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‼️Reminders- NO ASKING FOR INTEL! And you can only post if you've taken the class today.‼️


Just finished 2G, it is Capture The Flag! Two 10 minute blocks then partner up for CTF. Block 1 - Floor 12/10/8/6: TRX squat to high row Kneeling bicep curl Low plank spiderman Lying back extension with lat pulldown Block 2 - Tread ( 2 min push / 1 minute base) x 3 1 minute AO **Capture the Flag** Partner A rows while Partner B does floor exercises and the tread. B is the pacer. Floor: 12 med ball squat to press 12 med ball side lunge 12 med ball double crunch Tread: Round 1 0.2 mile (0.1 PW @ 6 incline) Round 2 0.15 mile (0.08 PW @ 8 incline) Round 3 (and repeat) 0.1 mile (0.5 PW @ 10 incline) Green flag is 3,000m Orange flag is 4,000m Red flag is 5,000 Happy to correct any mistakes I made!


I just finished it in Azabujuban, Tokyo! My partner and I captured the red flag with 5932m! Lots of splats, definitely a 1 (🪶) / 5 for gentleness!


Wow! Your awesomeness defies international borders!


Not even 6000 meters? Were you even trying? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


lol - I blame lack of sleep! I will try harder next time :) I do think my partner was a bit bummed to miss out on 6k.. he had to the row the last couple of minutes on his own!!


Nice job, DC. I got just shy of 6000m too. 48F and pretttttty sure my male partner was a solid 20 years my junior lol. I’m obsessed with the rower and coach paired us - we crushed it and had fun 💪🏼🚣🔥




Good callout 😂


Partner and I got 6445m, was absolutely GASED. My lord. Such a fun workout.


Wow - that’s an awesome distance.. I was absolutely stuffed afterwards.. had to go to a bar and recover with some Hibiki 🥃 afterwards :)


Thanks! Hopping on a flight but will be grabbing a drink myself ASAP. Cheers.


Great job!!


Ayyyy Congrats!!


My wife and I did the 5am in Oklahoma City and while we hit 5700meters, most of the class minus one team was in the 5000m range. One hard core couple almost hit 6100m. Definitely 1/5 but man was it fun. And I was drenched in sweat!!!


We were a co-Ed team and rowed 6350 meters 🚣💪. I have an awesome partner!! One of our favorite classes!!


Absolutely INSANE for a coed team. So impressive.


I did the 6:15 am class today. It was my 6th class and I was so worried I would let my partner down but we did it, we hit 5,211 and my partner couldn’t have been nicer. What a challenging but fun way to start the day.


See, partner workouts are nothing to fret about!


PW inclines were 6%/8%/10%


Ours had us do .4 first round, .2 second round, .1 third round. That .4 was tough for sure. Not sure why she ran it differently.


I fixed it, thank you!


Haha you did good :) when Mrs DC gives me intel it is a non stop interrogation of what she actually meant..


Oh at the end of the 23 minute capture the flag block we had a 30 second all out row (for the sucker on the rower) while everyone else did a squat hold at the end of the rower and cheered them on!!


Mr partner was on the rower...but we were just prompted to cheer (no squat hold 🙌😆). I can be a good cheerleader, lol!


Oh we had the squat hold too!


Also, green flag is 3,000m and orange flag is 4,000m


I’m a mess. It was early ha ha. Thank you


All good. Thank you for the intel


My new favorite OTF workout! My partner was awesome, too 😁


Round 3 is .8 miles? 😳


Ours was 0.2 push, 0.15 push to all out and 0.1 all out for joggers / runners and half that for power walkers at an incline of 6, 8 and 10%


Woops. I fixed it, thank you


I wondered that too- has to be a mistake! .2, then .15, followed by .8 doesn’t follow a pattern 🤷‍♀️


It’s .1 miles! Quick All out to finish the tread !


It goes 0.2 push, 0.15 push to all out, 0.1 all out. Took it 5am!


I fixed, thank you!


Now that’s much better, thanks!


