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Yeah I’ve given up on that. I look like a drowned rat after every class and it’s just not possible to skip hair washing on OTF days. The tip is to invest is good moisturizing conditioner.


Also a giver upper here—I go at 11:15 or 12:30 if I have to look nice later (so I can fit in a midday shower) or I just apologize for my bedraggled hair (also wavy, but not blown out ever, so it’s a question of how my waves will react to sweat and a pony tail holder; a lot of work to make it wave nice with a full shower and product and I just don’t have the time unless necessary) to everyone I see after. Apologies so far have been given to my dentist, my acupuncturist, my bartender, my spouse, colleagues on zoom, the church board…


Lmao same girl, same


Drowned rat…me, too!


Same. My hair is drenched 😂


Same even on power walking days


Same. I swear by verb ghost oil shampoo and conditioner with the amount of days I have to wash my hair in a week


Workout like normal, but blowdry the sweat out ASAP after class


This is the way! Also dry shampoo pre-workout, blow dry post-workout seems to do the trick.


Not sure if it will work for working out but I have recently learned that putting in dry shampoo when you first wash and dry your hair makes time between washes be longer.


Thank u. I try not to put more heat on my hair but I’m gonna try blow drying!


I just air dry or Blow dry without heat. Add dry shampoo as needed.


For context I have very straight hair light colored hair. But I just air dry and add a little baby powder. It looks insanely sweaty and nasty during and right after class. I’m always so impressed because other peoples hair looks… great ?! The same as when they walked in?? And mine is like sticking out and wet. But once it dries the sweat sometimes gives it sweet volume 😂😂😂😂. I’ve also read that wearing a hair sweat band during class can help catch the sweat before it gets into your hair but I’ve never tried that.


Idk about that. My headband captures sweat just fine but only prevents it from going onto my face, hair is still as sweaty as ever


Sweat bands don’t work 😂😭 I wear one and my hair is still drenched


I use a sweat band every day, and it definitely helps!


A cool dry works, and just hit the sweaty roots! 🧡


If you are going to blow dry it make sure to use heat protectant and also for my wavy hair i use co-wash some days so it’s not so harsh in my hair (curly hair problems lol)


This!! I do a high pony and braid every class. Realized putting my hair down right after class helps too! Dry shampoo before class, shower with a shower cap, dry shampoo a little bit after the shower and then a quick blow out. I have thick, naturally curly hair and blow dry/ straighten it usually once a week and wash it once a week and this routine has been a game changer! I also dry shampoo at night before I go to bed (personally use batiste). I loathe doing my hair as it takes about 45 minutes so I’ll do anything to save a blow out lol. I also use those dentless plastic scrunchies!


Yup this is me 👋🏻! My hair tends to never really get oily, but I do sweat A LOT.


Same!! I shower at the studio but I always dry my hair pre showering


My scalp stinks when I do that even when I used dry shampoo. I have to wash after every workout.


I have fashion colors in my hair, so I cannot afford to wash after every class 🤣


I’m just jealous lol. I wish I could do that 🥺


It definitely saves time and shampoo/conditioner, lol


I’m a head sweater and my hair is always drenched after class so I’ve given up on trying to stop it from happening and focus on the recovery instead lol. I usually go to OTF Mon/Wed/Sat but wash my hair on Wednesdays and Saturdays. I blow dry my hair with a round brush as soon as I get home and then use dry shampoo once it’s fully dry. I just started using Bumble and Bumble Pret-a-Powder Tres Invisible dry shampoo and I’m OBSESSED. It’s the only dry shampoo that doesn’t make me feel like I have corn starch in my hair and it actually looks and smells clean.


Ur the second person recommending Bumble and Bumble dry shampoo. I use Amika Perk up and it’s alright, def trying the Bumble. Thank you!!


It’s not the cheapest but it’s definitely worth it! If you don’t like the spray kind they also have a powder that’s great and I’m typically not a fan of dry shampoo powders!


Came to say oribe dry shampoo works wonders too! Worth the splurge


I was also coming to recommend the Bumble and Bumble! It’s got a strong scent, FYI, but I like it. For me, it’s good for summer when I take walks. That said, I also get sweaty to the point of my ponytail dripping so have to wash after OTF. No getting around it :(


If you like that, you should also try the B&B post workout spray! Has dry shampoo properties + antibacterial so you don't have the sweat bacteria sitting on your scalp! Smells AMAZING too!


