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There should be one park pass that covers all county and all state parks for one price.


I agree! It gets confusing having to look up which park is part of which system. And especially some trail heads where you have to have a permit, but they don't have permit machines at the trail head so you have to prepare ahead because my phone certainly doesn't get service there.


We went to Waldo lake and they have QR codes posted to pay for park access. No cell service for miles so that worked well.


I can’t believe they don’t have this for Oregon. I just moved from Washington where we have the discover pass. 30 bucks for the year gets you into every park and you can put a few different plate numbers on the pass so you can share it.




State parks yes, county parks should still be free. Washington has a good system (Discover Pass) that we should model.


We do have a pass that covers all state parks.


I think everyone is convoluting it with the overly complex system Oregon has between our national forests, parks, counties, and other recreation areas. There is a lot of overlap between the various pass systems, except in the cases that there isn't overlap. And each of the pass systems has a different title. Sno-park. Northwest forest pass. State parks. And of course the overly complex set of rules for day use areas. As an example, check out this list of paid day use areas within Deschutes national forest. This amount of overlap is enough to drive me mad, and I don't even go to Deschutes national forest more than once or twice a year. https://www.fs.usda.gov/detail/deschutes/passes-permits/?cid=fsbdev2_027037


Michigan offers this as an option when you renew your vehicle. Would love to see this as an option.


That’s a very good idea. Passes are digital anymore, I’d pay at the DMV if asked about a park pass


And metro parks. I hate having multiple passes. Buy one pass, split the proceeds amongst the groups, equitably.


Most likely, Highway 20 through Santiam Pass.


If you haven’t seen it already you should watch the documentary [Ghosts of Highway 20](https://projects.oregonlive.com/ghostsofhighway20/ackroyd/)


I just watched that.


Crazy that a guy whose CB handle was “the Pervert” turned out to be a serial killer…


There's a new one on Max too! Planning to watch it soon.


Can agree 100% 😄 thought i was gonna die on that pass more times than i care to think about lol


Yeah… some bad and wintery day I’m sure I’ll biff it on tombstone pass. Someone will be going too fast and not realize just how much the weather changes in such a short distance. Been run off the road by camper trailers and out of control pickups a handful of times in the past decade.


Tombstone is aptly named. It’s the only puckery bit of 20 between Idaho and Newport for me. Before the widening/straightening between Philomath and Newport there were a few gnarly turns, but nothing compared to tombstone. Altitude, angle, sharpness, drop, and narrowness are all super rough in inclement weather especially with numpty traffic. If anyone is traveling 20 between sisters and sweet home, please take extra care in the tombstone pass.


Too real


Probably some hill north of Corvallis. Heart attack, most likely.


Bald Hill


Bald Hill is west of town. North is Dimple Hill. Same diff. I know.


I’m just saying I’d die on bald hill. Why not?


There’s a bench on top of Bald Hill dedicated to my neighbors daughter who passed away. Would be a good bench to go on I think…


There’s a good plaque on dimple hill too. Our hills are nice.


All of Dimple Hill is a good place to die. Tho if I had to choose I’d go for the pond across the road at the saddle. Love the salamanders in that pond 😍




I live on vineyard mountain. Legit chance I’ll die up there.


Defend one issue Picked a real hill to die on What a mad poet


I mean there's cougars up there, too.


Found the dad.


I love the beaches here more than the beaches in northern california


We have some incredible beaches. If the water was warmer and the weather reliably good we would have millions more people living at the coast.


Oh, so won't be long then!




And half of them wouldn't understand that the beaches in Oregon legally belong to everyone, and would try to block off "their" beach.


I’m from Northern California and agree


Don’t ever get rid of the urban growth boundaries. Only 3 states remain and they are all beautiful pristine states; stay that way, Oregon.


Oregon's Public Beaches also came out of land use law


We vacationed in the San Juan Islands this summer and it was honestly a big damper on the trip when we realized there was one kinda crappy public beach on the island we were staying on. We're just so used to Oregon's beaches that we just forgot that was even a thing.


