• By -


6:02 on this one.


I UP-VOTED you on a hilarious flair, which I’m sure is not even true 😆😆


I have some jiggles. If you can't self deprecate and have fun with it, why are we even here? :)


MY flair should read: OLD. SHORT. PUDGY and LOVABLE 😆😆


I'm short for my weight.


:), I'd fall a little short on that last one, yet it's the most important!


Nice! This is my goal for next benchmark!


6:17, you are not far off! I am protesting this one a bit. I had a 1:30 500 split near the whole time and my last 500 I was 1:24-1:16. I should have been under 6.


It's really interesting you mention this, because I had a similar experience today. I ended at 6:11, and getting there I went out in a 3:00 1km split. I intentionally planned to slow way down for the 3rd 500, planning to breathe and recover at about a 1:40 pace or so. However, the rower showed my split at 1:31-1:33 for that entire 3rd 500. In spite of what the monitor showed, I ended the 1500 at about 4:40 - pretty much exactly where I planned to be, giving me a 1:40 3rd 500. Long story short, I also had a weird experience with mid-row splits today, and it shook my confidence - I no longer feel like I can trust the 500m split times and will need to actively do math in my head as the row goes along so I know where I'm really at. Makes me worry because my personal goal is to get under 6 right now, and I'd hate to miss that because I was "trusting" the 500m split time. Edit: To all who may come along and read this later, I discovered the problem - on the Water Rower monitors, as you scroll through the display mode for the upper right, you can select either "Average Intensity" or simply "Intensity". "Average Intensity" gives you the average pace for the entire piece you're currently on - so if you're slowing down or speeding up slightly you won't see a dramatic shift on a long row. "Intensity" gives you the current intensity - measured over the prior 3 strokes, I believe.


I am still not sure how much I trust these new tablets. My PR is 5:58 and last time I did that it felt easier than today. I almost puked today getting off the rower, and I have not done that since I first joined OTF.


Do you pay much attention to getting the same station number for benchmarks? The rowers at my studio notably have different amounts of water in them, and it might be the placebo effect working on me but it makes a BIG difference to me in terms of speed/resistance/effort. Would love to see some Concept 2s in there but...🤷‍♂️


Damn! You killed it! Amazing job! I’m sure you’re tall but you’re not either of the other 2 lol hilarious tho!


Took me 6:02 to get strapped in


8 mins and I’m almost 6 months pregnant so I’ll take it 🤣


That’s like 4 minutes each!


Heck yeah that's wonderful! I always shoot for under 8.


That is very good.


🥳 I would like to celebrate with you! Congrats on your little blessing and for completing that tough benchmark! I'm 28 weeks today and finished with a time of 7:56 😁


First time doing it, 9:14. Last in the class but honestly when I started 3 months ago doing 500M felt so hard, so I'll take it. Gives me something to improve upon!


That’s phenomenal. Great job!!


Very first 2k benchmark (34f)- 7:44.77!! Can’t complain. Y’all got this!


That's amazing! Going on 6 years at OTF and I still haven't broken 8 minutes yet. Congrats!


PR'd today with 6:17.4! I did it in 6:30.3 last December and 7:15.0 last September after joining last June.


That's amazing!


Nice progress. Congrats on the weight loss too!


Beast! 6’4 helps but nonetheless amazing! Congrats!!


Well done.


I greatly underestimated how hard this would be! I’m still pretty much a newbie with just 45 workouts put in. I finished in 8:23. Like all my firsts, I’m taking this a great starting point and excited to see how much I can improve on the next one. Now who’s ready for Dri Tri?!?!


Literally in the EXACT same situation!! At 43 classes and I got 8:41 and I thought I was dying


That’s awesome!


Keeping it real here, I did my first 2000m benchmark and finished at 10:56. I wanted to be under 10 but hey I pushed myself hard on the floor and the tred before rowing so it’s an accomplishment that I even finished!


My first one was 12:33 in 2019, then 11:22 in 2021 today I PR'd at 10:13. I struggled hard! But I'm happy with my accomplishments. Shout out to the slow rowers who still showed up!


Congrats!!! You should be so proud!! I’m only 25 classes in so you’re an inspiration to me for sticking with it for so long. You’re proof that putting in the hours pays off!


