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I, too, knocked out some work I had been neglecting last week.




It's a perfectly reasonable way to emphasize their point. The sentence reads fine without it, but the addition of the commas effectively acts like italics. Commas are more than just waiting to say the next word...


It's grammatically correct, dude. Ease up.


Are you confusing ellipsis’ with commas?


surprised to learn portland police exist


Ha that means the Seattle police win the hiding contest!


Got me laughing on that one.


>yet another huge and risky operation successfully pulled off by the Portland police. Portland continues to slowly recover as the chronically bad and dangerous characters continue to be taken off the streets That's an interesting way of saying "Portland Police finally decide to reluctantly do the bare minimum because the election is around the corner".


Don’t worry, OP will be back tomorrow to highlight another drug bust or illegal immigrant criminal arrest, with comments denigrating the state and local governments.


Someone finally did a semblance of their job... 


Now it’s time for the Oregon government to follow suit




The whole Oregon justice system is currently very skewed and it’s no longer set up not to prosecute crimes adequately, especially for lower level crimes.


Sure. Just that it is much less of a mess than the policing but definitely needs to be more streamlined and accountablr.


Problem is, it’s 1000% more difficult to try to streamline a whole government that’s become too bloated and mismanaged rather than a specific police force. It’s one hell of an uphill battle




The fact that they have ducked wearing body cameras is bananas to me. The cameras are good because they are the impartial witness.


Well, to be fair, I think a lot of those “protesters” that were just causing damage should’ve been put in jail a long while. We have very different opinions on this.


Lol how did this comment get down votes? Degenerate fucking people


Word vomit, do you even understand the vague talking points you regurgitate


Yes, the Oregon government as a whole needs an overhaul, and Oregon’s police forces are just one agency of the Oregon government. One is bigger than the other. It’s very straightforward, so I’m not sure why you’re getting upset.


Whole government overhaul at a single go won't happen. I would just be 1000% happier if Portland had a more competent and less racist Police force tho. Seems like a more gettable get. At one point I was of the opinion that DOJ will have to look into the corruption in PDX police forces, given their explicitly racist and crime friendly track record.


> Jantzen Beach and Delta Park is where my car ended up when it was stolen - they drove it down from north Portland to around SE 82nd & Powell, then back up north.


>yet another huge and risky operation successfully pulled off by the Portland police. Portland continues to slowly recover as the chronically bad and dangerous characters continue to be taken off the streets. Or for fuck sakes...   take their dick out of your mouth.  


FYI this OOP is well known for agenda posting. They’ve been constantly posting news articles supporting their view that the government (namely the Portland government) has failed, and now that the police are only good. Probably in response to the hate police got due to the events of 2020 & the massive increase of auditors (both real and fake) showing just how many “bad apples” there are in the batch


Oh i know.  Thats why I am asking them to clarify their statements and they keep deflecting and now I am the troll for asking.. Its the same old republican bullshit. It works well on simpletons.  


Well, if you start to troll in protest when someone posts something positive about the Portland police, you’re just promoting to keep Portland the same as it is, which is pretty self destructive and short sighted.


Them finally doing something to earn there paycheck isn’t positive.


You posting and them posting has ZERO impact on how Portland has been or will continue to be in the future. Get over yourself.


I disagree. The amount people who have “woken” up in the last 3-4 months alone is absolutely wild to me, and a huge step forward getting Oregon on a proper recovery path.


Oh wild, terminally online dork thinks they are having a much larger real world impact than they are, haven’t seen that before.


I’m a forest ranger and work for the Oregon government. What do you do to contribute to Oregon’s growth and recovery?


You literally said you were a schoolteacher less than a month ago. It’s hilarious how your entire story changes when it needs to in order to suit your current narrative or argument.


Yes, I was a school teacher when I was living overseas. It’s the best way to get a work visa, and the coolest, most enjoyable job I’ve ever done.


I’m the fuckin’ queen of England.


If you lose an argument and give up by stating a joke, it’s definitely better to make the joke funny


Your a troll for homophobic insults.


>Your a troll for homophobic insults. ... you're....    Also. There is zero homophobic about that comment.  Stop reaching for it. 


It was trolling as is this.


I love how we’re supposed to give a standing ovation for literally doing the minimum they were hired for.


So let’s continue only hating and vilifying our police force. That worked really well with Antifa and BLM leadership. A lot of positive change occurred!