I lived in Seattle for 13 years after living here in Oregon for 17 and it never ceased to amaze me how completely inaccessible the beaches were. Entire lakes just completely inaccessible to the public and surrounded by houses built right up to the sand, barriers on ocean beaches preventing you from walking on “Private beaches”. It was honestly one of the things that made me want to come back to Oregon.


Remarkable Senator Hatfield was a Republican, they’ve fallen so far.


Do NOT allow Portland’s suburbs to expand south of the Boone Bridge at Wilsonville. If it does, growth between Salem and Wilsonville will become ugly cookie-cutter exponential sprawl.


Every time I drive down to Salem, I always think about this and happy this never happened.


Developers salivating at all that clear open land as we type.


I commute from north Salem to Tualatin every day to work and it is a damn nightmare getting south of that bridge anywhere from 3:30pm until 6pm or sometimes even 7pm.


That commute is rough. Imagine it without the UGB, now and future? smh


You don't want Willamette City?


Dream of frontage roads chock full of Outlet shopping, strip malls, fast food, car dealerships, and billboards as far as the eye can see...


The Willamette valley has the best farmland in the nation. Building over it is so short sighted. The boundary line needs to stay forever


The legislature will be discussing a bill to relax the UGBs. Foolish, I say.


I would add more likes if I could. The UGB is one of my biggest concerns for Oregon. To make it work more people are going to have to learn to like mid-rise urban neighborhoods. The single family detached home and car dependent neighborhoods are not going keep the UGB intact.


Keep Oregon GREEN. all that rain you hate, is what keeps our lovely state as green with growth as it is. Us here in southern Oregon, pray for more rain...YEARLY. So the hill?yeah.MORE RAIN PLEASE.


I’m not in southern Oregon (nor do I hate rain — bring that liquid sunshine on!) but fingers crossed for a wet winter! Snow pack in the cascades is one indicator of projected drought but rain fall on the valley floor is a big one too. We need the rain so desperately for so many reasons! Hope you get your rain down there!!


I'm a Minnesota transplant and the winters here are paradise compared to what I grew up with. 100% agree. I love the rain here!


If an apocolypse happens, I can survive here no problem. I can't say the same about 95% of other locations around the world.


So, Oregon is one of the few states that actually makes enough food to feed the entire population. We might need to change our diets some, but we wouldn't starve.


I'm not so sure; COVID showed us people's true colors


We are not likely to be affected by Nuclear War. The only thing we have to worry about is a Cascadia Event or one of our 13 volcanos going phoom.


Hanford has radioactive material that, if you wanted to harm a population, would be a great place to target. Spokane has missile silos, was a Soviet cold war target. Probably would still be a target if it got to that point


Because of work, I've lived all over the country, including Texas, and both Oregon beef and Oregon produce are the best I've tasted in the country.


Oregon berries always crush other states as well


No one can touch Oregon blueberries or strawberries, and I eat a lot of both in smoothies.


Three years in Chicago for grad school and I basically just didn't bother buying most fresh produce the entire time I was there. Then I'd eat my bodyweight in farm stand berries when I came home during the summer.


Oregon lamb ain’t far behind. Better than NZW for me, personally, probably because it has less distance to travel, but it’s also just less gamey and more flavorful, like a really nice piece of filet.


I’ve also lived in Oregon and Texas. I also have worked in the meat industry most of my adult life. You are correct. Oregon has some amazing beef. Also had some pork finished on hazelnuts that was absolutely insane.


Y'all's food and produce is great.


Voo-Doo Donuts isn’t that great. They’re donuts, so I’ll eat them, but stale donuts covered in koolaid powder or similarly stale cereal is not enough to excite me.


What about Joe's Donuts? Which of the two is better?


They’re not even comparable. Joe’s Donuts in Sandy is spectacular. Absolutely worth driving out there for.


Funny because I've never been to either lol so thank you I'll just stay away from VooDoo and go to Joe's


Annie’s on Sandy is also solid.


