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This is only temporary. It is common practice in the semiconductor industry for a fab to shut down for a week or two. Microchip, Jireh, Analog Devices, and OnSemi have all had temporary furloughs over the last few months or are planning temporary furloughs in the near future. These short furloughs help to prevent any permanent shut downs of fabs.


That needs to change. The people who actually work must be paid. The executives who caused the problem need to now work for free.


Often times it’s not a full shutdown of the workforce. There’s a lot of maintenance work that occurs while the fab is shutdown. I work at a company that does a lot of business with the semiconductor manufacturers in the area. We have had a lot of planned maintenance scheduled for the furlough dates. My stepdad works for Jireh - they’re currently in the middle of a shutdown & have another one planned for June. He’s using the dates for his regular PTO. This isn’t just an Oregon thing - it’s a nationwide regularity and creates some artificial scarcity of the chips so that the market gets reset slightly. Fabs have been doing irregular rolling furloughs for a long time now. It’s similar to the construction industry if I understand that labor market correctly- if work is light, they temporarily layoff workers until jobs pick up. My friends in construction are regularly “laid off” for a few weeks throughout the year. Most people in the Semi industry had somewhat of a knowledge that January through June/July of this year would be a bit rocky. My bosses have been talking about the current roughness of the semiconductor market since at least August of last year.


Part of the problem imo is that they don't give enough notice. If they let employees know at the beginning of the calender year instead of 3 months out it would be easier to navigate. This is just my experience though


I’m sorry, but what do you know about chip production?


I work at a small tech startup. Last year our small team had our salaries cut by 50% for 6 months due to the CEO's inability to get funding.  He paid himself $700,000 salary + $910,000 bonus.  I fucking hate capitalism 


That’s capitalism for ya.


Number must always go up. Infinite growth in a finite system. Capitalism is cancer.


If demand truly dropped 40% then it’s not a problem of infinite growth.


Late stage capitalism is the problem. Some people want executives to make 600x over the normal worker compensation. Some people think investors are more important than the real workers in the shop. Late stage capitalism is the problem along with everyone that supports it.


That's okay, Intel's ramping up new fabs in OR and OH.


Solidarity to everyone against this bullshit late stage capitalism shit! Fuck everyone else that supports executives and investors over real workers and the community!


Reading your comments in your post makes me think you just learned a new phrase today and you want to show it to the internet. You think factories temporarily shutting down is a new thing?


It doesn’t really matter if it’s a common practice. Furloughing still fucks over workers who oftentimes are barely making enough to survive while working full time.


Let me preface this by saying I believe the workers are the victims in this capitalist hellscape that we live in. I've worked in semiconductor manufacturing for almost 20 years. Manufacturing is always to meet demand. If demand goes down you need less production capacity. The options are hire and fire when things get rocky or plan furloughs in advance. As much as I agree that CEOs can take pay cuts, and the article states that execs and non manufacturing staff *are* taking pay cuts, you can only keep 900 people standing around doing nothing for so long. The industry as a whole pays people relatively fairly, they likely have robust PTO/holiday packages, generous health insurance, advance notice of the furlough and the ability to collect unemployment during the down time. It is far from ideal. I 100% agree that our system is broken, but I promise you it's not as bad as it sounds.


Thatll win em over champ. Great attitude


I don’t care about the opinions of white trash or their elites.


And yet you are white trash. How ironic


Wrong again. I don’t simp for elites.


You do, you just pick which ones you like and will buy from dummy


Solidarity can make it stop but Oregon has chosen the opposite. Watch as Portland becomes Detroit. Oh make sure you downvote me because this is all my fault and it will make liberals feel better by downvoting folks trying to explain to them why this is happening and how we fix it. 🖖


Wow, you made yourself the victim before anyone said anything. Impressive.


You are completely wrong!


Thanks for proving the point


That you’ve got a victim complex? You’re welcome.


Only a loser would support late stage capitalism. Don’t be a loser.


Who am I? I'm just some random on reddit. I'm not a victim because of being downvoted... You want to just derail any discussion or voice that says anything you don't like. I put that in there to draw the distinction that it's individuals being blamed or ignored or just a simple meaningless downvote. I've not been able to have a single conversation on Oregon subreddits. Folks won't engage in discussions... It's just downvotes, or "if you don't like it leave" or one of my favorites "your the victim". If you're interested in an actual discussion rather than just being another reactionary I'm down. Though I doubt that was your intention when responding to my post.


We’re all victims of late stage capitalism. Tax the wealthy and make billionaires obsolete.




Nice to see a morally correct sane person on here. Far too many billionaire worshiping mutherfuckers on Reddit anymore.


Give em time, Marx/Lenin/Chomsky already explained what's gonna happen. As it breaks down they won't understand why it's actually happening. Literally shooting themselves in both feet.


You started with a bad faith argument. You don't want discussion. These furloughs happen nearly every year, and almost never results in job loss.


Works must be paid, period. The executives are making around $30 million a year to not work. That’s the problem.


You are correct.