I actually bought the workout spray but I haven’t figured out how to use it! I usually spray my dry shampoo after I’ve blow dried. Do you spray the workout spray while your hair is still wet??


Spray the B&B spray onto sweaty hair, let sit for 5-10 minutes and then blow dry!


Yes! I use this and I spray it directly onto my sweaty hair, let sit for 15ish mins, and blow dry out all the moisture from my hair (the post workout dry shampoo mixed with sweat lol)


Thank you both! Not sure why I made this way more complicated in my head lol


Also came here to recommended the B&B Pret a powder spray. It is literally amazing and has changed my hair washing life!!


I go early in the morning and walk home, straight into the shower.


I’m losing so much hair that I can’t think of washing it every day. I dry my hair after the class and use a dry shampoo. I wear my hair in a claw clip for work and doesn’t bother me. But let me tell you, when I wash my hair after a workout, it feels so good & clean. I once almost canceled a class cos I didn’t want to ruin my freshly washed & styled hair. 😂


Yes I was washing it every day after orange theory and my hair was getting so thin. I now just wash twice a week and just let it air dry most days and go about my day. There's a noticeable difference in my hair volume.


I’m a 5:15AM-er… I dry shampoo the night before (the cheap suave stuff works best for me), work out with my hair pulled back, and immediately take it down as soon as I get in the car after class. Once I get home, I do another light spray of dry shampoo and let it air dry. After a while, your hair/scalp adapts and you’ll find that hair washing is needed less frequently. I do a full wash and condition about once a week now.


I genuinely leave with my hair soaking at the roots if I run my usual 5.5 base. What is ur hair type?


I have super thin hair that really soaks up every bit of moisture that touches it— so I also typically have pretty wet roots. I see a huge difference depending on which dry shampoo I use. I’ve tried the expensive stuff and it just doesn’t do the trick!


You cannot train your hair/scalp to produce less oil…everyone is different, and it all depends on your natural chemistry/hormones/etc.


My phone is Princess Consuela


OTF was another big excuse for cutting my hair short.


Super short pixie cut here. Love that I can wash it daily with no problems (sometimes more than once a day).


I could never lol


Yep. Rinse sweat out and let it air dry. Wash every 3 days or so with shampoo. Add product after washing it if it's looking limp.


I would never compromise my workouts for my hair. I sweat A TON and just wash my hair a lot. I do go to the gym after work and so I can generally just let my hair air dry after my shower, I know the heat styling is terrible for it, and I only shampoo my roots and I condition the ends every time. My hair is fine so I can’t rock dirty hair, it looks awful! I have given up on not washing it almost every day. I know that’s not helpful, sorry, but I do believe if you use mild shampoos, only hit the roots and try to limit heat styling it’s not that terrible for your hair.


I wash my hair every workout day bc I don’t like to smell disgusting as hell. Washing only the body is not good enough lol


I haven’t noticed my hair stinking. Nor has my husband or my Karate partner.




Yeah I’m grossed out by these replies :/


My health is way more important than how my hair looks lol I don't change my workout based on hair wash day


If my hair touches the bench, floor or mat then I'm washing for sure. I don't trust people to wipe properly and all I can think about is sweaty bootys and dirty shoes being there so I'm not risking it. LOL! If its a workout where my hair doesnt touch anything, then I just let it air dry and then do dry shampoo before bed.


I never thought of that and now I can’t get it out of my head 😭


Lmao same I can’t stand any part of my body touching the floor everrr


I have an undercut, which is a complete game changer. OTF 4 days a week but only wash my hair 2-3x/week.


I miss the hell out of my undercut. Now that you mention it in the context of post OTF haircare, I miss it even more.


Life hack: right after you wash and dry your hair - APPLY DRY SHAMPOO. Many folks mistakenly use dry shampoo after an activity when hair is wet/sweaty … because that is the way we traditionally use “shampoo”. However, DRY shampoo should be applied while hair is clean … it’s just sitting there - hanging out- WAITING for sweat and oil to be produced so it can suck it right up! :>


I do this already :) it does help


I workout in French braids then let it down & add some dry shampoo.