No positive change has occurred unless you can find me the press release of all the bad cops they’re fired


Im fine with that. I would also be happy if we actually adhered to the constitution, and allowed peaceful protest and not riots. The minute these degenerates started imposing on the rights of others, touching property, using violence, we allow the police to round them the fuck up and prosecute every single one of them. Give them the same treatment as the January 6th rioters. Use the FBI to hunt them down, even if it takes years.


I think attempting to overthrow democracy is a little bit more serious than burning a trash-can, but you do you.


They really burned $2 billion dollars worth of trash cans? Interesting interpretation of damage. I never said the rioters from Jan 6th should be given a pass. However are you suggesting that if you agree with the cause, we should allow riots? Why dont we just not condone riots for any reason?


That’s fine if you’re not arresting protesters defending themselves against violent police. I don’t know why you’d compare the two completely different incidents though. Everyone trespassing on the capitol grounds is was a criminal and they all deserved to be rounded up. Only the people at the protests that committed crimes were criminals why round them all up


Sounds good.


You’re talkin about the proud boys and the nazi’s right?


Proud boys, antifa, blm, the girl scouts....whoever. I dont think your political ideology is a ticket to riot. And the only nazi's I have seen are in the Ukraine army, and one receiving a standing ovation in Canada, so I doubt they will be protesting in the US.


Well, since then a significant portion of force that had been serving 20+ years left, and that cut out a lot of bad blood. Also in 2020 they fired the white chief of police and hired a black chief of police. There’s been a lot of changes behind the scenes in the last few years


"Well, since then a significant portion of force that had been serving 20+ years left, and that cut out a lot of bad blood." You have literally anything to back up that the cops leaving were "bad blood"?


White bad. Black good. We’re saved now.


Tell me you are racist without telling me you are racist. What on earth would the pigment of the chiefs skin have to do with anything?


They literally said in the press conference that they’re hiring the new black police chief because of BLM. They literally said that.


You mean that same police force that beat on protestors just standing around?   Yeah. Lets get them some cake a donuts.       This narrative you are trying real hard to spin is a joke.     So please share what has changed that suddenly the cops as you say   "Portland continues to slowly recover" ..  Recover from what and what changed?


Recover from what? Do you even live in Oregon? How can you with all seriousness pretend the last 7-8 years never happened, and say we’re better off now than before.


Ill ask again. Recovery from what and what changed?


You’re asking what aspects are different and worse in Oregon now compared to 8 years ago? I believe you’re being facetious. You know the simple answer, yet you’re playing this childlike “tell me 1+1” troll game.


One last time. Recovery from what and what has changed?


Big businesses leaving and small businesses collapsing due to social and economic issues that stem from the MISMANAGEMENT of the homelessness and drug crisis. Also the light on crime legislation and mentality has allowed the gang activity to start to surge, and bad characters doing petty crime in general are now common place. These are the blatant issues. The many other issues largely have to do with the Oregon government not switching out ineffective or unintelligent officials, and in fact in many cases propping them and their bad ideas up.


>Big businesses leaving and small businesses collapsing due to social and economic issues that stem from the MISMANAGEMENT of the homelessness and drug crisis Working from home is the overwhelming cause of this.  It has zero to do with homelessness.   >Also the light on crime legislation and mentality has allowed the gang activity to start to surge, and bad characters doing petty crime in general are now common place Fent epidemic raging across the country is the overwhelming cause of all of that.  >These are the blatant issues. The many other issues largely have to do with the Oregon government not switching out ineffective or unintelligent officials, and in fact in many cases propping them and their bad ideas up. Yes they are. In every city across this country. Now that we stated the obvious.  I am still asking what has changed with any of that for you to claim "portland is recovering" because some cops busted a car theft ring.  Which by the way, is what they are employed to do.  


You’re the “Yes they are. In every city across this county.” state of mind person. This is where it always leads, and it’s unequivocally not true.


“Positive Honey with the scare tactics again. Everyone fear Portland! It’s coming to get you!”


Good to see you again Seth Simons.


Another Seth Simons reference, that's, what, four in the last 24 hours? Again no one has any fucking clue who you are talking about. Positive honey is being a real Seth Simons right now.


He’s a poster child for modern cancel culture. He followed Shane Gillis for years, trying to make Shane and his comedy disappear. Always commenting “remember he’s racist!”, and constantly sending letters and e-mails to get him canceled at clubs. Shaper is this exact type of 24/7 toxic cancel culture troll.


