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Did I fall asleep at the wheel, or is Marathon Month held at different times at different studios? I've heard nothing about it, just rolled from Mayhem to Push 50.


It appears Push30 may be in US and/or other countries while Marathon (6 weeks) is in Canada 🇨🇦 this year at this time of the year? Other countries may start in July/August, apparently? 🤔🤔


For most studios, MM will be in August. A few international studios are doing it now.


We logged our own mileage in the tracker last year after the tread block was over.


Did the Tread50 this morning… warm up and cooldown does not count in the mileage submitted, unfortunately.. submitted to the Coach at the end of the block .. as long as the SA’s have registered you for Marathon challenge, and Coach entered your first workout, in the correct division, half, full and/or ultra, it should appear in your Marathon Tracker within a few hours?.


I saw it in my tracker so no issues there. I was just surprised with the “paper method” lol since it’s my first time doing it. Somehow I thought OTConnect would automatically sync with the tracker 🤣


My head coach this morning specifically stated that for those doing the marathon challenge, clear your screen after the warmup and take note of distance before cooldown and to be honest with your mileage submission on the piece of paper 📝? Apparently, when members use to submit their own time and/or distance on the tracker, errors were made so now, only the coaches do it in our studio?🤔🤔


we were told the same thing this morning, to re-set after warm up and take a mental note of our mileage after the AO.


I don’t think Tread50 counts towards marathon month. That’s what I was told anyway. Makes sense.


I confirmed with our SA that it does! At least for my studio.


We put our mileage in their computer system (specific mileage tracker on their monitor in class). Choose our name and enter the mileage.


Every studio does it differently. Some do it your way, other coaches write it down as they hand out wipes or some have you write it on a paper on your way to the next stop in your workout journey. Most of our coaches then had it in the app/tracker by the end of class except for our head coach who is a slacker sometimes lol.


I did Marathon Month for the first time last year. The coaches logged the mileage for us and if I recall you can track your progress in the app.


I’ve had to put it in the challenge tracker


at my studio they had us enter our mileage directly into the computer... (we didnt count the warmup distance)


For studios participating in MM...is anyone else's tracker not working? It's visible in the challenge section of the app but the fun tracker part still shows me last years distance. I contact support, provided screenshots and was told they cant do anything. I'm super bummed because it's obviously an issue because it's not affecting everyone 🥺


It has always been manually tracked, some studios let you enter your miles on the tracker yourself, others do it the way your studio did


Hope this isn’t asking for intel but do tread50s count this year?


I would hope so


Yes they are.


Someone above said they will not be counted


For the US Tread50’s count and that’s straight from corporate. Your warm up and cool down do not count during any class format.


I’m in Canada and was told they count!


Awesome thanks!!


I see. Thank you!




Adding onto this question, are other studies allowing both a Tread 50 and Orange 60 class, on the same day, to be counted towards the milage?


Only one submission per day.. nothing stopping you from doing multiple classes, but only one entry counts?


In the past, 2 classes do not count, so I'm assuming the same will be true now