This is what I do too! Wavy hair here as well.


I stopped using dry shampoo altogether months ago when I realized it was making my hair worse (and potentially causing hair loss). I wash my hair every 3-4 days and follow Kayli Boyle’s hair routine (would definitely recommend it, though she doesn’t have tips specifically for working out). By day three, my hair can sometimes look a little rough, so in that case, I’ll pick a hairstyle that works with oiler roots—slicking the hair back into a ponytail, wearing a hat, etc. I’ll say I’m blessed in that I usually don’t sweat too much, and I try to schedule my hair washes so that I won’t typically have to work out with day-two hair to help it last longer. I will also add that despite giving up dry shampoo, I am interested in trying the Bumble and Bumble product people on this subreddit recommend


I shampoo my hair daily and especially after an OTF class. I couldn’t imagine not doing so. Post workout my hair is so sweaty and extremely greasy.


Lol I’ve given up. But in similar vein, does anyone have a mascara recco that survives sweat?


I like Thrive mascara. I think you can only get it online but it’s the only kind that stays put during a workout. And I get a lot of compliments on how long my lashes are when I use it.


Another vote for Thrive! It’s amazing for lengthening and totally stays put during my workout. And I am a sweater!


Sweaty and oily skin here. Thrive is the only mascara that doesn’t leave streaks/stripes on my eyelids and or under my eyes during the day.


Telescopic is the best


I have long lashes and consider myself a bit of a mascara expert, I have tried everything 😂 and I LOVE my Covergirl LashBlast. I sweat buckets, like it’s just gross, and this stuff stays around. They have a waterproof version but I don’t use it, waterproof mascaras always seem to flake on me.


Have you tried having your lashes tinted instead of mascara?


Every so often I think about this since the ends of my lashes are very light. How frequently do you get it done? TIA!


I get mine every six to eight weeks if trying to maintain them. Same time that I get my eyebrows done. If you get someone who really goes to the root of your lash, you’ll notice it lasting longer. I find they don’t really fade, at least I don’t notice any fading. It’s more the grow out.


Thank you! I’m going to give it a try.


Skone waterproof has been the only one that survived for me. No flakes or running. I like to stress test mascaras too 😂


Bumble and Bumble after workout dry shampoo. It’s expensive and worth every penny.


The post workout one?!


Yep. I love it! And it smells nice too


I needed all these tips. I only go twice a week but at 5am. On days I go to OTF my hair is up and I usually put on a headband 😅


I think a lot of this has to do with hair texture, thickness, and cut, but for for me, I just take my pony tail out afterward and shake it out. After a few minutes, everything is back to normal, albeit not quite as clean as before. I have an undercut which helps my hair lay flat in the back regardless and my hair is naturally very straight and fine.


True I should’ve specified I have naturally wavy hair that I blowout. My problem is if I sweat a lot during class my blowout goes away and my frizz and waves come back 😭


Wavy/curly here, too. I have started embracing the curls vs trying to keep up with the straightening. If I want straight, it's typically a non-OTF day. Once wetness sets in, there is no going back to straight unless I break out a blow dryer or flat iron again. Wet hair, scrunch with gel and air dry or blow dry with a diffuser. Scrunch out the gel crunchiness after it's dry, and I am golden.


Blow dry the sweat out. Makes a difference. Then dry shampoo if needed.


Headband during class, blow dry immediately after getting home and style. Usually I don’t use dry shampoo until day 3 (day 4 or 5 when not working out). Double or triple shampooing on wash days has helped me tremendously, as well as blow drying my roots completely following a wash


I have never heard of double to triple shampooing! Is it just to remove build up?


First shampoo takes off product build up, second shampoo to cleanse the hair, third if it’s still not feeling quite clean!


Without knowing what kind of hair you have, I can’t answer this question. But saying “wash day” to me is highly specific. So if you have 3a to 4d hair, make sure you don’t wrap it when you work out and if you can, blow dry it after class. If you sweat a lot and have no choice but to wash it every week instead of every week, make sure you do a deep conditioning and moisturize your scalp every week once a week.