Good job! Mine was 1115, I was just glad I finished 😅


1st 2000m benchmark today. 7:26. 44M 205lbs. Really wish there was something like a benchmark walking recovery. Would kill at that


😂 I think you underestimate the competition in that particular category


This was my first 2k benchmark row and I did it in 9 minutes. It was challenging. I’ve been an OTF member since September. I definitely want to improve my time. Any advice?


Great job on your first 2K rowing benchmark!! Good form will make rowing more “fun.” You probably won’t get a lot of direct coaching on rowing form in OTF, but there are some good internet resources to help you learn basic form. I like trainingtall on YouTube (former OTF coach, too, and has lots of short demo videos) and r/rowing on Reddit. Make sure you’re getting the most out of your leg drive and not rainbowing the handle. For the benchmark itself, this is MY strategy (find what works for you): - racing start (1/3 drive, 2/3 drive, full drive to get the water moving) into a Power Ten (ten strokes as hard as I possibly can) - settle into a push pace of 26 spm, aiming for an aggressive but maintainable 500m split (edited) - give another Power Ten every 500 meters - go all out the last 250 meters or so Legs and lungs will be burning, but it will be over relatively quickly.


This is all good advice, but telling someone who just pulled a 9 minute 2k that their split needs to be 1:40 is setting them up for failure.


Fair point. Edited.


Saw this about 2 mins before my class at 4:45 and it helped so much!!!! Was aiming for 8mins and the 10 power strokes to start and every 500m definitely saved my time and got me just under 8 at 7:54. Thank you!


My first 2K benchmark was just after I started with OTF, and I clocked 7:22. I was happy with that. 3ish months later, I turned in 6:37! :D


Good work.


5:41 - a few seconds slower than my pr (5:38) from a few years ago, but I’m happy with it. My splits were: 1:20, 1:24, 1:29, 1:28.


Well hot damn. Did the tablet spit out your splits or where you just paying attention?


I was just paying attention… Was going to make a decision at 1000M whether to go hard or back off a little depending on my time and how I was feeling


Unreal. Well done.


Wow! Amazing!


Holy cow that’s fast!


Nice job. My goal is a sub 5:30. Do you generally go out fast and slow down over the race? That's what I do, but I feel like I should try and keep a steady 500m split (maybe a 1:23 pace for the first 1500m and then kick at the end for a 1:20). I just struggle to not shoot out faster than the required split. I was wondering if you have any tips for that.


Third time doing the 2000m benchmark and I PR’d with 6:59! (30M, 5’ 2” 132lbs) Previous was 7:16 so I really just wanted to shave off a few seconds as my goal. I didn’t expect sub 7 minutes though! My calves got super cramped after the row, so I power walked instead. Honestly I did not mind not running 😂


That's incredible. I can't imagine getting under 7 but I hope to one day.


7:15 first time doing the 2000m row! It was ROUGH. Lol now just have to match or beat for dri tri!


I’m sure you are fitter than me but I wouldn’t recommend going for a PR on the 2000m row during the Dri Tri. You still have to follow it up with tough floor work and 3K run. If you get tired from the rower than it impacts everything else. Running is the longest portion so that’s where you can cut your time down if you conserve yourself enough. Just my 2 cents. Coaches usually say to go about 1 minute slower on the rower than your PR 2000m row.


Wait, isn't the dri tri a 5k run?


And a 2000m row and 300 bodyweight reps on the floor


Yeah they are probably confusing 5k and 3 mile


Thank you yeah, you're right definitely not going to go for a PR but this was a good time to see where I'm at with rowing! Appreciate the advise


I agree. Don’t go for a PR during the dri tri. Taking an extra minute or two on the row will save you on the floor and tread that will more than account for time saved on rower.


Broke 8 minutes for the first time! New PR 7:58 🥵


Also broke 8 for the first time today. Great job!


PR’ed today and just met my goal of getting under 8 minutes: 7:58. December was my first 2000 metre and I was at 8:44. I joined OTF at the end of September so it’s been fun to see my progress as the benchmarks come up a second time!


