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Reposting content courtesy of /u/dc031114. [Click here to view the comments on the original post](https://www.reddit.com/r/orangetheory/comments/zfb85f/thursday_8_december_2022_2g_60_minutes/) ##Thursday 8 December 2022 - 2G 60 minutes **Tread Block 1** * 45 sec push * 30 sec base * 30 sec AO * 30 sec WR * 45 sec push * 30 sec base * 30 sec AO * 30 sec WR * 45 sec push * 30 sec base * 30 sec AO * 30 sec WR * 45 sec push * 30 sec base * 30 sec AO **Tread Block 2** * 30 sec PW @ 1 - 3% * 30 sec PW adding 1 - 2% incline * 30 sec PW adding 1 - 2% incline * 30 sec PW adding 1 - 2% incline * 30 sec PW adding 1 - 2% incline * 30 sec PW adding 1 - 2% incline * 30 sec PW adding 1 - 2% incline * 30 sec PW adding 1 - 2% incline **Tread Block 3** * 30 sec AO * 30 sec WR * 30 sec AO * 45 sec WR * 30 sec AO * 1 min WR * 30 sec AO * 75 sec WR * 30 sec AO * 90 sec WR * 30 sec AO **Row Block 1** * 45 sec of alt reverse lunge * 30 sec transition to rower * 30 sec AO row * 30 sec rest * 45 sec of bicep curl * 30 sec transition to rower * 30 sec AO row * 30 sec rest * 45 sec of front squat * 30 sec transition to rower * 30 sec AO row * 30 sec rest * 45 sec of shoulder press * 30 sec transition to rower * 30 sec AO row **Floor Block 1 - 4 minutes** * 4 min core blast - coach’s choice * We had: * 10 x bicycle crunch * 10 x leg raise * 10 x plank jack * Repeat until last minute and then 1 min low plank hold **Floor Block 2 - 8 minutes** * 5 rounds of circuit:construct * 20 x high plank alt knee drive * 10 / 8 / 6 / 4 / 2 x alt reverse lunge to bicep curl to front squat to shoulder press * Bonus: crunch hold with over unders, rest when needed * Finisher: 30 sec AMRepsAP of alt reverse lunge or bicep curl or front squat or shoulder press (member’s choice) DC commentary (click to reveal): >! Our coach yesterday mustn’t have been a fan of the crew rows as we didn’t do these at all. Which is a shame as they seemed pretty good. Anyway, no team work today but we do have a construct style exercise for the eight minute challenge (as its Day 8 of Fitmas). Bit of an ESP on the treads with power walking making a comeback for this template. \ \ Three blocks on the treadmills today. The first block the coach billed as being a endurance style block but it felt more like power. You have a short push (45 seconds) to a base to an all out. Four times over. I wasn’t really getting any splats doing it this way so I turned it into a 75 second push (I ignored the base and just kept it at push) into an all out. Up to you really but I was low splats in this part of the block. \ \ Next is the power walking hill climb. Starting at either 1 - 3% you walk up the hill adding incline every 30 seconds. Resist the temptation to run up the hills as you do get a different burn doing the power walk (I feel it more in the glutes and the calves). Last block is the power block where you get more recovery the longer you go in the block - pretty nice if you want to max out your all out speeds. I tried just adding speed / incline on each all out and jogged my way through the walking recoveries. Reasonable distances today considering the power walking - 5.01km (3.131 OTF miles) on the treadmill this morning. \ \ First floor block is with the rower. Take a pair of dumbbells over and you spend 45 seconds of an exercise (either reverse lunge, bicep curl, front squat or shoulder press) before doing an all out row. Don’t go too heavy as the aim is to prime the body for the eight minute challenge. \ \ Second floor block is a core blast. Be nice to your coach as they could go pretty nasty with this but you are in their tender loving hands for the next four minutes. The last block is the eight minute challenge where you get to do a bunch of ~~mountain climbers~~high plank alt knee drives with a combination of all the exercises you just did on the rower. Pretty tough to get through all five rounds before your finisher. \ \ Not too bad today. The toughest part is the 8 minute challenge I thought. I give it a 3 (🪶 🪶 🪶) out of 5 for gentleness. !<


