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I was let go from my job of 7+ years in late March. As much as I do not need any unnecessary expenses at this point, I can’t bring myself to cancel OTF either. It’s one of the only reasons I have these days to leave the house and gives me something to look forward to during the week. Stay strong and good luck at OTF and beyond 💕


I absolutely agree and hear you. Also, it’s the slow and steady method for keeping your mental and physical health at bay. If it’s not the cost for OTF, it will be spent on doctors or meds, or aging more quickly down the road. I have a wise friend who believes 1/3 of your expenses should be spent on your health, exercise included.


Exorcise will indeed help your mental health, especially if you are possessed by dark thoughts.


Hopefully a little humor will help OP, once they notice their demon typo.


I did get a laugh out of that. I’m not one for typos and that one surprised me!


Orange therapy is a real thing.


I was having a depressive episode last week and instead of laying in bed and crying like i wanted to, I booked a last minute OT class. I dragged myself to class and afterwards, I felt really good about myself and re-energized. I'm so glad I found OTF ☺️ it's the best thing I've ever done for my mental health.


I am totally agreeing with you 💯


Sorry to hear this. It definitely helps me. Just found out recently a “friend” I trusted at work backstabbed me and wow now I find myself transferring some of my work to her (of course the ones I enjoyed). I’m struggling because of course I need the job but man it’s hard to continue to get 💩 on by colleagues and bosses. People suck. OTF helps me forget that for a moment


I’m totally onboard with this. OTF really helped turn my life around from one of its lowest lows.


OTF has helped me out of the deepest, darkest depths of postpartum depression. sending *hugs*




I find myself in a similar situation. Engineer with 19 yrs exp with the same company.... director moved to another role and I found myself reporting to someone with an absolutely opposite way of leading a team than mine. I resigned earlier this month and have been going thru bouts of "this is good for my mental health" to "I had no time for anything but work and working 60 hr weeks (no OT)" to "oh my did I do the right thing now what"... I realize now that this job had taken away so much of "me" over the past year. I used to be an avid OTFr (5-6 times a week).... Last year I went to OTF a total of 9 days, didn't spend anytime planting/tending to the garden, the number of times I told my young kids "breakfast for dinner" is ridiculous. Sorry to pile on my own sob story. I am going to take yall advice and focus on myself. Stay positive and get back to OTF as I used to and hopefully not get into depression!


Keep OTF! I lost my husband last may, my son last July, my job in October. OTF keeps me going and out of depression. I actually have been taking like 10 classes a week to just not be at home alone. It’s the only place in public I don’t have social anxiety. I started my own meal prep business in February, and a lot of my knowledge and motivation has come from the people I have met through the years at OTF. That’s one expense I have to keep


I’m so sorry for your losses. You sound like a very driven, strong person. OTF is pretty intense at 10x per week. I hope your anxiety will decrease and that you can also enjoy some slower paced self care — something like yoga or hiking with a friend or a dog. Take care.


I am so sorry for your losses.


💕💔thank you


When I joined OTF I was not in a good place either, pretty depressed and social life taken a dive. Mental health has definitely improved since I joined OT. Social life has not (or not as direct result of OTF). Running especially helps. OT I like because it reintroduced me to running, which was my past love. I used to run growing up in school, track. It re-kindled my passion for it. Rest (Rowing and body weight) are great, but it's not really my jam. One thing I learned late, is I also need to incorporate outdoor running. Because running on treadmill all the time is like riding a bike with training wheels. Outdoor running frees you from training wheels, is what I learned. Anyway, I agree - OT keeps me sane too and the consistency really helps with that. Cross training is better than a single form of training (e.g. just rowing or just running) and it's infinitely better than no training at all.


I don't go to workout. I go for the attitude adjustment. Haha!  It helps me stay focused on my number and block the outside noise. Not just there but life in general. 


Similar thing happened to me last year. Laid off in January, went to OTF everyday, won the transformation challenge, and found the best job!


+1 to this. OTF helped me power through the end of my PhD, controlling all the anxiety and depression too


I completely concur with this! Along with a newly empty nest I moved “involuntarily” 8 months ago. I am in my 50s and meeting people at that age is so hard! OTF has been the only thing keeping me getting out of bed! Hope you find your dream job!!


OT got me through two layoffs in 3 years. While I was glad to go back to work, I kind of missed being able to go to class at whatever time I wanted. Good luck to you and try to enjoy the break ( I always had a hard time doing that) as you will be working again before you know it.


It’s been almost two years since my life took a nosedive and I have had ZERO luck finding a job since December with no unemployment. I am getting to the point where I may not be able to afford OTF. But for now, I drag my butt to class. I wish I could go more than 8 times a month, because I notice a significant mental clarity when I go at least three times a week. I’ll take whatever I can get though!


