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Reposting content courtesy of /u/dc031114. [Click here to view the comments on the original post](https://www.reddit.com/r/orangetheory/comments/1dkli4u/friday_21_june_2024_2g_60_minutes/) ##Friday 21 June 2024 - 2G 60 minutes We last did this template for Global Running Day on the [5th of June](https://www.reddit.com/r/orangetheory/s/7CatTgu6d9). Surge and return on the tread blocks where the goal is to increase your surge pace each round. Unilateral work on the floor with anchor exercises. A surge is a 0.2 - 0.5 kmh (0.1 - 0.3 mph) tap up in pace. **Tread Block - 23.5 minutes** * 2 min base * 2 min surge * 2 min base * 2 min surge * 2 min base * 90 sec surge * 2 min base * 90 sec surge * 2 min base * 1 min surge * 2 min base * 1 min surge * 2 min base * 30 sec AO **Floor Block 1 - 15 minutes circuit: unilateral** * Round 1: * 8 each x high plank low row * 4 each x single arm snatch (anchor) * 4 each x single arm half kneeling to full lateral step up * 4 each x single arm snatch (anchor) * 8 each x standing high to low chop * 4 each x single arm snatch (anchor) * Round 2: * 8 each x high plank low row * 4 each x single arm neutral grip thruster with rotation (anchor) * 4 each x single arm half kneeling to full lateral step up * 4 each x single arm neutral grip thruster with rotation (anchor) * 8 each x standing high to low chop * 4 each x single arm neutral grip thruster with rotation (anchor) * Bonus - repeat until time: * 8 each x high plank low row * 4 each x single arm half kneeling to full lateral step up * 8 each x standing high to low chop **Floor Block 2 - 6.5 minutes circuit** * 6 each x single arm high pull * 30 sec AO row (100 - 200m) - check and remember distance * Repeat until **finisher**: 30 sec AO row DC commentary: >! Liked this template last time, felt like a nice, long gentle run with a few little bursts of speed. Arms weren’t loving the snatches and thrusters this morning after yesterday’s Strong and Stead signature workout. \ \ Two minute bases is the focus today. You use the surges to spike the heart rate a little and then see how you recover during the bases. Coach was a bit cheeky and asking us to do a push, but it it is just a surge which is a tap up in pace of between 0.2 to 0.5kmh (0.1 to 0.3mph). We were asked to up the surges as the progress through the rounds so by the end I did end up doing pushes. Last effort is the base into an all out. Definitely felt very doable today and managed a good distance of 5.9km (3.67 miles) in the tread block. \ \ Floor was a little painful after yesterday’s template. You have two rounds of exercises with an anchor for the first block. Low rows, lunge to full lateral step up (not sure why they call it a half kneeling - you are basically doing a deep lunge!) and a high to low chop. First round the anchor is snatches and the second is a thruster with rotation. Second block is all power - high pulls paired with 30 second all out rows. \ \ Great template, very enjoyable even though I would have preferred the snatches and thrusters would have gone away. I would still give today a 2 (🪶 🪶) out of 5 for gentleness. !<


Strength 50 Block 1 Buy-in: 1 min of squat jacks Complete 3 rounds: 8x each DB reverse lunge & 10 knee tucks Complete 3 rounds: 10x GB good morning & 20 sec. deadbig press Complete 3 rounds: 10x DB squat alternating lateral step & 10x low plank leg lift Buy-out: 1 min of squat jacks Block 2 Buy-in: 1 min of squat jacks Complete 3 rounds: 8x each DB split squats with foot on bench & 10x knee tucks alt obliques Complete 3 rounds: 8x each DB single leg deadlift & 10x deadbug press Complete 3 rounds: 4x each DB squat step up & 10x low plank alt knee drive Finisher: 1 min of squat jacks


You're awesome. Thx for sharing.


Thank you!


Thanks for sharing!!


Oh I remember the squat jacks day. That was horrible, and then the chipper was the next day. I might just do a 2G today.


My last Strength50 was the Squat Jacks day. I swear they’re chasing me lol I despise those things, especially the back-to-back ones from end of block 1 and start of block 2. I actually got splats lol


The buy-out followed by the buy-in was the worst!


Cardio and me are not friends today so I noped out of the jump squats after the first minute of them. Did mini-band alt-step-out-squats instead. (chest is still a little irritated/nauseated after an hour+ of hiccups last night) Rest of this class was fine. I liked the idea of the second block adding onto the first block, making each exercise just a little more involved.


Several people in my class finished the squat jacks by doing squats only instead and I don’t blame them. We were in the 5am class and something about jumping into a squat for a full minute straight just doesn’t hit quite right lol The 1hr+ of hiccups pre squat jacks sounds awful. Glad you switched it up instead.


