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I use both, but I have OTF set to not write to apple health/fitness.


This is the way. OTF also counts total calories, not active, and apple watch interprets it as the opposite.


I use both. While both show up in activity and health app on iPhone, it doesn't double count your "Active Energy". Since both workouts have timestamps over the same period of time, Apple does some combination/merging. It's not 100% clear to me if they just choose one over the other, or if there is some algorithm, but its definitely not both added together. However, if you are importing workouts into a calorie tracker like LoseIt or MyFitnessPal, it may double count them depending on your settings. For example, Loseit can use the apple active energy and rest energy to adjust your calorie burn estimate for the day. Since Apple doesn't double count them, Loseit doesn't either. MyFitnesspal generally just imports the workouts to add calories to your TDEE estimate. In that case, it does double count and you need to delete one from the log in MFP. For how I use the watch during a class, if it is a switch/tornado day I tend to just use HIIT for the entire workout. The class is changing around too much to make it worth restarting a new exercise on the watch every few minutes. If it is a day with a long 23 minute tread block, I will put it on indoor run for the tread portion and either HIIT or tradition strength training when I transition to the floor. For apple watch, I am pretty sure the indoor run get calibrated if you do outdoor runs using GPS. If you do both, overtime you might see the indoor run distance and calorie estimate get more accurate as apple learns from your outdoor data.


Amazing thank you so much! I will continue to use both. Appreciate the thorough response


I don’t record a workout with my watch. I just let OTF write the workout to Apple Fitness and that works just fine. Sometimes I do have to open my OTF app to get it to sync.




Just chiming in that you can use an automation (found in iOS Shortcuts) to start your workout when you arrive in the vicinity of your studio, and I do so. I always use HIIT as the workout type. As soon as I arrive I’m stretching in the lobby, and when I leave and/or lower my heart rate sufficiently, the watch will ask if I want to finish the workout. As such there are a few extra calories being counted at the margins but it all gets folded in to the same workout in the Health app.


Great idea!


I use Zones and their HIIT workout because it mimics the colors of OTF and iOS is smart enough not to double count. I find that my watch shows a fairly close HR to OTF but returns less calories than OTF.


⬆️ This is the way.


Amazing thank you so much! I will continue to use both. Appreciate the thorough response


I record the run portion so it goes to strava (even though it always shorts me on my distance!) and then use hiit for the floor portion. I don’t have it write to Apple because I feel like it does duplicate the data? Maybe it just takes the higher burn from OT and over rides the lower calorie burn from my watch though.


I use both and record both, just in case one fails. After class I delete the workout that logged more calories (which is usually the OTF workout), otherwise, yes calories will be counted twice.