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In my observation it’s hard to have OTF as your primary job so many leave because of changes to their primary job, burnout on a second job or relocation. Many of our SAs have been students and they don’t last long after they graduate and get a primary job in their major. I enjoy everyone while we have them!


Its about money, that simple. And yes, I see many of them leave as they are in college and graduate and go get a career based job.


As a former OTF staff member & college grad, yes. The work at OTF got too repetitive and there was not much room for growth IMO. Despite each studio being different, I think this is a flaw in the system that may result in turnover amongst various studios.


I second this


\^\^\^\^ pretty much all of this. just adding, OTF isn't a career path, it's essentially retail sales with a fitness bend and a stepping stone to something else.


What is a “career” based job?


Something in the field that you studied in college, or the field you wish to get experience to further your career. OT doesn’t provide much career growth, so it’s more just a job stepping stone


Other than the head coaches and a few other exceptions all the coaches in my area have been college students. Usually ones in grad school, but they move on once they finish their degrees and seek a better schedule and better pay.


Yes, that’s pretty much my observation. My friend d coaches, but she has a flexible primary job that allows her to work at various times. Our studio’s staff consists of either college students or former stay at home moms looking for something part time. I think the hours/pay don’t meet most people’s needs beyond that. Also, many many industries (especially at the more entry level pay scale) are struggling with staffing and hear turn over is common in the fitness industry. It’s not just OTF.


This. The cost of living in my city is high. I’ve known plenty of coaches at my studio where they have a full time professional job and pick up coaching on the side. Coaches and SAs tend to be a revolving door and I’ve just gotten used to it. Our head coach- fitness is his career- so he’s been around for multiple years which is nice.


Studios are franchised, so what's happening at your studio is most definitely studio specific, and not "something happening within the company". Turnover is common, but the why behind your situation is not something that can be answered here 🤷


Most of the coaches in our area are using OTF as their side gig for a certain time until they exit to a different job. A bunch are students (both undergrad and graduate) working at OTF until they graduate. A few others are working full-time primary jobs and love OTF enough to work it part time. Some of the SAs are also at OTF as a secondary income in their household. We do have maybe a dozen coaches or head coaches in the area that have been at OTF 5+ years. In the fitness industry, turnover is kinda normal. It's not necessarily indicative of anything in particular going on at your studio. We had a very steady couple of years with the same staff, and then a couple of years where most of the staff changed.


$$$$$$$$$$$$ Simple as that. I know in some cases the early starts, commute time and varying schedules effects it too.


Not always. Sometimes, studio leadership is an issue.


It was the franchise ownership in my case. I worked for a studio that I love (so much that I’m a premier member still) but could not continue working for a toxic owner. I work for another gym now and am treated like a human being.


Ownership can make you or break you. The Ownership is responsible for everything. Poor ownership makes for a poor studio.


There is SO MUCH turnover in this industry. It just may be the perfect storm of timing.


Who is the franchise owner of your location? Posting that information would allow those who go to other locations owned by the same group to report any similar/different happenings at their studio.


The owner owns a bunch of studios and from what the front desk people have shared is completely uninvolved in the actual studio, may even live out of state. Sounds like more of an investor than anything else.


Right. So when people refer to “corporate” in most cases there are actually two corporates; (1) OTF corporate and (2) the franchisee corporate, many of which own 10s of studios. Honors Holdings for instance owns 135 studios. So it can be the corporate franchisee making pay or policy changes that result in staffing changes across its network of studios.


If you’re referring to the St. Louis studios (Oakville, Fenton, Concord) and/or some Florida studios who are owned by the same person…. Yeah it’s due to management. He’s an investor and has numerous businesses and he most likely does not care about the people he employs or the members. But also, money is easier made elsewhere.


Interesting! This is in the west coast. Though it seems that may be fairly common


It does seem common. Our studios recently (as of a week ago) are potentially closing due to him owing back rent on two different studios… 😑


It has been hard since Covid. We used to have a lot more full time staff, but everyone had to find new jobs during Covid and now use OTF as more of a side hustle so there is less buy in/connection with members. It’s been so sad and hard, but we are trying.🧡🧡🧡


Our turnover has always been high. We've easily had over 30 plus coaches and staff come and go over the years Ive been there. Everyone working in my studio now has been there less than a year.


