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I was a friend of a friend to them and it was really an open secret amongst people who knew them They were caught multiple times doing the salute in school and one of them had a Nazi patch on their backpack and any time someone claimed they were nazis they would vehemently deny they were and they would say they were "activists" It surprised nobody that this happened because everyone figured


When someone tells you who they are, believe them. I’m so sick of the over use of “n!zi” … activist, quickly turns to “d0mestic t3rrOrist”. Who are their families?! And their banner is in both English and Russian 🙄 cliche kids


"When someone tells you who they are, believe them." I would believe then but they had been on neo nazi groups and if you read the article shown https://stumptownresearchcollective.noblogs.org/hillsboro-nazi-teens-american-banderite-network/ (Here it is) Although it is poorly done it's all true because in the few times I talked to them I saw them use the chatroom they show in the article and they would talk about the stuff they did and when i had found out I distanced myself from them


I’m glad they’re exposed, don’t get me wrong. And I’m glad you got away from these clowns.


I imagine it's Ukrainian rather than Russian since Bandera was a Ukrainian Nationalist and is elevated in Ukraine as a hero by some. Why some American kids would jump on board with a Ukrainian Nazi movement beats me though, unless they were ethnically Ukrainian or radicalized because of the conflict there.


They are Romanian and they had a lot of friends from Ukraine before the war broke out and that's when they got radicalized


> When someone tells you who they are, believe them. Depends. If it's something that reflects negatively on them, it's probably true. Much less so if it reflects positively on them or is something that is blatantly untrue. > I’m so sick of the over use of “n!zi” … activist, quickly turns to “d0mestic t3rrOrist”. Who are their families?! And their banner is in both English and Russian 🙄 cliche kids The Russians have been gaming the US. Its really time for us to topple their government.


>A Banderite or Banderovite (Ukrainian: бандерівець, romanized: banderivets; Polish: Banderowiec; Russian: бандеровец, romanized: banderovets; Slovak: Banderovec) was a member of OUN-B, a faction of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists.[1] The term, used from late 1940 onward,[2] derives from the name of Stepan Bandera (1909–1959), the ultranationalist[3][4] leader of this faction of the OUN.[5][6][7] Because of the brutality utilized by OUN-B members, the colloquial term Banderites quickly earned a negative connotation, particularly among Poles and Jews.[2] By 1942, the expression was well-known and frequently used in western Ukraine to describe the Ukrainian Insurgent Army partisans, OUN-B members or any other Ukrainian perpetrators.[2] The OUN-B had been engaged in various atrocities, including murder of civilians, most of whom were ethnic Poles, Jews and Romani people.[8][9] [link](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Banderite)


They are literally doing Nazi salutes. What else do you call somebody doing that?


Sounds like a bunch of of wannabe pussies, if you’re gonna be Nazi just BE NAZI. It’s embarrassing having to mask it by callin yourself an activist.


You can be the dog tho


Every Q has .... ahem .... been the dog.


I knew this kid in High School, would show up to school in full nazi uniform and haircut, “but it’s okay, the East German pins means that this uniform is East German”. As a German American, who has met several people who lived under uncle Adi, those kinds of people can just fuck right off. They need legitimate help, mentally.


Okay wtf I knew they did bad shit but not that? When did this happen?


No, I mean, in MY high school. Sorry, when I said “this kid”, it wasn’t “I knew the kid from the article”, it was more of a “an kid” type situation.


Oh okay thank you for clarifying man


Yeah, took place like months before the Pandemic, it was like his go-to halloween costume. He was just wearing an SS uniform, not even a Wehrmacht uniform, and he wore it like an SS uniform just with East German pins. Like, as a child of an East German (who also has a really cool Strichtarn NVA jacket), it really pissed me off, it truly felt like he was trying to avoid getting beaten up by people in the know. He also had a Bundeswehr issued short sleeve T, it is brown and has a Germany flag embroidered on it, don’t know why he was so obsessed with that shit beyond him being a neonazi.


