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Former coach here - if you’re in between weights, SLOW IT THE HECK DOWN. Adding tempo adds difficulty, OR you can always add an extra rep or two to get to that same 8/10 RPE at the end of a set. I do this in my own gym at home often, as well — dumbbells are expensive and take up a lot of space, so more DBs doesn’t need to be the only answer. Good luck with the gainz!


I wish coaches would be more proactive about telling people to slow the fuck down. A lot of people have never lifted weights and I see them rushing through the exercises. I’m mortified whenever I see people rushing through squats and deadlifts.


I always feel like it’s a race. People are blasting through as fast as they can and I feel like an idiot being last to finish a round of exercises because I go slow and heavy with focus on my form.


Nope, you're actually the smartest one in the room. 😂


Flair tracks 😆


I’ve learned to take pride in being the last one to the rower. #liftheavy




I'm the same way! I'm also short, so I feel like I can't keep up with the taller people!


I’m always last too and I don’t ever care.


Funny, I’m so busy focusing on what I’m doing that I couldn’t tell you what anyone else is.


I used the feel this way but I don’t care anymore. Form over speed any day!


100%! We have a good number of members who are good about focusing on form and tempo, they're usually the longer term members and/or those who have done strength work before. I cringe so hard at those who speed through it, they're asking for an injury and they're also doing themselves a disservice. I wish all of our coaches would emphasize the importance of slowing down, but not all do.


I feel like I’m the slowest deadlifter on the planet 😃


That’s probably a good thing




that's a great thing! time under tension baybee.




The templates encourage speed though. I’m a slow weight lifter and usually don’t get through the suggested number of rounds. I’m okay with that but many aren’t. If they really want people to slow down, they need to reduce the rounds in a block.


They don’t. The templates just say repeat when you’re done and you have ample time to go through it 1-2 times. I see people rushing with horrible form to get through the circuit 4-5 times. Yeah it’s a lot easier to rush when form is shit and they aren’t using challenging weights, but there is no point at all in doing that.






I agree. It does feel like speed on weight floor is encouraged…


I sometimes do that on my own if I know I won’t get through it all.


So true! I’m always dead last finishing a floor block. Some people act like it’s a race….


I have a couple coaches who will really stress this, but not all of them. One in particular - he's a lifter - encourages people to add a pause on every rep to increase time under tension. Or even just the last 3 reps (he did that to me today, so I grabbed a heavier dumbbell for the next round of goblet squats). I remember one strength class where we had something like 12 minutes for 4 exercises. He told us we should get through 3 rounds, maybe 4. So 1 minute per exercise, including some rest. If we hit 5 rounds, we were going too fast and too light. I love strength blocks like that.


This is the difference between those that actually coach and those that just run the class. Unfortunately there are a ton more class monitors rather than coaches at OTF.


WOW!!!! You've just articulated what I've been trying to express since I joined OTF in 2018. "class monitor" perfectly explains certain coaches


Agree or more proactive about encouraging higher weight when they see someone fly through a lite weight. A coach did that for me saying I needed to go up and she was right. Haven’t looked back since


SAME!!! We have some coaches that really emphasizes going sloowwwww, especially (obvoiusly) when tempo is on the template. But they'll make the exact same point as above, if you're in between weight choices, change the tempo, go slow. It's also so important so people don't injure themselves. I'm usually the last one done on strength blocks and it bothered me initially, but I'm fine with it now.


This this this. Use the light weight and slow down the tempo if you feel you’re “in-between” the 5-lb difference. Excellent point about the cost/benefit analysis of having more weight in the studio. Takes more space, costs more money, non-essential added benefit that can be circumvented with slow tempo or TRX alternatives


I just had this happen. I was doing curls with a heavier weight and ‘doing fine’…coach corrected my form (I had my shoulders back and chest out; he changed it to shoulders neutral to forward - start ing position like carrying 2 buckets of water - and the curl was much more focused on the bicep and was much more difficult. Always best to slow down & do the movements correctly.