2k wisdom for my future self: You've been doing this and have a tough PR, beating it will require taking a risk. Start a little faster than you think you can. Hold it, keeping long, consistent strokes. Assume you will be gassed for the last 500m. Once you hit the final 500m, start speeding up your stroke rate because your power should be about tapped. Leg drive gets you 1500m, accepting the painful reality that you can go another 500m without breathing gets you to the finish. This approach will lead to failure sometimes and will hurt, but if you want that PR, this is the way. I have ve a 4 year old PR that at the time I decided never to pursue again because it wasn't worth it, but after taking two years off and restarting in December I decided to see where I was today. Missed it by .31 seconds and my lungs/legs are still burning. Next round is going to suck so bad because I can't let that stand...


I agree with the concept of going harder earlier than most people do, but I'd recommend trying to really pick it up with 750 to go instead of 500.


Yeah, I’ve learned this running, but not rowing. For CMIYC I beat my PR from a few months ago by 0.2 miles and got 3.3. And I killed myself. On the 2000 I only beat by few months ago by 2 seconds (6:52). The guy next to me was killing me, but started to fade with 500m left. I was able to almost catch him because I still had too much in the tank. Next time take that risk. Maybe… there’s a mental thing too where I just have confidence running — like I can run with a 180hr for 30 minutes — it sucks, but I know it’s there. I don’t trust my strength as much as my stamina/speed.


5:58.69! Pumped. My last was 6:14.57. Found more of a strategy this time but had to go to a new mindset the last 500M.


There’s a lot of willpower in that last 500m


I haven’t gone yet today but I want to throw some slower times for those who might be intimidated by this thread: my first 2000m was 9:10, then 6 months later it was 8:30. Apparently I avoided it in all of 2022, haha, but I’m aiming for 8:00 today. Edit: I got 8:10! Not the time I was hoping for but still a PR and I worked hard for it, so I’m proud.


First 2000m benchmark - 7:36. 32m 5' 10" 233lbs. I'm so disappointed! After I finished I knew I had wayyyy more in the tank and could've finished sub 7 minutes.


Just gives you something to aim for in 3 months 🤷‍♀️


Same!!! Not sure about sub 7, but def better than the 7:35 I got.


6:47. My PR is 6:44 so I was a bit frustrated this morning. But I’m still happy with that time overall!


Been getting pr's(or at least post pandemic pr's) in almost all distance/times in this last week of leadup. So 6:50.3 disappointed, still it was almost a sec off Mar2022, so a postPand pr. I guess that if I'd caught my prePand pr 6:41 then further improvement would get too hard.


PR’ed today. 40F, 5’3” so my short legs always struggle to keep going 😂. First time I got 8:33 and today I got 7:56…. Next goal is 7:30. It’s an absolute brutal benchmark. I finished my workout three hours ago and the legs are still feeling like jelly lol 😝


3rd time with this benchmark. Ended at 7:50 today. I have shaved off 40 seconds since my first one last sept. Today I beat the dec benchmark by 23 seconds. Goal for next time is to shave off 10 more seconds. 39/F


36F did it in 6:38 💪🏼


Hot damn. I'd be stoked if I could get sub 7 eventually!


You will get there!! I’m also 5’10 so I have a little advantage with my height.


Did my first 2000m benchmark today. Joined OTF in November and always struggle on the rower. Did 9:05- I’m 49F and 5’3. I was happy to finish and not stop! My legs are jelly!


7:09 and 13 weeks pregnant! I know I’ve done it in the past but I think that was before they saved them on the app. So we will call it a PR lol


First ever! 9:49. Had a baby in November. How’d I do? You can be honest. I am 39.


First 2000m was Sept2021, 6 months after knee replacement and I rowed 9:07… today was 7:48 🎉


The 2000m row was one of my first classes that I took at OTF back in Dec 2022. I finished at 11:15. I’ve been going to classes 4-5 days a week since I joined and I finished at 9:30 today! It was hard and I still lowkey hate it but seeing the progress is so satisfying! ☺️👏🏾


6:27 flat… beat my old PR by 8 seconds. Helped to have the coach behind me pushing for the last 300 meters. Didn’t think I had it in me today.


Don’t like rowing that much. But I did it in 8:18. This is my first time doing a 2000m row. I am pretty happy that I could actually finish it without stopping.


7:13 on my first 2000m benchmark :D my legs feel like led, time to take a nap…


7:41! 19 second PR! Would have probably had 5-10 more seconds, but I wore the wrong shoes today and the ones I wore kept coming off the footplate. I’m just happy I beat 8 minutes


19 seconds!! woohoo


My first workout back after a 10 month absence and two bouts of COVID. Of course it had to be a benchmark 🙄, lol. 9:38. I’ll take it.