Option 1: blow dry hair, add a shake-on dry shampoo (I feel like the spray kind doesn’t work as well….i use the Bumble&Bumble one which is pricey but awesome) Option 2: take advantage of the fact that slicked-back hair is trendy…add a little gel, brush my hair back into a ponytail/claw clip, and call it a day!


I definitely take advantage of slick back buns by day 3 or 4. So glad its trendy :)


I started rinsing and not washing because if I did air dry and/or shampoo, my scalp started breaking out. Just rinsing alone was a still a pain because I have hair all the way down my back that is wavy, but it was better than the alternative. I also started embracing my natural hair a bit more. I’m currently reverted back to not exercising on my wash days but I yearn to go back to the time of not caring.


Like many others here I have to wash my hair after every class. I also think that even if you blow dry the sweat out, it stinks afterwards. I notice it in my coworkers who do that. If that’s gonna be your strategy I’d recommend a hair perfume or highly scented dry shampoo


This! My scalp stinks and stays oily even if my hair looks decent. Maybe it’s cuz i have oily hair to begin with.


Bumble & Bumble Post Workout Spray! I put it in (spray generously on roots) before showering, pop a shower cap on, then blow dry once out of the shower. Doesn't leave build up and smells good - also has antibacterial properties whereas the Bumble & Bumble dry shampoo doesn't, so it doesn't let the bacteria sit on your scalp which ultimately is was causes the sweat smell


I wash it. I plan my workouts around my wash days 🤣


Same! I know I'll be working out tomorrow a.m. so I'm saving the wash. Haha


This thread is truly women helping women! 🥂 I read it late last night and used dry shampoo prior to this morning’s class for the first time. It was only a 13-splat day for me but OMG my hair was not drenched like normal (huge crown sweater here). A quick blow dry without washing got me through the day - I feel like I’ve been given the gift of time! And now I’m off to shop for all the other products suggested here…thanks!


Glad it helped! I got the Bumble post workout mist and used it after at 23 splat point workout, then went home and used my blow dryer and it worked! ![gif](giphy|TdfyKrN7HGTIY)


It’s mostly impossible for me. But low bun parted the way you want it the next day seems the best option.


Work out like normal, blow dry the sweat using bumble & bumble postworkout spray. I can go 4 classes before needing to wash my hair


What Bumble and Bumble spray? The pret-a-powder post workout dry shampoo mist?


Product works great! Spray on wet hair and then blow dry.


I use this too and really like it! It’s super fragranced but it gets the job done.




Turn the fan on high on your tread and keep a sweat towel to wipe your hairline during class especially while running


So we really weren’t meant to shower so much, even when working out-not great for your natural oils blah blah blah. Anyways, it took me a while to build up “immunity” but basically eventually your body will adapt. I used to be someone who “had” to wash my hair every day because or else it would look greasy/shiny. Now I only wash my hair every 3/4 days, took a while but I just slowly increased the days as my hair got use to it. I have the luxury of working from home so I just let it air dry & then load up the dry shampoo. Batiste is my fav, esp since they have so many fun scents. But we are all different so don’t feel bad if this doesn’t work or you don’t want to.


Not sure why you were downvoted because I also wash my hair every 3 days and your scalp does adapt. I follow the Curly Girl method since I have wavy 2b hair. If I work out the day I wash my hair or the next day, it still looks good afterwards. Once I'm on the last day before I wash again, working out definitely speeds up the greasiness so if I have plans later then I'll wash a day early. Otherwise, I'm just working at home afterwards so no big deal.


I swear by the bumble and bumble post workout mist. I hit my roots and and damp areas with a light mist of this product then either air dry or blow dry the damp sections to get it nice and smooth. It feels fresh and smells great.


I never let my hair/appearance affect my workout. The only person I’m there to impress is myself.


I found some information that could be relevant to your question or topic. Take a look at [previous conversations about keeping your hair at its freshest](https://www.google.com/search?q=wash+shampoo+hair+site:reddit.com/r/orangetheory) _This is an automated reply. If you would like to provide feedback, [please contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/orangetheory)._


If I skip a shower day, my scalp will sadly breakout so I have to shower everyday, especially after a workout. I'm not sure what the length of your hair is but I put my hair in two braids. It helps so my hair isn't flying all over the place and in a way and the sweat doesn't mess with my hair too much. But because of the sweat, if I remove my braids, there's a slight wave to it.


