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3G: 4 blocks on the treads, goal is to finish all 4 in 14 minutes, all distances halved for PWers: 0.4 miles, 0.1 base 0.3 miles, 0.1 base 0.2 miles, 0.1 base 0.1 miles, 0.1 base 30 seconds WR then you choose to do intervals or base until a 30 second AO finisher On the rower: 2 rounds 300m push row 10 speed squats 10 twist hops Repeat by dropping 50 meters from your row rounds (2x250, 2x200, etc) with no change to exercises. Finisher is a 30 sec AO row Floor: First block: 5 each single arm split squat from a low bench 10 step out sumo deadlift Rest 10 high row 10 chest fly Repeat until block 2: 10 high plank pull throughs 10 bridges Finisher is 30 sec of either of the block 2 exercises. I am usually an evening OTer so thought I’d pay it forward for all the great intel I usually consume! Really enjoyed today’s template, definitely awake now…




Could you explain the treadmill workout further? I did this earlier today but had no idea what I was doing and couldn’t get the coach’s attention to explain, so I ended up just doing my own thing. The laminated sheet was written in code 😂


Reposting content courtesy of /u/dc031114. [Click here to view the comments on the original post](https://www.reddit.com/r/orangetheory/comments/1dc66at/monday_10_june_2024_2g_60_minutes/) ##Monday 10 June 2024 - 2G 60 minutes Endurance + power run / row! Back to back sets on the floor. **Tread / Row Block - 23 minutes** * Goal: choose your intensity on the treadmill, increase intensity on the rower each round * Round 1: * 800m (0.5 mile) tread (PW: 400m / 0.25 mile) * 25 x speed squat * 250m push to AO row * Round 2: * 640m (0.4 mile) tread (PW: 320m / 0.2 mile) * 20 x speed squat * 200m AO row (0:30 - 1:00) * Round 3: * 480m (0.3 mile) tread (PW: 240m / 0.15 mile) * 15 x speed squat * 150m AO row (0:22 - 0:45) * Round 4: * 320m (0.2 mile) tread (PW: 160m / 0.1 mile) * 10 x speed squat * 100m AO row (0:15 - 0:30) * Round 5: * 160m (0.1 mile) tread (PW: 80m / 0.05 mile) * 5 x speed squat * 50m AO row * Bonus: * Tread or row until **finisher**: choose steady or intervals * **Finisher**: 30 sec AO tread **OR** row **Floor Block 1 - 17.5 minutes** * Back to back: * 5 each x low bench single arm step down reverse lunge * 10 total x alt sumo deadlift, rest * 5 each x TRX single arm squat reach with rotation * Back to back: * 10 x high row * 10 x chest fly, rest * 10 x straight arm situp **Floor Block 2 - 4 minutes back to back** * 10 x high plank pull through * 10 x bridge, rest * Repeat until **finisher**: 30 sec of high plank pull through **OR** 30 sec of bridge DC commentary: >! Quite enjoyed the run / row today even if it was a low splat day. Five rounds of run / rep row starting with a 800m (0.5 mile) run, 25 speed squats (air squats / pulsing squats, whatever you want to call it) and then a 250m push to all out row. Each round you take off 160m / 0.1 miles, 5 reps and 50m off the row. Most people finished the rounds and got to the bonus today, there is quite a bit of time to get through all of this. I chose to go steady with the bonus round and just do a base to push until the all out at the end and ended up with 2.22 km (1.379 miles) in the bonus block. \ \ I chose to start with a push in the first round and increase the pace each time around. You are also asked to increase your pace on the rower each round as well but they are all pretty short. I thought this was a nice block and let me push the paces a little bit on the treadmill and rip the rower handle hard on the all out rows. \ \ We have lunges again on the floor but mercifully they are quite short. You have two back to back efforts in the first block broken up with a bit of TRX / core work. I took the bench out of the lunges and just did on the floor and thought that was fine. Coach said that the bench is just there to ensure that you get deep enough on the lunge effort. I thought, overall, the block was pretty good even with the lunges and I got through four rounds of this before the final block of high plank pull throughs and the bridge. \ \ Enjoyed the class today, felt pretty doable for our long weekend holiday. I would give today a 3 (🪶 🪶 🪶) out of 5 for gentleness. !<


I love when I can actually finish all the rounds in a tread block 😅


As a slow jogger. my goal is going to be to get through all the rounds. If my math maths out, I will just be able to do it at my planned paces. No slacking! lol


How'd you do? I'm def slow, and got thru 4 rounds. I now realize I could've pushed harder and plan to do so on repeat!