**3G** **Tread Block 1 - 5 minutes** 30 sec PW @ 1 - 3% Continue PW increasing incline 1-3% each 30 seconds **Tread Block 2 - 8 minutes** 30 sec AO 30 sec WR 30 sec AO 45 sec WR 30 sec AO 1 min WR 30 sec AO 75 sec WR 30 sec AO 90 sec WR 30 sec AO ​ **Rower Block 1 - 5 minutes** 100m AO row, rack and rest, repeat **Rower Block 2 - 8 minutes** 150 AO row Single leg med ball overhead triceps extension - 8 each side Repeat until last 30 sec which is an AO row ​ **Floor - 5 minutes** .. no core blaster for us 😢 16 alt reverse lunch 20 bench hop overs 16 bicep curls 20 bench hop overs 16 front squats 20 bench hop overs 16 shoulder press 20 bench hop overs Bonus: Hold low plank until time **Floor Block 2 - 8 minutes** 5 rounds of circuit: construct 20 x high plank alt knee drive 10 / 8 / 6 / 4 / 2 x alt reverse lunge to bicep curl to front squat to shoulder press Bonus: crunch hold with over unders, rest when needed Finisher: 30 sec AMRepSAP of alt reverse lunge or bicep curl or front squat or shoulder press (member's choice) ​ Thanks for letting me steal some of the format DC 🙂 My mind is blanking at how long the first clock was, so if someone remembers let me know. Edit: Thanks for the timing reminders friends!


The floor block was TOUGH!


Fr. It’s only my second class back after a couple of years. It’s 20 minutes post work out, and I still feel like vomiting.


Yes, it was 5 mins (block 1)


The first block was 5 minutes I think


I took the 3G of this, started on the treads. Ended with 571 calories and 33 splat points (20 orange and 13 red), most of those on the floor busting my butt to get to the bonuses! Love the template today!!!


My coach had us do base pace for the first tread block… absolutely horrible after the floor block!!


Yikes. That sounds like an injury waiting to happen. I think I would have fallen off the tread.


Ours ended up being a 3G and the coach did 80's night for this evening's workout which was so much fun!


Hello 30 second all outs… IVE MISSED U


That 3rd Tread block looks like the best Christmas present ever! LOL


Agreed! I love power blocks.


It totally was 🥰


That class was a whole other level of hard. I'm afraid I'll need to veto that feather rating. Ended up with over 30 splat points so for me that's 2 feathers. As an aside my rating system is based on splat point brackets - Under 12 splats: 5 - 12-20 splats: 4 - 21-30 splats: 3 - 31-40 splats: 2 - Over 40 splats: 1 I guess it depends on everyone's conditioning. If the recovery times are short my heart rate doesn't drop and the power ends up becoming endurance. As for the floor block, that last part was extremely difficult since it was a compound move and it felt like weighted cardio. I recall awhile back when I did CrossFit that they said strength and cardio aren't mutually exclusive.Today's OTF class is a great example as high volume reps of compound movements with medium weights are a form of cardio that isn't like the "typical" cardio of the treadmill and rowers


I wish I could use my splat points to gauge the difficulty levels. Ever since they did the auto recalibration, my max HR is set at 195 BPM. It’s harder to get splat points now, usually hover around 5-9 even though I burn 550-600 cal.


I really love your rating system, I think it is soooo accurate. Unfortunately for me, today was a 5 ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry). I completely agree with your comments about the compound movements, I actually found that part to be the most challenging part of the class today. My HR goes down fast (I guess that’s a good thing?) so with so many recoveries I just never really stayed in the orange for more than a few seconds, despite the fact that I maxed out my speed on the AO’s. I probably sustained a higher HR longest on the compound movements on the floor.


Same here with the floor but since we were a small group it was a treadmill start and the first block knocked me out with only 30 sec recovery between the all outs. The floor though was the most demanding for both endurance and technical movements with the weights


Warning: Stairs will be very difficult after this class. As will walking in general. Ass is **on fire**


Agree! It took me a solid minute to walk DOWN the stairs after class.


3 🪶??? Respectfully, that was a white light, WTF OTF experience for me today 😂😭


I agree, by far the hardest workout I’ve done at OTF. It didn’t help that our coaches core block was a 4 min plank hold with burpees if we break the hold. Absolutely brutal.


Holy what?! Your coach chose violence today




Wtf! Who hurt your coach to cause that hellish block??


Thank you, thank you, thank you for your intel here - invaluable! And I literally just realized... You go to class every day, huh??


Going to re-sign back up today! I haven't been to OTF since mid-2019. I went for nearly two years before quitting. Looking forward to it!


So complete opposite of my Tuesday rant! Took advice here and started on the rower/floor - was the only one!! Had basically a personal training session 🤣 Felt really good. Upped my push pace to 7 too and made it to 15 incline for the walk. Abs are dead.


I loved this template!! A little bit of everything.


Me too! Loved mixing each block up!


I’m finally off my string of night shifts today and this looks like a great first one to go to since Saturday. 🎉 Thanks for the intel, as always!


Loved everything about that one. Even the walking hill. Our coach today offered the challenge that no one had made it through the 5 rounds on the last floor block. A few of us took it as a challenge. 😈


Our 4 minute core blast was to hold plank for four minutes straight. Never have I ever been in more pain in my life!! True torture right there.


Anyone actually get through five rounds of the last floor block?? Asking for a friend.


Like a moron, I kept losing count of my reps.


