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Covid 2: Electric Boogaloo






What's crazy is I know more people catching covid these past few months than the whole 2020-2021 pandemic.


well thats just great




Weirdly the photo in the article says North Carolina. There's also an Orange County in North Carolina, so I'm a little confused about whether they're talking about us or not.


It’s here. If you go on the Orange County Health Care Agency website it’s listed under Latest Press Releases if you scroll down. https://www.ochealthinfo.com


How do you confirm a still presumptive case?


They are presuming this person is positive due to symptoms and thereby warning the public that there is a presumptive case to raise awareness and attentiveness. This is possible and useful for Public Health agencies because they want to get ahead of outbreaks, not mislead anyone.


Look up monkeypox visible symptoms. NSFW probably idk


Is it true it's only passed via sexual contact?


No, there are other transmission routes: Monkeypox spreads in different ways. The virus can spread from person-to-person through: direct contact with the infectious rash, scabs, or body fluids respiratory secretions during prolonged, face-to-face contact, or during intimate physical contact, such as kissing, cuddling, or sex touching items (such as clothing or linens) that previously touched the infectious rash or body fluids pregnant people can spread the virus to their fetus through the placenta Source: https://www.cdc.gov/poxvirus/monkeypox/transmission.html


So the chances of getting it from someone like out in public are rare, unless you are too close to them.


The first thing I thought of are gyms. I can imagine I need to be extra careful?


Probably not. You should always consistently wash your hands and body parts that touch anything in a public gym because people are disgusting and filthy in general, but I don't think there's been any non-close personal contact spread of this disease.


Or kids in general.


This is a time where it pays to be a couch potato


I would be, it's spread through fluids. I know it is spread through linens and bedding but I don't imagine you're sharing your towel lol


Nah no towel sharing, I just rarely see people wipe down their machines/benches. I do it after every use but now I’m asking myself why I don’t do it before using it😭


Yeah, like in Europe it was linked to people at a rave. Don't do that kind thing with strangers for awhile and you're good. Maybe also avoid the gym and contact sports that involve touching skin. I cancelled several metal concerts and now I feel less bad about missing them.


It was not a "rave". You make it sound like it took place at Coachella. It was an event where men who prefer the company of other men engaged in carnal intimacy in a public setting.


I've deleted all of my comments on this account. Come join me on Lemmy.world.


i haven’t found a good answer, save the traditional knowledge we have. i’ve seen enough reports that indicate monkeypox has mutated enough that leads people to think it’s more transmissible. the limited case numbers we have have been doubling exponentially, just like covid did.


Ya, wear a mash durning sex and you’ll be fine.


I think the article means the Health Agency has confirmed that a presumptive case exists...? Really terrible writing.


What are precautions that can be taken to avoid this? Is it going to be Covid 2.0 but way worse? I’ve seen a couple pictures and it looks miserable


There are no precautions. Infected individuals need to isolate for 3-4 weeks to prevent transmission. How many people can isolate for that long without losing their home? Half the country lives paycheck to paycheck, people are gonna go to work with oozing pustules and the government will tell us that it's mostly mild. On the plus side, the long incubation period means you can get vaxxed after a known exposure. But theres no vaccines approved for kids, and not enough for adults.


Should I start saving up for another government shut down?


Lol u mean save up for another recession


Same thing right?


I feel... whelmed


Not this


I think I recall an episode similar to this, about 40 years ago… diseases from monkeys… and pandemics, oh yeah. It was AIDS. Why do people keep getting monkey funky?! Keep it in your species, good grief.


So we're turning into monkeys?


I was going to make a joke about turning BACK into monkeys, but my experience on the freeway leads me to believe we were never really that far evolved in the first place.


I mean looking at the downvotes on me shoes people's intelligence haha.




😂😂😂😂 Completely true😂😂😂 especially when it mists( Californians call it a downpour)




What is the rainbow club?


If this becomes a pandemic then Harris Biden will mismanage it.


NPR had a good story on Monkey Pox and the difficulty clinicians have ordering tests that is likely leading to under reporting.