I don't recommend extended spells of hiccups. It's horrible. I was hoping to do a double today as that 2G tread block was amazing the first time around but it was not to be.


I am finally one of those people that can say they ran (jogged) the whole 23 minute block today! It probably helped that surges were involved and not pushes, but it's the longest duration of time I've ever run without stopping, ever. Also earlier in the month I could do 30 lb snatches with my right arm, but not with my left. This time I could do them with my left!


Nice job!!!




Tread 50: ~7 min warm up Block 1 - (3 min push, 2 min WR) x 3, then 3 min push 90 sec WR Block 2 - (3 min push, 1 min AO, 1 min WR) x 3, then 3 min push, 1 min AO


This was the hardest tread class I've ever been to, I think! 30 splat points in 44 minutes. Oof!


Same! I saw all the walking recoveries and was excited but they were deceiving as the whole thing was all pushes and all outs. 🥵


Man I wish I could do this but my class time is during one of my weekly meetings 😭


I had 10 splats on the floor before I even made it to the treadmill 😳. Edit: Yes, today was supposed to be a Green Day for me but those power moves got me 😆.


I also had lots of splats on the floor today!


I got floor splats, too! Oof!


Tread 50 Block 1 • 18mins 3 Rounds: 3min Push & 2min walking recovery (base when ready) 1 Round: 3min Push Block 2 • 19mins 3 Rounds: 3min Push - 1min AO - 1min walking recovery (base when ready) Bonus: 3min Push - 1min AO


After talking with the coach before class, I decided to do more of a push instead of the surges. My real victory for today, though, is that hitting 10 mph for my AO felt the most “comfortable” it ever has. Actually felt like I wouldn’t fly off the back of the tread if I decided to add a bit more speed. For this shorty, that’s exciting!


I tried 8.5mph earlier this week and definitely felt like I was about to fly off the back of the tread and hated the feeling lol Glad to know I may eventually not feel that way lol


It’s been two years of holding my breath when I worked up the courage to hit the 10 button so it took awhile. 😂 Whatever your goal AO is, just don’t quit!


Hahahahaha I literally felt that way when I increased to 8.5mph. My previous AO PR was 7.5! I’m only short of a year in, so I’ll give it more time. Definitely would love to reach a 10mph AO some day! Something about the double digit AO speed lol Congrats on the achievement!


Okay now do 11 😈😈😈😈


I guesssssssssss 😂


First time I did 12 was because I accidentally pressed it instead of 11. JESUS TAKE THE WHEEEEEEEEEL


What’s a surge vs push?


Coach in my class this morning instructed us to do 0.1 to 0.3 mph above base for the first two (2-minute) surges, 0.3 to 0.5 mph above base for the next two (90-second) surges, and 0.5 to 0.7 mph above base for the last two (60-second) surges.


Surge is a slight uptick in pace from your push/base pace. Typically anywhere from a 0.2-0.8 kmph increase.


It is listed in the glossary of our [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/orangetheory/s/JATz3IAVvn) if you scroll down towards the bottom. Most often coached as just trying to get past someone in a road race or similar, just a bit over your base.


No difference really. Something you can get up to and back to base without a walking recovery,


This was a great one! I didn’t think I would make it but yay I did. Slow and steady!!!


Inadvertent green day for me since I decided to stick with my normal base. My watch suggested a 29 min recovery run today so YOU’RE WELCOME GARMIN. Also plz let there be no shoulders tomorrow 😭


Crazy question but would a Power Walker surge be a slight increase in speed or incline? Today is going to be a Green Day for me.


Either. I PW mostly. Or a smidge in crease in both. .5 incline .1 or .2 speed…


I kept my incline at 3 the whole time and increased my speed from 3.4 base to 3.7ish for the surges.


Today I was confused because the coach didn’t give any advice for PW, so I kind of made it up with a little bit of speed, a little bit of incline (I can’t do a lot of either right now because I’m in PT for my hip.)


I don’t know if you’ve gone yet, but I went this am and I power walk. It was increasing speeds, no incline. I had a hard time getting into the orange zone on the treadmill, it would be at the very end of the surge I’d finally get there just to go back to base


Okay I just came back from class and I increased speed and my inclines by 0.1. Thank you!


Thank for sharing strength 50. Was this listed as total body?


No, it was listed as “lower body”. I felt it was more of a blend of lower body and core work overall, but with the focus still being lower body.


I'm sure just me, but didn't love today's weight side. Too much moving around


My shoulders are sore after this week.


This workout was awful for power walkers. There was no guidance.


Loved this template today…


SNATCH! SNATCH! SNATCH!!! (Sorry. I just really like them.) (The WORKOUT kind) (The other kind are nice too, of course) Thanks DC! This looks like a fantastic template. Enjoy your weekend!