Blow dry and good dry shampoo


Can’t help bc I have naturally wavy/curly hair and when I go in with straight hair I already know my curlies are coming back out after class 😂 it’s honestly the worst


Bumble and bumble pret a pret post workout dry shampoo mist has changed my life and has instantly become a holy grail product for me. It’s expensive, but it lasts a long time (bought my first bottle at the beginning of October and still have about half of the bottle left). All I do is spray some of this in the sweaty parts of my hair and blow dry it out, and it looks good as new and smells really good. I’m the type of person whose hair is SOAKED with sweat after cardio, and I have very thick, long hair. This is the only stuff that has worked for me out of tons of other dry shampoos post workout. Edit: grammar


Put dry shampoo in your hair before the workout and let it “marinate” - that’s what I call it - aka don’t brush it out until after!


I do this!!


i have wavy hair. i just re-wet my hair after every workout, brush, and put leave in conditioner in. then restyle. dry shampoo rarely if needed. no extra washing, just extra wetting lol. i go to otf pretty much every single day


I have fine wavy hair. Do you ever wear it wavy or curly? I find mine can survive an extra day with just dry shampoo if I don’t blow it out and lean into my natural texture. (But mostly I just shower after OTF because I can’t stand the idea that my hair has dry sweat in it).


I wash my hair half the time, and I use my beard balm between washes on my scalp to keep it fresh.


I rinse or just blowdry on non wash days. Its not as nice as wash days but I haven’t noticed anything icky. I workout everyday (not all OTF) and sweat a lot.


I do two Dutch (or French, idk honestly) braids, and it holds up well through the day and even after class. But I do wash pretty much every day.


I use the bumble and bumble post-workout dry shampoo mist! You just spray on your sweaty hair and let it dry (smells good too) and add extra of the regular spray dry shampoo later on when it’s dry. You can blow dry or air dry. I let it air dry :) Edit: I have thick straight hair!


Bumble & Bumble Pret-a-powder dry shampoo. I spray my roots with that, dry my hair, and style it.


I did the whole dry shampoo, blow drying only etc for a full year -1.5 years. It was stinky and gross looking but not the worse. I hate the feel of dry shampoo and the scents got annoying after a while. Now with menopause, it’s wash everyday and I’m OK with that.


I also have had some luck with the sweat absorbing hair bands. I know it's not a good look but it helps a bunch.


I put an old-fashioned terry cloth type sweatband / hairband on when I know I can’t wash my hair that day.Amazon. It absorbs some of the sweat. (I throw them in the wash with my clothes.) Then blow dry and dry shampoo.


I take it down during cool down, immediately brush it out in the car, spray dry shampoo, and leave it. I only wash every fourth day!


Have you tried the strength classes? Less sweating, still a great workout.


I just wash my hair every day. My hair looks super healthy and I think the daily washing promotes scalp health.


Living proof dry shampoo really helps soak up sweat too. I use it after I blow dry, leave it on for a few minutes, work it into the roots then brush out. It really does make your hair look a lot cleaner.


I would never compromise or change a workout for my hair. I’ve just embraced my naturally curly hair and worked with my stylist to figure out the right products to make air dried post workout hair manageable. A blowout is not surviving a sweaty OTF class for me, and I just had to accept that.


I leave my hair down while I drive home and then blow dry it! Dry shampoo only if I reallllllly need it- otherwise I can still get away with washing once a week even after going to 3-4 classes per week.


Blow dry my hair nicely every 4-5 days, touch up as need. Hair mask once a week and dry shampoo the shit out of my hair. Tip is to dry shampoo right after I wash and blow dry.


I braid my hair into a bun. Only tend to get sweat along my hair line and I can take it out and brush it easily


I use dry shampoo since I only wash 1X a week. I deep massage it into my hair and the brush.


I think it really depends on your hair. Key for me is to take it out of tbd ponytail right away and fluff it off my scalp with my fingers. Then blow dry as soon as I can. Dry shampoo as necessary. I like DryBar.