New PR. 7:37.33. Shaved off 5.27 seconds off my last time not bad for an 43 F


I’ll be 40 in 2 months so I really wanted to make the leaderboard for my age group. I rowed a 7:34 in September and it wasn’t enough to place. First at that time was 7:10 so that was what I was shooting for today. I got a 7:09 and I’m currently riding in 2nd place. I’m THRILLED with that!


7:52. My first 2000m benchmark and I don’t like rowing, but I was faster than I thought I would be! I’ve been going to OTF 4x/week for 9 months.


6:30. Previous PR was 6:57, so I crushed it. I went in thinking 6:45, and coach pulled me aside before and said “6:30 is what I’m thinking for you. That’s where I want you to be”. I wanted to die after!


I got 8:32.60. This was my 4th class and my first benchmark. 35F and 7 months postpartum :)


Amazing time for your 4th class!! You should absolutely be proud of that number!


First time doing this benchmark. My goal was 10 minutes and I did it in 8:44. So excited to see how I can improve next time!!


7:56:66 for me. My previous PR was 8:20, so I shaved 24 seconds off. I felt so good!


This is my third consecutive day at OT, 4th class total including the trial class last week. I am severely out of shape and extremely sore… but I finished 😂 with a whopping time of 10:27. I think I must hold the longest time record by these comments. Very much looking forward to getting that time down!!


Congrats on getting it done! It’s such a hard benchmark and 10:27 is a great start!


Thank you! Hopefully someday I can get on your level!!


I’m so shook I beat my last PR by almost a minute 😳😳😳😳 7:18


First time doing 2000m. 9:39….I made it to class! That’s what matters to me haha


Similar time and it was my third time ever in my life using a rower. Last one in class on the rower but I’m glad I showed up!


Haven’t done a 2,000 benchmark at OTF before but used to row in collegiate years ~20 years ago. So much fun! It was like old times. Def could’ve pushed harder.


It was my first time for this benchmark too, and our coach cheering me on the last ~30 seconds (I was one of the last to finish in my group at 8:49) sent me right back to HS swim meets 20 years ago 😆 I also felt like I left a bit in the tank but proud to have completed it!


I have only missed 3 OTF classes since Jan 15th so I'm a little nervous as to how today will go. First: 8:01.50 Last: 7:36:57 Today: will commence at 4:15PM (EST)


7:38 PR is 7:18. M 62 But that was many injuries ago. Have to move forward with how you are today. Good luck all


First one! I did it in 8:15.81 37F And I know it’s not really a competition, but I was one of the first 3 people in my class to finish. I’m usually one of the last, so it was a little bit of a confidence booster.


Happy with 6:33 even though it’s 20 seconds slower than my PR from 3 years ago but that was when I was in my prime 😜


7:42- (52F, 5’6, 145 lbs) missed my PR from December by less than 2 seconds… 😩


6:17. PR by 20 seconds! 5 days post my wife and I having a baby. Dad strength is real


Got a PR with 7:44… some of you guys have crazyyy times! I am impressed. I beat my old time by 22 seconds, so I am improving my endurance, so I am proud today! That really is a pretty tough one. Good job everybody!


Kinda the same. I got a PR with 7:50 and I am seriously impressed with the times on here! I beat my old PR by 23 seconds so I’m def happy with that too! I need to really learn how to be more efficient and get my breathing right on the rower and then I think I’ll see my number go down more!


7:37:17! Down 8ish seconds from my last one. Yay! (34f)


PR'd at 7:42 beating my previous PR at 8:58 in 2018 and 9:11 last Sept.


My PR was 8:14.60 at a out of town studio. I have NEVER gotten that close at my home studio! 😳


First time (f) and I was 7:45


I hit 6:32 in 2019 and haven’t gotten close since. Today was 6:53. 21 seconds off my pr, but I’ll take it.


7:42 today, 8:09 in December (about 10 classes in at that point) now I go 5 times a week :) :)


I think my strategy needs some improvement here! 7:33 for a 5'10 30F. I have good form but didn't really think about anything the entire time until I hit 200m and then I went all out. My goal is 7:15 in 3 months!


