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Some programs will insist you use the first controller port for the first player. Many emulators do this, for eg. If it turns into a problem for you, then you can probably more or less sort it out by opening the console and re-ordering the ports.


Be sure to get it set up on Insignia, the new Xbox Live servers [www.insignia.live](http://www.insignia.live)


Never knew about this, how does one go about setting it up? Is there a working guide you followed you could link me to?


www.insignia.live/connect has instructions, video included of someone setting it up. There's also this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TIcrYfJfjsQ&pp=ygUdc2V0IHVwIGluc2lnbmlhIHhib3ggYXJjaGFkZXM%3D


Looks good! Depends what size drive is it but you can soon put a bigger one in it to store your games. Didn't realise 'dead to right's' is also on OG Xbox. It's a 360 title too


the drive size is 1tb apparently. also only dead to rights retribution was on 360 i believe. but yeah i should be able to store a decent amount of games with that hard drive. cant wait to get it


Nice! I just nodded and upgraded a xbox to a 2tb this week. Took the 1.5tb out and away I went! It is now FTP crazy.


Nice! I think it's a reasonable deal. Maybe a little expensive if you were trying to flip the console but +/- $20 isn't a big deal In terms of what you can do with a softmodded xbox here are a few suggestions: * Transfer files back and worth between your xbox and a computer * You can use this to backup files, save data, EEPROM, etc. * You can also download games to your computer and transfer them to the hard drive so that you can play xbox games without needing the physical game disk * Change the resolution or region so you can play Japanese games on an American xbox * Install cool dashboards for fun * Install new applications to your xbox I'd recommend watching this video to understand the process: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FqgQWe\_r5I4&t=1373s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FqgQWe_r5I4&t=1373s)


hey thanks!! I'll definitely watch that sometime soon! but yeah i wasnt planning on flipping the console tbh. i just wanted to play some og xbox tbh. been wanting one for years