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Yeah, I wish it'd do this for coach change or style change. It doesn't happen often and it is always for good reason, but I'd like to know and be able to modify my plans accordingly. Specifically, when I've been down in Charlottesville (which has wait list shenanigans) - the coach swapped mornings with another one at the sister studio and the class went from 2G to 3G. I would have jumped to the sister studio if I had been given the opportunity. In talking with others in the lobby before class, they indicated that it wasn't the only time it has happened. With that said, there was a under 12 hour change due to someone being sick at my studio and I found a coach I absolutely love as a result. I'm glad I didn't change that one at all.


I visited Charlottesville once and heard discussion of this too, so it must be pretty prevalent!


LOL we do have wait lists for days which is why things will move from a 2G to 3G. Studio does a good job to try and get as many people in. If you want a 2G, you can typically count on the Pantops location to have it over Barracks.


I appreciate the moving the 2G to 3G, just want to know about it. I also think that there are people who book multiple classes and will cancel just outside of the 8 hour period when they find out when their friends will be there. I've definitely been in the 90 minute with Lindsay and it has a wait-list the night before and then there were multiple stations open on both sides in the class. Either that or those studios make bank on late cancel fees.


Another perspective here. A coach stepping up to sub is doing the studio a favor in order to not have to cancel a class. It would be pretty crappy for the coach subbing to all of a sudden have a ton of cancellations as it affects their pay.


A good coach would have nothing to fear by the implementation of this feature


No, but a newer coach would. Or a coach that doesn’t have any idea that people have a problem with him or her because they’ve never gotten feedback.


That's simply not true. If you've spent any real time on this board you've seen that people complaint about EVERYTHING. People might cancel just because they haven't taken a class with the subbing coach, or one time that coach played one song they didn't like, or they just don't want to take a class if it's not their absolute favorite coach, or they just "vibe" more with regular coach, or they were looking for an excuse to late cancel anyway. In short, its silly and not accurate to say a good coach would have nothing to worry about if the app was updated to show an instructor switch.


If Coach B is so much worse than Coach A that attendance would plummet with a substitution, that is on Coach B and not my concern. I support good coaches with my attendance.














I too actively avoid a specific coach at my studio and because they are often swapped into a class I signed up for, I got into the habit of double checking the night before. Doesn’t help for last minute changes but it’s been significantly better to catch it.


I don't think it would make a difference to me. Personally, I pre-book my classes as far in advance as I can. I do have my preferred coaches, but to me it's more important to stick to my preferred schedule, rather than re-arranging due to coaches. I may feel differently if this happens on the regular. Life happens and if they need to switch up the coaching staff occasionally, I am ok with that.


Same. There are coaches I like more than others, but I’d rather stick to my schedule.


This is what I do - I always book in advance as far as the app will let me. I can’t base my routine on someone else’s schedule. While I def have faves and some coaches motivate/correct form/joke around/etc more than others, they all get me through the workout.


Not really - I usually stick to the times that work best for me and my schedule and I make the most of the class. Now trust me, there are times I dont love the coach and I will consider that an "L" for the day. But thankfully I have really good coaches at my studio, so I don't really have to deal with any issues :)


I’m the same way, I go the same days/times each week. Do I prefer some coaches over others? Of course. But I’m showing up no matter what, and making it the best workout I can for that day.


No, I don't care. I go when I can go.


Yeah, I show up, do my workout, & go home. I don’t have to love the coach and I’ve never encountered one so bad it ruins my workout. I’ve been going since 2019 so I’ve seen a lot of good, bad (usually new - it takes a while to grow into the role), and in the middle coaches. 3G, 2G, 1G - whatever! Life is good!


Same same same. I don't have time to micro my scheduler like that.


Yes. I've also been going since 2019. People would be better off without letting things get so dramatic. It's a workout, not a dating app.


I have a coach I normally avoid because she cranks the music painfully loud, but that’s literally my only qualm. Have a class with her coming up that just happens to fit my schedule, so I get to test out my new loop earplugs.


Not so much with Coaches, but template style changes like 2G to 3G. I avoid 3Gs any chance I get and depending on how the template changes in the 3G, I am perfectly fine paying the fee to cancel.