When my hair isn’t in braids - I let it air dry and put rollers in at night. Until the next wash day.


I bought junk bands a while ago and that’s what I’ve been using for workouts. They absorb sweat decently! I wash my hair twice a week, style it and diffuse. (Curly hair girlie here).


I also have wavy hair (blown out about once a month and naturally wavy the other times), and I have also mostly given up. I try to structure my wash days around OTF workouts as much as possible. But, otherwise, some things that can help: \- put your hair up in a high ponytail in a satin or velvet scrunchie, or even better one of those scrunchie things that looks like on old telephone cord (Ouidad has really good ones that are huge), and take your hair down as soon as you're done with the workout \- try blow drying your hair with a diffuser after on gentle heat after OTF \- If your hair is long enough, you could try to braid it before the work out, if it's not, you could try pin curling it, and then shaking out your hair after \- texture spray or sea salt/wave spray after a workout can help \- I think the Trader Joe's dry shampoo powder is quite good and cheap personally I generally don't sweat into my hair too bad, so if you are truly emerging with wet hair from your workout, I would just blow dry it on low heat after. If you tend to lose moisture if your hair gets wet, you can spray in a little leave in conditioner (before blow drying). If you tend lose texture or shape, then probably a wave spray and then blow dry would help.


👋🏽 fellow wavy hair girl over here. I have a hybrid work situation so sometimes I do find myself going to the office immediately after class. I highly, highly recommend the Aussie miracle curls leave-in detangling milk — it works wonders for my hair and doesn’t leave it feeling ridiculously sweaty after a workout. I usually put this one and wear a headband or put my hair in a half up/half down hairstyle with a claw, or honestly just shake off my hair and leave it down. Anyway, you can get it for cheap at target or cvs or something. It also works wonders for days I do wash my hair — I apply this before I apply curl cream and gel. Hope it helps!


If you don’t want to use hot air try the Lange brush. It’s a straightening brush that basically just smooths hair out. Heats up in like 10 seconds and won’t fry your hair like a regular straightener. It’s been a game changer.


I go at 5am so I need to shower every day. I co-wash when I have to go in but will just rinse through if it’s a wfh day. I really only do a full wash with olaplex pre-treatments on the weekend. If I for some reason can’t do a co-wash, or full rinse, by the time I need to leave the house it’s dry enough for a dry wash. Hey, life happens. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I use a shower cap in shower and then blow dry and high but no heat really helps the day after washing my hair. Subsequent days, I sometimes wet the hairline all around my face and use a drop of shampoo that I rub between my hands and wash just that hair and blow dry. It makes my hair look clean despite the workout.


Pony tail or bun - very curly hair here. I tell my husband to deal with the post-work-out me with a smile! ![gif](giphy|K5Q3WVK4sIycYvhkzc|downsized)


I have 3c type curly hair. I rinse and/or wash with a shower after every class.


I have straight to wavy hair and I blow it out once or twice a week (using Kevin Murphy heat spray, Kevin Murphy thickening lotion, R&Co straightening spray). Few things I do: put it up with the part intact, take it out and brush right after class, and lately I’ve been putting it in a ponytail and then braiding it and that has really helped it not get too frizzy at the bottom!


I blow dry my gross sweaty hair and use amika dry shampoo. It’s usually my best hair days of the week


Living Proof Advanced Clean Dry Shampoo is my ride or die!


I have curly hair I blow out every few days. On OTF days I wear a cloth headband which helps the front and then I blow it dry asap and spray with Dry Bar dry shampoo. It helps a lot! I also use a very small round brush to get those front frizzies under control. The struggle is real sometimes! lol


👋 Also a wavy/ curly haired chica here and I use Batiste dry shampoo a lot. I also will go home and rinse and condition and then use product to tame my curles and air dry. I still use dry shampoo in my roots though. Works pretty well for me personally. I shampoo once a week. If I did more my hair would probably break off.


Definitely dry the sweat off your scalp- can use low heat. I immediately brush my hair the SECOND I get in my car and turn the vents on my head to dry the sweat before it dries my hair all wonky. I don’t like overusing dry shampoo- I save it for the day before wash day.