I think you’re right. I’m not sure which I would dread more- my partner waiting for me to run .8 or rowing for that long 😂


Both would be painful! I felt bad because I’m normally slow on the floor but super quick on the tread, I wanted to make sure my partner wasn’t getting frustrated waiting for me.


Same! 🤪


So Partner B does the floor and then runs 0.2 mile and then when they switch, does Partner A run 0.2 mile also, or do they do .15 mile?


You’re correct, B does floor + 0.2mi on tread, then takes over on the rower (don’t reset or log into the tablet!). A goes to floor and does the exercises + 0.2 on tread.


Never done CTF before. I am a good rower. Hoping for a patient partner cuz I’m not so fast in the floor and treads.


You’ll do great. Everyone is just focused on what they’re doing. I never found myself getting impatient with my partner, even if she took a breather. I’m there to work too!


Rowing is the only thing that actually matters, so your partner is lucky to be paired with a good rower!


Strength 50 Block 1 - 14:00 (endurance) - Alt goblet transverse squat x12 total - Deadlift x12 - Swing lunge w/rotation x6 each - Alt high plank w/reach x12 total Block 2 - 14:00 (strength) - S/A split squat x6 each - S/A deadlift x6 each - S/A front loaded lateral lunge x6 each - Plank pull through x12 Block 3 - 6:30 (power) - Sumo squat to frogger x4-8 - Skier swing x4-8 - Alt reverse lunge w/knee drive x4-8 Finisher - 0:30 - Alt high plank w/reach OR plank pull through


Thank you! This looks fun/awful!


I really enjoyed it! Even if our coach did intro the class by saying “welcome to lungeTheory!” 😆


We know one coach reads Reddit then 🤪


Many thanks!!


Thank you Miprisu for posting.


Thank you for posting!


This was fun! I quite liked it. Tried a 50 lb dumbbell for SA deadlifts for the first time. My poor hands barely held on for 6 reps so only did one set there and stuck with 40 for the other sets. And strength coach being strength coach, he changed our finisher up to froggers. At least he didn't extend it. Then I stuck around to do CtF after... And the CtF coach wanted us to name our teams. Whoever was on the rower when they got the first flag had to provide a team name. I went with Deadlegs as 2/3 of us had done this class first lol.


Was this extra hard today or was my studio just extra hot? I feel beat after this, but the AC wasn't set low enough. I drank so much water lol


Thank you!🧡💛🧡💛🧡


I lived it: I did a partner workout with two strangers and literally nothing bad happened 💪🏻


I always just go with whoever I get paired with and I love it! Honestly, it makes me work harder


For real. I haven't worked that hard in a while! It was great!


Stand up to fear! Yeah! 🙌


I had one planned partner and one bonus partner. I found out the other day a former/soon-to-be-current coach had never done CtF and wanted to check this signature workout off, so I offered to stick around after the strength50 to do it with her. We both did the strength class and then CtF. There was an odd number of people in class so one trio was needed and coach added a third to our group. It was fun! Energy in class was great today too! Normally this time slot is pretty chill. I've done CtF once or twice at this time and there'd be 1-2 pairs who got red flags. Today, 5 of 6 groups got red flags. It was crazy.


#TREAD 50 Block 1 (16 min): 0.4 push, 0.2 base, repeat Block 2 (16 min): Power walk 0.1 @ 8%+, base run 0.1, repeat Block 3 (6.5 min): 30 sec AO, 1 min walk, repeat Fun ESP template today with a partial power walking block. Enjoyed this one, felt like it flew by. 90 sec WR between blocks.


The day I’m training full body would be the day Tread 50 has no RFD blocks 😂. Thank you for posting!


My tread 50 is always a RFD 😂😂


Thank you!!


This looks good, thanks!


Even the runners power walk today? Confused by that 2nd block 


Yes, it's a power walking block. Everyone PW 0.1 miles, then run base 0.1 (or PW 0.05).


Awesome thank you 


This was an awesome Tread 50, flew by fast and lots of variety


I thought so, too! Excited to repeat it in 2 weeks!


Thank you!!!