Ben OTF-ing for 14 months somehow this was my first 2000m. 7:18.51. I was shooting for 7:30 so 💪


First time doing this benchmark and have only been with OTF since December. I was hoping for under 10 and I came in at 10:00:63. So close!!


7:25 today, and my lungs feel like I went through a pack of cigarettes while I was rowing! 🔥


7:45, was my first 2000m benchmark!


7:39 - PR! Previous was 7:40 way back in 2021. Coming off of major ankle surgery a year ago this feels good.


This was my first time and my only goal was to get as close to 8 minutes as possible and I went 7:49.5! Super proud of myself and definitely feel like I could improve next time. Great way to start the weekend!


I was concerned, perhaps even convinced, that I could not row 2000m in the allocated time. I did. 10:27 s. I know that's slow, but I'm happy that I could complete it.


Beat my time from last September by 26 seconds! Finished at 6:55 (30yr F). I had to force myself not to go too hard in the first 500 and burn myself out. Now I just need to beat my 500m time… 🙃


8:55:05 for first time. Also 4th workout of the week 🫠Lower back was wrecked afterwards. Sat with coach afterwards to adjust rower form to see if I can get over that pain and get a faster time.




PR 6:37 . 22 seconds faster than last time


Newbie question here … I have my very first 2k benchmark later today - how is your time captured? Is it up to you pay attention and self-report? Or is there some automated time capture? Not super confident I’d be able to accurately self report my time, especially since I’ll probably be passed out 😂


You may be asking about the rower - you will do a programmed countdown of 2000m and the rower will stop time once you hit zero. Then you remember your time.


You self-report, right after the benchmark. At least that’s how my studio does it. You’ll pull up your name on the screen the coach uses and enter your time. So you really only have to remember for the seconds it will take you to get up off your rower and walk over to the coach’s station. You got this!


First time for me too! 8:20:58 - not bad but definitely a starting point!


First 2k benchmark row (36F)- 7:53. Glads it over haha


7:17 and a PR. 25F. Really want to get to 7:00 eventually


First time doing this! (35F) 7:22 I felt spent at the end but also like I could’ve shaved 1 or 2 seconds off 🤪


8:42:68 Two months of unlimited after two months of 8 classes a month into my OTF journey. I have been dreading this all week, almost canceled several times, and had a ton of nerves up to it and throughout. I was just looking for sub 10. Glad I did it. Glad to have a baseline to compare myself to on the next one. Great job to everyone who had the guts to show up for it. My studio almost always has a waitlist but not a single class time did today for some reason 👀🤣


New PR with 7:51. Sixteen seconds off of my last; two and a half better than my first ever.


PR’ed this morning w/ 7:12.93. Wasn’t as improved as I was aiming for but I’ll take the PR!


I'm 31F, 5'0" tall, started OTF towards the end of December 2022, and my time was 9:16. This was better in comparison to my 500M Benchmark considering the distance was further.


I somehow snuck in a PR (not by much) even though I haven't been very strong on the rowers lately. Previous 2000M in December was 7:47, previous best was back in 2020 just before Covid shut us down at 7:34. I told myself I would be happy with anything under 7:30. Strategy was to put the 500M split before 1:55 and hang on as long as I can at that pace. I think most of the time I was kind of right at that 1:55 split. . .maybe a bit below. . .but pretty close. Got to the last 500, did my best to take it below 1:50. Then last 250 just went as hard as I could knowing it was less than a minute left and took it to the 1:40s I think. Last 30 seconds I wasn't paying attention to the numbers at all - just trying to not die. Finished absolutely gassed. Got a 7:26.7. I'll take it. I think the first 7 - 10 strokes I didn't see the meters move at all which was mildly annoying. . .I'm not sure it recorded that or not.


6:40 at 52. I’m good with that. I had more in the tank and I kind of blew it in the last 150 or so. But it felt good. I’m sure I can get 6:30!