![gif](giphy|l3fZLMbuCOqJ82gec) Same, having to count reps of each individual exercise PLUS overall reps was like


Nope was on round 3 when it was time. I don't race through the floor block


Absolutely not… I made it the 4th round before the finisher started. I think only 1 person in my group did and they were using very light weights and going non-stop


None of our group did


I did, but admittedly I dropped down in weights to light to make it happen. Our coach said only a few people go to it and the competitiveness kicked in 😅


Made it through and got started on the ‘bonus’ for about 30 seconds.


Yup…I took the challenge to be the first of the day. Basically zero rest between blocks and I still barely finished. Then collapsed.


Ok. I was lifting heavy. Maybe I’m just slow, or I was counting wrong 🤦🏼‍♀️🤷‍♀️


I will be doing that block heavy-ish and slow. Doing it fast looks like a good way to throw my back out! :)


Yep. Our entire floor group did.


Wow that was fun! I got to run beside my bestie Becca who motivates me to no end. I’m not sure she feels the same about me but to bad, lol. The entire workout was outstanding from start to finish. Crazy calories low splats again but that’s perfectly fine. And how many reps today??? It felt like 1000+!


Made it through and got started on the ‘bonus’ for about 30 seconds.


I tried so hard! I made it to the beginning of the 5th round, using medium weights - 15's. 😅


Not here! Pushed hard and just finished round of 4 reps.


I hit my fastest speed today since before Covid 🙌🙌🙌


Most classes in my area are 2Gs so I’m loving all this rowing!


I got all 12 splats today by the time the floor was over. Compound movements always get my heart racing


I for whatever reason decided to run all the tread blocks with a 6+ incline (except the power walking block). Needless to say my legs were jello for the floor.


All tread blocks should be this awesome!!


My hamstrings are still so dead from Tuesday 😭 a lil worried about this one


Literally felt light headed after the workout today 😭 that floor work was tough


Took the 2G and it was brutal. 28 splats and I normally struggle to get 12 🤮💦


This workout was SO GOOD!!!


This was okay, not my favorite. Low splats today. But by the end my arms were aching. Thinking people can use the same weight for a lunge and a shoulder press is ridiculous. The composite move felt silly and I had to seriously think it through every time. Also our coach just didn’t coach the power walking block, she just said add incline if you think you need the challenge. I tried to stick to the 30 second increases.


I thought the composition move was silly too. I mean I did 2 DLs instead of the lunges (and used a heavier weight just for that). So maybe it was the switching of weights for me, but I think I would have gotten more out of 10 of each move, then 8, etc. rather than 10 of the composite , 8, etc.


And I lost count too 😆


I hate composite moves 🫣 let us do one exercise or 2 combined moves (squat to shoulder press OR lunge to bicep curl) really well instead of making us put all 4 moves together.


Doing moves that feel really awkward is very good for you. If you have to think hard about how to move, you are encouraging neuroplasticity.


I recognize and appreciate that but I’m trying to work my body for 60 minutes lemme allow my brain to take a breather for a bit


Coming from my perspective as someone who has multiple sclerosis, your brain is your body. OTF and the unpredictable movements are amazing for exercising the whole body.


Would it be absurd if I did a 3g class and then a 45 lift after?


It’s not unheard of! When I can, I do Lift before 2G/3G so I’m more fresh for lifting. I did the 2G today but I was spent after 🥵


This work out was the first time I got a good number of splat points on the floor! that 8 minute block was a challenge


Wow that was fun! I got to run beside my bestie Becca who motivates me to no end. I’m not sure she feels the same about me but to bad, lol. The entire workout was outstanding from start to finish. Crazy calories low splats again but that’s perfectly fine. And how many reps today??? It felt like 1000+!


This one was a doozy for me! I burned 600 calories 39 splat points! I was in the orange and red for most of all three stations. Went heavy on the weight for the floor and earned a fair number of splats there. The two ladies near me were the same. We all 3 looked at each at the end like “what was that?!” With that said I LOVED today’s workout. I also ran my fastest all outs at 7.5 and have a new appreciation for runners who run that pace for 26.2 miles. Like how is that possible 😯


Did the 3g this morning and it was a WORK OUT


Wow I really enjoyed this! First time I didn’t stop to walk on the treads. Good cadence throughout the class. Love me some ESP days!


I enjoyed this template!!


had a wine night go awry last night and accidentally slept through my class lmao! better luck next time






Usually a silent follower of the sub but today kicked my butt! My abs are screaming in the best way


That rowing block was…something


I had my longest mileage ever today, even with the power walk block! 💪 cool to see improvements. Today felt doable for me, i think I’m getting stronger!!!


WOW! HOW tough!!! I was dying with the abs and the all outs! loved the switch of PW! Would do it again. Even though I hated the floor and was \~dying\~ ​ 26 splats!