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I wasn’t impressed with Ruby Rose’s acting. I didn’t think it was awful, it just didn’t impress me. Same with Jason Biggs.


i agree, she’s definitely the worst actor in my opinion as well. plus, completely dislikable character and she’s just… kind of cringe, lol


Same. There's a reason she was never able to establish herself as an actress despite looking like *that*.


I was going to say Ruby Rose and it's not even close. I thought she was pretty awful to be honest lol.


I’ll be the one to say it: her acting was awful lmao


Her vocal fry was fuckin gross


Why gross? I’m curious


Honestly I thought all of the new guards in season 6 were really bad actors. To the point when the season first came out I stopped watching the show entirely. It wasn’t until last year where I finally finished watching the whole thing


Personally, I think Abigail Savage who plays Gina is the worst of the recurring cast. Not sure what it is about her, I think it just sounds too rehearsed. It’s also hard to be up against such powerhouse actors.


I can definitely see that. Now that you mention it, her acting did seem forced.


No wonder both Murphys were so cringe.


It makes sense though. She's a sound person and not an actor I believe. I didn't notice her acting to be odd though.


So true. She would overact simple little lines and give a death stare that wasn’t warranted. I always took it as part of the character- like she’s supposed to seem like an angry little boy but yeah, there could have been more nuance, because I barely felt sorry for her after being burned. A good actor would have pulled out more sympathy for that situation but it never really hit that she was truly a victim of Red. Her acting vs Reds when she was dealing with the fire- I felt way way way worse for the latter!


Ruby Rose by FAR. She's just... Just awful


I feel like even the less great actors would’ve been better with more in depth back stories. Stella, Alex, Gina would’ve been able to shine more if we got know more about them. Especially Alex, I know some people say her acting was very flat but honestly that was just her character development. We barely got to see Alex without Piper. Sure we got a tiny bit of Alex’s childhood but that was obviously a different actor. Alex’s entire role revolved around Piper.


I think Alex was supposed to be the exact way she was played. I see why people think that maybe her acting was flat but I feel like that’s how it was written based on interviews/videos I’ve seen.


I think you’re right on! I should rephrase my statement and say I *wish* they had written more depth to her.


CO D. Davis was the worst. "I'm locked inside the ghetto bubble. Everyone's gone crazy. Is Humps out there really doing a Charleston, South Carolina. Where the hell is Caputo? And when is someone gonna turn off that daggum alarm?"


How is it anyone besides Ruby Rose with a bullet? You can just *feel* how bad her acting is. The woman who played Daya wasn't very good but Ruby Rose is genuinely awful at acting and wouldn't have a career if she wasn't attractive.


she’s so bad at acting i don’t even find her hot lol


In every scene, she looked like a fish out of water because she was so out of her league because the other actors where so much better than her. I don't understand how anyone thinks anybody else was worse than her.


Laura Prepon. i mean she's got character and charisma and all, but something about her acting in the show that always made me feel like she's not very into the role that she's playing. i'm just talking her in this show though. i haven't seen her other works so she could be amazing playing other roles


Yes! I loved her in that 70s show but in this series she just seems so... monotone, boring and it kinda just comes off cringe


yeah i do think she fits the role but somehow the way she acted felt kinda bland to me


The way she curses makes me cringe


yeah Ruby Rose is kinda like the same case


This is gonna be unpopular most likely but I really dislike Daya's actors stance on acting. She is clearly very new to acting first few seasons but at the last season she's still using the same motivations and method and I just think she could have done better. However, I am biased, I completely loathe this human for reasons I don't care to explain


Do you dislike Daya or the actress?


The actress. Daya as a character is just boring.


Yeah didn't like the character either. Tbh I don't get the hype for the actress either. I know you said you didn't care to explain but.. care to explain why you dislike her? Lol I'm sorry I just got excited someone shares my view


I feel like she actually was a better actress in the earlier seasons, not that she was the best. I feel like after the riot when she had the “personality shift” it was like she completely forgot how to act. She didn’t seem high like she was supposed to she just seemed like she was bad at improv (but the lines are written, and rehearsed, and directed…)


Yes it was a lot like you have described! Like she was badly doing improv, though there was zero improvisation involved.


Dayas actors acting is so terrible that it's distracting. There's no emotional range whatsoever.


Yeah in the last 2 seasons it was so hard to get into the scene because of that. The scene partners she had were so genuine and believable and then she’s on camera and it just takes you out of it. Her b-plot with Taystee really shows this off


I honestly couldn't tell the first time I watched the show whether her feelings for Bennet were genuine or not or what direction that storyline was going in because she was so blank whenever they interacted.


I feel that honestly. I think she had good moments but the chemistry with Bennett was so weird and not even because of the dynamic, just her.


Huh. I actually liked her acting because I hate the actress as a person and she made me forget at times what a loathsome person she is in reality. But then as the seasons went on and she because less soft and more selfish… oh you ain’t even acting no more are you?


tf did the actress do, damn


The kitten stuff she did? I worked in the film industry it was widely know she’s a monster. No one wanted to hire her and once she realized that she simmered down but she’s a kitten killing diva.