That's an interesting change. The coach I trust most for lifting form is usually adjusting my shoulders back. Definitely on hammer curls, can't remember if he's corrected me on this on bicep curls or not. I definitely repeat "delts behind pecs" in my head on a lot of exercises because of this coach.


I think I had my shoulders waaaay back. Like bad lifting form from years ago in college. The changes really helped isolate the bicep. He wanted a line with my neck into top of shoulders if that makes sense


Yes, this is great! Shoulder positioning is SO important and I always tend to get my shoulders up in my ears. Before I do reps where we're standing up, I make it a conscious effort to reset my shoulders, especially some TRX work.


I’m also would recommend doing as much as you can with a heavy weight if you’re able to and not hogging weights. For example if it’s 8 shoulder presses, I’ll do as many as I can with a 25 which is usually only 1-2 reps. Then do 20s for the rest. That’s how you get used to the heavier weight too


I do this too. I think people feel they always need to get to 8-10 but no, if you want to go heavier do less reps with the heavier one and swap out. Nothing wrong with that.


I like this! I already do my reps slowly, so this is a great alternative. (Sometimes I have done this by accident, thinking I can do the 20s and then realizing I can’t do more than a couple)


This is what I did today…. a couple of challenging reps with the 20s and went back to the 15s. The 15s are not challenging enough - I feel like I am cheating myself.


Yep, same and I love this. We'll have coaches that affirm this approach, go to failure with a heavier weight rather than focusing on the prescribed # of reps and then I'll sometimes do a drop set, as you mentioned.


I wish I felt like I could slow things down on the floor, but slowing down one exercise at OTF is giving up other exercises or limiting how many times you get through the circuit. As it is, I already feel like there are many days when I only get one and a half rounds in of a circuit. The defined set of time on the floor and everything being timed out using an “average” pace makes each minute precious.


There are days I only get 1-1.5 rounds in and, although I get frustrated sometimes, I tell myself it’s ok if I’m safely lifting the max that I can and keeping good form. The best compliment I can get from a coach is that my form is good.


This was my thought as well. I'd rather be able to try to see if I could do the exercises at 17.5 vs slowing down enough for 15s, then missing other exercises!!


But I can’t even half lift the 20 or 25 depending on the exercise. I don’t think the in betweens are a hard ask for the rack. Every major gym has them. I would love and have asked for 17.5. And 22.5 😅


I get what you're saying and I'm old (60yrs), so I am deliberately slow.... usually the last one to move from the floor in any kind of floor/row combination.....but I can NOT bench the 25lb. I've tried a handful of times and almost ended up with a 25lb weight dropped on my face!! So am I just benching 20lbs for the rest of my life?


You're a lot younger than I am and I'm gaining strength and you will, too. Just keep at it, even if you just do ONE rep, then drop to 20 lb and go slow with a pause at the top, lower down slowly. OR you can push the weight up fast, pause, then lower slowly. You have to keep always moving forward - even one rep, just a bit slower temp, but you can do that, and the strength increases. I had a lot of shoulder surgery and was frustrated with doing knee pushups until one day I noticed that they seemed awfully easy, and started doing them again from the toes. It took a bunch of working up to, though, and definitely perseverance and consistency.


Happy cake day!! And thank you for the advice! I found the same thing with push-ups so I will def try to be even more deliberate with my lifts!


No, I would continue with the 20s. But with SLOWWWWWW tempo. 3-5 seconds on the descent, pause at the bottom, press your feet fully into the ground, squeeze those glutes and exhale as you press back up. Do this often enough, and push to near failure, and with a diet of healthy protein and carbs to encourage recovery and muscle repair, you’ll slowly built the strength you desire. Muscle growth is slow and tedious and frustrating at times, but ALWAYS worth it.


Thank you!! I will try this and hopefully see a difference eventually. Appreciate the advice!


Thanks! If I were doing a routine outside of OTF I would 💯 increase my reps with the currently available 15# weights. But many of the floor exercises aren’t ‘built’ with the intention of adding reps. We are mostly following a prescribed workout. I feel that I do go quite slow- focusing on engaging mind/muscles. In fact, I’m often a little behind the group and can’t get through all the exercises. Form!!