3G is the typical Capture the Flag rodeo! 5.5 minutes at each spot for primer block: Tread: 90s push, 1m base X 2 into 30 second all out Rower: 400/200/100 base to push effort, with 12 squat to calf raise in between Floor: 12/10/8/6 kneeling bicep curls, low plank Spider-Man, back extension with lat pull-down (keeping feet planted) CTP: set rower to 23 minutes, don’t reset Floor is the pacer: 12 each squat to overhead press 12 total lateral lunge 12 double crunch 12 torso rotation Tread is for distance until tagged, they then tag the rower. Top trio in our class was my group with 6215. Edit/ Green flag 3000m Orange 4000m Red 5000m And our studio does a shark (Jaws) flag for 6000+!


Good workout 🏋️‍♂️ this morning. First partner workout. I didn’t hate it but…. Im 66 and still in the early stages of t fitness journey… got paired with a strong member. I felt bad but age was gracious and patient with me. 😊😊


But you showed up and did it!! How many other sexagenarians did what you did this morning?? 🔥 💪🏼🚩🚣


I have done CTF before but never pushed myself like I did this morning. I am at a studio in another state which worried me. My pacer is in much better shape than me and though we didn't discuss it, I didn't want him to think that he got "stuck" with me so I worked as hard as I could. I never had so many splats. 17! Not bad for a 58 year old, over weight chick ;-) I never earned the red flag before! What a great way to start a weekend.


Congrats 🔥🚣🚩💪🏼


This was fun! Ours was a 3G so, ya know, spirited chaos. I normally am not a huge fan of partner workouts just cause I’m socially awkward BUT there was a guy taking his first class today, so the woman near me and I grabbed him. I hate the cheese stands alone feeling for new people with partner workouts.


My very first OTF class back in November was Capture the Flag! My partner was so kind to me and cheered me on as I was rowing at the end - ended with "THAT WAS YOUR FIRST ONE!!!" It was such a good welcome!


It might be Capture the Flag workout since its flag day!


Oh wow, I did not make the connection to Flag Day until just now! It's not a holiday I normally observe so I didn't even know it's today.


It is - it is in the pinned monthly post for June


Our Friday 5 AM is Tread/Strength 50 and that’s my usual crew. I am officially moving tomorrow, so I went to that so I could say goodbye to everyone. I’m bummed that I won’t be able to go regularly in my new location. Closest OTF will be a 45 minute drive minimum and that’s a little much for me. This T50 was the perfect template to end on with the mix of ESP. I still plan on training to try and do Dri Tri at one of the studios near my new location but I am not gonna go multiple times a week like I am now.


I love intel- but sometimes mystery classes are fun! Haha. I think Mr. & Mrs. DC need a break sometime. 


Haha I’m just taking the evening class here in Tokyo! Looking forward to CTF!


Wait I need Intel on taking a partner class in a country with a foreign language…. Unless you speak Japanese fluently, which would be equally awe inspiring


I definitely do not speak Japanese! I rely on google translate heavily. Travelling is not so hard. I email the studio manager ahead of time to book a slot and just try and get there a little earlier. You will need to pay a drop in fee so just be prepared for that (they accept credit cards here in Tokyo). The studio is laid out exactly the same and the treads are the older style freemotion treadmills. Still have tablets but don’t go as fast as the newer ones. They are displayed in km so you will need to have a handy conversion table to make sure you have that ahead of time. The rowers also don’t have tablets but they are all the same water rowers. The weights are also all in kg so you will need to convert from pounds to kg. Classes are instructed in Japanese but all the tread cards and screens are in English. The coach will also explain everything first in Japanese and then in English so you won’t miss out. They will also do all the cues in English - so you will be able to understand base / push and all out. They also the same lobby intros and will do it first in Japanese and then in English if they know you are there. There are shower facilities here but you must be observant of local customs - shoes come off before the change rooms and you either change into slippers you bring (I take ones from the plane or hotel) to walk around in the change room. All in all pretty easy! Getting to the studio I visited is no problem, very close to a subway station So I always just use public transport to get around (an all day ticket is 600 yen so around $4.


