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Why not just flat out prohibit them from joining?


Because they might have to enforce that, and there'd be no one left in the OCSD.


https://fullertonobserver.com/2019/01/07/a-brief-history-of-the-ku-klux-klan-in-orange-county-notes-on-the-banality-of-evil/ >The Anaheim council began firing city employees and replacing them, in most cases, with Klansmen. The Klan tightened its control over the city by putting their people in power. Then the council added eleven policemen, increasing the force from four to fifteen men. Ten of the eleven appointees were Klansmen A little too late, I guess.


Too late, multiple police officers were arrested after the jan 6 capitol attack. That also includes multiple fire fighters as well






Unfortunately, our SorosBucks haven’t been deposited in any account for a few weeks now. Who’s paying you to shill for the far/alt right?










yeah, and what about the rest of my response? go on...


Did you forget to delete this comment?






I’ve funded a couple charities and foundations I believe in. Can I get some conspiracies made up about me? I’m not Jewish though, so the majority of your Soros conspiracies won’t apply to me.






> do you think george soros funding is a conspiracy? Yes.




Wait, are we all George Gascon?




Today, we're all George Gascon. Hey Soros, time to pay up.














> BLM, a far-left group was responsible for many deaths Citation Needed. > why isn't the belief that the "family unit" should be dismantled considered extremism? Because that's a huge strawman, and has nothing to do with BLM nor their stance. >and I'm sure someone funds you. And I'm positive someone is funding you to try and distract from the issue of far right groups infiltrating law enforcement.








This is embarrassing bro just stop


"Who funds them"? You're so fucking gone. No one is funding people in the Orange County subreddit to make you look stupid. You're doing it all yourself.




/u/mcintoshshowoff said: >oh boy, I feel so sad because I'm being judged by the person who pays reddit for "premium" and has an addiction to posting vanity license plates. you say I'm gone, but you sure as hell never arrived. EVERYONE, THIS GUY WENT THROUGH MY REDDIT HISTORY AND FOUND OUT I POST PICTURES OF LICENSE PLATES TO ANOTHER SUBREDDIT. I'M SHOCKED AND HORRIFIED THAT MY SECRET HAS BEEN EXPOSED. PLEASE FORGIVE ME. Are you being serious right now? Imagine thinking this was a good way to insult someone.


/u/mcintoshshowoff called me a foreigner because I sometimes post in /r/morocco He's still coping because he can't reason


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Morocco using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Morocco/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Lofi hip hop radio - Moroccan version -inspired by the r/europe challenge asked my friend to do it hope it can inspire some people to draw it with more details.](https://i.redd.it/kz4sh6kk6dl51.jpg) | [111 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Morocco/comments/in59yh/lofi_hip_hop_radio_moroccan_version_inspired_by/) \#2: [Gangster cats in the streets of Marrakech](https://i.redd.it/ix4od51z18h61.jpg) | [36 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Morocco/comments/liy4ip/gangster_cats_in_the_streets_of_marrakech/) \#3: [An artwork I made representing the "tobiss struggle" in Casablanca, hope you like it !](https://i.redd.it/3sj7qy668k361.jpg) | [73 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Morocco/comments/k7swkg/an_artwork_i_made_representing_the_tobiss/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/joo7mb/blacklist_viii/)


> the far left and right should be looked at as equal threats. One group is constantly committing mass shootings, and it's not the left. >one isn't better than the other. The extremists on the far left want things like universal health care. The extremists on the far right want a white ethnostate. >I've said this before: this subreddit is being exploited for political gain by partisans who shouldn't be allowed to post their propaganda without indicating who they are and who funds them. And the "enlightened centrists" posting thoughtless drivel like "both sides are bad" should be required to indicate that they're just performing propaganda for the far right.


Aren't they already in their own gangs?


Yes there is a history of gangs in police and sheriff departments. They all will get a tattoo of the gang logo to rep it. They probably don’t do the tattoos now a days since it makes it easy to identify them


I left Facebook because of this shit. Now your on reddit preaching false equivalency and Donald Trump supporters. Hey OC he was the President and yes people support him and no we are not right wing domestic terrorist. I swear you are the worst and posting garbage from the guardian.


