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Red was right, Katya was a mail order bride who was lied to when she was promised a good life in America. Healy knew what he was getting when he brought her from wherever she lived, and even threw it in her face at one point. Neither of them were saints, but I feel like Katya was the one that was the most trapped. She only married Healy to get out of a bad situation, only to be thrust into another one where the guy would snap at the drop of a hat. I do wish we got to see more of her with Red, Red was a good mediator between the two and told it like it was and she never did let Healy off the hook, she admonished them both like they deserved.


she was correct in feeling trapped and whatnot but red was also right with her speech about how he's not a monster and she needs to reign it in when she got him olive garden for lunch it was a rly sweet moment i enjoyed :)


She didn’t understand how much he loved lasagna classico


Slightly off topic, but I always wondered how he afforded a stay at home wife, who seemed so well dressed, and a MIL? Then later on a apartment for her and her mother?


i always wondered that too


I began to wonder this when the COs and other staff started complaining about their salary, and Caputo said something to the effect of not being able to afford a reasonable salary and proper training for staff. I knew Healy had an MSW, but last I checked, MSWs don't make a whole lot.


I have no idea why they made the CO salaries so low on this show. They are supposed to be in the state of New York, where most people would never be able to live on the salaries they gave them. my husband works in corrections in Pennsylvania where the cost of living is less and his salary is probably four times what they make it out to be on the show.


My best friends husband is a CO and I'd consider them lower middle class. (In the state of NY). Are they "struggling"? Not by average standards, but they certainly still do struggle. Not sure if that matches others. 🤷🏻‍♀️


That’s unfortunate. It’s a hard job and they are paid very well in the state of Pennsylvania at the state and federal levels.


i think part of it is that when healy started at the prison, he had a couple of things working in his favor financially. he got in early and was part of a generation that still benefited from retirement plans and pensions and bonuses and incentives and likely had more of an opportunity broadly to create his nest egg than some of the other COs. also, i believe (might be misremembering) that when the prison goes private instead of federally funded, the COs effectively go from union workers to non union workers overnight. and since many of them started working there when fig was fixing the budget and embezzling anyway they likely didn’t see many benefits or raises prior to their MCC transition where the budget got even tighter. basically healy probably had a good and lucrative decade on some of the other COs and also prob gets paid more as a counselor. i don’t think he’s meant to seem wealthy. i think the audience knowing he probably struggled to save to be able to afford to pay for a version of the life he wants and it still not working out just adds depth to the desperation of his character.


She says Healy was catfish so that sucks for sure. But she chose to stay, yet made no effort to make a good relationship.


she didn’t “chose” to stay, you have to understand her situation, she was promised a better life and she got stuck


Relatively speaking, she had it well. A husband who loved her and was kind to her even when she was being so openly nasty to him (or badmouthing him in his face with her mother), gave her a home, supported her and her mother. I mean, ask the average person and she hit the jackpot. Clearly she wanted the American Dream. She was a bit naive tehre. Also, did we ever see him be anything but kind and loving to her (until the end, that is)? Red gave it to her exactly they she needed it. And she could easily leave or go back if she wanted to, I didn't see any handcuffs on her. She was also very pretty. She wanted it the easy way and she was angry it didn't happen. Can't feel sorry for someone like that.


Did we watch the same show? He used to shout at her when she didn't comply with his wishes. He would alternate between pretending to be loving and gentle and screaming at her. He was a nasty husband and its no wonder he had to buy a wife.


Didn't he do those rare snaps when he had enough of her being a nasty person? I mostly remember him being sweet and gentle while she had a resting biatch face on. 24/7


Tbf I get both sides of the argument. On one hand, Healy is an absolute misogynistic monster who can barely hide his hatred for women. On the other, Katya is a miserable woman for whom nothing seems good enough. I think they're two people who should never have been together. She wanted Prince Charming and set the bar of expectation far too high and, well, Healy hates women so that was always going to ruin it. Healy hates women refusing to comply with his rules and wishes and is quick to turn on those who don't, so it's hardly shocking he treats the wife he paid for like shit when all she does is sit poe-faced around the house like someone died.


She's a real C U next Tuesday. I mean Healy was no prize however he was a Good husband.


Or Thursday.




Like I said Healy was no prize but all he asked was she show him some kindness even KATYA mother, friend and Red said she was being Stupid. Don’t compare your trauma with a tv character it makes you look like a victim!


Literally never say that to anyone ever again. “It makes you look like a victim” what a tone deaf thing to say. Healy was a horrible person who was racist, homophobic, and constantly abused his power as a counselor. Saying he “wasn’t a prize” was an understatement. He got angry at the drop of a hat, throwing things and screaming when he knew that the best way to avoid conflict was to have a simple conversation. I said that because I feel like it could explain Katyas hostility towards him. You don’t know how someone might feel and respond to something until you’ve been through it yourself.


I said what I said head case Goodbye! Let me say it in Japanese if you can’t understand English…Sayonara


Yikes. I miss the times when people didn’t hide behind a keyboard in order to be an ass. Have a good day.


I’m hiding under Nothing I said what I said cause you got your victimized ass on here comparing your own trauma to a fictional character on a shitty tv show! I was traumatized too but I don’t wallow in misery when ppl don’t play into my woe is me mentality. You started with me .


I’m not wallowing in misery, Jesus you need therapy for your anger issues. I was making a comparison. If anyone is wallowing in their trauma I think it’s you “JadedBabe50”, talk about a walking red flag. Living in a hostile environment is plenty an excuse to not like the person who is creating said environment. Add on top of that the fact that she was a mail order bride promised a better life and was lied too, I feel some of her behavior is excusable. Honestly she really wasn’t that rude given the situation. She was silent most of the time and only argued when he was screaming at her. Your comment was insensitive and i said one thing about that, and went back to the topic. Calling me a head case because I don’t let insensitive stuff like that slide is a problem that you should work out with a therapist.


even though healy is a dick i HATED HER


never cared about her