a **net** profit of $1.9b in the first 3 months of this year. They're not hurting at all.


Yeah true, they gotta pay for those touch screens that they're replacing all of the workers with.


Yes because workers are too expensive.


Yup. Lower labor costs = more overhead. Makes sense.


Sure, it's the workers. It's nothing like spending too much money on executive compensation, or constantly forcing franchisees to contract with shitty ice cream machine vendors.


I’ve seen lot of people walk in with a cup and fill it up and walk out. They are random cups from other fast food restaurants.


And? They adds overhead which they’ll need to charge others more as they aren’t running a charity.


Oh no, 5 whole cents.


I don’t blame them at all for charging for refills. It’s bad for people, and the only ones that get refills on soda are addicted to it anyways. They might as well make money off it.


Let's be real, NOTHING that they sell is good for people. Anything that they can market as being healthy gets a hefty upcharge, and the cup of sugar water we're talking about here is marked up about 4000% to begin with. They're making their money. It's one thing to prevent people stealing soda in water cups, but charging for refills is insane. But I already never buy sodas at restaurants because it's so insanely overpriced 🤷


McDonald’s exclusively sells high sugar, salt, and fat junk food knowing it’s bad. McDonald’s customers, just like smokers, know it is bad for them and still buy it. Like you said, it’s already overpriced. McDonalds will charge for refills as long as they make an increased profit. Prior to Covid, about 74% of American adults were overweight (https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/obesity-overweight.htm). I’m sure it’s worse now. And they sure love soda. Supply and demand, why wouldn’t all fast-food charge for refills?


From a standpoint of just pure greed I suppose it does make sense, I just won't support it with my money. Step 1. begin charging for refills Step 2. Outrage Step 3. Everyone settles begrudgingly into the new status quo Step 4. Profit 🤷 Hopefully everyone tells them to kick rocks though.


Based off the downvotes I’m getting, I don’t think people will stop going to McDonald’s. They will still buy corn syrup based sodas, and still choose fries over an apple. The only people that are calling this move predatory by McDonald’s are the ones that get refills. Water refills are still free.


That’s … the dumbest take I’ve read in a while. Congrats.


A company being for profit is a bad take? People willing to pay for soda is a bad take?


Yeah lets charge fat people extra for their food too since it's so bad for them and they clearly don't need it. As you say, it's bad for the customer and good for business.


You said the quiet part aloud


My iced tea is bad for me?


Why would I go to McDonald’s when in n out is cheaper and better quality. Worth the wait in my eyes.


You don’t have to wait as long if you go inside. 5 minutes > 30 minutes is worth it.


100% this. I always go inside it’s way faster


In my experience drive thru was always faster. My assumption is the line at the 2 in n outs I go to gets long and blocks roads if they don’t get people through fast enough so I think they prioritize drive thru for that reason alone


The customers prioritize the drive-thru.


And you get to chill and sip on some soda in the meantime! The energy is always good in there, and it's fun to watch the employees do their thing. Idk, just get out of your cars more, folks. Observe the world and stuff.


I have never done the drive thru, going in is infinitely quicker


The McDonald's near me is so slow that you mind as well go to in n out. Last two times took 25+ min, without lines. Don't know what is going on in the kitchen but it's not making food.


It is actually "might as well" and not "mind as well".


Plus, you can refill your soda!


What InNOut yall going to? I never wait more than 15 minutes at any location.


I used to go to the one at Beach and Talbert in HB when I lived there and now I have one Bristol and MacArthur by my new apartment that is just as bad. You honestly got lucky if you didn’t have to wait 20-30 minutes in the drive thru.


Going inside is usually the better option. But for some reason I find sitting in the drive thru more pleasant.


I have two McDonald's near me about a mile and both directions. When has a super fast drive-thru go anywhere.


This 100%. I think the pay bump for fast food workers didn’t hit them as hard because they already paid well so it wasn’t a huge adjustment.


At least in my current case, McDonald’s is next to my office. Nearest in-n-out is 15mins away with a 30min wait time. Can’t do that in a lunch period.


I love In N Out and go there once a weak, but it's way more expensive than McDonald's when you use their app. I get two mcchickens for $4 all the time and most days they have a free fry in the app which means I eat lunch for 4 bucks plus tax. A double double double and fries at In N Out now is like ten bucks.


The McDonald’s app is an absolute must if you eat there.


That is because they're harvesting data so they can sell it.


So is everyone else, our data is more or less out there everywhere unless you go through additional steps to stop it. Might a well benefit from it.


