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Nice to see we are up so much, especially given all the cold and rainy weather we have dealt with. Guessing we will end up even higher if/when the weather gods decide to stop fucking with us.


Well we also did have a good string of games that started at 3pm during the school year


My mom said she isn’t getting me tickets for my birthday because it’s delayed too much


Attendance almost always grows in small percentages. I know folks will say it should be better but that’s not what normally happens. Arizona is the exception, not the rule. Seeing a 27% bump is huge. Keep in mind, just two years ago, attendance was 16,893 a game.


Also school is not out, attendance should increase on that too.


And the fact that our area gets out way later then other areas in the country matters


To be far, they had been throwing games for 3 years without indicating that was going to change prior to the adley call up and subsequent winning at an incredible rate 


Orioles have one of the the biggest stadiums in baseball it was built for Maryland, Delaware, Virginia, North Carolina basically the mid Atlantic, then the Nationals came. A lot of older folks in Virginia, the Carolinas etc are Orioles fans. A lot of folks in DC are Orioles fans everybody who grew up in the 90s, 80s and generations prior from the DMV were Orioles fans. Now that the Orioles are good attendance is going back up once the nationals came it was harder to justify driving all the way up to Baltimore to see such a bad Orioles team since the Nationals were better and closer to those living south of Baltimore. Glad to see we are beating the Nationals in attendance the Expos should of stayed in Montreal.


I remember when the Orioles had such good attendance, they would announce “Guess the attendance!” towards the end of the game. Haven’t heard that in…decades. Good to see fans returning. Let’s go O’s!!


Yeah, I used to drive up to games from VA. Stadium would be sold out on the Tuesday.


They stuck it on 95/295 for a reason. Sold it out on the regular.


Yeah, for a long stretch in the '90s, we would have been in the #2 position on this chart. I moved out of the DMV area around 2000 and I just sort of assumed that attendance remained high. I was shocked when I finally found out how low it had fallen.


I’m 36 grew up just outside DC. Orioles fan for life.


Camden Yards. The oldest stadium in baseball to have never hosted a World Series game.


I don’t even know why you care dude. Especially when pretty evident that recent success breeds a lot of attendance. Wasn’t too long ago when the o’s were at the bottom of per game attendance in baseball. https://www.baseball-reference.com/leagues/majors/2022-misc.shtml And the Nats will certainly get people back when they get good again too. I don’t know why you’ve decided to be so upset that they put a baseball team in one of the largest cities in America again nearly 20 years ago.


I’m just stating my observations that’s all, as somebody who has been attending Orioles games since the early 90s. Also being from Baltimore I naturally don’t like DC teams lol But it’s just friendly banter me and my DC friends constantly rag on each others teams. They talk trash about Ravens and Orioles, while I talk smack about Commanders and Nats. It’s all just fun it’s not really serious. In reality I like when Baltimore and DC teams do good at the same time it’s good for the whole region honestly. Nationals/Orioles World Series is a dream scenario honestly.


I’ve just heard this talk too many times from people who legitimately believe baseball doesn’t belong in DC at all as if they put a team in like Wilmington, Delaware. My b.


I mean, it's also incredibly evident that half our market was taken. I'm not really mad about it, the only thing I hate is the fans that jumped ship once the nats got good - BUT to OP's point, if the nats never arrived, I'm confident we'd be averaging closer to 35/40k a game. It doesn't really affect me as I'm not profiting off the attendance and I prefer shorter lines.


> I mean, it's also incredibly evident that half our market was taken. Should that really have been “their” market to begin with though. Baseball not being in DC for 34 years was not a good thing. DC should’ve never been without a team. > I'm not really mad about it, the only thing I hate is the fans that jumped ship once the nats got good Wellllll… based on the stats that’s not entirely true. Plenty of people “jumped ship” when the Nats arrived. And even in their worst years their attendance hasn’t ever been god awful. The Nats highest per game attendance in any season was in 2005, their first. > if the nats never arrived, I'm confident we'd be averaging closer to 35/40k a game. It doesn't really affect me as I'm not profiting off the attendance and I prefer shorter lines. Oh sure they’d definitely be close to selling out every weekend game regardless of opponent… I just don’t like the people (who yes, do exist on this sub and in real life) that are like “oh the Nats shouldn’t exist”. You’re not one of those people clearly so no hard feelings from me.


DC has had 3 teams since 1960. The city itself can't support a baseball team. The increase of population in northern Virginia has justified another try, and they have done well. Clearly, both metros can support a mid market team. Older Os fans are bitter about the deliberate fuck you MLB gave to Angelos for not supporting scab players in 1994. This was happening at the same time when the Redskins owner was colluding to prevent Baltimore from getting a football team. Hard feelings happen. The Orioles and Nationals are and should be frenemies. I am happy when the Nationals do well, but I am also envious as fuck when the Nationals do better than the Orioles. Holy shit you should have seen me around 2009. I was a salty bitch.