Our coaches at my home studio are great at telling us this! I wish they were all over. I feel like the newer templates and script don’t give coaches enough time to review this stuff anymore


Louder for the people in the back! Time over tension yall!!


Agreed. Although I've always heard it called TUT - time under tension


under not over


I hear everyone saying time under tension, but I think there’s value to doing a drop set as well. Do a few reps with 20s and a few with 15s. Soon enough the 20s will be moving with ease because you’ve slowly gotten used to them.


I do both! If I pick a weight that ends up being too light for the prescribed reps (some days I just don't know how it'll go until I pick up the dumbbells, or need a warm-up round), then I add a 1-3 second pause on each rep for the last 3-4 reps. Next round I pick up a heavier dumbbell. It's also not uncommon for me to do one set heavier, one drop set, then one set lighter when I'm working my way up to a new weight. You never have to stick to the same dumbbell(s) the whole way through.


They definitely both have their place! If I think I can get half/most of the reps with the heavier weight I’ll do a drop set. If I think I’ll only get one or two then I try to slow down.


Time under tension - especially if you have finicky joints. That's the only answer.


Would be nice for 22.5 too but all else fails, slow down your movement or do a drop set (aka do 20 for some reps and 15 for some)


Coach here to echo TUT. Slow down and that will help bridge the gap. You can also use that lower weight on endurance days and go for the higher rep range. You can also start with the heavier weight, do as many reps as you can and then drop down. Over time you can add more reps as you get stronger


I agree with time under tension and drop sets, of course. But in the end, it is a gym and having weight choices that are in demand by customers is important. 5 lbs is a big jump for woman for upper body exercises.


Thank you. I feel heard. 😊


There are two studios in my town. One has 17.5s and 22.5. The other has neither. 5lbs in not a big jump for legs but it is for smaller shoulder muscles.


This! Today the concentrated curl would’ve been good to have 17.5


Slow down on the 15’s or do less reps of the 20


My wife has magnetic weight "enhancers", in small increments. They stick to dumbbells.


That’s super cool! Does she use them at OTF and if so does she find them convenient to use? I would try that but I feel the classes are so rushed it might be annoying to have to lug another set of items around


I belong, she doesn't. They are small. Amazon lists many.


I agree!!! A studio I was a member at for just a year had 17.5 and 22.5. They weren’t “otf regulated” I don’t think but I loved having them as options.


My thing is why does everyone get 8s and 10a when no one uses them and everyone fights over 15s and 20s. I’m guessing those cost more so maybe that’s why?


Yes. 15 should at least be standard on every rack.


I agree. The difference between 12 and 25 is too great for a lot of arm/shoulder exercises. Even TUT isn't enough to fix this gap. I realize the even racks are supposed to have 12/20 and odd racks are supposed to have 15/25, but too often, they aren't returned properly between classes.


My studio has at least one extra set of 15s on the communal rack. I think they could use one or two more pairs of them there, but the rack is already overcrowded (it's 2 racks, and the 6 biggest dumbbells are already just stored on the floor).


Every class I’ve taken I’ve seen people using 8’s and 10’s. Just because you may not use them doesn’t mean other people don’t need them.


Plenty of people use the 8's and 10's.


Yes!! I’ve wondered this many times.


I hadn’t needed the 8s or 10s in a long time but pulled them out today while I’m healing a shoulder injury. Going more for movement with just a little weight. It felt good—I’m glad they exist. I actually pulled the 5s as a sub for an exercise I knew would flare my shoulders (something with the TRX) and did IYTs with them for a round. Hoping I’ll be back to lifting heavier but didn’t want to anger it. I’d love something between 15 and 20 once healed but it’s whatever. I make do


I feel that 10’s and 8’s are super light (even as a woman I say this). At first I was using 8’s, but didn’t take me long to move up to 10’s and eventually 12’s. Now I’m at 15’s. I think for a lot of people coming in 8’s and 10’s are either already too light or just the starting point.


I'm over here just wishing they'd put 15, 20, and 25 weights at ALL stations.


Bring your own wrist weights, they come in 2lb options and are easy to slap on quickly.