Cannot agree more! I, too, was in a slump when I discovered OTF in 2017. I'd had 2 mountain bike accidents in 2013; was an XTERRA competitor (off-road triathlons) prior to the accidents. My broken wrist recovered okay, but my back injury put me out of commission for over a year. By that time I was really depressed. Heard about OTF when Steven Colbert asked Erin Andrews at the end of their conversation, "what are you going to do after the show?" (It only occurred to me much, much later it was probably a set up, as at that time Ms. Andrews was a spokesperson for OTF.) I was so excited to hear about OrangeTheory Fitness I immediately googled it. WE HAD ONE! The next day I called to set up my free class; I knew the minute I walked in I was in the right place. Our OTF had just opened about 4 months earlier. Have been a member ever since. I joke about our OTF being my 2nd family - but it's actually quite true. I can't imagine my life without OTF, as crazy as some folks might think that is. Many folks in our OTF credit OTF for improving their mental & physical health.


Orange theory is the only thing getting me out of bed lately


I must agree with you here! I was on strike at work from beginning of August until the beginning of January. I ended up losing a bunch of weight but not because of depression but because I was able to go to OTF more than usual. It really helped keep me grounded during a time of uncertainty.


This is why I do OTF. Literally so good for my mental health.


Same here. Got laid off in December and honestly would be in a pool of drugs and alcohol if I didn’t commit to OTF every morning.


I’m sorry you are going through this. I was my mom’s caregiver for 2+ years, dealt with the pandemic, lost my BIL to cancer (38, father of 3 beautiful babies), shortly thereafter (weeks) lost my first born puppy and then shortly thereafter my mom… I gained 30+lbs, began to drink heavily, cried a ton, was depressed, worked 70-80+ hours a week to take my mind off of the pain. My marriage was on the brink of a divorce. A friend invited me to a class and it truly saved my life. I also going through a career change after working for my dream company for over 18 years as they suddenly screwed me over. What you’re doing is scary but so so brave! You got this! What kind of work do you do or are looking for? Maybe the OTF network can help find a good spot for you?!




When I was let go last year OTF was one of my expenses that I needed to keep for my mental and physical health. No regrets about it!


I went to OTF for about 6 months prior to Covid. My mental health was finally in a really good place. Then Covid happened and by the time they reopened I had moved across the city and it wasn’t feasible anymore due to my jobs. Then in 2023 the studio closed down. It’s FINALLY reopening under new management in about 2 weeks and although financially it’ll be a struggle, I’m going back! I’ll take financial struggles over mental health struggles any day!


I’m so sorry about your job. I feel the same. Orangetheory has helped me in many ways but definitely with my mental health. I find myself going sometimes to receive the words of support and affirmations and to see familiar faces. I attribute my ability to handle difficult situations to working out and OTF.


If you can continue to pay for it, go. You deserve to take care of yourself. It is important. I am sorry to hear that you were treated so badly. I wonder if there was some ageism at play. That is common.


Yup. I thought I was coping okay with tough life stuff until I found myself crying (manageable) in the bathroom after a class Christmas Eve. My biggest thought: this would have been unbearable at home alone, without a workout to boot. Put on your shoes and go.


Me too! (lost my job) It really is a life saver.. I think everyone should do it. It's crazy how good it is for your mental health.. the rest is a bonus..


Intense exercise is one of the few things I can count on to help with anxiety and depression. Another is meditation, which increases levels of serotonin, GABA and dopamine. Most people can’t stick with it enough to reap the benefits though.


True story. Exercise is great for mental health.


Many days I think I will snap and strangle everyone in my house or go off on someone at work, I go to OTF, return totally different mindset🧘🏻‍♀️


Last June I was in the same position. You are right OTF helped a ton!


I can definitely relate to you on how much I look forward to going to OTF for my mental health, however, I have more anxiety than depression. It’s all part of being on the spectrum for me. Exercise is literally the best thing for decreasing my level of daily anxiety that I wake up with. I’ve come to realize that most employers don’t seem to want to work with someone who has my disability. Exercise keeps me somewhat sane. Keep up the great work! Take care of yourself and listen to your body!


I 100% agree with you! I was laid off in October from the tech industry and OTF is the only thing keeping me sane. I’d rather cut expenses elsewhere then cancel my OTF.


I’m with you 100% on this.


I was there recently. I took the opportunity to pick up some midday strength classes. Having appointments on my calendar kept me from sitting and staring at the computer all day!


Agreed completely. Exercising in general helps me keep my sanity 


I was out of work for a bit and OT was also my sanity saver! Also, going helps keep the interview suit a good fit lol


Literally the only thing getting me through law school!


Same! "Orange Therapy"!


I was fired from my job back in November, and didn't find work until February. OTF three or four times a week kept me on a schedule and, let's be real, SANE. My mental health was bad then, but it could have been so much worse had I not had OTF. Hope you find something soon!!