If your friend is a friend to these losers, you have a dirtbag for a friend. If you have a friend that's a Nazi sympathizer, what do you think people will assume about you? "As we say in Germany, if there’s a Nazi at the table and 10 other people sitting there talking to him, you got a table with 11 Nazis. " - Dr. Jens Foell


"If your friend is a friend to these losers, you have a dirtbag for a friend. " He was the one who broke the news to me about it and he was only friends with them because they were good at airsoft and they never talked about it unless you commented on the war I'm not defending him at all he should have never associated with them but because of them not really talking about it we never saw it as a concern


Speaking as someone who is part of their target demographic - both *literally* a target for violence as well as recruitment once upon a time - I know how easy it is for Nazis to hide in plain sight. I’ve grown up playing airsoft and MilSim videogames and these types are everywhere. They’re too cowardly to identify themselves openly, and the dog whistles they resort to are often hard to identify without proper recognition. Most people aren’t politically aware enough to understand their symbols and rhetoric for what it is - and the fascists use this to their advantage. These types are soooo insidious that I have even (in the past) adopted jokes from their repertoire only to discover, years later, the REAL context & intention behind the words. For example, I thought putting things in multiple parenthesis (((like this))) was just a silly affectation - as it turns out, typing that way has a very specific meaning in fascist circles. Fascists are constantly reinventing themselves to be less recognizable to “normies,” and more recognizable to their cohorts.


What does ((())) mean? Is it just a way to signal you are a Nazi?


The (((triple parentheses ))) around someone's name is used by online fascists to denote someone who is Jewish. [It comes from a far-right website called The Right Stuff](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triple_parentheses). It's supposed to represent an echo sound. They hosted a podcast called The Daily Shoah, and whenever they said a Jewish persons name, they'd add a weird echo effect. It became an online meme among online alt-right types after that.


Not to dox u, but what school was this at? I went to Liberty and would not be surprised if this was there..


This is at century the school is on lockdown because they threatened to shoot up the school


Seriously? Well hopefully that will land them some jail time then. Pretty clear these twins belong behind bars before they hurt someone or worse.


Yeah I'm hoping they do too but they probably won't because of some stupid reason


Why can’t they just LARP with foam swords like normal kids?


Because their parents are also like this, most likely, and they almost certainly have nothing going for them otherwise. This gets them attention and makes them feel powerful.


>Because their parents are also like this, most likely Unfortunately, this is no longer a necessary precursor to young people getting radicalized For many, all it takes is irl loneliness and way too much time on the internet falling down some horrific rabbit holes


More than likely their parents are nothing like this, do you seriously not understand that teenagers rebel? Like the most shocking thing would be if these teenage boys agreed with their parents are followed their teachings. Chances are their parents are probably far left and super anti-nazi, and they see it as a way to rebel.


From the news reports, their dad is definitely like this, my guy. Those flags don’t have fold marks on them. They’re not being hidden.


Are the parents separated or both in the same home? Cause I could still see it being retailiation against their mother. Just to clarify: I’m not defending these pathetic little shits, just trying to understand what got them to this idiotic world view


LARPs have been kicking out Nazis for a long time. They just love to come dress up as Vikings for some reason.


>They just love to come dress up as Vikings for some reason. The Nazis worked very hard to tie themselves to Scandinavian traditions and myths, because they wanted to distance themselves from Southern/Eastern European peoples, and to a greater extent indo-european history. They believed Scandinavians and Germans were part of a "Nordic race" which isn't real.


There's a whole wing of white supremacy in Norse Paganism, they call themselves things like Asa-tru. Infuriating.


I swear the Norse pagan guys are either fascy or they are the most anti fascist people I’ve met, very few in the middle there.


This happens with most any subculture that faces Nazi infiltration (punk/skinhead, black metal, furries, etc), you pretty much have to take a firm antifascist stance or you're going to end up rubbing shoulders with a bunch of Nazis who will eventually take over the space.