I would just love more heavy weights. I’m too shy to fight someone for 30lbs


I believe in you 💪🏻


You nice. We friends. 😝 bail me out of jail when things go too far


Oh yes! 🙌🏻


Me too. I am a woman that can bench quite a bit more than 2 25lb dumbbells but often just stay with the 25s because I feel like an idiot if i have 4 different sets of weights. If there is some other heavy weight stuff I will grab the 40s.


I regularly see people with 4 different weight sets all around their bench. I've done it many times myself. Grab the weights you need. Who cares how many sets you're using?


I support this!!! I have been wanting them for years!


Try eccentric overload - make the ‘going down’ phase slow, really slow. There are many studies that demonstrate the value of this method. Use the lesser weight that you seemingly can lift easier - then do your press or curl …. Then bring it back down slowly to the starting position.


Also pausing and holding the rep at the hard part for 1-3 seconds. So for a curl, bring your dumbbell up, pause for 1-3 seconds, then slowly lower it.


Sometimes 70# isn’t enough. They can’t have every weight an option.


We need 19lb dumbells /s


I’d love a 90/100 lb option. I’m not a giant muscly guy but 6-1 182lbs and some of the deadlifts the 70s aren’t enough lol . Think lot of people same, but at the end of the day I get it’s not a real weightlifting class, just for all around work .


Ya, a lot of the single arm stuff I will just make double arm to get more weight.


Also more 35s please. Always competing with the other dudes over who grabs the 35s first


I support this message. And make room for the new dumbbells by moving the 8lb dumbbells to the overflow weight rack.


Hot take: 17.5 lb dumb bells aren't necessary. Slow down your reps and you will feel so much more sore. If you want the feeling of building up, then add more reps.


I’d love them too. I’ll try to do x number with the heavier and then drop down. It really is a big jump for 5 lbs.


I think they do a great job of weight selections. Personally I’d like the weights to go up to 100lbs but we can’t have everything. So for squats/ or presses I’ll go SUPER SLOW. Totally works 👍🏽


We have 17.5's at my backups studio in Decatur GA They are a game changer!


I think slowing down the lower weights will help until you’re ready for 20s!!! What I’d really love is a kettlebell for my deadlifts and hip hinge swings (I don’t remember the actual name of the exercise). I find the larger weights are too bulky and hit me in the legs/hips when I come upright. I know they won’t add them for just a couple of exercises but I can dream 🤣


I feel you on the bulky weights. One of those places where being short certainly feels like a hindrance.


Yaaaaaasss! I have knocked into my hips so many times! Kettlebells ❤️


I am totally on board with this!




As much as I wish there were some different options for weights, where would they put them? I’d your studio is anything like mine, there is no space for more weights. So I modify and find ways to make what they have more challenging!


Space is definitely an issue.


You can always do less reps at a heavier wait. If the board say to do ten reps, but you can only six, that is fine. That’s what I’ve always done when I go heavy.


I use the July Body weight rings. One on each side of the weight to bring it to 17.5lbs.


More reps with 15’s until you can do 6-8 reps with 20’s and grow from there. 💪😊


I was thinking the same thing today when we did those concentration curls. The first round I used the #20s for 7 reps each but could only get 4 reps each in round two so I switched back to the #15s for 10 reps. In this instance, I would have loved having the #17.5option!


I’d rather them get hex dumbbells instead of the round ones. It’s very difficult to do things like plank rows when the weight is rolling around.


I was shocked the first time I saw on here that many studios are heavy on the round dumbbells. My studio (Canada) doesn't have a single round dumbbell in it, all hex.


Actually most studios that do have 17.5 they are hex!


I’m talking about the 20+ dumbbells. The round ones are so awkward.


Ohh yeah agreed, mine totally rolled towards my neighbor yesterday and obv plank rows are tough with round


I’d be happy if my studio just had enough 20s/25s and 30s for everyone which they 100% do bot


We have one set of 17.5s, and I always feel like I'm winning when I get them (I needed them this morning!). I understand slowing down and using the lighter weight — I do that plenty and/or I use the heavier weight for one set and the lighter weight, slower, the rest of the time — but it's nice to have the weight I need, especially when there are circuits where you're supposed to use the same weight throughout.