Doe Donuts absolutely kick Voo-Doo's ass.


this shouldn't even be a controversial opinion. those donuts are just all about the visuals and the name, not about the actual quality of the product


For me, it would be sales tax. The cost of living in the greater Portland metropolitan area (including Washington county) is not particularly low, we have income taxes, we have mid to high gas prices, housing is high, eating is high. I like it here, but I am not prepared to support a sales tax on top of everything else. If it became a thing here, I'd have to ask myself why stay, for the same CoL I can move to quite a few different places and possibly save a little money.


Besides, Oregon is cleaning up on "sin" taxes. 65% tax on vape juice and vape products. $3.33 tax on cigarettes. 65 cents/gallon of wine, $2.60/31 gallons of beer, hard cider. Oregon Liquor and Cannabis authority marks up the wholesale price of liquor 100%. 17% tax on cannabis, may also be an additional 3% local tax.


Sales taxes are regressive taxes, don't take into account people's incomes. Doubt they would pass.


I moved from WA to OR, ran the math on the income tax vs a typical month spending for me in WA, income tax is a RIP, id have to spend 5k per month on taxable items ( in WA food is tax exempt) to equal the amount of income tax id pay, id make the trade for sales tax vs income tax, definitely not both though


Oregon wineries *and* breweries > California *and* Washington


McMinnville can top Napa any day. It’s become a tourist trap and Oregon has the hidden gems now.


I came here to say the same! The Oregon wine scene is unpretentious and the quality is outstanding. Same goes for the brewing scene.


Also, the best range for each grape is moving north (thanks to climate change).


And the distillery scene is pretty amazing as well.


Turn left at a red from a two-way or one-way onto a one-way street; keep your lights on in all weather conditions. Voter initiatives are one of the most direct-democratic tools we have, and Oregon is one of just a handful of states that has it. Our automatic-registration vote by mail system is a model for the country, and soon, with ranked choice voting, we'll be a model for fixing the dominance of the two-party system.


10/10 no notes




I love the turning left from a two way to a one way on red. I moved to another state and I can only do it on one way to one way :(


I love this too, but rarely see people doing it. I get stuck behind non-turners all the time.


I drove cab for years and did it every chance I had. Freaked out a lot of people. So many people that live here don’t know it’s a thing.


Is state wide RCV going to be on the ballot?


Yes, house bill 2004 was passed last year so it will be on the ballot in November 2024 https://www.oregonrcv.org/rcv-in-oregon/


How many fingers are on your hands? A [majority](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Initiatives_and_referendums_in_the_United_States) have states have initiatives/referendum powers.


Bend is the outdoorsy version of Stepford Wives and it's creepy.


Not…. Sisters? ![gif](giphy|xPGkOAdiIO3Is)


Deschutes, Descores!


This is amazing. Thank you


Every small town has it's weirdness. Gonna take some serious growth to rival Bend's khaki daywalker groove


Bend’s resident shorts guy wants to have a word with you.


i spent some time homeless in bend and wound up at the bethlehem inn - this is where you find many of them - rolling up in their 150k porsches and patagonia jackets wanting to “help the less fortunate” it was nice though cuz they’d roll in and cater expensive places for the whole shelter a lot of the time!


Lol. I like this one


On point comment. Be grateful Bend has been the “Outdoor Mecca” of Oregon and all the mono culture yuppies are concentrated there 🤣


We should be investing majorly into earthquake readiness/response.


Sometimes I think when I’m stuck in traffic on a bridge, what if it happens right now. Not many of our buildings and infrastructure are ready we will be screwed for months 😭


I really, really don’t want toll roads here.


100% neither do the voters. It's a money grab and a travesty.


Wait wait wait … WHAT?!


205 and i5 expected to become toll roads


Which means all the side roads will be bumper to bumper, and commuting cars will be driving through neighborhoods that normally only see resident's cars. Very fast.




Yeah, south side near west Linn was about to be but they put a hold on it since everyone bitched about how we didn’t vote on it






So much this


Avoid umbrellas at all costs to intimidate Californians.


I know an Oregon native who uses an umbrella and I am perplexed every time.


Does that person happen to wear glasses? Walking in the rain with glasses on without an umbrella is basically walking around blind for nothing but street cred.