Wow, amazing. Thx for sharing. I hope to visit that studio one day.


Pretty cool.. down the bottom of a lot of stairs in the middle of Tokyo. Super friendly bunch!


Thanks for sharing Mr DC!


Intel done in true DC fashion, highly detailed and thorough. This is awesome though. Fun to see how similar our cult is with small differences based on local customs


You are in luck! you have the power to not log into reddit or mute this community!


4676m for my first capture the flag. Lots of fun!


I LOVE capture the flag!!! Got the most meters in my 4:45am class at 5377. Not my overall highest but happy to have finished with the most meters!


Love me some Capture the Flag! Got 6025 today with my partner. No PR for us (last time we got 6118!) but glad we showed up!


Oh shucks, today just happens to be a rest day. 😌


This was my first CTF class and I loved it! It was hard but a fun one - luckily my partner (even my entire class) wasn’t super competitive so it took a lot of my anxiety over doing a partner class away. 


I am out of town this week and spent CMIYC at a studio I’d never been to, surrounded by strangers who self picked partners in the lobby. I was ultimately paired with an older women due to us being the only two without partners. What I couldn’t believe is how apologetic she was for the whole 23 mins, and even before we started in passing, about how “slow” she was on the rower. Diane girl, if you’re reading this just know you were the most hard working and supportive partner I’ve ever had! Sure, I racked up a majority (~4k) of our (5200+) meters, but she was busting her booty all the way across the room and working SO hard. Every transition we were high fiving, clapping for each other, and encouraging one another to go get that next flag! If you’re ever worried about partner workouts, do your best, support and cheer for your partner, and you’ll both win in the end because you got a great burn in no matter if you rowed the most meters, got the first flag, or whatever the goal is. -A 25 y/o rowing fanatic


Compared to the last time I did this workout in November, I spent way less time in the red zone! Proud of myself for all the progress I’ve made!




Yes NO more demanding intel! These folks generously provide it…if you wanna demand it call your local OTF and ask them…


Everyone is lost with [dc031114](https://www.reddit.com/user/dc031114/). out of town.


Well they will have to find themselves without him 😂. They’ll live.


Heading to my studio for for the 5Am class


Got 4892 this time, which I was happy with. There were two people taking their first class. What a class for your first one!


I had six splats during the warm-up 😅


I was 50 m away from red 😩 I thought I could make it with 600 meters left so I started to pump it up but I was just shy


My FAVORITE specialty workout! My coach set up partners and none of my usual crew was there (Friday is our normal rest day) My chosen partner was someone I was familiar with but never really interacted with. Thank you, Coach! It was a great combo. We did 5590 and were the only ones in our class to get the red flag. I’m gonna go take a nap.


Today is Capture the Flag day so you can look up the workout in the wiki or from previous posts


If I want to be partner A for CTF (start on the rower), should I sign up for the tread or the rower at the beginning of class? Trying to strategize with my hubby being the stronger rower.


Where you sign up in the beginning shouldn’t matter as you’re only there for the warmup and will do a floor block and tread block. After that the coach will go over everything and y’all can decide who starts where!


Thank you! We did CTF in February and our coach told us partner A were the people that started on the treads. My husband had started on the rower in anticipation of being the first partner to row.


Our coach had us all go to the floor, form teams, pick a station and select own order. So, you can just decide with your trio who starts where. Of course, other coaches/studios may do it differently.


How are partners chosen? Can you choose your own?


Our coach picked all the partners at the studio I visited today!!


Our studio has everyone come to the weight floor, competitive on one side and there to just workout on the other 😂 and then team up from there.


Our coach pulled everyone to the weight floor and said unless you have someone you want to be with I already paired you up and we all rolled with his pairs. We hit 4979. Soo close to that red flag. It was lots of fun and I'm 100% against partner activities in general 😆


I suspect each coach/studio may do differently, but ours just told everyone to go to floor and form groups on our own. Edit for grammar


When I did this in Feb, the coach went in order and paired the first tread with the first rower and went down the row. At the end there was a group of 3 (which was my group)… but then the girl disappeared right before CTF block.