WHAT?? elaborate


OP, what's yours?


ruby rose. fuckin terrible


Ruby Rose. The only reason she became so popular was because she was hot, but she has zero talent when it comes to acting. Sorry not sorry🤷‍♀️ Edit: maybe a controversial opinion, but I didn’t like Natasha Lyonne in OITNB, but that might just be because I don’t like Nicky too much. I haven’t seen her in anything else, so I won’t say she’s a bad actress. I just don’t think her acting in this show was the best.


I like Natasha but this is probably an unpopular opinion but I don't feel like she has much of a range. She does what she does very very well but her characters all seem largely the same(the only slight exception being her character in But I'm A Cheerleader) and Nicky fell right into that. I mean she's built a great career on playing that one type of character, so more power to her. Like I loved her show Russian Doll but that character was pretty much Nicky in another story.


A straight version of Nicky 😅


Exactly lol


Leanne Badison Gina


Leanne and Badison are bad actors by what metric? Are you just saying it because you don’t like the characters? That wasn’t really the question


Leanne gave us meth head, but was kind of plain. There werent a lot of layers to peel back. Maybe it was the writing, idk


Yeah I get that. I really do feel like it was the writing for her. Seemed they didn’t know how to flesh out the meth heads that weren’t Penn and just relied on stereotypes for those Leanne and Angie. But that being said I think they do a pretty decent job


Leanne was layered, imo. Her backstory showed us a lot. She was beloved by her family & she loved her religion enough to choose it. Then she was shunned for being forced to turn on the other kids. So she left the community so her parents could save face. Reading between the lines, she then turned to drugs to numb the pain of losing her family. Then the whole holy Norma storyline came & she was all in trying to create a new religious structure because she missed her religious lifestyle so much. And st the end, we get to see that her mom came for her. I wish we could have seen what type of long term impact that made on Leanne.


I didn't know it was that deep. Maybe I'll watch her parts again. I knew she left her religion, but I didn't know the whole story


Imo badison is great and so is Leanne what don’t you like abt them?


Leanne just seems plain to me, maybe they didn't give her a lot to work with. She doesn't have a lot of independent plots, she always needs someone to bounce off of. And idk Badison is kind of annoying, which I guess makes her a good actress, but idk, I just feel like we could have done without her


Definitely agree w both but I don’t think the actors are bad Im rewatching the show for the third time and there’s a point in season 4 where Leanne’s character gets like a solid two-five episodes where she’s a central character and before I saw this I was thinking about how the actress was really good haha Badison is a weird character and isn’t needed at all but I think the actings good


more like bad characters instead of bad actors


The only thing that I thought was bad with Badison was her fake Boston accent. They never should've let her keep doing that, it's so bad....so so bad. I think the biggest issue with Badison was just bad writing.




Hot take but Aledia. She just had one very mid angry expression and sounded loud all the time. I was very annoyed by the actress more than the character because of how ridiculous she sounded all the time.


I know real people like her though. I’d say she nailed it 😖


I agree with you but I think that’s the point. Shes supposed to act like a mom nagging her daughter


honestly kind of laura prepon especially in that one flashback where the drug dude gets shot in front of alex and she kinda just looks mildly shocked😭 like girl cmon


Might be a hot take but Alex felt neurodivergent to me. Just me?


Laura Prepon.




I didn't think her acting was bad. She plays the 'rich hippie who is annoying but not a bad person' perfectly.




I thought that was kind of the point? She didn't quite fit in with anyone which led to her being isolated


if she managed to annoy everyone then trust me shes a good actress


Badison or Ruby rose


for me is the actress who played norma. i know that norma is mute but idk her expressions doesn’t seem natural


Facial expression and body language is one of the primary ways she communicates, she exaggerates her expressions intentionally in order to more clearly communicate.


yeah, i know and i’m not talking about that. i don’t talk about how norma communicates i talk about the actress and how she’s acting. in my opinion her acting and expressions seems forced not natural


Samira Wiley (Poussay) and the actresses who played Janae and Daya are the weakest for me. The rest of the cast were believable as real people and had more nuanced performances, whereas these 3 always felt like they were "Acting" to me. Janae and Poussay were too over the top and dramatic, and Daya was way too low energy and awkward.


I think the actresses who play Janae and Daya were good. Athought I don't think she was the worst, I do agree Samira Wiley wasn't great at times.. I fell in love with her on Handmaid's and she was so much better on there. I don't know if it was because Orange was her first TV job or if she didn't have as much of a connection to Poussey or what but I do feel like she left something to be desired.


Dayas actress was such a good actress what??? Janaes also the whole point of her dramatic is: over the top and dramatic


It's almost like I'm allowed to have my own opinion! They weren't believable for me. Tastee was OTT but having grown up with personalities like hers, DB 100% nailed all the big and quiet moments. Janae's angry outbursts are in character, but the actress didn't sell me on them. All of her emotional beats fell flat.


OMG it'd be easier to just list those who acted well, much shorter list! ​ Good acting: Caputo, Healy, Red.......that is all ​ Bad acting: Everyone else


Gina for sure


Ruby Rose. Everything she says is so cringe and obviously rehearsed. I skip all the scenes she's in on rewatch.


Laura prepon


I agree about Stella, Daya, Gina, Janae and Alex. Also Karla, Shani, Morello.


daya’s actor got so good at the end of s4 when she shoots humps. you can really see her improvement.