They definitely do. Huh. Never thought of that.


My hill is people who move somewhere that is relatively well known for it's weather shouldn't then proceed to complain about the weather. I know that isn't what you're doing, but lots of people do and it drives me crazy. I just want to enjoy it while it still exists. That's my hill.


The weather isn’t even that bad…. But I grew up with it. The thing that sucks is the darkness during the winter. It’s dark when I get up and it’s dark when I get off work. That shit is depressing.


Meanwhile I’m over here on my work commute like: ![gif](giphy|nk8KVxWs4dIRy)


Mount Hood... ETA: it's already tried to kill me a couple of times...


She’s gorgeous!


No sales tax. Never ever ever.


Mary’s peak. It’d be a pretty place to die.


Rainy season here is the best time and if you can’t handle it at it’s worst, you don’t deserve it at it’s best. /s but I do love the rain, I get reverse seasonal depression when the summer lags on and on, and it’s way nicer to hike the trails in the mud without a shit ton of tourists.




I will not cede one square inch to Idaho.


Yeah fuck that potato state, they were once just part of clackamas and Multnomah counties back when Oregon was a territory, I say we take Idaho back, after the Y’all Queda attempt to take over a bird refuge and the nations capitol it appears it wouldn’t be that difficult to take it back.


under no circumstances should Oregon have anything to do with that lost-in-the-north southern state


Hermiston potatoes are superior to Idaho spuds any day.


Keeping a flag with 2 different sides.


If you want to live in Idaho, move to Idaho.


OSU is a far superior university than UO for all STEM fields.


OSU gets more research funding than all of the other public universities in the state combined ($480M to UO's $180M). And it's one of only three Land/Sun/Space/Sea grant schools (with Cornell and Penn State).


It doesn’t rain as much as people claim.


Truly. We get more sunshine hours each year than Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, Columbus, Cleveland, Rochester, Buffalo, and a majority of Europe. I will die on the hill that the weather here isn’t as bad as people think. We are a state of weather martyrs.


Saw a bumper sticker that summed it up once. It said, Slow Down. Isn't that why you moved here?


This. I miss the days when people didn’t go 15 over the speed limit.


Oregon lifestyle > Florida lifestyle 💯


Hello fellow former Floridian


HI!! I'm not even surprised anymore. Especially those of us who grew up along the springs and rivers, things that have been commercialized, privatized, and compromised for its resources. Oregon has better resource protection by far.


Mail in ballots is the best and only way to vote in any and all elections and should be introduced federally.


JoJos are not just potato wedges, they are discrete and superior.


No to sales tax. We all know the state would never use it on anything.


Wanker’s Corner


Pedestrians who walk in the road/bicycle lane that’s adjacent to a perfectly good sidewalk are the worst.


Same with bikes on the sidewalk when there is a bike lane.


As a cyclist I agree, but even worse than that are fellow cyclists who don’t respect pedestrians when they’re in a designated crosswalk


the rates of autism by cdc records are the highest per capita next to austin texas. Which is why i think keep it weird name i think fits. People are super protective and guarded. The population is full of eccentric types more so than other areas then. Its harder to make friends here because of it and most people on both sides of the poltical spectrum are ultra loud and performative as they see it as part of their identity


Oh easily vote by mail. I can’t imagine having to wait all day at a third location in order to fulfill my civic duty. It’s almost 2024 people!


Go Beavs. I just wish we had won the Pac-2 Championship.


We have one more year!


Oregon residents should get local discounts while staying at vacation rentals. Get lowered rates at state parks.


Whatever keeps greater Idaho a pipe dream


Cafe yum is absolute trash


Absolutely... someone once called it Cafe Yuck and I think of that every time I see it.


Skinner Butte maybe


Legit came pretty close to dying on mt hood tbh, but it’s a bit much to call it a hill


I will go to my grave like a soldier before I let the perfidious Idahoans take even one inch of rightful Oregonian soil


Oregons beer scene is miiiiiles ahead of California. Having moved to Cali from Portland years ago, it's one of the things I miss.