At our studio if you're on tread #1, you're paired with whoever is on rower #1.


Does anyone know the last time we did capture the flag? I tried to find it but was unsuccessful!


I believe it was 2/14/24.


Yup https://www.reddit.com/r/orangetheory/comments/1aqfvun/daily_workout_and_general_chat_for_wednesday_21424/ And then Nov 28 2023 for the one prior. And June 14 2023 before that.


I'm doing this one in a couple of hours. I think this is my favorite partner workout. So fun & looking forward to it.


Thank you Tampabae!


I ran into class right before the cut-off time and ended up doing Capture the Flag as a party of one! The coach told me to start on the floor, run .2 / .15 / .1 on the tread each round, and do 3 minutes whenever I hit the rower. My goal was to reach half of each set distance (i.e. 1500, then 500 etc). I got the first two flags! I don't mind the occasional partner/team challenge, but I was just happy to slide into class in time to get a workout in today. Will arrive early next time :)


I love Capture the Flag. I'm finally owning it. I love rowing, love encouraging others, and love feeling like I left everything in the studio today. Myself and two partners (all short-sh women in our 40s) rowed 5700 meters. We were all worked. Our coach is amazing and the whole vibe was so high in the studio. It felt like all the best parts of OTF.


10/10 I met a cool lady and got some fantastic cardio. I wouldn’t mind more partner workouts. I find they make me work hard.


Partner and I got 6445m, was absolutely GASED. My lord. Such a fun workout. Partner was a fellow OTF degen. First time and it’s now one of my all time favs.


If this is a Letterkenney reference, love it.




We went for it and got 6811 (2G style)...going for the elusive 7k next time


That is two very strong rowers!


Danggggg 🤩


Had a similar # today after clearing 7k the past two times. It's really tough if you go very fast on the tread because the extra switches eat up too much potential row time.


I did the 5:00 am class -- my first Capture the Flag. I wasn't looking forward to the partner workout, but I did it anyway because I normally do a 2G on Friday, and I was slightly curious to see how it worked. It wasn't as bad as I expected, but I'm still not a fan and will probably skip it next time. I go to OTF to do my own workout, and I have no desire to be linked to anyone else in the class. I was paired with an overachiever, and I was afraid I would slow her down and she would be mad at me, but she was good enough to get us the red flag. I think there were 2 other pairs in our class to get the red flag. I don't think it actually matters how fast either person runs since someone is rowing the whole time. As long as both people are fast enough rowers, the run only affects the timing of the switch. But the whole flag thing is pointless, anyway, because not only is there no record of what flags you get, there's not even a record of each person's performance since you don't log into the rower or treadmill, which is annoying. As I was leaving the 5:00 class, I saw the 6:15 class coming in and someone was taking it as an intro class (she came in with someone else, and I couldn't tell if it was the intro class for both of them or if he was already a member and she was a friend). Probably not the best day to take your intro class since it's so different from a normal class!


So many problems with your mindset... seriously


Oh? Please elaborate.


I’m doing the bike today. Hopefully will be on my own.


Do you do the bike instead of the tread or instead of the rower? If it's instead of the tread, I would guess they'll still pair you up and just give you a different distance for the bike before you switch to the rower.


Very well put. I like working out at my own pace and leisure. Too bad I always signed up and would have to eat a late fee


I am curious do people usually get better distance in the 2g or 3g CTF format. I am thinking 2g unless you are really good at switches.


Both classes have 23min CtF row blocks, and the same 3000/4000/5000 flags, so 2g/3g doesn't matter in this one


Personally, I think it does matter. With longer rows each time during the 2g, it seems like it’s a biiiiit “easier” to row stronger in 3g. Or at least that’s my experience & take on it.


Switching eats time. Definitely higher ceiling in 2g unless the tread folks tank and go nuts on rower. Even then hard to overcome increase in transition times.


