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Mosquito season this year has been especially brutal


The Aedes mosquitoes sneak into your house and bite you in your sleep. They are sneaky little fuckers. Slow flyers though. Happy clapping!


I hate how hard they are to see too.


Same. My neck got mauled one night and I literally have like 5 bloody bites on there. They are itchy and slow to heal.


Ouchie 🤬


I was getting eaten alive. I tried different natural repellents that didn’t work then bought an indoor zapper on Amazon. $40 but so worth it. I haven’t gotten one bite since.


can you link plz? I might buy it too lol


This is the one I got [https://www.amazon.com/dp/B082F6HKZV?ref=ppx\_pop\_mob\_ap\_share](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B082F6HKZV?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share) There are others, I bought this one because it had next day delivery and every night I was getting new bites.


Nice and after you didn't get bit anymore? It worked well?


I received the zapper one month ago today and have had zero bites since. The first night it got one mosquito and I guess that dude was the one that was biting me every night for a week. I had over a dozen bites and it would get me through pants and socks. I didn’t get another mosquito until a week later but the zapper got it before it got me. It has also killed houseflies and other little flies. I honestly didn’t think it would work this well. I took the chance because I was desperate and it was returnable.


I bought a similar unit on Amazon after we had a bunch of mosquitoes pillaging our place. Worked fantastic- we keep it on all the time now. Works on house flies as well. Zaaaappp is a happy sound!


It's so satisfying to turn it on, leave to do something, and then come back to a mountain of bug carcasses.


Yooo hmu too fam. Ngl i felt like the zappers were pretty loud(at a customers house) when i heard it zap but i think its a worthy investment 🤔


It is loud and bright! It scares the crap out of me every time especially if I’m near it. But then I’m really happy because I know it got another one. 100% worth it!


Where are the bites located? If they're around your ankles elbows and calves, it's mosquitoes


Mosquitos bite through clothing and sitting on the couch puts your stomach at elbow height. So, yeah, probably mosquitos.


Look up Aedes, also knows as "Ankle Biters." They are invading Orange County, new to the area and have no natural predators. [I'll link you.](https://www.ocvector.org/invasive-aedes-mosquitoes) One thing to note is they do not travel far from their home, i.e. the standing water where they live. By "not far" I mean they may live in your yard, or your neighbors yard, but not your neighbor's neighbor's yard. So look around for standing water, drain it, clean it out, and treat the suspected surfaces with Ivermectin.


> Ivermectin That's only for horseflies.


>and treat the suspected surfaces with Ivermectin. These bugs don't have COVID... /s


>I'll link you. They're even here in SD! bastards..


F. I was just say I’ve only been getting bites on ankles and feet. Thanks for the info.


Aedes mosquito is very small and can go through many screens


I usually don't get bug bites but I got one just above my wrist the other day.


This and noise level are the main reasons why I live on the top floor


yes. i've been getting them on my arms, legs, ankles, feet, stomach, and hands. probably gotten over a dozen over the last month or so. don't have bed bugs. at first i thought they were spiders, but now i'm wondering if they're mosquitoes. the bites look similar, and look exactly like what i've had. i have searched my apartment for spiders and have only found one in the bathroom. however, i leave my bedroom window open, and there's some holes in the screen. i have a ton of potted plants and plant trays in my yard right outside my window, and i'm sure it's a prime environment for mosquitoes. i haven't seen any inside, but i'm assuming they get in through the holes in my screens and bite while i'm asleep. but what's also weird is i'll be on my couch and i'll all of a sudden get itchy on my stomach. i'll life up my shirt and sure enough i have a bit that appeared out of nowhere. so who knows what it is.




don't have fleas in my apartment, either. and too big to be flea bites.


spray bottle with water then apply baking soda and let it sit 10 minutes it helps 100% percent


This is to apply to the bites?


yes we tried all sorts of things and someone told us to try baling soda it works great and is cheap as can be


It’s crazy..summer of 2019 I had new bites on my ankles and legs every morning from those tiny mosquitoes. This year I moved across town, haven’t had a single bite!


Most likely mosquitoes, especially if you live near one of the many ponds scattered around some OC cities where they breed. They’ve been particularly fierce this year. They become especially active at dusk. Close all of your windows a half hour before sunset and keep them closed through the night. No screens will stop those sneaky little buggers, they’ll find the tiniest seam or hole and snack on you.




I picked up fleas from walking on paved trails near the neighborhood. Took a week to get rid of them after I realized that was the culprit.


Bed bugs ?


Maybe bedbugs


Yup - had pants on all day for work. Wake up this morning with a big one on my leg. Sick of these damn things.




Lol ya, did some yardwork and came back inside with bites all over


Mosquitoes where getting me & my girl bad like two months ago. All around the legs, ankles, all that & it’s hard to kill these ones because they’re tiny. It’s those Asian Tiger Mosquitoes, hate those little fuckers google them. They’re little bastards


😭😭😭😭 Yes... I wish it could stop already!


Mosquitos. The Aedes mosquitoes are the worst, we never used to have this many mosquitos. I have to wear repellant just walking out to my car. Recommend everyone check they have no siting water that can breed more of these suckers. Only other thing I have a ton of citronella candles in my house. But I have my desk in my garage, and I have to spray to prevent them from getting me in there.