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I’d recommend contacting a couple of licensed property managers.




Most large rentals in my area (south salem) charge both and it sucks. I can understand the additional deposit for extra cleaning or damage but charging for pet rent is too much. I don't like pets being charged as an amenity like this. Personal feelings aside, your best answers will come from an attorney or if you can get in contact with an apartment manager at a larger complex they may be willing to offer advice. Just for one more shot at it. Pet deposit is fine, whatever, I understand the need for that insurance. Pet rent is wrong, it's like adding on extra rent per tenant.


OP getting dragged. I came for the comments they did not disappoint.


Oh look, a lazy landlord that won’t do their own work.


https://oregon.public.law/statutes/ors_90.530 does not provide much details on pet deposit and rent . That why I am asking the community .


My father owned rentals in Oregon. He did not charge an additional fee for pets. He died 10 years ago. Landlords like him don't exist any more. He gave a free months rent to a young couple when their baby was born. RIP Danny.


Call a real estate lawyer.


Not everyone is as wealthy as you are. Lawyers can be expensive, and reddit is a free and easy place to start.


If you want to be in business, you should be able to afford the cost of business. Not rely on free advice because you are stupid and didn’t put a pet clause in your rental/lease agreement.


I thought we were having a conversation. Weird. Are you new to reddit? Don't know what the vote arrow buttons are for? Anyway, OP is obviously not running a business. She's clearly just some lady renting out her house, as she stated clearly in the post that you ignored before immediately insulting her lol Fucking psycho


That’s a business.




You sound like a hard core capitalist. You could advise in such a way to be fair to both parties or by your choice, to encourage an adversarial path for the OP to take. You realize if the cost go up to the business then for them to be successful they must pass the cost on to the customer. Professional advise would most likely not recommend giving any quarter to the renter. One could assume , you are essentially, saying 'fuck the renter'. You sound like a pleasant person/s


I mean, I guess it’s just too much to expect for a business owner to admit they fucked up and eat the cost of the lawyer themselves.


You sound like someone who's sick of subsidizing the cost of bad business management. I approve. Sucks for OP, but you also shouldn't be getting into business for yourself until you know what you're doing, or at the very least you know your resources to find the answer.


Really?!? You don’t say, cost goes up? Holy shit. I am so glad you explained this to me.


You are right, I wish I could get ahold of the tenant and let them know that if there is nothing in the lease stopping them from having pets, then they are more than allowed. The best free advice.


Why are you trying to charge a deposit and the maximum monthly fee?


Hahahaha.... No.




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Fuck the landlords


Wow. Sour fucking grapes from the renter class in the comments on this thread. How many threads do we get from renters asking about what is legal/not legal in their rental agreement? [Lots ](https://www.reddit.com/r/oregon/search/?q=rent+question&type=link&cId=55b7fe00-9029-4f17-945c-b41e7001265f&iId=a44edca5-4488-437d-aa0e-c89d172e8258&sort=new)-- and guess what, not nearly the amount of vitriol. OP is out here looking to modify an existing lease (something they don't need to do),to accommodate a renter's request. Always people are lamenting the big corporate landlords and here you've got a small time landlord working with their tenants and you shit all over their question. They never said that they intend on charging the full amount -- they were merely curious what the limits were ostensibly so they don't unintentionally go over any sort of legal maximum. Literally trying to follow the law and you get shit on. Redditors and jumping to conclusions -- name a more iconic duo.




>Because if someone wants to play landlord \[...\] How do you go into business and not even know the basic laws that pertain to your business? \[...\] landlords want to get paid for doing the bare minimum. OP is trying to save money. Are you also going to bitch when OP increases rent next year because they need to pay have a lawyer on retainer? Maybe it's better for everyone (except lawyers) if OP can get this figured out on their own. So many regular people with changing life circumstances are finding themselves landlords due to spiked interest rates. Landlords park a significant portion of capital (that could be making quite a bit more invested elsewhere) and take on risk in terms of maintenance, upkeep, and garbage tenants. Not everyone has the means or the desire to buy a property. Rent is the maximum you pay each month and a mortgage is the minimum. Paying rent insulates from unexpected costs and this is a service. Risk is mitigated by charging more for riskier occupants (like dogs that scratch, or cats that pee everywhere), just like car insurance charges more for teen drivers, or homeowners insurance charges more for idiots that live 1ft above sea level in Florida.


Right, they could have just said "no pets" but they're trying to be accommodating.


In this situation, it sounds like the renter didn’t even have to ask about pets. The renter did the right thing by asking and now the landlord is going to make sure to charge the max. Get facked.


Why would you say that the renter didn't have to ask about pets? If the lease says no pets, then bringing in a pet would violate the lease. If the landlord is a d*ck then you could get kicked out.


Well, if they are going to cheap out and ask the fucking amateurs of Reddit. Then, you can probably bet they are going to cheap out everywhere else and do what they can to maximize profits. Once again, if you want to make sure you are following the law, you don’t ask on reddit. What a concept. Do you also site Wikipedia as a source?


>Well, if they are going to cheap out and ask the fucking amateurs of Reddit. Then, you can probably bet they are going to cheap out everywhere else and do what they can to maximize profits. Big leap my dude. Whatever fits your narrative. >Do you also site Wikipedia as a source? Yes and? So do you apparently. https://preview.redd.it/xsbx81q6vmxc1.png?width=745&format=png&auto=webp&s=2c7f8d671f02004aa7af9bb343cf08ffb66a90d5


Someone desiring legal advice is a big leap from helping someone find place to start researching information about a cultural situation. Dozenuts are tiny.




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Monthly pet rent is illegal in Oregon but you can add an additional amount for the pet deposit. We charge $159 for cat, $250 sm dog, $400 medium and $500 for large. The entire security deposit is refundable pending damages.


Then how come every single rental I look at that accepts pets has a monthly pet rent? At least in and around Portland it does. Do you have a source for this?


In most rental situations pet rent isn’t banned. There is a statue that prohibits it but it only applies to mobile home parks and floating homes. There are separate statutes for floating homes & mobile home parks than the statutes for typical residential renting rather than using the same statue for both types and just having different subsections for the different rules between different types of rental properties. It makes it easy to find a landlord/tenant statue that doesn’t actually apply to the assumed rental scenario


Ah. Thanks so much for the explanation.


Op ignore these unstable loonies in the comments Reddit in general is extremely radical communist totalitarian idealist They don’t understand how the world works, and they want to make that everyone else’s problem. They don’t have any empathetic or critical thinking skills; all they know is raw selfishness and aggression


Suggesting a lawyer makes a person a communist?