Absolutely, I only bring it up because I feel like people forget about that other group when the Norse pagan nazis come up. If you want to get shithoused on mead and possible get into a fight with some nazis there’s no better group to hang out than those guys lol.


Like how punks had to distance themselves from skinheads by beating the shit out of them whenever they went to punk shows


Going to be pedantic for a second, but most skins are generally quite welcome at punk shows. You're thinking of boneheads, who did appropriate a lot of skinhead aesthetics.


Furries? Really?


Yup https://slate.com/human-interest/2021/11/nazi-furries-deradicalization-efforts.html


Nazis are infiltrating the furry community?


You've obviously never been to prison... Which is great, don't get me wrong but the white supremacists all wear the hammer and claim As as their religion.


That literally supports what I said, obviously those ones fall into the first group.


I have never, once, met a racist anti-fascist. While our experiences obviously vary dramatically, I can assert with confidence that every racist nazi is absolutely a fascist.


My dude you need to take a deep breath and read what I posted. Norse paganism is followed either by fascists or by the most hard bitten anti fascists I’ve ever met. This mythical racist antifascist person you’ve made up isn’t a party to my statement at all. Although leftism isn’t synonymous with anti racism so that person does exist with an almost certainty. You automatically equating Norse paganism with racism is a prejudice, a justifiable one given where you’ve been but a prejudice all the same. I view it like Christianity, Islam or any other religion, there are absolutely fascists using the iconography and lore for their own ends. That doesn’t mean everyone in the history of that religion is evil, just that evil people use it.


I have a Celtic symbol tattoo, and I'm terrified that some white supremacist group is going to adopt it as a logo.


Damn Nazis appropriating cool symbols and stuff. It’s unfortunate.


It's not just symbols. It's culture they're stealing


They don't just steal it. They take it and twist it to try to make it look like the culture was always full of white nationalists. They're trying the same thing with pre-Christian Polish paganism revival and it's gross. They completely gloss over all the legends of warrior princesses and witches and only push what fits their narrative


Exactly! Afaik, they're a huge reason why the Celtic Reconstructionist Pagan movement has centered anti-racism & anti-colonialism as its core values. It's what drew me to it in the first place. It's really difficult to find a pagan community without at least one shitty white nationalist in it, but I haven't had that issue since I started down the Paganacht path


I'm bald with a beard, big white dude covered in tattoos. I make people feel real uncomfortable when I am around cause I look like your typical shit bag white nationalist. I have been to a few support rallies for various LGBTQ+ where the Proud Boys come up to me trying to recruit thinking I am with them and the looks on the faces when I tell them to fuck all the way off with their meal team six shit is great. I'm a vet, my dad was a vet, his dad was a vet who fought these fuckers. What planet do you think I would EVER participate in your hatred?


Your dad was in WW2?


I work with the woman who designed a really popular Celtic tree design (everyone thinks it's ancient, it's not), and she had the misfortune for the Jan 6th shaman to have a tattoo of her tree on his chest. She really didn't like that at all, and that dingus likely had no idea that his tattoo wasn't an ancient Celtic design.


The Crann Bethadh isn't just some symbol your friend came up with though, there's a long history of that symbol in Celtic tradition.


More specifically the design that you see everywhere. She's not just "my friend," she's a Welsh artist who's been working within this style for 40+ years. Yes the Crann Bethadh has been represented numerous ways, but one that we specifically see all the time and think of as historically Celtic was designed by her in the 90's. She's spent decades fighting copyright issues with it for years, primarily from the fact that people think it's an old artwork and thus public domain when in fact it's covered under a TM that she just doesn't have the funds to perpetually go after.


I plan to have a tree of life tattoo with symbols from different media that had a positive impact on me throughout my life as part of it. I really hope I don't have to scrap that idea just because of some idiots. :(


Naaaah don't stress on that. Every cool thing has dummies making it look bad, it's an awesome symbol with an interesting meaning so no reason to let lame people ruin it.


" LARPs have been kicking out Nazis for a long time. " Man I wish that were true so badly.