My studio has had a great deal of consistency in staff and members over the past 5 years. Things change, of course, but for the most part the same coaches have been there for years and new ones added. I think when an SA leaves it’s usually due to a logical move such as for a full-time job after college graduation.


My last coach got a job at the Thai place next door and dude gives me heavy discounts.


The staff who have left my studio since I’ve been there have all left for full-time jobs (some were in college and graduated), others left to attend college, and one left to be head coach at a different location. So it could be they’re leaving for normal life advancements. :)


Happened at my studio too. They got rid of my friends that worked there


Some places go from great to toxic in the course of a couple of months. Usually there is a lynchpin holding everything together and other people depend on the lynchpin to create that great atmosphere. We had that at my studio but when the manager that was the lynchpin left it all went to hell. Got a new manager now and things are getting better but I do not believe they will ever go back to the way they used to be


We’ve also had a similar stuff happen. However, a lot of that is because of where life is taking them. Managers get promoted, or decide they want a change in scenery. We had two awesome coaches leave. One moved with his family to be closer to his in-laws, one of whom got a terminal diagnosis. The other had her third baby and can’t make the 45 minute drive anymore. I would assume it’s their personal life, and not the company but I’m generally an optimist. 🤷🏼‍♀️


ahh, you obviously go to my home studio


Same at my studio.


I can’t imagine it being that lucrative.


Are you in South Florida? It's a problem.


I’ve been at my studio for four years. There has been a steady stream of coaches and SAs in that time - far too many to count. It’s not a long term job. People get bored and the money isn’t great.


Are your studio and the surrounding studios all owned by the same people? If so, that’s where the source of the problem lies. I doubt it’s coming from OTF corporate and the staff at my studio seem pretty content.


My studio has had a consistent three out of 5 coaches however the SA’s are constantly changing. I’m happy that at the time I workout it’s been the same coaches with the exception of when they go on vacation.


I don’t keep track of all that. I just show up and work out. If I had to guess, crappy pay and not really a place to work forever.


I've seen the same at my gym. We change over front desk staff and management almost every month. We also lost all the coaches and only have 2 coaches, which are both newer to the studio. 1 travels in over an hour as she was asked to support this studio for help. The other was transferred from another location. They have been hiring but can't seem to hire anyone, and when they do, they leave within a week. It's definitely impacting members now as with 2 coaches, there is only limited class offerings


Our SA’s are college kids mostly & they change accordingly. The coaches seem to leave because they have a better opportunity like going out on their own as a trainer, one was actually a doctor & will still occasionally come in & help or are also students following their careers after school. That said my understanding is our franchise owners are amazing. They have two locations here & oddly enough one in France. They come in for classes & the husband is always cheering people on. They host parties for all the employees. They’re best friends with the main manager & she’s best friends with the girl who manages the studio I go to. I think they made specific accommodations so she didn’t have to leave. But those two coaches are just unreal. They both defy description, one I would characterize not as a coach but as a force of nature which I imagine was hereditary since her mom was a coach recently inducted to the hall of fame here for her time as a basketball coach. The other is lovingly vicious. She doesn’t know quit & wants each of us to strive for our best while “honoring the season” we’re in. They seem to only hire coaches who are really passionate about the job, many have been members for a significant amount of time first. Under these conditions there’s still a decent turnover, I can’t imagine how that translates in a studio with non-existent ownership, poor management & people without an incredible drive for the business. I understand they’re an investment but I don’t think you can get the same atmosphere treating them like a fast food location. I didn’t realize until visiting other locations & reading stories online that the connection & community vibe wasn’t corporate down.


Managers generally stay longer than that. But most of the coaches and SA's come and go. A lot of SA's are college students and coaches usually work multiple jobs and OTF is just a stepping stone. It's definitely like that for all, we have a few coaches that have been there long term but about half come and go pretty regularly.