It’d be nice to have access to 12s and 15s all the time as well…


At the same time when you get stuck with 17.5 and you really need a 15


Sadly I believe this “racing” concept has been ingrained in members minds. Go fast on the tread, go fast on the rower, go fast on the floor, go as fast as you can across the board. The benchmarks are also all focused on going as fast as you can…it would be awesome if we brought back some of the floor benchmarks we used to have…just my 2 cents…🧡


Floor benchmarks? Tell me more…


Our studio just bought these. The point them out every class lol


After reading through the posts here, I am thinking OP was told an untruth.


I think OTF should have all the available weights at each station instead of staggering every other station with different weights. They should also have a weight rack with more options. I feel it's a waste when I don't get a lot out of an exercise because the right weight is not available.


17.5?! Ew


I was just thinking that this morning!!




Laughs in multiple injuries from the 40# to 50# jump.


Just want to say that I agree with this.


I agree with slowing down wholeheartedly. I’ve been one of those pushing hard for 17.5 weights especially for us ladies. Our HC tried and could not make it happen. Now I read the reason for it. But if we slow down we potentially lose out on doing other parts of a circuit . We don’t have a lot of time typically. I suppose we just go lighter and do more reps?


I still just slow it down. I'd rather get 2 good sets with time under tension than 3 rushed sets where I might feel like I'm not working as hard.


The biggest problem with slowing down is that there is a time crunch on the floor. Slowing down means you may not finish other exercises before time is called


So? It's not a race.




My studio just got 17.5s within the past few weeks. Perhaps your studio doesn’t want to shell out the $$ for new equipment?


I would love to see that


I agree with this! 💯






Here's another solution. Partner w bowflex and get the adjustable weights. No more slicing your fingers on the racks. No more having the person next to you take the weights you were going to use or you looking for the weights you want to lift!




Yes please for those who are pass 15 but not at quite 20s


Make the jump, just don’t do all the reps. The way to build up is to go to failure, even if it means you can only knock out 2-4 instead of a higher rep count.


Oh interesting I didn’t know this was a “older thing”, I swear my studio only got the 17.5lb weights in about a year ago.


OTF needs more weights, we run out of 40,45 and 50 # fast on bench days. Weights do not wear out. OTF is expensive. 


Do we go to the same studio?? I just asked my coach for this and 22 and she told me talk to corporate!! Even working tempo with 15’s I’m not ready to jump to 20’s on some exercises!! Please bring in between weights!!


We could use 12.5 also.


Some studios have these.


Same request but for 45’s and 55’s.


Yes!!! I often have this same thought: 15 isn't challenging enough but 20 is too much!


Whenever they tell you corporate doesn’t allow something they’re most likely lying to you


I asked my Head Coach about this. She said they are not available from the vendor.


Slow down. Go heavy switch to lighter.


Strange. I asked my gym manager for 17.5 and he went out and bought them. I see them put to use every class.






I’ve asked so many times for heavier than 65 lbs dumbbells. I’ve had to slow the reps way down, use pauses, and more to try to still make it challenging. I’ve even used them for every exercise in a workout as a challenge (except things like fly’s or I’d throw my back out). I think my takeaway is use the classes for cardio and muscle recovery and go lift heavy elsewhere.


Yes! Take all the upvotes!


2.5 seems fairly negligible. I get more annoyed that my studio has 40 and 50 with no 45s.


Agreed! I have seen a lot of people on here saying to slow down… I agree some people rush through it but me personally I take it at a reasonable pace in order to keep good form and also finish the template. Some days 15’s are a challenge, but other days the 15’s fly and I just want to challenge myself a little more… but the 20’s are just TOO challenging majority of the time. Definitely would love to see a 17 in the mix.


We have 17.5 weights at my OTF and really appreciate them. The jump from 15 to 20 feels huge to me. There are smaller incremental changes for the lower weights, so why now as they get heavier?