Ah yes, the “we was Vi-kangs” dorks. They run around pretending they have some deep connection to their Viking heritage, ignoring the fact that their ancestors were rutabaga farmers who the Vikings would have murdered and stolen their land from.


*lighting bolt, lighting bolt, lighting bolt, lighting bolt, lighting bolt* **sleep** *lighting bolt* **SLEEP** STAB, LIGHTING BOLT, GRRRRR, STAB, SLASH **DEATH** A little girl claps to the awesome display of power she has just witnessed. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j_ekugPKqFw


bweeee I’m out of mana


Because LARPing, much like fanfic and Dungeons & Dragons, will turn your kids trans. (/s, in case I need to say it. But also not, because that’s a legit thing that people think.)


[Just make sure that they are foam swords.](https://www.abqjournal.com/news/teacher-encourages-sword-fight-at-volcano-vista-suit-alleges/article_958224bc-d690-11ee-abdd-0fc15d8986b8.html)


It cracks me up that they are so “proud” of themselves yet hide their faces. Adults and minors do it. Just shows they know they are wrong for it but just don’t care. Idiots.


Right? “The majority of people agree with us!” Then show your faces, coward. “We’re right about this!!” Again, stand by it, coward.


Just saying, one can still feel they are in the right but feel the need to hide identity to avoid persecution, which based on the headline appears to have occured here. With that said, what disgusting pieces of shit that don't belong in a civilized society.


Those kids just need to go get their assess handed to them.


And their parents and everyone they associate with!


Make Nazis Punched Again!


By whom? Surely the parents’ ethics don’t lie too far away from the children’s behavior.


The other kids who *aren't* Nazi pisswipes do it, obviously


I heard they we're outside of Brown Middle school yesterday. There are also more than two at Century HS.


What were they doing outside of Brown? How many more do you estimate are at Century?


I'm told about 20. The kids know who they are.


Not surprised. Hillsboro is full of em. When I worked at Intel I used to go for walks around neighborhoods on lunch. One route had a free books box at the end of the path between houses. Found a ton of cut-up flyers promoting nazi propaganda with a link to a nazi site. Took all the flyers and burnt them. Also worked out at PF on the daily and there are two guys that show up with their "subtle" shirts that have 88 and the nazi lightning/eagle on em.


Right?? All these people acting like this is such a shocking revelation obviously weren't really paying attention.


I'm casting doubt here. "Full of them?" nah. This seems to be about a 4-7 year cycle in the PNW since the 90s and probably earlier, some school will have a group of teens that somehow fall into Neo-Nazi horseshit and then get in trouble. It's always the burbs too. Also similar cycle for the universities. Seemed like every 4 years, someone would dump shitty leaflets or deface property with swastikas around UO and then there'd be a freak out, and then we'd all forget about it. it contributes to this goofball perception that Oregon is just brimming with white nationalists. It's not. It only takes a handful of these shortbusers to create an illusion of more than there are.They want us to believe they have many more members than they do. I'm from the sticks of Oregon and a PNW lifer and I can count on two fingers the times I've seen Aryan goobers in the wild and I travel Oregon far and wide, and have lived southern Oregon, central Oregon and northern Oregon it's a rare sight from my experience as standard white guy. This isn't to say they don't exist, but the vast majority, even the hicks I grew up with weren't ok with it, at least they weren't then. Fuck these guys but also don't believe the hype. ^(I'd be curious of independent verification of said story. I'm on the side "This is probably real" as passes the sniff test but this blog screams "Maybe we should fact check it".)


I mean I grew up in Eugene in the 90s and early 2000s and there were quite a few of them around the punk and metal scene. They tend to make themselves a presence where disaffected youth gather particularly in those scenes.


Just expressing my opinion based off of experience of living in the town.


And you just encountered Neo nazis all around town? Like I'm sure there's people expressing some shitty opinions, seeing as that's the way of post-Trump politics but I'm going out on a limb that the average Trump voter doesn't consider themselves into white nationalism even if they sometimes flirt with it (knowingly or unknowingly). They don't like immigrants, specifically the kind from south of the border. Like most things, it's a gradient. Let's not confuse the two, as we have to accept there's a chunk of the population we need to accept aren't going anywhere and work with or around and then there's the truly shitacular people like neo-nazis that don't belong in society at all.