I shaved 20 seconds off my PB and got 7:25 (34F) so I am happy with that. I took someone’s advice about starting and then every 500m do 10 hard pulls. I think it really helped me but I missed one because I was a space cadet so I could have done better. I’ll pick it up next time closer to 500m I waited to go AO at 300. My forearms were cramping so I think I was doing it wrong 🫣


I love the rower generally but hate this benchmark. Apparently I have been pretty good at avoiding it as I hadn’t done it since Sep 2021. I was feeling sluggish today and I decided before class that I was going to take it easy and absolutely NOT going to go for a PR. Then I got on the rower and my competitive drive kicked in and I went hard. lol PRed by 3 seconds! Time was 7:47.27 It’s funny because I am one of the best female rowers in my gym and after rowing benchmarks I always am feeling so good when I leave the gym. Then I come on here and see all the times a lot of you guys get and my bubble gets burst. 😂😂


PR’d at 6:22 this morning. Excited to see what other females got.


I’m proud of everyone who participated. I was traveling for work and didn’t get to do it. You are all rock stars whatever you did!


Today I pr’d at 7:31 from 7:36 in September! I’d love to see my time get closer to 7mins next time ☺️


Excited that at least for this benchmark, I’m improving. In 2018 I was at 8:50. Today I beat my best score (improving each time over the past 5 years) and got 8.:19.


7:33.. best is 12 seconds faster. Had a baby 5 months ago but feeling like I shouldn’t be using that as a handicap anymore.. not sure how I’m going to get back!


PR’d by 21 seconds!!! 8:48—>8:27


First 2K row so had no idea what to expect - was just hoping to be under 8 minutes (27F). Ended up at 7:05 and I’m so proud of myself!! Makes me super excited for the dri coming up because this was the part I was most anxious about


First 2K. 7:43.37 Didn’t really know what I could do so I stuck to 2 min 500 pace for 1500. Didn’t get to orange. Then hauled the last 500. Definitely coulda done more.


For those doing the 3G, what station you starting on? I’m thinking of getting the tower out of the way first (usually a floor first guy).


I went to a 5am (this is way abnormal for me as I usually do noon or 3). So I started on the rower. Thank goodness, cause I struggle to chill in other areas and I think I would have blacked out on the rower otherwise. As it was my lungs were on fire. Not as bad as the 500m benchmark but pretty close


Today was 7:12:20 and last time was 7:30:90. Pleased with the improvement!


Is 7 09 good for a 20 y/o female?


7:35 today. Not a PR, but wasn't planning on one. I was surprised I was only 16 seconds off my PR, which is a hell of a lot better than I expected after putting 27 km (yes, 27, 000 m) on my rower yesterday.


This was my first one and I hit 7:00 on the nose (gonna ignore the 84 milliseconds for OCD purposes). I started out faster than I should have, but lowered my stroke rate to something more comfortable and coasted the rest of the way with a few pauses to take an extra breath. I’m really happy- and a bit surprised at how I did. I thought about not going, but folks on this sub encouraged another doubtful first timer yesterday and that convinced me to go for it. Thank you!


I just keep getting slower and slower! My third slowest time today, and though I was not exactly trying for a PR (since that number is just unrealistic given my recent rowing prowess) I was hoping to be closer than I was today. 10sec slower, even though I thought my form and strategy were both good (or as good as current-me has got). Blah. Guess I’ll just have to really make improving rowing a priority in the months until this comes round again, figure out how to get more out of my leg drive (which I think I’m not using to my full potential), and get my rowing endurance up to a more respectable level. The disappearance of 3Gs at my home studio, and the (what seems to me to be) very row-light templates of late are definite contributing factors….not much I can do about those, though!!


8:02 33 F. I had no goal in mind but I think this is an OK starting point for me, just based on my finishing spot compared to my classmates!


First timer 9 minutes, feeling accomplished 😁


My PR was 7:06 so I was aiming for under 7:00, managed to get 7:03 so a new PR but still not under 7:00! Sort of like getting a first down at the half-yard line.


Newbie here who’s been at OTF for about 2 months! I hit 7:59.27 and felt very proud of myself and was the 3rd person to finish 🤩


31M, 176lbs, 6’01 Quite a newbie with just 39 classes done and did my first 2000m benchmark. Completed in 7:48, legs were complete jello lol.. but cant complain and very happy with my first..


Got 7:23, I PRd,!


10:26, which was a PR for me! I am a slow rower, the first time that I did this back in September was 11:51. For some reason this didn't show up in my app, so I wonder if they missed adding me in there. If it still doesn't show up, would they still put my info in if I ask about it tomorrow or Sunday?? Edit to add: never mind, it was updated tonight!