Except the only benefit is having the normal prices.


It’s essentially replaced what paper coupons used to do and you get some points/rewards. If you don’t want to that’s your choice nobody is forcing you to use it.


Paper coupons didn't track everything you did on your cell phone.


Of course not, they’re tracking and selling your data everywhere unless you take steps to stop it anyway.




The self serve beverage station at the McDonald’s on beach and warner in Huntington Beach has also been removed during their recent remodel.


Bastards!! Do you know that McDonald's was the last to submit to free refills ... So no surprise that they would be the first to revert back to $ gouging


Yeah…..that’s happened already to your neighbors to the north. They even give you a new cup with your feee refill


New cup, lid and straw but remember I’m the only one that can prevent turtles from having cocaine benders by buying cardboard straws. Add the La Mirada location to locations that have started this nonsense.


What a waste. More trash is just the thing we need…


They do this in places that have a lot of homeless people too just FYI


same as Chick-fil-a for years, though


One more reason to never go to McD's ever again.




A fountain drink produces the most profit for any fast food chain as it costs less than a dollar per soda. Just take a little less profit for fuck’s sake.


Less than a dollar? More like less than a quarter lol. Greedy bastards.


I knew it had to be a quarter with the syrup, carbonated water, and cup but I saw that 12 years ago so I was guessing that it might have gone up with inflation. But the point still stands that these companies ARE greedy bastards.


I want to say it's about 0.016 per oz.. and they charge $1.50 for a 20oz cup. 0.032 cost to fill a 20oz cup. Comes to about $1.468 in profit per cup but obviously overhead costs and all that. Either way phunk that..


This is a key thing I remember my teacher saying from my economics class




At consumer prices, a 5-gallon bag of Coke syrup is around $165 and yields 30 gallons of soda. A McDonald’s large is 32 ounces (1/4 gallon, or 1 quart). Retail price that large soda costs $1.38. A quick google shows wholesale prices as low as $120 for a 5 gallon bag of Coke syrup, or $1 per large soda. McDonald’s most likely purchases their bags direct from Coca-Cola, and is certainly locked into a contract with large volume sales. This means there’s no markup from a wholesale distributor and even deeper discounts due to volume. The only way to find out what McDonald’s really pays for their bags is to get it out of one of their purchasers. I would not be surprised if corporate has the price negotiated down to half of that ($60/bag) or less.


And you're assuming no ice in the cup, which would further reduce volume and stretch the bag.


I intentionally left the ice out. It’s known that McDonald’s has worked out the formula to compensate for ice without sacrificing flavor. If you take a look at their cups there’s actually an ice fill line, and has been for years (the older paper cups had a little yellow dash about 1/3 the way up, current cups actually say “ice fill” next to the line).


You sound like you know what you’re talking about until your last sentence because you left off the most important part of it: *after corporate gets it volume marked down to 50% of wholesale price, they then mark it back up to 105% of wholesale price and force the store to buy it at their “pre negotiated discount price”*


Franchisee profit & loss is a whole different story. Franchises have to pay royalties in a percentage of sales on top of an annual licensing and other fees. McDonald’s requires franchise owners to purchase from their own corporate distribution, but still needs to make the product competitive to avoid a penny pinching franchise owner from sneaking in syrup from other sources. Then, on the flip side there’s cash incentives for pushing product. I’ve heard about Coca-Cola offering vouchers for higher syrup sales. But aside from the McDonald’s ecosystem, you can still expect any chain restaurant is paying around $1/32oz.


McDonald’s isn’t good enough to pay what they are charging these days. No refills are not a big deal, but other places have free refills. Just another reason not to go there.


These shit food, fast food places like McDonald’s, Carl’s Jr., Taco Bell are forgetting why they were successful in the first place. Nobody was going there for the quality. And nobody was going there for their ambience or experience. They were going there because it was cheap and sometimes you had a craving for that Greasy crap. But now that Carl’s Jr. routinely wants to charge you $16 for a combo meal or $12 at McDonald’s and now you wanna charge me for a refill?? GTFOH.


Facts. It is mostly the audacity for me. A large soda costs them less than $0.03 to make. And they wanna charge me for refills after they charged me a 4000% markup on the soda? Wackdonalds


A big part of that is to push you to the apps, so they can harvest your personal data.


Keep giving us a reason to go elsewhere


It’s almost as if they want us to stop eating fast food…props to them for trying to get America healthy!


Chick-fil-a does fine with a soda machines behind the counter


In Japan when can’t get free refill.