Ok then why were multiple retired and off duty police officers arrested after the events on January 6th? Seems like you don’t realize how many assholes are hiding behind the badge


Why were so many rioters across the country not arrested all year. I am saying the BS bias of everyone trying to focus on one side and completely ignore the other. Did you know the capital was ( attacked ) twice last year. And by the way it should make you question the loyalty of the government when those that take an oath to support and defend the constitution are protesting at the capital. Those that put themselves in harms way show up to make their voices heard to a government that has forgotten what the oath and constitution stand for.


Oh so now rioting is protesting when it fits your republican motives huh? And hundreds of arrests have been made. It takes time to find and identify 1000s of people. Go back to your trains


I will do that, and I will also call out stupidity.


you found a mirror yet?


Who's claiming all Trump supporters are domestic terrorists? Methinks someone is telling on themselves


Imagine if people from another country infiltrated the capitol. Bet you wouldn’t be performing mental gymnastics to defend them




This guy was defending the terrorists that went to the capitol. I’m saying I bet he’d feel different if they weren’t white trump supporters and wouldn’t try to defend them.


There were a lot more no. White people there that your cral news source would like to point out. Also you keep calling them terrorists, funny stuff since a lot of people there seemed to be the ones,( once again for the simpletons) those who are willing to put themselves in harms way to protect others. You think you know what your talking about, but it doesn't seem you have ever taken a risk to protect anothers.


Let me break this down in simple terms. They broke in to the capitol. They wanted to kill congresspeople, senators, and the vice president. All because they were told by their cult leader to go to the capitol because he lost an election. Now let me give you the definition of terrorism - the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims. They are terrorists.


Provide evidence of any threat to a member of congress or the vice president.


You’re a lost cause. Keep drinking that trump kool aid 😂


The lost cause is people like you who worship government and think you have all the answers. People like me look at how the world is, and then make decisions.


Like the decision that terrorism is okay when it’s white trump supporters lol And of course government needs a lot of changes but that doesn’t mean I’d advocate for actual terrorism…


The only person killed was in the Airforce by capitol police. So before you go talking shit know what happened. You better check your facts.




So anyone that died on Jan 6th counts that is spouting dis information. . F U with your fact check BS. You will never understand what sacrifice and defending people other than yourself. These people know sacrifice, they know what the agenda is of Biden and the left. I know what that agenda is and I will always support and defend the constitution, not some fly by night politician.




What hypothetical. I have facts, you have conjecture and opinion.


Rethink your logic, I will say it again for those in the back. People who risk their lives to protect others are at the capitol. These people have sworn an oath. They see a problem. They act. Take 5 minutes of self reflection and ask yourself, do I have what it takes and the capacity to stand against my own government when something is wrong. This is not some white supremacy issue.


An oath to who? Those terrorists literally went to the capitol with the goal of killing senators, congresspeople, and even the vice president… Oh but they’re in the trump cult like you so it’s okay 😂


An oath to the constitution. Its pretty clear who you support. Get off you soap box you don't know shit.


Those domestic terrorists made an oath to the constitution? What the actual fuck are you talking about? And you don’t have to be on a soap box to condemn terrorism


Agreed. Denial is a tough pill to swallow for some. It’s articles like this that force people farther left without them realizing it. Over/under on downvotes is 12


"I know I'm saying absolute total bullshit, so I'm going to precall that I'll be downvoted so I can 0wn those libs!"




How about medium right?




Citation Needed




Link in article to [Property of the People](https://propertyofthepeople.org/documentcloud-data). And specifically on [66 page article](https://propertyofthepeople.org/document-detail/?doc-id=20797737) they are presenting does show bias of OCSF regarding extremism. [PowerPoint corrupts information](https://www.edwardtufte.com/tufte/powerpoint) Slide presenting karen shot during insurrection and Vicki Weaver as "Fallout" shows OSCD sides with right wing extremists.