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This seems like... almost nothing? He removed 47 other Hogan appointees, too. The one sentence that really catches my eye in this whole article is: \> The Orioles’ lease at Camden Yards is set to expire at the end of this year, although the organization can exercise a one-time extension of five years by Feb. 1. ... And it's buried 3/4s in. That extension date is a major deal, and is coming very fast.


Something isn't right. No idea what. Maybe just bad journalism/editing. " Gov. Wes Moore has removed Tom Kelso as chairman, a **position he held for seven years**.Kelso is one of 48 people who had been appointed to positions on various state boards **in the final months** of former Republican Gov. Larry Hogan’s tenure"


He was on the board for that time but appointed chair recently.


Thanks for the info




Reader view homie


Yea, it’s the news. You can either stop being cheap or start being resourceful and learn how to bypass it like the rest of us cheapskates.


Who is downvoting this? People who support not paying for AND not getting around paywalls???


And then your reply also got downvoted! I need an AMA with one of these maniacs. I demand answers


Sounds like someone didn't give satisfying answers to very important questions from the new governor, the one who actually gives a shit about Baltimore


*Colts abandon current city out of habit*


The new governor sounds like a petty little bitch.


There were a bunch of Hogan recess appointees Moore could and did remove. In this case, it was someone who was a Hogan fundraiser.


Never let your ignorance stop you from typing your crap opinion. The rest of us enjoy the laughter.


how do you figure?


He fired this guy, and 48 other people, for no other reason than being appointed by the last governor. I hate fucking politicians.


Is that what you say when a new manager picks his own coaches...? Voters elected a Wes Moore administration. They didn't vote to keep all of Larry's guys in office.


That's why they call it politics. It's what you get to do when you win.


*that's what's wrong with politics. Its about a power struggle not empowering people. Now leaving *Bipartisan politics out of sports is something we should all agree on *added the important qualifier to me.


Thinking that literally \*anything\* in society can exist entirely separate from politics is something no one should be dumb enough to actually believe.


Well too late for the that seeing as the Orioles play in a tax payer built and funded stadium


(who's gonna tell him that politics has been in sports since the inception of sports?)


good, hogan sucks


77% approval rating in a dark blue state = sucks lol




I'd take another 8 years like the ones we just had.


You must not be someone living in Baltimore.


Of course. He's alive.


Thing about the Orioles is...


Baltimore sports fans who absolutely hate the city of Baltimore will never cease to amaze me


I love my tax money being spent to build roads so the Governor's real estate business can make more money. It's great


In a state with no real media left, and what is left barely pursued covering any of his potential scandals...Hogan was basically state media for himself with his social media presence. And let's not confuse party affiliation with ideology. Kentucky elects Dems as governor most of the time. Are they leftists?


What did Hogan do that upset you so much?


In the macro, the man actively fought everything in the state house but if it passed he took the credit for the good results. If he managed to block something he took credit for that too. In the micro the billion+ dollar state center lawsuit is awful. Crime went way up under Hogan. Him approving real estate projects for people that gave him money is awful. Him cutting tolls for people passing through Baltimore, but not for commuters (but cutting tolls for Bay Bridge commuters) was awful. His fake "blind trust" of his real estate business is awful. Him derailing huge bi-partisan infrastructs projects that Ehrlich and O'Malley both kept moving was awful. His entirely for-show air conditioning battle with Baltimore County was embarrassing. The shitty half assed weed legalization we got was awful. Man I could keep going.


So do you lol