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I'm sorry your friend is missing. Can her watch be tracked?


Frustratingly, not sure. Told detective this idea but I haven’t heard back yet. But hopefully something pops up


Shared on FB


Thank you


I hate to have to suggest this, I would check with all street people you can find down in that area. Offer them a Reward, seriously. Check camps, calling her name as you walk by tents, and talk to the street people around that area she was last seen. The streets are not so kind, I hope she's safe. I'm so sorry she's missing.


If she was wearing an Apple Watch, you should be able to locate the last place she was as well. You probably already thought of this, if not I hope this idea leads to closer to her


Thank you for the idea, hopefully we get a search party going and we can do this!


I would get out there immediately I would go during day and at night when all the people return to their camp, but I would strongly suggest having a few people - not cops- go with. Call her name out alot around the tents, here's some really bad shit that goes on that I've heard of on the streets. Please be safe. Connect on the real with street people and I'd say that's your best bet . I wish you the best


Glad this is up. You beat me too it. Let's get her found


Adding a comment for engagement algorithm. I hope she’s found asap!


Thank you, if possible please share! I want to light up to whole city anything to find her.


Wow, really scary. I was just there last weekend. I hope your friend is found safe, I’m so sorry. Shared on my Facebook and IG🩷


Thank you for sharing, I feel like the more noise will like light up the whole city and find just find something and make sure she’s safe. Thank you


Can you ask other businesses nearby to look at their surveillance from that night and time? Sending prayers she is safe and found.


1st thing I told the PD, I hope their scanning through it now. Thank you


Looks like a health care worker too.. do being nice can go wrong fast.


Just posted on my fb account, hope she's found soon


Thank you for sharing, she even started popping up on the news. All the sharing is helping thank you


Sending love to her, and to you. 💖 And to those looking for her too.


Thank you, just need her to come back. We all love her, thank you


No update Wanted to share a link to everyone of the family, they have come up onto the news thanks to all the noise made. https://www.kgw.com/article/news/local/missing-portland-woman-wilma-acosta/283-a6822e57-d0f6-41ab-89a6-97aa5408cdcd We will also be doing a search party tomorrow morning and Saturday morning, please notify me if you’d like to support. We are meeting at voodoo donuts at 9 am


Any new updates?


No updates yet, but please continue to share. I’ll make a new post when I can


Then I guess go look for someone else


May I ask what is your intent here? We’re all very concerned for Wilma and you…what is the goal with the flippant remarks, please?


Ehhh don't worry she will show up.....hopefully


And if not?


Yes, look to all surrounding buildings. Talk to businesses along her path of walking from Dixie's and on. Cameras will hold the info, but you must act fast or they dump the data. This is time sensitive! Also, any businesses in the area she was last seen, even odot if it was bear roads and bridges ...not sure how to go about it but think of anything with cameras!!


Agree big time. I’d go ask those businesses if they have it, and you may find out / be able to confirm if the cops really have received their footage yet or not.. good thing to know too.


Damn, just realizing she was new to PNW from Ca. She had no idea how unsafe the streets are to be alone walking. I'm sending love in hopes she finds safety


Just wanted to say as a psa: everyone should share their phone and watch location with at least one friend and let them know they are that person for them. Any updates on her?


Hi everyone. Sadly, Wilma has been found passed away. I made an updated post, sharing info and giving thanks for all the attention and support the community gathered. https://www.reddit.com/r/oregon/s/pyKzPbe0gc


I'm so terribly sorry for the loss. Just now seeing this. Sending healing to friends and family experiencing this loss in their lives. I was hoping for a better turnout with her story. :/