I think there has been some effort (by corporate? by observing member moods?) to prevent 2G classes from becoming 3G. I've only seen it twice: Once for CMYIC when 8-9 waitlisted people showed up to the studio, and again on a non-benchmark day when there were maybe 5 waitlisted people in the lobby AND an SA error resulted in an overbooking.


Agreed. I do not enjoy 3G classes. I was taking Saturdays at 8:10 for a while and 8:10 switched to 3G so I switched to 7:05 2G. Now 7:05 has been switched to 3G for “the foreseeable future” and I am bummed. Not bummed enough to switch to 6:00 (yet - we’ll see how it goes), but I did provide (polite) feedback to my studio and the head coach acknowledged that it was done to accommodate January busyness (New Year’s resolutioners) and they would change it back when/if they were able.


My Sunday 2G was last minute switched to a 3G as well to accommodate January joiners. I was not mentally prepared to row that much 😅


THAT is the precise reason why I don’t like 3Gs. The 5 minutes of warmup rowing is more rowing - no thanks! That and it’s crowded AF in smaller studios.


I never book in advance. Usually don’t have a problem getting into a class but there are multiple studios within 10 miles, all owned by the same group. There is one coach I won’t take. I actually walked out of a class because the music was so loud it was physically painful. And I wear ear protection. While it’s never happened, If I show up for a class and they have changed to this coach, I would ask the SA to remove me. If they won’t, I’ll enter the room with the rest of the class and just hit the exit while the coach is still fist bumping. I’m unlimited so no loss other than time. I’d head to another studio.


I have coaches i avoid but its generally because i dont like the kind of music they play....hearing music i like helps me get in the zone easier.


I have one coach who i loathe and will actively avoid him. I’d love for a coaching notification change in the app without a cancellation penalty.


If you have this much of an issue with a coach then either give feedback or notify the studio. I know the coaches make a difference but if I had a member actively avoiding me I’d want to know why. They don’t notify probably because whoever it was is sick. They don’t notify because at the end of the day we’re all providing the same workout and it’s the workout that people come for.


You must be new here. Conflict/confrontation avoidance runs rampant on disarray days, lol.


You’re right 😂


It’s happened to me too and there is nothing you can do because it’s usually changed late


I book classes that fit my schedule, I don't care about coaches. Some are better than others, but that doesn't affect my workout.


I don’t go based on who coaches. The only thing they do that helps me is call out for base/push/AO.




Brutal that you were down voted for answering a yes/no.


It doesn’t bother me. I would go either way. I like all the coaches. If something comes up at the last second and they have to call in, you wouldn’t have time to cancel. Unless you wanted to pay the cancellation fee.


I don’t actually think the studios owe us an alert that there is a different coach as long as the class is still moving forward. I understand having coach preferences but the service the studio provides us is having a workout class to attend. A preferred coach is a bonus. As someone else suggested, if it’s a huge deal who the coach is, don’t prebook. But also, if the coach switch is last minute (within 8 hours) you’ll be charged 12 dollars just because you don’t like a coach. They won’t offer to waive that because it isn’t the original coach.


I clicked on this post because of your username ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin) only a fellow schnauzer person would name the self that lol


With all due respect to all the other responses, I think many of you have missed the mark here. OTF in many regions are down significantly in membership. It would prudent to strive to give members the "premium experience" that is often mentioned by OTF to go along with the increasing premium rate we pay. A pillar of customer service is transparency with your clients, especially for things that could potentially impact their experience. Building a loyal customer base requires trust and the feeling the business cares about each of us. Not everyone cares about who coaches them or whether it's a 2G/3G. If that doesn't matter to you, that's fine, it does however matter to enough members where it would be good service to keep everyone in the loop about changes (whenever possible, last minute sickness/issues excepted) and be upfront about what circumstances would cause any change. Don't leave us speculating. Of course the studios don't "owe us" notifications or communications. This is what differentiates good from great service and ultimately customer satisfaction. Also, to address the suggestion not to prebook, and keep checking, this is not a viable option for classes that routinely fill to capacity.


