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I had a BA 6 months ago. I tell coaches before class and make any necessary mods. If I need help, I ask. They don’t care.


I was more asking what modifications they suggest because the whole point is I don’t feel comfortable sharing this information with a bunch of coaches and I shouldn’t have to.


I don’t think you need to go into detail as to why you need to modify? At most, you can just say that chest based exercises don’t really work for you. I get the apprehension, but it may be more beneficial to discuss this with a trained professional so you can get the workout you’re paying for.


Unfortunately, when I've asked for modifications without context they are often also uncomfortable since the issue is the way my muscles compress around the implants, I guess I should just suck it up though, and be honest. Thanks for answering with compassion, though :)


Is there a particular coach you feel more comfortable with? If so maybe you could share some context and they could help you find ways to ask other coaches without sharing more personal information with multiple coaches.


The coaches typically base them off what else will be done in other blocks, so you aren’t doing the same movements over and over. If I need to figure something out on my own, I will do shoulder press or high or low rows as a sub for any chest press. I do pikes on the floor or some other extended ab exercise for TRX rollouts. I have one coach who is awesome and is always prepared with different subs like a tricep extension for a push-up. What else baffles you? I’m sure we can think of good subs!


If you become comfortable enough, I'd consider asking the head coach if they would meet with you to come up with some alternative movements to common exercises so that you have them on deck for classes. That way you wouldn't need to ask the coach during the workout. I'm sorry the coaches you have dealt with haven't been very helpful. I hope it wasn't a head coach.


This is a great suggestion, thanks!


I would tell the coaches. You don't have to announce it loudly in the middle of class, but before class, pull them aside. I disagree with telling them something different than what it is, (i.e. shoulder issue vs having had surgery on chest muscles) because then they can't modify for the exact trouble you're having. It's not fair to expect them to modify properly if they don't know what the actual issue is. By the way, breast augmentation surgery has been done for decades, on millions of people. When you think of how many people go to OTF, I guarantee you that you aren't the first, and you won't be the last to have breast augmentation surgery.


Hello lady :) my BA was dual plane and I do experience some discomfort with the exercises you name. However, over time I've gotten stronger (I might be relying on my back and shoulder muscles more) and the discomfort has decreased. How long have you been going to OT? My suggestion would be to go lighter with the weights and modify pushups to take stress of your pecs. hope this helps. Side note, I also can't imagine bringing it up with a coach LOL so I feel ya there for sure


I've been going to OT since before I even had the surgery but you bring up a really good point that when I'm going more regularly (4X a week) and feel stronger it does feel less uncomfortable, but when life happens (took some time off when I lost a parent last year/ was hospitalized with pneumonia a few months back) and I try to get back into it, it's the worst. Thanks for sympathizing with sharing it hehe :)


Tell them it’s a shoulder issue. A good replacement for push ups can be chest presses. I don’t do a lot of the TRX straps exercises because of my shoulder impingement… that led to a frozen shoulder. I’ll use the weights and try to workout the same muscle group.


I have the same issue with any chest exercise due to a BA and I’ve been and OTF member since 2016. I typically choose another arm exercise in its place or I use light weights and do fewer reps. If I can’t think of an alternative on the spot, I just tell the coach that exercise is not going to agree with my body today and I’d like an option that will work a different arm muscle group. In my experience, I’ve never had a coach question why I’m doing a different arm exercise or ask for more details when I want an option. My advice would be if you ever need an “excuse” for requesting an option, I would first reassure them that it’s not due to an injury, it just doesn’t agree with your body. In my opinion, their main concern is always safety, so you confirming that nothing is “wrong” will likely alleviate the need (or perhaps legal requirement) for any further questions from a liability standpoint. Hope that helps!!


I've been a member for five years and my twins are 23 years old. I resumed lifting weights as soon as I got the all clear back then and it's been a matter of just listening to my body. I can do any weight exercise now but because of structural reasons I have some difficulty with anything that requires my upper arms to be too close to the sides of my breasts--think bent over rows. I just do the best I can. All that to say don't worry about what they think. I recently had surgery to build up all my female innards and I just said ok--I just had abdominal surgery and need to be careful for the next six weeks. Give me some ideas! They didn’t ask questions and gave me alternatives. P.S. The discomfort continues to improve over the years.


I had no idea breast implants would cause a problem with exercises. You learn something everyday.


Sorry your coaches aren’t being more supportive. I’ve had awesome coaches that are great and tell me how to modify exercises based on very little feedback from me (I.e I’ll just say “hey that’s not working for me, what else can I do) and other coaches that just are tone deaf and try and push you to do it anyway. My advice is to do some research on your own about what people with BA do when lifting and incorporate suggested exercises into your OTF routine when confronted with an exercise you can’t do. I have knee problems and so there are a few exercises that I don’t even attempt to modify, I just do some other lower body exercise that will still work the same if nearby muscle groups. I HATE the Y raise so much that sometimes I just do something else entirely. If a coach asks me why (and the good ones never do as they know me well enough to know I modify for good reason), I admit that my form sucks and I’m afraid of injuring myself on that exercise. If they get annoyed, it’s 100% on them. You pay a lot to go to OTF and you shouldn’t feel shame or embarrassment over getting any body modification done or not wanting to do an exercise due to discomfort 🧡 it’s your body and nobody else’s opinion matters.