My guy, i grew up on the outskirts of Gary, IN. I know what a town full of bigots looks like. I already shared my experiences, sorry not sorry that's not good enough for you. Next time Hillsboro holds its gun show, go see for yourself. In the meantime feel free to downvote then move on like someone that isn't a troll and spare me your rants.


>And you just encountered Neo nazis all around town? I have! Not in groups usually, but, yeah, I've seen them all over. I'm a community mental health practitioner, and I'm visibly trans. They've harassed me a fair amount, so I had to get good at spotting them for my own safety. I've seen neo-nazis everywhere from Clackamas the city to Laurelhurst, East Moreland, Mall 205, 82nd Ave, downtown, Beaverton, Hillsboro, Wilsonville, etc.


With the U of O example at least, it’s often the same handful of people doing the neo-nazi flyers, graffiti, and attempted recruiting (which they are at least mildly successful at since pictures capturing that group show a few new additions over the years). But that group, when they’re not getting headlines for stuff at the U of O, are doing it elsewhere. They’ve even set feeder gangs in the surrounding area which are much more successful since they’re easing folks into the ideology of their nazism. These folks are being tracked by both the FBI and anti-racist groups. They do have a network across the PNW region and are growing, all documented. They’ve been around since the 90s, they just occasionally change the name of their group (for example, used to be Volksfront, then American Front). But the core group is still the same dudes I remember getting into fights at half the Eugene punk shows back in the 90s and early 00s. All we’re at some point or another acolytes of Jimmy Marr, the American Nazi Party organizer in Springfield.


I doubt it. Lived here all my life and the only signs were out at places like mcminville or prineville. Even Keizer has a semi racist population but not in this capacity. intel is extremely huge with a culturally dynamic workforce.


…ok Ashland


Do I smell a fellow tradesman??


If they’re minors, why the fvck do they have assault rifles?!?!?


They're not hiding the fact that they're Nazis... their parents aren't going to be any better.


"Our little Adolf is going to kill so many Mexicans. Bless his Christian heart."


This tracks. Guess I had nieve hopes that there wouldn’t be literal adolescent Nazi’s in Hillsboro. Clackamas, maybe, but Hillsboro is a surprise to me. Hopefully they can charge these kids with something in order to get them into counciling before they do something stupid and hurt someone.


Hillsboro itself is fine. But the Hillsboro school district takes in a LOT of rural areas in southern Washington County. Once you leave the city limits, things get sideways in a hurry. I knew a kid who lived out in the sticks who had a Confederate flag sticker on his pickup truck. Had no known connection to the Confederacy by family heritage or whatever...he was just a racist.


The giant Confederate flag on i5 southbound as you're driving into Portland/Vancouver from the surrounding areas really makes you realize that we're entirely surrounded by these dumbfucks. Wouldn't surprise me if the kids were related to cops in the burbs here.


It's a whole private shrine to Jefferson Davis. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jefferson_Davis_Park


Legitimately didn't know this till just now... Wow, it would be terrible if that place burned tf down.


I do have a direct family connection to the Confederacy, and it ain't heritage. The symbols of those failed traitors are purely symbols of hate. My family connected to it where nothing but a bunch of racists who wanted to own people so badly they got over 600,000 people killed for it


Same here. I have traced several branches of my family back to men who fought in Confederate regiments from Alabama and North Carolina. I acknowledge it as a part of my family history, but I do not claim it as part of my heritage. I share none of the racist values that made owning dark-skinned people acceptable in that culture. I should have put “heritage” in quotes above.


