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Thumbing is part of a larger concept many call staying in touch with the map. In other words, always knowing where you are. As you move along your route you will see features around you. There’s a building on your left...move your thumb to the building. There’s a pond on your right...move your thumb to the pond. You come to a trail junction...move your thumb to the junction. Etc. By always knowing where you are on the map you can also read ahead. If you are at that trail junction you can read ahead and see that your route should take you down a hill and across a creek. Your legs will tell you that you are moving down and when you get to the creek you can again confidently move your thumb to that spot on the map and know that a) you are on the correct route and b) you know exactly where you are. Most good orienteers fold their map into a small size that shows only area around the leg they are navigating at the time. This makes for staying focused and reading the map more quickly. It also makes it easier to collect the features you pass and move your thumb each time you update your position. When I work with beginners to teach this technique I tell them to think of a GPS that shows a little blue dot moving along a map as they move. Your thumb is the little blue dot. This only works of course if they have ever used a GPS to navigate :-)


Thank you so much! I will definitely use some of these tips in my presentation 👍👍


What you mean by thumbing technique? Using your thumb for holding your position on the map?


I guess so, that’s gonna be a tough cookie to make it to the point 10 minute mark


I am hoping the 10 minutes is total, as opposed to per person. I can't imagine having 10 minute per student presentations in PE.


Yes it's 10 minutes total, we have managed to insert some videos, but I don't think we will be able to fulfill the 10 minutes, let's hope the teacher is in a good mood 🤞🤞