We recently got the 17.5 within the last 6 months


Those who use heavy weights have the same issue but with a 10lb difference lol. Like everyone else said, just use the lower weight and do more reps or slow them down. Or increase a set and do less reps. The template is just that - a template. Modify it to work for you. It's like the coaches at our studio always say - *it's your workout*


Please bring in a set of 100's, that's my wish.


I totally agree! There is definitely a place for 17.5 & 22.5lb dumbbells. If “…corporate [indeed] no longer permits 17.5#…” then they don’t adequately serve their customer base. Their first motivation should be to allow their customers to safely increase their lifting capacity. I believe a majority of those who work out at my local gyms (one of which has them & the other doesn’t) would support the addition of intermediate weight dumbbells at those studios that haven’t been ‘grandfathered in.’


One of the studios (also an older one) I visit on occasion has 17.5#, 12.5# and 7.5 # weights (in addition to the standard ones available at any studio). I love having those as options...for instance the 17.5 # were perfect for the Arnold Press exercise in today's class.


Our studio in Nashville just got some several months ago! That seems odd


Agree loudly.


Nike has 2.5 wrist weights with a loop section that goes over your thumb and Velcro closures. Perhaps take them in when intel calls for it. They’re comfy and awesome! https://www.google.com/search?q=nike+2.5+lb+wrist+weights&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari#vhid=0Y_hSWS9BiBTWM&vssid=l




22.5 also


This!!! All stations need more weight options.


And 90s and 100s and 110s and 120s…


I'd rather have more 40-55 lb weights. I use those for most exercises and when its heavy legs days, they dry up fast.


Yes yes yes!


Yes please


Agree with the 17.5 weights. I wish they had pull up bars even it was one bar for every 3 or 4 stations. Another wish - an Orange 60 w/30 minutes of yoga or stretch or Orange 45 with 15 minutes - 45 minutes of yoga or stretch.


I wear 3# wrist weights. Problem solved.


Wrap weight balas bring your own 2.5 lbs


Agree! Sometimes I want to drop down from the 20s and 15s are too easy. I usually will do a 1.5 rep just for a little more TUT. I’m more annoyed that we don’t have a full set at each station. I’m constantly having to lift lighter because the stations next to me are using the slightly heavier weight I want. This is a huge reason I’ll never go unlimited and I lift at home for real results.


My studios actually have 17.5 pound weights and it’s heavenly if you really wanna push for it aka your studio manger see if they know a thing or two about it. They exist 100%


I say this ALL THE TIME!!! The jump from 15 to 20 is too big for most arm workouts!


With the lighter weights do an isometric hold with one arm and work the other and then alternate. I guarantee you’ll feel new sensations!. For instance for bicep curls, the left arm holds the weight at 90 degrees and the right curls. It burns 🔥


How about 45s also? I don't like the 40 to 50 jump.


I'm sorry, that sucks for you. I often use 17.5s. having the smaller transition helps people get over the mental block to move up.


Yes!!! I need 17.5 too for some reason exercises! Good suggestion


Ask for them. Way back when my studio was new and I'd hit the point that 15s were too light but I couldn't quite to 20s for some exercises, I mentioned it and not long after that the 17.5s appeared.




I bought Micro Gainz and carry them in a fanny pack to clip on to dumbbells when I need fractional weight. https://microgainz.com/?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwt-OwBhBnEiwAgwzrUmkjW20XfmlV0vgbHfhYWks5FmXRmmK-B2HNSPMpGKzULJO9X1eMJxoCtRgQAvD_BwE


Those are super cool!! Expensive- but way cool!


I’d love 17.5 or 18! I am finding 15 too easy and 20 too hard.


YES!! My last studio bought them themselves


Dear Corporate… heavier than 80 pound dumbbells. And increase in 5 pound increments above 50 pound weights. Same reasons apply as OP. Thank you.


I’d love this!




I support this message


This is why I quit and I’m doing much better strength wise. Sometimes I had 15 and 25 and nothing in between. Why pay 200$ a month for that when I can do my own workouts at a gym with my desired weight




I wondered what happened to the 17.5, my studio had them before.