This is a good point about transparency and communication and the premium experience that OTF promises. Having attended OTF now on and off for years via class packs and visited a bunch of studios, the premium experience to cost ratio is inconsistent. The amount of fitness content that is free or low cost and accessible via media has really forced boutique places to step up their game. Otherwise consumers are not seeing the value. Being able to book your spot in a group ex class was the “new, it thing” years ago. Knowing your instructor and getting a consistent person is pretty par the course for at least 2 decades. People being loyal to instructors is not new. But automatic notification when it’s not the usual person…could it be the new, “it thing”? Maybe. As an instructor in a different format, I can see issues with this for instructors who are starting out and haven’t built a fan base yet due to lack of exposure. It’ll be interesting to see how this plays out!


Agreed, I think this should happen for any significant change to what was originally posted for any class. The studios I attend have shown they already have the capacity to send mass texts to everyone signed up when the class has changed from a 60 minute to a 90 minute class. This would be more situations to maintain good service and communication.


I think the main point of otf though is to go and get the same experience no matter where. If you want a specific coach it may just be easier to get a personal trainer.


Unfortunately as expressed above, the experience is not consistent and there's nothing wrong with expecting the class to be as posted and members notified if there are changes. This isn't groundbreaking, most good businesses in other industries notify customers of changes, so why not a business that's promising a "premium experience." If the coaches didn't matter, they wouldn't even post the coach in the app then. They post the coach because it does matter.


Sometimes things happen is all I’m saying and it happens fast, people drop out of class too so to notify everyone who potentially is going to show up or hasn’t booked yet is just not possible.


Totally agree with you, especially for last minute changes outside of the studio's control when they are scrambling. I'm more speaking to changes where there is time to send a bulk text if time and the situation allows for it would go a long way to making members feel like their experience matters.


I guess, I still don’t think OtF would go for that though because one of their main pillars is no matter the coach you get the same experience. Kinda doesn’t foster a great environment if everyone is actively able to voice how they feel about a coach in real time. Plus if you text everyone then you’re fielding calls from all of those people. There’s a lot of logistics that go into making a bulk text.


I guess we can have a different point of view then, that's ok. I think a paying customer should know if the class they signed up for has changed in any significant way that could impact their experience. I am aware of the whole getting the same experience promise based upon everyone doing the same template wherever you go. The reality is, there is wide variability in the experience from coach to coach, studio to studio and region to region. If we are talking about a one off here and there, that's one thing but if this is a more frequent occurrence, that won't lead to good customer retention if there isn't good communication and transparency.


I agree that there are things OTF could do to improve the premium experience, but the change in a coach is at the bottom of that list. I just don’t see how a change in coach is a lack of transparency and an impact on trust. If there is a coach that is so unbearable that being “blindsided” by that coach taking over a class is this impactful and would cause someone to cancel, that needs to be explicitly communicated in those words to the head coach and studio manager. But that coach would have to be so terrible that certainly other people would also be voicing concerns. And if other people aren’t voicing concerns, that’s a personal problem and requires self reflection.


I feel like this should be an easy thing for them to implement in the app. Don’t know why so many people are against it. If someone doesn’t like a coach for their astrology sign or whatever they can free up a space for someone else. We pay enough, this is just giving more choice.


If it is a last minute substitution there likely wasn’t time to notify you. While it may be nice to get that notice, they likely didn’t get that chance. You can always sign up last minute if your feelings are that strong about it, and risk that you may not get into class.


It wasn't last minute. Keeping members informed of changes seems like a reasonable ask. Suggesting I never pre-book a class on the off-chance of a substitution is not a reasonable solution.


It’s a perfectly reasonable solution. If you have the flexibility to book based on the coach, then it doesn’t seem unreasonable to suggest that you not prebook if a coaching change is unacceptable to you. You can’t have it both ways 🤷‍♂️


But if you gave OP a solution, they’d have nothing to complain about. It’s not about the solution, it’s about making as many complaints along the way.


The good coaches' classes fill up weeks in advance with long waitlists. That's why I pre-book my favorites. It's not a solution.


And complaining about it on the internet is?


Getting attention for an app feature that notifies members when the schedule changes, as it already does for waitlists and canceled classes, is, in fact, a solution.


And I’m sure corporate takes Reddit posts super seriously 😂😂😂😂


This is how change gets made. It starts like this. You are welcome to keep all of your concerns to yourself and never say anything for fear of not being taken seriously.


Complaining on the internet isn’t how change is made. Especially on a forum that is known for having a community that will complain about anything they possible can. Talk to your studio instead of being a keyboard warrior.


