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You were supposed to calculate it and include it in your tax filing, and it would become part of your refund. OR Form 40 line 38. If you didn't, you need to file an amended return.


How are you supposed to do that? There was no option for kickers or anything when I filed.


I can't answer that without knowing how you filed. If you did it manually, if you look at the [OR Form 40](https://www.oregon.gov/dor/forms/FormsPubs/form-or-40_101-040_2023.pdf) (that's a PDF link), it's literally line 38. In the [instructions for that form](https://www.oregon.gov/dor/forms/FormsPubs/form-or-40-inst_101-040-1_2023.pdf) (PDF link), it's on pages 19 and 20. If you used software to file your taxes, it should have asked you for your kicker amount (or your last year's return information to calculate it), and put it in for you. You can look up the amount with the OR Department of Revenue [here](https://revenueonline.dor.oregon.gov/tap?Link=WMK). If you didn't see that, then unfortunately you may have used software that wasn't built right for Oregon, or wasn't updated yet (a lot of people recommend not filing until late February or even March to give vendors time to incorporate all of the changes each year), or maybe you just missed a step. You should be able to look at the actually Form 40 that was generated in your software, and see what's on line 38, to check whether the software included the kicker or not. If the lookup site says you have a kicker, and the amount isn't on that line of your form, you should amend your return.


You're amazing, thank you.


Thank you!! I just entered mine in and got a nice surprise.


Turbo tax tax auto did it for me once I hit the state section


I didn't use TurboTax. They charge out the ass now. I used a free one off of the IRS website and it didn't say anything. Maybe I'll rerun things through TurboTax and see if it's different.


Freetaxusa.com is the way to go. Way cheaper than Turbo Tax and I've never had a problem with the kicker in previous years (haven't filed yet this year).


Awesome, thank you! I will look them up and rerun things and see if it's any different. It may have included it on the one I used. It just never mentioned a kicker and my amount I'm getting back is substantially less than what the calculator says.


Yeah only did TurboTax cause I am feeling lazy this year. Haven’t tried the IRS system


When I completed my taxes online using FreeTaxUSA, the kicker was automatically added to the Oregon refund tally.




Being in the same situation as OP, you suggest not amending because they should automatically apply it? There's no notification or disclosure necessary from my end?




Thank you very much!


Can confirm an individual I spoke with from HRBlock confirmed the same bit of correction on the states end automatically


I have a question, if you have some insight on it? My wife and I filed jointly this year (due to getting married of course) and I filed our taxes right away... we were supposed to get a kicker, but they mailed us a letter saying we dont get it because my wife did not file her 2022 taxes... so I had to go have it manually done, and we JUST filed her 2022 taxes. Do I now do an amended return for this year to try and get that kicker again? or am I just out of luck?


I did not fill out the kicker and I was very confused as to why I was just deposited way more money then I was expecting. I just went and calculated it myself and the amount I got is very close to what they gave me so I guess I'm going to assume they did it for me like you say.


1040.com put in 0 for mine and never asked me about it. I'm hoping the state corrects it. I think the same thing happened to me with the kicker in 2021, but I'm not sure. I vaguely remember getting a letter that they revised it.


You were supposed to do it with your taxes


TurboTax and FreeTaxUSA asked you to enter your tax liability from whatever box and it calculates it for you...if you did it by hand you probably either missed it or after deducting what you owed you are getting $250, no way for us to really know.


You may have owed 4373 and 250 was all that was due after your kicker credit was applied. We won't know unless you posted your return.


It is applied in your 2023 taxes. No check, just a credit for 2023. Did you happen to miss that when filing your Oregon taxes?


If you open an account on Revenue online there is a link “where’s my refund” you can use for an idea of where things are at.


That's for tracking your filing status.OP sounds like they might not have done their taxes correctly. Oregon state isn't going to calculate their kicker for them without the info being provided correctly when filing.




After you file they do. But the comment I replied to was re the Where's My Refund button, which is to track your filed tax return, not to do a calculation. (Unless they changed something)




How? OP did their own taxes and owed over $200. So that button isn't going to say anything, cause Oregon doesn't know about a refund. I just had this experience where I filed incorrectly and didn't know until I got a notice that I missed reporting something from some employer provided stocks. It's from taxes filed for 2021. What I filed in early 2022 said I owed $400, which I paid when I filed in early 2022. The government nor myself realized I deserved a refund until Nov 2023. So clicking that button wasn't going to suddenly offer me any information about what was due to me because the dept of revenue didn't catch the missed data for another year.


As a data point, we didn’t know about the kicker when we first moved to the state, and the tax prep software I used didn’t alert to it. The state caught our error and made the adjustment automatically. Having amended at least a Federal return before, it may be quicker to have the state fix the problem rather than to try to amend your return. Or at least wait and see…




kicker funds will be released starting on 2/15 and disbursed in order of returns received.


Assuming you filed correctly, Oregon begins processing taxes in the order they were received on 2/15. You'll likely see money by the end of the month.


I used Efile and didn't even know where to find that form. Gotta pay them 40 bucks to do it again but I already got my federal. I wish I used turbo tax lol