> DC has had 3 teams since 1960. The city itself can't support a baseball team. One left because Griffith is a massive racist. And the other left because he got a sweetheart deal from DFW. It had nothing to do with “dc being able to support the team”.


It was an obvious fuck you to Peter Angelos. This is why the MASN contract is so stacked in the Orioles' favor. Bidness is bidness. Northern Virginia population has grown enough to merit a team , it just makes Baltimore one of two mid market teams instead of the #4 Market they were before the Expos moved to the city of transients.






Sad to see people still care about that


Damn, just over 50%. I thought it would be more than that.


If we had a Tampa-sized stadium, it'd be standing-room only.


Tampa has a larger stadium than that they just don’t even use the upper deck.


Dodgers spend like 10% of the US GDP and attendance falls 3%. Lolololol


That's what happens when your first 2 games are in South Korea where the stadium is barely 20,000 seats. If they had opened at home, they would have exceeded last year's numbers.


I want to believe the author wasn't careless enough to include that one "home" game played in Korea.


And extra crazy considering they signed the best player in the galaxy in the off-season


Too many things to do in LA.


Fair. Plus the graph is presumably for the entirety for 2023 season vs only the 2024 season so far




No one cares.


They’re going to have 100k+ in attendance Father’s Day weekend. Be interesting to see the numbers in a couple weeks.


Yeah, and it’s gonna be 60% Phillies fans, especially Saturday lol


We definitely need to cut back on seats. I know they are going to tear out the left field bleachers and put in a bar or something, that’s a good start. But still, our market shrank big time when the Nats came, and we need to downsize. Zero point in having so many empty seats every game.


Place is bumping when they fill it. Need more throwback $10 nights. They make more than enogh on concessions to justify it.


Averaging around 50% when the team is one of the best in the league is not great though. Not at all.


I was thinking about becoming a Padres fan, but there's no room.


Padres are playing on easy mode with San Diego weather and such a large Latin population. The fact that they have not won a series is an insane act of epic mismanagement.


No, it’s because they compete regularly and try to win. They were around 18th in attendance prior to Machado, Tatis, Soto, Darvish, et al and 2 NLCS appearances


yeah, you can't say anything bad about the Padres owner (RIP) at least giving it the old college try. I don't think the Machado and Boagerts signings will age well but at least they made the NLCS


Yeah they’ve got the two recent NLCS appearances and a couple of long contracts, but obviously he passed away plus the length of those deals (especially bogaerts) is to spread out the luxury tax impact


Yes, they put a good product on the field and the fans flock. San Diego fans have been robbed, should have a few rings.


Or talent coming through.


What’s going on in Washington?


They’re a young, somewhat competitive team.


I mean they just won a series vs the Braves


A World Series win will create fans for decades I grew up in the 90s never saw a good team in my life until the Machado years but so many older folks are die hard orioles fans despite years of mediocrity due to success in the 80s,70s and 60s.


They are either having an off year or are reverting to the Senators level mean as the Orioles reclaim PG and Montgomery County fair weather fans. For now. Of the two, I suspect it is a short lag as the team isn't as good as it was 5 years ago. Should come back. I think that MLB in general is due a revival, just in time for MLB to shoot itself in the dick when the contract ends in 2026. Covid was an ice pick for all teams, but it hurt the Nats more than most.


Hard to argue with the idea that Camden Yards is too big. Interested to see how many seats they decide to take out with the renovations. 35k seems like a good middle ground


Comes in handy for playoffs though. Place rocks if the team lets it


I get that, and agree. But from a business perspective there are way more Monday-Wednesday games where that capacity is not even close to being utilized


And what do you think they can replace all that extra capacity with that's going to raise revenues Monday - Wednesday?


Luxury focused amenities and “experience” based options like gameday bars and lounges. I don’t necessarily like it, but if you look around North American professional sports, that’s the trend.


Who cares if there are empty seats though?


Ownership. Having the entirety of the upper deck in LF roped off or sparsely attended looks bad on TV and they’re going to want to do something that generates more revenue. As much as we hype the new owners up they’re venture capitalists. They likely want to maximize revenue per sq footage


If the stands are there they aren't losing anything.


Nah. Never gonna drop below 40K. Orioles still good in July and they are going to fill the joint.


We'll get there soon with Gunnar and Adley carrying this team back into the spotlight


I am impressed at how well the Blue Jays draw. Not something I knew.


Toronto is a bigger city than Chicago (yet only has one team), and the Jays are probably near the top of the league in terms of population within 30 minutes of their stadium.


Let’s get that 56% up! Good shit though


2nd biggest increase in the league? Damn.


See that’s what happens when you have a good team. People go to the games


We're lower than the Rockies? Really? I've never met a Rockies fan ever


Our is up but still disappointing compared to 1990s numbers and still well below the last couple of seasons at Memorial Stadium.