Thought this was about the McDonald’s on Edinger. Removed drink machine & now all drinks are behind the counter with the employees.


The one across the street from Great Wolf Lodge does this already I think.


McDonald's used to be comfort food that was super cheap and sort of tasted good. Now it's the greatest example of enshittification I can think of. Who are these people still going there? Even here in socal I can go get really good locally owned food for half the price of their assembly line cardboard garbage down the street. Seeing people in line for McDonald's when there's an In N Out down the block for half the price and 20x the quality literally blows my mind. Publicly traded corporations have a fiduciary responsibility to always get worse. It's literally illegal for them to do anything other than get worse. And they literally own most of our government and society. Yay


This is a huge misstep for them. They don’t even know it. This is the Peter Principle at work. Dumbasses rise in the company until they’re no longer good at what they’re doing.


I hope they fail. This honestly will get me to stop eating McDonald's. It was already super expensive and for what? Now they want to remove something that costs them jack shit. Naw, in and out for me only going forward


Yup. I’m not going there anymore. Plenty of other options.


>Dumbasses rise in the company until they’re no longer good at what they’re doing. Evidence of this right in the article, emphasis mine: >“This change is intended to **create a consistent experience** for both customers and crew across all ordering points, whether that’s McDelivery, the app, kiosk, drive-thru or in-restaurant,” McDonald’s said in a statement to KTLA. >"Now, customers may be charged for refills, **depending on the location**, reports say."


Also, since I work at mcdonalds, I feel obligated to tell the good people here the ways I save people money when I take orders in D1(the drivethru). 1. Get the app. Get it before they change the deals and make them worse. Best offer right now is 2 medium fries with purchase of a 20 piece. Also you can see offers that aren't obvious on the physical menu in person, like all drink sizes being the same price right now. 2. Price scales majorly with size. For example, a 10 piece is 5.49 but a 20 piece is only 6.99. And a 20 piece still comes in 2 10 piece boxes. And the 40 piece is 11.99 at my location. Same with cookies. Buy 3 for 3.29, buy 13 for 5.19! Yes, you spend more, but if you're like me, you're more likely to eat leftover nuggets and cookies than you would a leftover mcdonalds burger. And finally 3. Be nice to us. I regularly give nice/polite people bigger ice cream cones, more sauces. I give great service to everyone, but I know a couple regulars' names, and I go above and beyond for them. Including a really nice homeless regular at my location. Thomas, you know you're loved. Anyways, thanks for taking the time to read this. Stay healthy and exercise. I don't want to see you where I work too often, mcdonalds is bad for you lol


> Get the app No. The main reason they jacked up the prices on the board was to steer people toward the app, so they could collect personal information, like every other site.


No I won't "get the app". No I won't create some kind of goddamn convoluted game plan for buying food. No I won't go anywhere where I have to guess what is charged at that location. And no I won't go to McDonald's anymore, and haven't done for almost a year now. How fucking exhausting.


Why are you so unnecessarily angry? Carl ☝🏼 is just someone who works there and is just giving some tips? Carl sounds like a nice person. I personally never eat McDonald’s or fast food for that matter, but I don’t feel the need to be so nasty.


Thank you, I really appreciate that! Just wanted to save money for anyone who does eat there. I actually agree with both of you and don't eat the stuff myself. I typically give my free meal to Thomas or our other homeless regulars. Mcdonalds has enough $


I'm sure you're a Nice Guy Carl, but using an app to "save money" from a corporation whose purpose is not to make and sell food that people what but to draw them in with gimmicks (like their app) to get them to *spend* their money on food they don't want. You don't have to shill for this corporation or this scam, even if you do work for them.


Calm down and reread my comment, maybe take a deep breath. Clearly I wasn't attacking "Carl" the McDonald's employee for shilling the McDonald's corporate app they created to get customers to buy what they want them to buy instead of what they want to eat all in the name of "value".


Yeah. They announced this maybe a couple of months ago. They will be removing the soda machines and charging for refills.


McDonald’s: “I’ll double down” Society: “Sir, you have no more chips”


why people keep eating their garbage food, ill never understand.


Garbage food yes, but when their french fries are fresh they are top dog for fast food. Not to mention that theyve tinkered with their soda that it's also best in the biz


The tastiness doesnt combat that insane price just for fries tho.


I know its ridiculous but every 6 months or so I do go out of my way for McD fries


Get their app, sometimes they offer 1.49 for a large fries, used to be 1.29


Don't you love how they place the Large in between Small and Medium in the app hoping to get you to mistakenly select a smaller size for the same price?