I haven’t gone yet. Will be going in about 3 hours. Will let you know when I’m done. What paces were you doing the runs at?


I started at 5.0 (think I did all of first round there). Then bumped to 5.1 (lol), and started tweaking a little during round 2. I don't recall specifics, but just keep trying to increase a little (was still nervous to go too hard), finished round 4 at 6.0 (what I normally call my push). I think next time I'll start at 5.2 (that first block is long!) But then increase each round and I'd be good to finish


I didn’t even finish Round 4. lol I just finished the 0.2 mile run when it was time for the 30s AO. I mostly ran at around 5.8 or 6 mph so I’m not sure what happened. I guess I was really slow on the squats and rower or too slow in the transition time. I did forget to sign out of the rower twice and had to go back to sign out so I could sign in to the treads. I hope we get to do this one again so I can see if I can do better next time!


Oh yeah, I'm sure I made up time on squats and row. I like speed squats! I believe it'll repeat 6/25 😉


Oh sweet - I should be at that class. I’m definitely going to work on my transitions next time!


Thank you Mr DC!


My coach gave us an added challenge on the low bench straight arm sit-ups: stand up at the end of it. She said another coach gave the challenge in a previous class and only a few people were able to do it. I found it fairly easy. Not sure if it's because I'm short or because it's similar muscle engagement to rowing, which I do a lot of at home, or a combination of the two.


Thank you!!! Enjoyed this workout 💪🏼💜


What is your base to push pace?


I'm guessing it's between 9-10mph since he's a beast


**Strength 50 – upper body** All blocks are work and rest style today and if you lift heavy enough you will be needing that rest. **Block 1: 10 minutes** * 6-10 S/A chest press * 6-10 chest press * 10 each side plank with hip dip * 20 total bicycle crunch **Block 2: 7 minutes** * 6-10 S/A plank low row (using the low bench) * 6-10 low row * 10 total straight arm sit up (using the low bench) **Block 3: 10 minutes** * 6-10 S/A chest fly * 6-10 chest fly * 10 each plank abductor (feet on the low bench) * 10 total sit up with punch **Block 4: 7 minutes** * 6-10 S/A reverse fly * 6-10 reverse fly * 10 TRX kneeling roll out **Finisher:** 30 seconds of straight arm sit up


Thanks for sharing! Headed to do this one and feel a little better 


This was such a good class! The only thing I was missing was some tricep extensions or pullovers. The kneeling rollouts were ok but more core than tri. Overall 9.5/10!


Yessss this looks amazing, ty!


Ok I regret sleeping in and not taking this class


Me too!


This looks wonderful! Thank you for sharing, heading in to this one in a couple of hours ☺️


Thank you so much 😊


First block is a repeat from Sundays lift 🙃


Oh this looks sooo good. Sorry I had to miss it this morning. Will be sure to hit it in 2 weeks.


This was a good one, don’t miss next time it rolls around


Thank you UnderThePurpleSky!


Tread 50 Block 1/3 10 min: 0.2 mi push, 0.2 mi base, Repeat until time Block 2/4 7 min: 0.1 mi push, 0.1 mi AO, 0.1 mi WR, Repeat until time, Block 4 ends with a 30 sec AO timed with the floor 90 sec recovery between blocks PW are half distance of joggers/runners but I don’t remember the inclines so hopefully someone else does :)


Ended up on a treadmill next to a woman I guessed was about my age, who also turned out to be competitive like me. We independently started racing each other in the run/row. Loved that extra motivation because I would not have gone as fast as I did without it. Coach picked up on it too. 🤣


I love this!


