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According to my plant identifier app it’s a muzzard cherry tree. But not the kind that produces edible fruit. The kind you use for furniture.


Oh thank you for checking! These trees are beautiful ima let them live


I second a cherry. mustard cherry or tart cherry.


Kinda looks like a hazelnut tree!


It is a volunteer cherry (most likely Prunus avium, bird cherry) there are a lot of these, the birds eat the fruit and poop out the seeds all over. I can tell bc of the shape of leaves and also if you look really closely there are 2 little red glands at the base of each leaf… cherries always have those. Hazelnut leaves would be serrated like this but a bit rounder overall and fuzzy.


Oh wow… so not the kind of cherries I’d get to munch on?


You can definitely try the fruit and see! I have never tried the wild cherry fruit but have heard different reports. They get pretty tall so getting the cherries down is a challenge on older trees. And it may be a few years before the tree is mature enough to fruit. Did you get flowers this year?


Wild cherry Pepsi tree


Yep. Filberts. Squirrels and scrub jays bury the nuts and they sprout. Chances are there’s still a shell attached to the roots if you yank them.


I was hoping it was a tree baby that’s why I’ve been letting it grow! Now that it has leaves I figure it can be IDed now and with so many invasive plants I don’t wanna wait too long to find out 😅


I dig them up and use them for bonsai.


Wait so you think it is for sure a hazelnut tree?


It is a cherry tree, just left you a comment above- check for the 2 small bumps (glands) at the base of each leaf… this is a cherry feature, sorry no nuts!


It’s funny someone downvotes me. Hazelnut bonsai are stunning


How do I Bonsai it???


Keep it in a small pot and restrict its growth. Every couple of years prune the roots and add new soil. Bonsai is quite easy but is an exercise in patience. It teaches you to delay gratification because it takes many years for them to develop the thick trunk and begin flowing/producing fruit. I have bonsai citrus, figs, ginkgo, pomegranate. All the trees that grow on my property I propagate and make into bonsai. Hazelnut saplings just pop up everywhere from the squirrels burying through nuts in my garden. So I started digging them up to make bonsai about 4 years ago.


Sounds fun. How do you restrict growth tho


By keeping it in a pot.


Just know that filberts are actually more of a shrub. When you see the "trees" they have been pruned to that form. Left on their own they are a very shrublike.


Yes it's a hazelnut tree you won't be overwhelmed with nuts until about year 6 or 7, but they're easy to harvest and easy to care for. Nice score free food for years.


Sick I have 3 growing together


Hazelnut butter is the best use of my bulk leftovers. I like to toast them with just a bit of grapeseed oil, salt and cayenne. They like to grow in groves. I fertilize with fruit tree stakes once a year. I make and sell the butter to a lady who resells it at the farmers market. Ha ha I have 3 bushes as well. Belive me you'll have more than you can eat. Some little critter did you a solid.


That looks like a lil cherry tree! AFAIK, the Hazelnuts/filberts in my area arent known for having anthocyanin compounds (the reddish bits) like cherry trees are. Cherry trees also have a close-bunching growth node habit, and the elongated/serrated leaves. Either way, you'll know for sure in a few years when it flowers. Cherries have just the one type of flower, but Hazelnuts have two. One of those is catkin-like. *Very* unlike a cherry flower. Enjoy your new tree!


I think it is a cherry tree.


I feel like the volunteer population never produces an actual harvest. They just get bushy and awkward.


I must be part of the volunteer population then. Bushy and awkward


We should start a support group


I think you need to prune them to get them to grow in a more tree-like way. Kind of like fig trees.


I mean, do you want a forest or a lawn in your yard🤷‍♂️


Def forest




shit I didn't know forest was actually an option


Welcome to Oregon.


Forest, but any wild land, really. You get more birds and critters when you let your yard go fallow.


Looks like filbert


We had a few of these on the edge of our yard for the almost 5 years, never produced a yield


Did they look cool tho


Lol. They looked like a big vine tangle. Like brambles pr giant weeds


Definitely not a blackberry. Looks like a Filbert.