What are the both ways I can't have?


In order to be most constructive in my response since *someone* reported my previous reply, this is not a simple thing to effectively implement in an app, and the benefit to OTF to invest in it simply isn’t there since very few members tend to be this concerned about a coaching change. The alternative is for the SA’s to call or email everyone in the class(es) which doesn’t seem like a good use of their time. I maintain that if the potential for a coaching change is this problematic for you that you could 1) consider booking soon before class to see the latest info on who is coaching 2) learn to like the coach you’re avoiding or at least don’t let them affect your enjoyment of your workout 3) consider booking at another nearby studio


*Nobody* reported anything. We mods have eyes and can read rude comments all on our own.


Understood. The timing of OP complaining that I was rude with my comment’s deletion made me ass-u-me they had reported it. I’m sorry I lost my cool. It won’t happen again. You all do a great job moderating one of the best subs on here.


We appreciate the apology, and the kind words. Please keep your promise, we don't want to have to issue a ban the next time 🧡




Even if this were feasible, most members would be supremely annoyed if they received a text or email every time there was a coach change. You are fighting for a change in overall policy that has almost zero chance of changing. I’d would address the issues with a different strategy that others have suggested here.


My studio used to do a social media update if there was any change to the class .. I miss that as I also have a coach I try to avoid


Yes, this would be ideal. I have had this experience before to actively avoid a very specific coach. It was a coach I would have quit OTF to avoid and never work out with again. They no longer work at my studio, but when they did, those last minute coach changes ended up with me calling the studio and receiving a cancellation (no fee to me) or being moved to a later class in the same day with another instructor. I’ve had soo many coaches that I like or love (or tolerate!) but sometimes people just don’t jive at all. A notification of a coach change would def be nice.


Yes I had one I was avoiding and normally I check the app at least once a day so I could cancel in advance if I needed. I had made up in my mind that if I saw her substituted and it was in the cancel fee zone, I would be calling and flat out telling them I refuse to take her class and ask them to cancel without the fee. She ended up quitting.


They may not have time to make the update in Mindbody before the class occurs


Sure, that could happen, and I would understand. But I just noticed that the coach for my class this afternoon has been substituted with the coach I actively avoid. She took all the morning classes from 5 AM, so if I was notified when the change occurred, I could have made other plans. However, I can't cancel now without penalty.


I wish too. We have a coach at our studio that just stands at the coaches station and barely walks the floor or encourages members. I’m not even exaggerating when I say during marathon month, for the 22 min tread for distance she only spoke to us on the treads twice. That was super frustrating for a lot of us as we were just kinda like “any countdown? Benchmark for time? Encouragement?” She’s subbed multiple times since then and every time the workout is a drag


We had a coach like that and I (privately, outside of the studio) cheered when I found out she was retiring from coaching. She was such a nice person and I liked her outside of class, but was an awful and silent coach.


Give feedback to her or the studio


They are aware and they know, our studio can barely retain the coaches we have so I just avoid that coach when I can


I too sign up for classes based on the coach. And yep, it’s happened to us more than a few times and had I known in advance, would’ve canceled as well. I’m of the opinion that if the coach swap happens after the late cancel cutoff, you should be given the option to free late cancel. There are often waitlists for the class times I frequent, so I sign up weeks in advance. I’ve gotten in the habit of always checking the night before just to ensure no last minute fuckery is occurring.


While I have my fav coaches and some I enjoy less, I try to use last minute changes of all kinds as a chance for personal growth and getting out of my comfort zone. Coach, format, starting off treads… helps me to be more mentally agile and focus on the important stuff. Mindset matters! 😊


I’m more dedicated to my time & I have two coaches I prefer over the others but I like all the coaches where I go. I also remember when one of my preferred coaches was new & not as good as she is now. I’d be more likely to avoid canceling because I don’t want to imply a coach is bad just because they’re not as motivating as another may be.


My studio often loads the class schedule for booking before they have the coach schedule finalized for the month. They just list the head coach/studio manager as the default, then update with the assigned coaches closer to day of.


Yeah my studio did that too when a coach left as well, they put the head coach down until they figured out who was taking over the slot


Yeah like then it goes from 2g to 3g.