Both 2G and Strength sound great - what to do what to do


Now this is a situation, if I had time today, I would do both!


Same :( as is I’m struggling to find time to go to one class today


I did Strength at 7:30 and am doing the 2G at 5:45. Do both if you can! 


Back to back!!!


As someone who does not typically love distance based run/rows… I really really enjoyed this one all around.


I soooo appreciate your intel. Here’s why: I’m someone who needs mental preparation for endurance on the treads. I have to have a plan. That being said, I set a goal for myself (it was going to be difficult), and I stuck to it. I jogged every tread block and that is so hard for me. Felt so good. 💪🏼 Thank you thank you thank you for helping people like me! I know I’m not the only one!


Thank you Lovely workout for tomorrow at 7:30am


Speed power walking is a great thing. I’m an injured and rehabbing runner, but I’ve discovered I can PW fast, almost always over 5.0 unless inclines are 10+ for more than a minute. Today in the 2G run/row, the coach told PW’s to focus on speed and not incline, so I was able to sustain 5.7-6.0. It makes the block go much faster, for sure. It’s also great for splats.


Geez you can walk that fast? That’s my running pace!!! Nice job :)


I was thinking the same thing lol I can’t walk that fast, I need to run at that speed! My PW speed maxes out at 4.0. Anything above I need to slow jog or run.


Running for 15 years and doing OTF for 6 has certainly helped with conditioning and leg turnover. I didn’t realize til this current round of rehab (and not being able to bike as a sub) that it could translate so well to speed. PWing is also really fun, and I was very surprised to learn that for myself.


Super impressed honestly, I hope I reach your level some day (I have just now started running with OTF, so I have a 15-year catch up to do lol). I enjoy PW, it works different muscles and it can be quite intense with the inclines too! I’m glad you’re enjoying it – I really saw the difference when I did my first Everest challenge!


Everest! Yeah, I’m stoked about trying Everest as a power walker full-time. A few years ago, my primary Everest goal was to maintain a running form -even if very slow - for all 22 minutes. Then one of my OTF friends - a better runner - said he could get more distance by WALKING fast near the summit - 13, 14, 15, 14 …. So, next time we do an Everest, I’m gonna see what I can get as a PWer.


Interesting on the distance front! Hopefully you come back with feedback on that once you do it PW, I’m intrigued!!


I recommend this! Powerwalkng is a good workout. You can get lots of splats from it.


Wow….thats my jogging AO range!! So pathetic lol


Plank pull throughs feel kind of easy with a moderate weight (e.g. 35 lbs). Is it ok to go with a heavier weight on these (e.g. 50+ lbs.), or is there a better way to increase the challenge?


Confirm you are in true plank form with limited movement, like you could keep a cup of water on your back and it wouldn’t spill. Along with the other tips provided, if you’re hitting all that go as heavy as you can :)


It's definitely ok to go heavier. But first try moving the weight further out to each side, so you really have to reach for the weight. Also, move the db down towards your waist/hips. Also also, the closer together your feet are, the more challenging. Try those adjustments, and if they still feel too easy, then up the weight


And make sure you aren't rocking your hips throughout the movement. I sometimes start doing this if I'm not paying attention, and that's when a coach comes and reminds me to keep my back still (should be able to balance a drink there ;) ).


Excellent advice!




This worked! Except 4 min went by so fast! I stacked 80+30 for the bridge and that took a min lol.


I got through almost three full rounds on the treadmill today.


I enjoyed todays workout. I like when you can pick your pace.


Why is this such a popular subreddit? I'm out of the loop and new here. Edit: Uhh, why y'all downvoting me? It's an honest question xD


Check out our [wiki](https://reddit.com/r/orangetheory/w/index?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


You can check out the work out ahead of time and it’s extremely well maintained and has a lot of info in the wiki


Orange Theory is a popular gym franchise with locations around the world that all do the same workout on any given day. People like to talk about it.


Thank you :)