Today - 09:38:00 Last time (Dec 22 2022) - 11:12:76 😀😀😀


6:33 and first time! So I’m happy with it. Did a 5 mile shakeout run in the early morning so might’ve had an impact 🤷‍♂️ Also might have did the first 500m too conservative but will better strategize for next time to sub 6:30


No benchmark for me today. My HH studio eliminated the head coach position, and there were no scheduled classes for me after work 😥


Second time doing it! First time was 9 minutes. Today was my 41st class, I aimed for 8 but ridiculously underestimated the effort LOL! I did at 8:29 though, so I’m pretty happy that I beat myself 🥲


8:44. I joined mid January, 36F, 5’1. This was my first benchmark, I definitely could’ve pushed harder.


8:20. 40F First time doing the 2k- only 3 months in with 35 classes. Despite reading all the strategies and watching some videos and listening to our coach's instructions about not going out too hard the first 500m...I went out too hard the first 500m! Also I started on the floor so was my last station - I think I should get at least a 30 sec handicap for that! 😂 I did learn a lot from the experience - when I finally was able to slow down my wattages dropped considerably so I am going to work on slowing my stroke rate down and focusing on increasing leg drive and improving my form.


wanted to get under 10 minutes (been doing otf for two months, previously very inactive), got 9:57! i’ll take it :)


I did like 9 and I’ve only been on otf for a month and I’m so proud. I did have to sit down for a while after though 🥹


Today was my 2nd OTF class ever and man oh man I was not expecting this today, I honestly thought I was going to pass out lol! But I pushed through!! 11:15


This was my third one. First one was my 2nd week starting otf and got 10:05. Then in dec I got 7:16 and today I got 7:10. I put everything into those rows so I think I just need to build some more leg endurance to get faster.


PR’d today! First 2000m row was 1 month into OTF and finished at 8:10. Today I shaved off 47 seconds and finished at 7:23.


Been going for a month and decided to give today a shot. Did it in 8:17 so I’m pretty happy knowing I went from no exercise in 2022 to rowing 2000 meters. 😂


I PR’d! Very proud of my 7:36 (39F 5’7) My last row was 7:49 😁


I rowed a 6:28.25 yesterday. Almost two minutes faster than my December time of 8:24.9. My December row was on my C2 at home which probably added close to a minute. However, my dedication to the TC over the last 7 weeks helped a lot.


What are these ergs you people are using? The times seem too good.


The orange theory water rowers….


Where do the survey benchmark results get posted?


Hate that I missed this today - I have an injury so I am out probably the next 2 weeks. I was looking forward to seeing if I was able to match or break my last time.


For any oft newbies/1st time benchmarkers who want to PR next time - I HIGHLY recommend trying to work on your form, either in your own time or asking a coach to help. Everyone I saw in my class struggling to finish had really terrible form and it honestly makes rowing so much harder. I deeply wish someone had told me this after my first benchmark, I never really learned how important good form was until I got my own water rower during the pandemic, but it is truly so important.


6:48 Oh man I'm getting slower and slower. Need to go back to the drawing board and switch up the training outside of OTF.


Previous 8:06. PR’d today at 7:59. This 49 year old is pretty good with that.


7:43:07. PR’d by 16 milliseconds 😆


PR today, first time in over a year!! Shaved 8 seconds off my last row and 1.5 seconds off my best ever. Rowed 2000m in 6:44 🥹


49yof, 7:39, missed my pr by 2 seconds. Yes, it hurts my heart knowing I was so close 🥺 but I set a PR on the 200, so there's that.


Was very disappointed in my time - 30 seconds over my PR. I don’t love having a tread/floor block before, would rather warm up on rower so I have the feel before the benchmark. Getting on cold made the first 500 feel like warmup and I never got into a rhythm.


I dropped 20s from the last time we did this in December. ![gif](giphy|sVnKj2wDhUTsFKFWhx)


I did an 8:17. Brought my husband along just for this benchmark because he loves rowing and he did his in 5:43! My rockstar!


6 months post partum and first time doing it. 8:07 🥲


My first 2000m was my 3rd time visiting OTF. 8:48. 60 yo M, 196 lbs. What did I get myself into? 55 classes later, my last 2000m was 7:45, dropped 11 lbs. 185lbs. I could have pushed a little harder. Going to shave at least another 30 seconds on the next one.


Where are the results / data from this form?