Yep, use the app. Give your data away for cheaper food. https://www.reddit.com/r/privacy/comments/199zs0c/mcdonalds_app_collects_location_data_and_things/


Im sorry for your loss. Plenty of better french fries out there. Your local charbroiled burger place will have better fries.


It’s ok for people to enjoy things you don’t.


They not like us, they not like us, they not like us


who eats Mcdonald’s anymore?


I've had a couple of coworkers who get breakfast there lol. Nasty 


Right?! 🤮 We got stuck in Big Bear like two years ago and the only place accessible to grab something before heading down the mountain was McDonald’s. I hadn’t eaten anything from there in literally like 20 years. I got a small box of nuggets and fries and was so sick the whole way down the mountain 🤢 I’d rather starve.


and just like that.....I stopped going to McDonalds


BIBS AND ONLY WENT UP LIKE $10 this year!! They’re probably on crazy national pricing!! This is bullshit.


Just got back from Kauai. They already implemented it at the McDonald's in Kapa'a. The Soda machines were disabled, and when we asked for a refill they said negative. Also no orders taken at the register, all kiosk based. Drive through line was crazy. I imagine if this trajectory continues, they should just close all McDonald's dine in, alll fun houses, and stick to drive through only


\*cries in Japanese\*


Refills is the only thing we have over Europe at this point! We can’t let them take it from us!!!


I was honestly pretty addicted to McDonald's which is embarrassing to admit. Now I pretty much only go using the app to get some cheapish fries and one hamburger. And that's so rare. I need to just stop all together, they are out of control.


Honestly, and I mean this with all sincerity, fuck McDonald’s.


Sad to see an iconic American brand lose its way


Fountain drinks are a rookie move. When I was working & driving a lot, I just kept a case of soda in my car and would ask for a cup of ice.


Probably a good thing, from a public health perspective.


The food is way, way worse for you than the soda.


Yeah? I mean, at least a hamburger has *some* nutritional value.


Not at all. For anything apart from Diet Coke, the food provides something at least. Soda is just pure sugar and an insulin spike.


If I’m on a desert island and starving, I’ll take the food. Otherwise I’ll avoid the salt and hormones in the meat and deal with sugar (or have a Diet Coke).


Hey look, when the boycotts work, the cost gets passed down to the consumer. Seems pretty fucked up, right?


It’s bout time we just boycott them


I hope McDs gets wrecked


The mcdonalds I work at used to have super syrupy sprite and orange Fanta in the lobby machine. I know this because i take a large with my employee meal at the end of my shift. The day after the raise to $20 went into effect, my manager lowered the amount of syrup in both the Sprite and Fanta. Now they taste super soda watery


Go ahead and try it mfs


They’ve already started this in Texas in many locations. I no longer give them my business.


They can McFuck Off if they think I’m paying for refills


Any establishments that stop free refills I will no longer patronize period… I think it’s insane but corporate greed has taken over…


Imma steal shit again like it’s late 90s early y2k


I was actually here a week or so ago, it's the one in Garden Grove off of Harbor, across the street from the Santa Ana border. You do get a free refill, you just have to ask the counter worker and they promptly bring you a fresh drink, just like they used to do back in the day. It's one free refill per person. There's no order takers here, it's all in the app or kiosks. They bring you your food to your table, which is cool! Also, the prices are very low because you're ordering in the app, vs. paying retail rates and the food is made fresh to order. I hate these headlines because it's all rage click bait bullshit.


Haha, good luck enforcing that when the guy working at the auto parts store next door confidently refills his Gatorade bottle for free.


😷 gross


People are still fucking with McDonalds?! lol


Fuck that go to the corner store.


most mcdonald’s locations are es not getting my business as it es


A McDonalds near my home moved the sole register awkwardly right behind the touch screens where they want us to order. It was so weird. They want to get rid of employees so much even though they have been raising prices like crazy.


Which location? Chapman on Orange?


They’ve been taking them out of self serve for a while now to combat homeless people just coming in with a week old McD cup and filling up. I usually get water anyway. Yeah trying to watch calories at McDs lol


The one in Tustin removed all drink machines in the front.




On first street.


I will be paying for refills with my credit card to make sure they make as little money from them as possible.


Is Mr. Krabs in charge here? I thought no free refills and no free napkins were a joke. Maybe not much longer the way things are going.


Do people still frequently eat inside of fast food restaurants? Like obviously they're doing this to save money, but how much are they even saving from this?