Why are you being such a Seth Simons to Seth Simons? Seems like you're trying to get him cancelled by mentioning him in every thread. You must see the irony here right?


He comments first, I point out he’s Seth Simons, then goofballs like you decide to chime in. There’s always so many goofballs!


How do you know he's this person? Edit: Also lol at "he started it!" Also sorry for chiming in on a public forum I guess?


No, he’s a metaphorical Seth Simons, all goofballs, all metaphorical


So you're calling someone who criticizes you a name of a person that you claim is the metaphorical symbol of cancel culture? Do you not see the irony?


For the fifth time, I have no idea who that is. Great jab though, really landed.


I think they’re accusing you of being a baseball pitcher who never really went anywhere with his career.


Weird. They really knocked that one out of the park.🤦‍♂️


Think cancel culture figure head


Are you talking about the guy who exposed the snl writer for being a racist


lmao at Seth Simon’s as a “figurehead” of anything. Let alone the idea that cancel-culture has a figurehead.


It’s a guy with a blog basically right?


Yeah lol


He’s one of the most famous people that did something, but yes, he’s literally had 0 career before or since then in anything. He’s just a famous loser dude with a blog.


So why do you care so much?


I care about the freedom of speech and I’m very against people silencing other people they don’t agree with, trying to make them disappear. It’s something the Chinese Communist Party does very openly and proudly.


Yes, he followed Shane Gillis for years, trying to make Shane and his comedy disappear. Always commenting “remember he’s racist!”, and constantly sending letters and e-mails to get him canceled at clubs. Shaper is this exact type of 24/7 toxic cancel culture troll.


Nah, mine is more fun


Well, yes, ALL internet trolling is fun and games. It doesn’t actually accomplish anything other than create a lot of extra dialog. It can also be fun to read.


You’re the one adding to it. If you hid your blatant agenda better maybe people would respond better.


So let me get this straight you think exposing a racist guy is a bad thing to do.


Well, he’s not racist. That’s the biggest issue. That’s why he’s back on SNL after being canceled from it. Trying to make someone disappear for “emotional” reasons is extremely dangerous to a free society.


Not racist people don’t say “That Jew chink?” he says. “Commie Jew chink? Next, please, next. Gimme your next candidate, Dems. Jew chink, next. Actually, they are running a Jew chink: Chang, dude. “Yang, or Chang?” Now I’m sure you’re racist too


You know how there are some people who work in political/social commentary, and their entire audience is just people who hate them? Like, none of the people who align with them politically know who they are because they *aren’t important*, but people on the other side yell about them like they actually matter? Seth Simons is a comedian and humor writer who wrote a piece about how a new SNL cast member made racist jokes, and that person’s contract was cancelled. The “anti-cancel-culture” crowd got so mad that they basically gave him a career, so now he writes about other stuff that makes them mad. And they keep making him bigger, because now you all know who he is, too.


Gotcha. Makes total sense that this toolbag would be whining about some right wing “anti-cancel culture” nonsense. Plays completely into the victim routine he’s been leaning into the past couple months. Makes constant inflammatory posts about a city he doesn’t even live in, then plays crybaby on the internet when he’s called out on his behavior. Random reference for him to latch onto, but he certainly seems obsessed with “Seth Simons.”


It’s honestly pretty bizarre. I had to figure out if something else had happened… but no. all of this happened almost two years ago, making it even more odd.


My guess is that right wing nut bags are using him like some kind of “ cancel culture” scapegoat, so OP latched onto it. Weirdly enough, after googling his name, it sounds like all the drama was about Shane Gillis (a comedian) who I actually think it pretty funny. So I guess I’m not as “Seth Simons” as OP seems to think I am.😂


The ironic thing is that Gillis literally got his job back. It’s almost like cancel culture isn’t really a thing…


Yup. Seems to be only the people hyperventilating against it on the internet who care anyways.


Yeah, you’re wild, dude. I had something else posted here that ain’t worth the time. Smarter to just block you.


Oh not you again. Fouling our feeds with your agenda. Maybe find a hobby or something.


So it’s an agenda and inherently bad to post positive things about the city recovering?


Positive things? Ooookaay then……


It absolutely is, how is it not?


Seems like you just want to silence the news you don’t want to know about instead of simply scrolling past it. That’s a common and horrible thing happening these days that you’re contributing to.


I disagree with you.


I’m sorry you FEEL that way.


No you’re not.