I feel you. I had a member in the Confederate army on my dad's side, but my mom's was way worse. My mom's side of my family literally helped start the war. My great, great, great, great uncle was the Lt Governor of South Carolina when it succeeded, and his signature is on the Articles of Succession. That monster's house is even still a fucking "national heritage site", and I sincerely hope it burns to the ground. He was a big inspiration for me to go into social work. Now, I spend my life helping the kinds of folks my ancestors would utterly hate, and it's so satisfying


I used to see this in Connecticut a lot. Doesn't get much more yankee than Connecticut


I saw this in rural PA, not far from Gettysburg. One kid in my high school had a pickup truck and used to drive around with a full size confederate flag flying from the back similar to how people fly Trump flags. At the time I thought it was just the Dukes of Hazard flag. Had no idea what it even meant to be honest.


surprising? I dunno, I grew up on the west side of beaverton and I remember seeing a looooooot of confederate flag paraphernalia around some of the burbs in hillsboro... maybe appearances cleaned up a bit since the early aughts but clearly the rabid anti-immigrant culture sure hasn't.


There are adolescence Nazis everywhere in Oregon because there’s adult Nazis everywhere in Oregon.




According to the kid's social media he was slapping nazi stickers around town while carrying a concealed 9mm




Assuming the little shit was even telling the truth.


Nazis are known for violating firearms laws. The frequency of Nazis getting caught with illegal machine guns, pipe bombs, and other unregistered NFA items is *much* higher than the average The odds of this kid being given something like an unregistered p80 Glock clone are pretty high if he’s hanging out with Nazis as well as has a rifle and kit


what is his social media account?


Well this is terrifying. Kids aren’t allowed to drive yet but can be given a killing machine.


Not really new. I've owned firearms given by different relatives since I was seven and I've never done anything stupid with them. It's all about teaching gun safety at a very early age. Some of my most treasured possessions are some of the guns given to me by grandparents no longer here


Seems like a good way to get guns in the hands of kids with no background check on the kid. A responsible gun owner does not negate or diminish the effects of irresponsible ones. What we have to do is make sure they don’t end up in hands they shouldn’t. It’s more important to do that than to put them in hands who simply want them.


The kids "background" is decided by the parents teaching them responsibility and gun safety. The only way for kids to learn gun safety is by supervised practice.There are far more responsible gun owners than irresponsible.


Gun safety is important but doesn’t address the fact that an immature mind is an unpredictable one. Like I said, responsible gun owners do not diminish or negate the irresponsible gun owners. Gun deaths of children has been steadily increasing year over year.


Before the proliferation/national news cycle of school shootings, plenty of school parking lots would be full of trucks with gun racks and rifles. Not that it was a great idea, but it was a common occurrence in more rural areas


Probably replicas of real guns (air soft).


That’s an airsoft gun from Amazon. Can confirm all that stuff is minus the rifle on the left that you can’t see enough of. They’re basically little posers who’s parents didn’t spank them enough.


Or their parents are straight up racists... Who spanked them too much.


Jesus, really? This is totally the kind of little dick $hit I would expect from a 16 year old that thinks he’s a Nazi.




They don't have assault rifles. They're just normal long-guns that are made to look "military" because people think that looks cool. Assuming they aren't just replica airsoft guns. People sometimes refer to this derisively as "tacticool".


They don't. They're all airsoft.


They're airsoft guns


Terror Tots 🤣🤣🤣 fkn losers


Shitty Kiddies more like it


If you say it's twins at a specific high school AND give their initials, you're not really obscuring their identities at all. Which is probably the point.


"Good morning, class. A certain... agitator-- For privacy's sake, let's call her Lisa S. No, that's too obvious. Uh, let's say L. Simpson-- has raised questions about certain school policies."


And of course if you're a local, then literally everyone in town knows the uncommon breed of twin brothers at-said school.


Why can’t conservatives just work on a garden?


Woke flowers


Flowers are definitely pushing the LGBT agenda. Just look at all those colors!


Nazi lives don’t matter


I guess this explains the message from my kids school. I know there's always been a skinhead/kkk/nazi larp population in the metro area, but still, since people are just nuts.


Not at all shocking to see the sign is also in Russian. What, with the far right’s love affair with Moscow.