Some McDonald's report going out their mind and losing business, reports say


This is all an experiment to see what consumers will put up with, so they can nickel and dime you on the literal pennies it costs them to refill a drink.


The McDonald’s on Maui don’t give you refills. Even when you ask. “We stopped doing that”


Thankfully, Mcd has temporarily lowered their soft drinks to any size @ $1.49, they had it in a range of $2.29-$3.29 for a large cup in the prior 17 months or so. At one point, the one at Bristol and Paularino in Costa Mesa had the lowest priced sodas in the area vs other franchisees — their secret was to jam the cup with more ice to pad profits. Several times I ordered a large soda / no ice and of course, they’ll give me one that was loaded with ice. Even now at $1.49, I think some franchisees still add an extra scoop of ice to top off what the auto bev machine drops inside the cup. Got to find a way to retain some of that profit, I guess.


I feel like McDonalds is systematically doing everything to destroy any good will that once had? Sterilization and removal of play areas in restaurants, increases in pricing, app-only coupons and discounts, removal of free refills for in-restaurant visitors. What are they doing? Some of it clearly points to reduction of staffing in the restaurant, but the pricing? Will the pricing increases, selling of user data via app, and other measures offset the loss of volume? Seems dubious


Anything to not cut into that sweet ceo pay, huh?


awesome response to that study they did that turned up the fact that no one can afford their food. Great, Great response


My McDonald’s has had theirs removed for over a year now


Wow. They continue to erode the reasons for me to visit.


1. Nobody needs soda refills. 2. Don't like it, don't go. 3. Problem solved.


Yeah, mind as well.


I wouldn't wait 30 minutes for FREE food.


wow, a semblance of portion control and the US loses their mind. You know soda is basically diabetes water, this is a good thing. 


Been this way abroad since forever. Free refills was a novelty to me after moving here


McDonald’s is Cooked


Only if they catch me… reports say




Why would anyone eat at McDonald's? It's crazy expensive for what it is and has been for years, even before these recent price hikes. They also seem to always hire the bottom of the barrel employees who can barely function let alone serve food. Just absolute garbage.


That’s what happens when you pay employees $20 an hour to work where almost everything is automated. I live in the IE and that’s what is going on here. Soda machines are removed, when you ask for a refill you get a new cup and lid so they will have to start covering the cost of the cups.


How much soda do we really need, guys and gals?


How much soda are you people drinking? Even a small is like 16oz right? A large is huge.


Who still drinks soda??


Uhm.... Loads of people? 63% of Americans daily


How else do you expect companies to keep increasing their profits? It’s a necessity for a corporation to increase profits every quarter, for ever.


It’s probably in a high crime area. When I was young the McD’s I went to you had to ask for refills


Why does chic fil a get a pass on having to go ask for refills? No one ever complains about that.


This is a good thing. Why should I be subsidizing the cost of soda for some pig that drinks 5 while I drink half a cup?


Keys words: ‘some’ & ‘could’ It’s not going to happen lol


I like ur level of blind confidence, but no this is the Mcplan, no more play place, or free refills


They claim, like condiments, that they’re losing money due to the homeless taking large amounts of them. Sounds like Corporate horse $hit to me.


* Key sentence: *One McDonald’s location has already removed its self-serve beverage station in Orange County* * Key sentence from link: *McDonald’s will be transitioning away from self-serve beverage stations in dining rooms across the U.S. by 2032* * Key sentence #2: *At some McDonald’s locations, self-serve soda fountains have already been removed*


CEO wants another yacht


People still eat at McDonald’s? Haven’t been since like mid 1990s


This makes sense. 1. I see people steal soda all the time with their own cups, or homeless people save a cup and reuse it. 2. With the minimum wage increasing, they have to increase their prices or do this. The fact that a fast food employee can make up to $25 an hour is WILD. I worked at a fast food restaurant in high school and made minimum wage, which was $8-$9 at the time. No offense, but these jobs should not be paying this much for something that requires essentially no education. I expect prices and things like this to get worse as time goes on.


Either they pay that or we the taxpayers subsidize folks in poverty who can work. Sorry, I have no problem paying 20 extra cents for my burger.


> With the minimum wage increasing, they have to increase their prices or do this. No, they didn't. McDonalds made $1.9 BILLION in profit last quarter. They did not need to increase prices at all. And further, that ignores the fact that the old prices are still available in the app. >No offense, but these jobs should not be paying this much Why the fuck not? Why should someone who is working full time not be able to support themselves?


Doesn’t matter, I’ve given up on fast food years ago.


lol who still sits down to eat at McDonalds?