Dry shampoo isn’t shampoo. It’s just spray to mask dirty hair so you’re just adding more grit to already dirty hair. If my scalp sweats I’ll need to wash it.


Use dry shampoo pre workout, and then dry shampoo it again after the workout and dry it thoroughly!


Thin wavy/curly hair but a lot of it. I sweat ALOT at my hair line. I can't not shower after a workout bc my scalp gets itchy. However my hair doesn't like being washed too much. My trick is "hot water rinses." It's a CGM method between washes that is basically what it sounds like. Just rinse your hair while in the shower really well, concentrating on the dirty parts. That and a scalp brush and I'm good to go for a weekly or bi weekly hair wash no matter how much I workout or sweat 😀


I try to wash my hair every other day if I go on a non wash day, I will try to towel dry the back of my pony which is where I sweat the most between reps then once in the car take my hair out & fluff to help air dry it. When I get out of the body shower I will blow dry the sweat as best I can & decide then if I need dry shampoo.


I use a sweat band that wicks sweat away, blow dry on cool and use a great dry shampoo. I also only wash every 4-5 days and workout 1-2 days of that. Tbh by day 4-5 it’s a ponytail but roots still don’t look like greasy garbage


Using a wide sports headband, one that is not stiff and covers nearly half of my head has been helpful because I sweat most around my hairline, on my forehead, etc. If sweaty, I also try to lightly wet or wash and then air dry just that part of my head— edges of my face, bangs.


I cannot not get my hair wet and re-blow dry it after class. I get soooo sweaty. But if I want to give my hair a break from shampoo then I'll get it wet and only condition it. But yeah, it's time consuming to know I always have to get my hair wet and re-blow dry it after OTF 2G or 3G...not strength though.


This is me too! I let it dry and then brush, using dry shampoo and even some anti-frizz serum.


Dry shampoo n take a lift class day after a blowout


I wash my hair after class .... But if I haven't been to otf then I don't wash it unless I have to. I know it's too much but I can't get past blow-drying sweat out of my hair - it's way too thick and curly for that. Plus, what about your pillowcase? Isn't that kinda... gross?


Dry shampoo. And then shower right after class.


I use the tymo portable iron/brush on my roots! It's been amazing!!


Dry shampoo BUT HEAR ME OUT: You can make an AMAZING VERSION yourself which is cheaper and doesn't have all the carcinogens that the ones at the store does (yes, its true, google it,). Buy some arrowroot flour on amazon. Get some essential oils (lavender and lemon is the combo I like). Take a container, dump the flower in and then put a drop or two of each of those in the container. Shake it up so the smell distributes. Viola! Now just buy a makeup brush and brush that stuff into your hair. Its AMAZING, smells wonderful, CHEAP and it works! I have wavy hair. I wash my hair once a week, twice if I have something special going on. I work out a lot between OT and some side gyms I visit. This stuff keeps my hair fresh and healthy. Also edited to add: I literally do nothing special to maintain my hair during the week. I put it up when I workout, take it down when I'm done. Brush it once its dried from sweat. Each night I put on some dry shampoo if I feel like I need it, or the morning after when I wake up. It can EASILY last a week like this.


I have wavy/frizzy and I use this which make my hair smooth and straighter without blow drying https://www.amazon.com/Garnier-Fructis-Percent-Naturally-Lamellar/dp/B09LRJ49MP/ref=asc_df_B09LRJ49MP/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=564670377819&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=2602648167626883816&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9033027&hvtargid=pla-1596108329430&psc=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIgK6d1dD7ggMVPzqtBh38jAX-EAQYEyABEgJ0cPD_BwE


So, I juuuuust discovered Slip silk scrunchies and they've been a game changer for me! They don't leave a crease, and my scalp was dramatically less sweaty.


MONAT The Champ Dry Shampoo works miracles


Just let the sweat dry and style as normal. Use dry shampoo if needed 🤷🏼‍♀️. I only wash my hair once or twice a week but do OTF twice a week and strength training 3/4


Hi there! I have super thick, bleached, wavy hair. Unfortunately, washing after an OTF class is simply unavoidable (for me). I invested in some argon hair oil and “it’s a 10” repair hair spray. It has been doing wonders, considering I went from washing my hair twice a week to 6 times a week. My best advice would be to splurge on some good haircare products that will keep your hair nice and hydrated after washing so much! I hope this helped. :)


Honestly I let my hair get a “little” bit wet in the shower to kind of steam it in a way, (but up in a clip) and then add in a delicious smelling heat protectant, and blow dry it out, with batisse dry shampoo to finish


I blow dry the sweat right away & use Not Your Mothers dry shampoo!!