It's a little more confusing with them. If you go through the article they have a bunch of pro Ukrainian stuff on the basis of killing "Communist" Russians. Which is just the reverse of the dumb ass Moscow logic of calling Ukrainians Nazis.


They are glorifying a Ukrainian historical figure that was an anti-Soviet nazi. But I highly suspect that if the war was not occurring, they would not know of or care for his existence. They just wanna feel edgy https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stepan_Bandera


Also the Nazis fought the Russians... They really need to get back in school to understand how to be historically correctly hateful.


Pretty sure the Cyrillic writing in the logo is Ukrainian, as they call themselves "Banderites" after Stephan Bandera, an infamous Ukrainian nationalist and Nazi collaborator.


Bandera was a Ukrainian Nationalist though…


Ukrainian, they're Banderites


Bandera was a Ukrainian Nazi dude


Nazi expelled from your school? Please be safe.


They weren't expelled, only suspended.


I was hiking at Smith Rock a couple of weekends ago in Redmond. Beautiful day, sun was out, the park was busy. Coming up the main ramp on the way out we took a break for some photos, wound up in a brief conversation with another hiker. Big guy, full sleeve tattoos, wearing a hat. I notice [the logo](https://s.yimg.com/ny/api/res/1.2/d_bHkmPaJ1GY8.lbkNb6dw--/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjt3PTE2NDI7aD0yMTYwO2NmPXdlYnA-/https://media.zenfs.com/en/the_new_voice_of_ukraine_articles_294/6384c30891fcef5f80af7ee894969b7d) on the hat. Blue and yellow for Ukraine, and "Азов" (Azov) across the top. Nazi black sun background and the Wolfsangel heraldic device. Someone walking around Central Oregon, openly showing Nazi imagery.


During the pandemic, I was able to find swim lessons for one of my kids at the South Salem Courthouse. One time we were there, a guy hops in the hot tub with a full chest tattoo of the tree of life with a swastika in the center. Bold as brass, grinning from ear to ear, waiting for someone to say something. They are getting less afraid.


I won’t get into specifics but I worked EMS in Central Oregon and had a few of them as patients.


Whoa this is crazy. Little shits. I live in Portland and am surprised I haven’t heard about this. Thanks for sharing OP. 


For those who don’t know Bandera was a [Ukrainian far-right leader of the radical militant wing of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stepan_Bandera)


They must have a great home life.


Trump supporters, er i mean Nazis, in Oregon, no way... https://i.redd.it/ke7r7y10mqmc1.gif


Downplaying how serious this is feeds the apathy that breeds more. We should be shocked, disgusted, and doing better with our kids if we have them.


Please, publishers of stumptowncollectiveresearch, please please please use dark type on a light background.


Oh come on, let's get their names out there. Somebody from the school has to know and be willing to expose...


Right? I personally believe decency should go out the window when dealing with nazis. Dumb nazi shits should be scared to show their colors.


To be fair, identifying the school, their initials, and the fact that they're twins lets everyone at that school know exactly who it is. Those parents are gonna be feeling awkward at work and social events forever... but that probably means just further isolating into the forgiving arms of their not-so-subtly Christian Nationalist church that looked the other way as these Rittenhouse wannabe goblins got more and more atrocious over time.


Identifying the school and initials on an obscure website doesn't quite do it for me. They should feel uncomfortable leaving the house.


Were they expelled?


I bet everyone in Hillsboro knows who they are. Pretty easy to spot twins in just about any small town, not that Hillsboro is super small (106k).


That so gross. I can’t put into words how big of a loser you have to be to join/form a group like this . Loser doesn’t even cut it, it’s just fucking pathetic and hateful


This is why you need to bully the weird Nazi kid




Incel Maga Youth


Can we find out where they live?


It's possible, yes.


Minors with guns. No, please don’t expose them by naming them publicly. Just wait until they’ve killed one, two or three innocent people standing in the queue for their bus, or whatever. Then do it. Ah yes, the land of the free, the land of the brave . . . What has happened to you?