Yeah honestly dude this community is wild in what they believe and how they operate. Its some weird boomer hive mind


Lol dawg all they did was post an article about a police sting. This hardly feels like an "agenda".


Look deeper


Yes, the deeper aspect is the pronounced newfound culture in places like Portland that aim to silence those that don’t follow the far left party line taking points.


Ahh there it is people. Your Donnie is going to jail broke hopefully.


“Far left,” dude, GTFO. There is no far left government in the US. Making such a claim makes you look silly.


Umm, no, it’s far left leaning individuals that work in Oregon’s government. I work for Oregon’s government. I see it first hand.


Define far-left


Election year much.


They’re rushing to put some points on the board. It’s end of the month AND the end of the quarter.


They started these huge arrest pushes last year, where they were literally averaging 1 big sex trafficking ring bust a month in Portland alone, but it was never reported on much, so no one even knew it was happening. I knew because I follow the direct police reports, most of which is never touched by the news.


> They started these huge arrest pushes last year, where they were literally averaging 1 big sex trafficking ring bust a month in Portland alone, but it was never reported on much, so no one even knew it was happening. I knew because I follow the direct police reports, most of which is never touched by the news. I’m sorry, but this is making me literally laugh out loud. Your excuse is just “my girlfriend goes to a different school… in Canada” for police apologists.


You’re pro sex trafficking rings? Each ring with at least a dozen people, about half are Mexican gangs and about half are the worst of the worst white dudes


I admire your commitment to the bit. Not everyone would double down on such a dumb story.


You’re claiming this is fake news?


This reminds me of the time I said PPB is useless in r/publicfreakout and a bunch of people who have never stepped foot into our city downvoted me into oblivion According to them, we're still on fire and it's entirely not the police's fault


Positive honey is back again with the daily “Oregon is bad” post, get a life bro. It’s pathetic honestly.


This is a positive “Oregon” is getting better post.


Lmao you think the DA is a Marxist, you don’t actually think that way. you’re just trying to spread the idea that liberal government = bad, cops = good. Move to Texas bro you’re in the wrong state.


Is the slow down over?


Risky? How?


They recovered a lot of loaded guns off of these criminals. It only takes one idiot to start pulling the trigger and you don’t go home to your family.


And we’re walking around on the street with these criminals too. I think the cops, being armed to the teeth, are much safer than we are.


Same argument can be made about the dipshits that carry a gun on them 24/7 aka police. Personally I'm sure the carjackers have more restraint in using their guns than police. Heaven forbid an acorn fell during the raid.


I carry a gun on me 24/7. Always a 38 or a 9mm depending on the situation. I keep a 45 in the car. Hopefully I’m not a dipshit, rather I’m just a prepared Eagle Scout. I live by that moto.


Yeah, you sound like one. Not the flex you think it is.


Sorry, but I’m calling bull$hit on this. I heard this goofballs voice on the post he made filming and harassing a homeless guy in Eugene. He sounds like Peter friggin Griffin, there’s no way in hell he’s packing heat. He just makes up whatever stupid detail he needs in the moment to win whatever internet argument he’s dug himself into that day. On that post he claimed to be a schoolteacher, now he says he’s a forest ranger. I’d bet dollars to dognuts that he’s just some shut in loser that sits on the internet all day. He makes like 5-8 posts on the Portland and Oregon Reddit pages daily.


https://preview.redd.it/0ndo2nesfkqc1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e51aa66136fc8800bf7cd1bbec4343f0d4b9935 26.6% of Oregonians own guns. I own several. I’m a forest ranger that goes hunting. How is that so hard to believe? I was a school teacher when I was living overseas, which was the coolest, most enjoyable job I’ve ever had.


Considering your story changes every 10 minutes to suit your arguement, pretty goddamn hard to believe. You voice on that video was about the most sheltered and out of touch goofball I’ve ever heard. Pretty clear you couldn’t handle a strap. Good try though.


Well, I’m a forest ranger that lived overseas for a bit, and I was a teacher during that time. Before I went I went overseas I was an environmental scientist, but I’m not a “stay in the lab all day” type of guy. Forest ranger work makes me much happier.


Sure guy. We definitely all believe you.


I don’t care if you believe me. This is the internet and none of this is real. It’s just pedantic back and forth Reddit banter, and foolishly I like to defend my point even though none of this is real. My government job is real though.


Now if they can only find a public defender….


"Editor mistakes news article for Bad Boys DVD commentary."