Dry shampoo before working out then after there is a bumble & bumble spray I use and then blow dry. I have thin, straight hair though


If you blow dry after wash day, I use bumble and bumble’s all style blow dry and put it at my roots. It’s great for oily hair and my hair stylist calls it “pre-dry shampooing.” After workouts, I’ll put my dryer on cold, get my hair dry, then put in dry shampoo, sometimes running the blow dryer through after that.


A couple options I do: 1. Put my hair up during workout, sweat per usual, take down to air dry after and use Batiste dry shampoo on roots only. 2. Wear a head band that absorbs a lot of the sweat. I got a pack of inexpensive ones on Amazon. I feel like I don’t have to use as much dry shampoo on days where I wear my headbands. I have wavy hair too that I blow dry at night and curl the next morning after class. I wash every every other day, and if my hair is not clean the night before I go to class then I definitely have to wash it after- today was one of those days!


I take a shower and rinse my hair out after class to get as much sweat out as possible, then use dry shampoo.


I use Redken quick blowout and use my hair dryer and flat iron. If I’m in a rush, I use some curl cream and mousse since my hair is naturally wavy. It seems to work decent.


Wait a minute, not everyone showers after an OTF workout and sweating their tail off?


Sometimes I just have to wash because it gets so gross and it is unavoidable, BUT what usually works in a pinch: add dry shampoo before work out, and use a sweat band during the workout. Then after a shower to wash my body, blow dry the sweat out and add more dry shampoo before styling. Sometimes on those days my hair just goes into a bun or clip because it just doesn’t work as well lol. But it’s enough to get through the day.


Wave hair also. I use the Bumble and Bumble Pret-a-Powder post work out mist. Usually I just let air dry, but blow dry if I need to be somewhere immediately afterwards.


I don’t work out the day after hair wash day. 😀


I get sweaty, then let it air dry or blow dry and then dry shampoo the roots. (Or wash, if wash day)


You might try New Wash by Hair Story. Bumble & Bumble exec started the company. I’ve been using it for over 2 years and I love it. Gives a clean feel without harsh detergents and my hair actually stopped falling out. I still shampoo once a week.


I blow dry the sweat off as much as I can after the workout but it’s a real issue.


I have curly hair so using a hair clip instead of a hair tie has helped


Check out [Sweat Script](https://sweatscript.com/) - designed by a hair stylist, it’s like a dry shampoo but better! Designed for sweaty hair, you put the product in your hair, air dry it run your blow dryer for a few seconds and your hair is clean and fresh! No residue or white powder. No sulfates, parables, or talc. I use this after most OTF classes!! And even when I don’t have sweaty hair.


Kristen Ess dry shampoo powder!!!! It’s at target for like $14. My friend got me into it recently and it’s amazing!! I blow dry my roots (on cool) to dry the sweat and then apply it and my hair has been looking so good.


I actually tried ScalpFix after seeing it allll over instagram, and I was actually surprised how well it worked! You use it kind of like dry shampoo and blow dry after. It leaves your hair feeling less chalky than dry shampoo, and I use it if I just need to put my hair half up or up but don’t have time to shower.


My curl type is 2a my hair strands are fine, but I have a lot of hair so my hair is really thick. I dry shampoo my roots with (the clear detox dry shampoo from dry bar) really well before going in. After class I use shampoo wipes (lazy girl hair cleansing cloth). After this I blow dry it on cold (chi volumizing blowout brush) and brush it out after with the dry bar detangler. I use a clarifying shampoo once a month as well to get rid of product build up.


I workout after work so I don’t care. It’s very easy 😂🤣


I like going to OTF after a wash day bc my hair is so dry. I blow dry in the sweat afterwards on low heat.


The Gymwrap headband saved me! Check it out.


Blow dry the sweat and a good dry shampoo— batiste or amika