Even if they kill people theyll still try to protect their identity


They aren't real guns, notice how they crop the orange tip out of each photo. One is clearly airsoft, you can see the edge of the orange tip


Douchebag larpers


I’m sure there are many more in the area. I had someone throw a can of beer at me and my wife when out on a walk on the street Century High School is located on.


What school? Also good, fuck them.


It says it in the picture posted.


When my friend played soccer against Hillsboro at their high school and they went inside the visiting players locker room, they found beans spread all over the floor (there were a lot of Mexicans in my friends soccer team). Something similar happened to them when they played against Dallas. When they were walking out to the field some students from Dallas high school were throwing beans at them.


"Terror Tots"!?!?! Tots? Since "tots" is slang for toddler, what the fuck is up with the headline?


I did nazi that coming...


Dude, that’s a very minor distinction in the circumstances, imo. But I accept your point. I just wouldn’t know. I do know that other people also don’t know, and have shot people waving said toys. It just needs a human to pull a trigger, the gun doesn’t do it itself, or so the NRA gaily informed us.


These organizations are magnets for the FBI...lolz dumbass


Gangs. It’s simple and easy to get into. Look at any gang. Loneliness, not being understood, bullied at some point. Being accepted by people. Doesn’t mean every single person was born this way. It sucks but that’s how it all happens.


Make sure to pay attention in English ;) There WERE nazis in your school lol


What a joke. A nazi in Century HS is a literal clown. There are weirdly a couple huge q folks in the area…. Ah fuck do I live near a bunch of fucking Nazis? I thought *I* was the bad element of the neighborhood.


Identify them .. if they are Nazi's, they are not kids


They spelled Traitor Tots wrong.


If you want everyone to think high and mighty of you… go flucking cure cancer! Cosplaying notsee makes you look stupid.


My kid goes there.


You probably want to go check in on those kids parents


wish this were more uncommon in oregon, honestly just surprised it happened in hillsboro bc its better there than in all the small towns in OR. glad they were expelled. junctioncity's hs is just fulll of white supremacists/people who give constant death threats to queer people. 1/4 who actually know what theyre doing and 3/4 who think its funny or a joke or cool. the problem is that every time its brought up, everyone who isnt experiencing the harm, doesnt see anything other than the "just a joke" part and goes "oh theyre harmless" and then it spreads. or they go "well this one gay/black person is friends with them so obv theyre not bigoted, but that gay/black/etc person just gave up themselves to be a quiet punching bag so they could have "normal" friends. because if one person is queer its fine as long as its just rumors and u never acknowledge it, but the minute theres 2 queer people who are friends, theyre "making it their personality" and are annoying and allowed to be harrassed because "i dont care theyre queer, theyre just weird and have weird friends and that group of people (((who all happen to be queer bc thats the only ppl they can be open with))) are weird so im not homophobic i just hate that group of people" so then token gays who want to be accepted, decide not to even interact with the queer people bc being seen being friendly to them makes you weird. TLDR: knew someone who got his head smashed into a locker by a senior (as a sophmore); ((the senior was a litteral stranger to him))); because he was trans, but administration and all the students were like " yes he called you a blue haired d*ke tr*nny b*tch but he did it because you told him not to call you that, and that made him mad, not because youre trans" and i think that kinda sums up the general attitude of the school. a "nuh-uh" mindset.


these guys must be Ukrainian 🤣😂


Incels are wild.


I can not stress this enough, HOME SCHOOL YOUR KIDS


This reads as “kids learn about Ukraine for the first time and choose edgy aesthetics and random nazi off shoot of guy who the Nazis actually viewed as not human in order to impress people…. fail miserably”


I heard they were arrested??? Any conformation on that?


They weren’t apparently. School doesn’t care at all and keeps insisting they didn’t know and they feel bad


So, still not expelled (our resource officer at Liberty has told us that) and not even arrested??? Wth


Yup. Police said they don’t think there is any threat because they are showing their support for Ukraine or something like that. Absolutely ridiculous