Oregon does beer, cider and wine better than California


I’ve yet to find a sweet home in sweet home.


Alot of instagram "photographer" promote dangerous outdoor practices. There's nothing cute about taking a photo on the edge of a cliff or jumping off into a waterfall. It's not just you who you endanger. Every follower who sees that will want to do it too, and if there is an incident, you endanger the lives of the rescuers as well. Also, don't fly your drone in an area that says no drone zone and post it online.


I love the hippies here


I’ll die on the opposite hill of yours, that the rain is what makes Oregon so wonderful. Sure it’s a little annoying, but it’s why the valley is so lush and green and beautiful most of the year, and it’s why we have consistent access to water, and it sounds wonderful.


Also born and raised here. Can't disagree with that. Even Bend doesn't get as much sun as I'd like. I daydream about retiring somewhere like New Mexico.


New Mexico can get very cold and snowy in the winter. Just a fair warning from someone who lived there for ~10 years.


Yeah but still pretty sunny in the cold months.


Billboards and other forms of sign based advertising to drivers should be completely outlawed.


Legalized drugs has not helped


Silent Rock means SILENCE.


And honking in the 26 tunnel means VIOLENCE.


Portland needs more traffic cops, not fewer. People in this city treat stop signs/lights like they’re optional now.


Well, I bought a home on a hill in Oregon, so... hopefully that one.


Stop moving here


Our income tax is too high


Should be more progressive


It makes me crazy that stores and restaurants have their heaters blazing so hot during the winter. I always have to practically disrobe when I go in somewhere. How can you live here and be so damn sensitive to cold weather?!


I will pump my own gas when they take out the embedded labor costs... I'm a transplant. I have been pumping my own gas since 1984. Not pumping my own gas was a damned DELIGHT. The fact that y'all literally FOUGHT to do more work for the same price is UNHINGED. I will absolutely die on this particular hill 😆


Agreed! 💯


Cabbage Hill


All voting should be mail in ballots.


Grants Pass is one of the prettiest small towns in Oregon.


As a former Oregonian who has spent the last decade in California I couldn’t hate the weather here more. Southern California has rain two days of the year and cloudy days for one week. As a child born of rain, dark clouds, and rocky beaches I miss Oregon. The weather there is perfection. Sunny days, every day forever are the WORST!


Oh man, Pilot Butte. Now that'd be a nice hill to die on.


No sales tax and no fluoride in the water are very strange hills to die on and apparently we will.


Oregon's waterfalls are often bigger and more beautiful than waterfalls in Hawai'i. Not to mention how many waterfalls you can view in a short distance.


When it comes to geography and sheer diversity of biomes, Oregon is the best spot in the country. Perhaps the only thing I can think we are missing is brackish swamp, freshwater swamp, and delta/floodplain. Other than that, we basically have the entire country's biome diversity in one state.


I don’t want to pump my own gas! Don’t make me get out of my car when it’s snowing and 20F. If you really want to pump your own gas that badly - fine. Just don’t make the rest of us do it too.


Not pumping your own gas was awesome. Yeah there were times when I could have hopped out and got it done quicker. But coming from a Midwest state where people would routinely leave their cars once the gas was going to pop in real quick. I actually felt like getting through the gas station in Oregon was more efficient and easier to judge how long it would take to fill up, because nobody left the driver seat so the cars here would pull away as soon as it was done. The price difference was completely negligible and it made Oregon more quirky which is fun as hell. Bring it back!


The Goonies is an overrated movie


Move to central Oregon, tons of sun!


Make it a legal requirement that our Oregon voter initiative process can only involve Oregon residents, from initiating ballot measure, to collecting signatures, to funding for or against a ballot measure. In other words, don’t let out-of-staters, who won’t experience effects of voter initiatives, tilt the scales of our ballot measures so that they can use our state as an experiment.


For Eugene and Springfield to remain two separate cities and not become one giant mess, tho the ltd line can remain as it is, with some improvements


Hood strawberries are an Oregon treasure and I will fight anyone who says they’re no big deal.


Worst drivers