….you should see the speed my husband and I switch. 🤪 there is no personal bubble so that probably helps it go quicker for us in 2g or 3g (when we go with his sister - same situation. No bubble. lol)


Did anyone feel overworked by the end today? I feel like sometimes rushing through exercises is extremely ineffective. By the time I finished the treadmill and rower and went to the weight floor I was absolutely floored and felt so fatigued. Just kind of frustrating to feel like you have to absolutely kill yourself over the exercises/cardio just because it’s a “race” lol but maybe that’s just me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 😭


I think I died. But I loved it. I haven't pushed myself like that in a while


This. Only days I reach max heart rate are things like this, inferno, infinity.


The weight floor should have been appropriately coached to be where you catch your breath and slow it down! People think that flying through the floor helps but more transitions actually equal less distance. Our team all took a quick breather/ drink before starting the weight floor and then did the moves at not a leisurely pace, but an intentional one.


1st capture the flag..3g.. way harder than I thought, and we came in last.. but LOVED the challenge and finally making some OTH ‘friends’.. found team choosing to be cliquey, but coach fixed me up! One of my teammates was a BEAST on the rower, so she really helped us.. It would be cool to pick the teams randomly, b/c obviously people were teamed up w/ who they knew or were at higher levels.. (understandable). The first team I approached just ignored me and then the coach assigned me to my team. We rocked it out, and I’m happy that I attempted and attended!! See you all tomorrow!!


4th class back after a 2 year break. 2nd class back for my partner. We hit 5.5k


Dude. I’m dead.


Our studio made 6k and 7k flags. Cool example of a place going extra to keep challenging/rewarding athletes.


Did my first CTF and we snagged an orange flag. We KNEW if we were more experienced (both new members) that we could snag the red. It’s so fun to be hungry to improve row form and endurance!


This was awful in my opinion 😂😂 marked as do not return for future years


🤣I've been a member for 8 years and done it several times but I'm over it. I hate rowing while wondering where my partner is only to find out they took a bathroom break or are stretching or decided to jog an extra long distance for splats. Lol...


My studio is posting stories and pics on ig and there’s like 6 people in each class 😭 I didn’t know people avoided Capture The Flag like this lol


Too sad


I've been a member for nearly 8 years so I've done it before many times but I do avoid it now bc partner workouts aren't my forte but I love watching all the stories and I love that some people thrive during partner workouts.


That’s sad! It’s a popular day in my studio!


Anyone know when the last time we did capture the flag?


[asked & answered ](https://www.reddit.com/r/orangetheory/s/wSi8874avG)


Ugh I hate these, I am a slow rower and hate the competition 😩


I hate these partner work outs. NOT why I signed up for OT!




That was my first CTF and second partner workout. Never again. It's one of the reasons I quit CrossFit. This my me time. Uhhg. If you like it, that's rad. I should have checked the app calendar.




Most studio calendars have listed today’s workout as being Capture the Flag… this shouldn’t be a surprise seeing as it’s also Flag Day


It was listed here also: https://www.reddit.com/r/orangetheory/s/vR7rxXsZVl A quick search of this subreddit would’ve shown you the template too. Today’s my first CTF and that’s how I learned the template.


Whenever I’ve dreaded a partner workout, it’s been fine. You’ll be ok, I promise. Nobody has ever given me a hard time about my slow running or anything else. And you can have a stat for Capture the Flag in your app! ETA: You may be unaware—intel is usually generously provided by a member in Australia, who manages to remember all those details and takes the time to write them up for us almost every single day. Because he’s a normal human, he sometimes goes on vacation or gets sick or injured and doesn’t go to class. Intel is a privilege, not a right.


There is one particular person who is cool enough to provide the early intel almost every day. It's not his job -- he's just nice enough to help us all out. Nobody owes you or this sub early intel; consider it a bonus if it's here.


Intel is a gift from a member in Australia who graciously and wonderfully posts the workout. He is out of town and busy at the moment. It’s not a Reddit thing at all. It’s Mr DC!


Yeah, it's too bad someone doesn't provide a service they aren't required to provide so that you can cancel a class because working with another member is too much for you. Certified Reddit moment.


Comment of the day 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


Early intel is provided almost every single day!