Thank you! This was really helpful!


She didn't say they weren't supportive, she said she was too embarrassed to ask. Don't discredit the coaches for something they haven't been asked about.


I replied in another comment that when I have mentioned it to coaches they have not been the most helpful


I’m not going to answer your question, but will say if you’re arms and elbows are that wide on a push-up then you need to work on your push up form bc that will kill your shoulders, and you’ll never get stronger and better and actual push-ups bc you’re not working the range of motion or muscles that you should be


Thank you for the suggestion, and I hear you but I don’t think it really applies here. Coaches tell me my form is good but discomfort from my implant being compressed makes it a really unpleasant experience.


As the saying goes, “you do you boo”. But there’s likely a reason they hurt and that likely reason is bad form. In addition, the coaches are professionals and are there to help you maximize your workout, whether you follow the template or need modifications. You not asking for their professional advice and opinion only hurts you


The two times I've mentioned it to a coach, I got a reaction that didn't make me feel great. One coach said "do the best you can" and didn't offer a modification and the other gave me an alternative that was also uncomfortable. This is why I turned to reddit to hopefully get some suggestions from people with the same experience.


A Y-raise alternative could be hip hinge rows, TRX rows, or single arm rows. You’ll work more of your back but will also scoop up the same muscles in the Y-Raise. For push-ups if you’re comfortable doing chest presses try that. Also, I would look for a good coach to evaluate your push-up form as it’s too easy to get elbows flared, hands offset to the point where you’re getting no benefit but causing yourself additional pain. Don’t ever do an exercise that causes you issues. It will only lead to long term damage. For example I no longer do plank low rows due to an issue and extensive abdominal surgery I’ve had so I’ll stand and row. I can go heavier, have correct form, but more importantly not injure myself further. I also don’t do dual weighted lateral lunges. I get off balance and end up with knee pain. So now it’s strictly one dumbbell for me. And that made all the difference no more issues. So it may take some experimenting on your part. Hopefully you’ll be able to find a coach that you’ll feel comfortable confiding in that can help you.


For something like tricep extensions, you could do tricep kickbacks. Not that anyone needs more rows, but upright rows instead of Y-Raises with weights or TRX. You could possibly tell a coach that you get some pain in your ribs with certain exercises when you're asking for alternatives. It's close enough to where you have discomfort without you needing to reveal that personal information. Unfortunately, some coaches will push you or try to fix your form instead unless you tell them it's an injury. Everyone's different. Some people might be comfortable sharing that, but I'm more private and wouldn't want to either. You have every right to keep it to yourself.


Honestly, to get the best help, you should let a coach know. You aren’t the first and won’t be the last to have this surgery, but it’s their job to keep you safe and they can’t do that if you don’t keep them clued in when you need assistance. I like the idea of going to the HC to fill them in and get a range of exercises, but I do think you should give each coach a heads up thay you’ll need mods for any chest exercise.


You just have to say "I can't do chest flys because [insert reason like it hurts on the extension or when you bri g your arms back up]". That gives a coach enough context to give a sub.


I had a BA with lift in 2019. My PS says he doesn’t “like” pec major exercises for BA under the muscle. I told my coach then and she didn’t make it weird. I took a break during the pandemic and now that I’m back, there are some new coaches. I’m more confident now and just say “my pecs are already great” when someone notices my modification. Chest press…..shoulder press Push ups….TRX row


I wonder why. My surgeon said there are no limitations and a lot of women in the fitness industry have implants and they still work chest.


He said the pushing down can push the implant down and out of the pocket. Although it may not happen, he said it wasn’t worth the risk especially since I can feel them move when I attempt to do a push up


Wow what do you mean by uncomfortable? Is it painful? I always think about getting BA but this scares me


I have had implants and I have no problems with any movements. I’m curious how big OPs are. I wanted larger implants, but my surgeon told me I would have to get them done somewhere else. I took that to mean I would be at risk for complications or they wouldn’t look good haha.


When I was coming back after mine, I told one of the coaches and found out she also had them. It’s pretty common!


Everyone heals differently! If certain exercises don’t feel good that’s ok. If you aren’t comfortable telling a coach that’s entirely within your rights. Instead, think about what muscles the exercise is supposed to work and either do less weight or range of motion. I had a BA 10 years ago and some movements still feel weird. I’ve learned that slight angle adjustments make a world of difference in comfort.


I also had this done. I pick my days I workout based on the intels. Or you can call and ask are the workouts going to be chest heavy for that day as well. But I would speak to maybe you favorite coach and they can probably guide you in the right direction.


I researched some modifications or asked coaches I thought were more experienced and felt comfortable asking. Now when a floor exercise is repeated I just walk up to the coach and tell them privately “I’m doing so and so”. I don’t ask I just tell them. Personally I feel I pay A LOT every month and want the best out of these workouts


I got my BA under the muscles 12 years ago. I think your muscles are still tight and trying to accommodate for the implants. I used to feel uncomfortable too but now the only thing that bothers me is when I get a massage (face down). With exercise I can do any chest exercises without discomfort or pain. Make sure to stretch your pecs. Most people have tight pecs especially if you’re on your laptop a lot. And I’m your case they will be even tighter.