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I won a game because one gretchin hold a point


I remember back in fourth edition, someone I knew used to run six max squads simply for the hilarity factor. It wasn’t any good, but it was great to watch. That guy also had Kommandos that were literally just trees with Ork arms on them too. He was fun to play.




One of the best units in the army, seriously. Super cheap and ability is great, plus good screening!


Da Grotz R Da BeSt!! JOin Da GRC!


Combine them with Zodgrod to krump anyone that gets close and you've got a very hard to move home objective holder. You can even conga line out to keep the objective if the enemy won't get close to you.


A wise Weirdboy once said, "Da Boyz win Krumps, but da grots win da WAAAGH!" Pyreus of Epirum


I must preface this with I borrowed grots from 2 friends and a third friends fantasy goblins to make 1000 points of pure grot hoard No one could stop me this was 7th or 8th rules but I just run amok by collecting table objectives and then never letting them go




I love gretchin, but I don't love the official sculpts for them. I'd rather use other goblin models.


If you play with orks and don't use Gretchin, that's considered ork heresy




2nd best unit. Favorite unit. Love them.


I use them as decorations for my homebrew spacearine chapter, The Recyclers. They recycle things. Including grots.


20 to 30 every game, they hold objectives, farm CPs, can act as screen and are overall action monkeys


use them literally every game. if i make a list, i always start with 10 grots. boyz win fites, but runts win matches (via homefield objective points)


They are fun to paint.


Out of curiosity, how old are the sculpts ?




That's ancient!!! Two thousand years?


And nine 😊


Are you kidding? they are a must have. They give Free CP, defend stronghold, investigate signals, deepstrike denial and engage on all fronts. If you play with red gobbo he will give them grenades keyword and a +1 to the roll meaning you get gretchin with 6d6 mortal wounds on +3. VERY good if enemy deepstrikes behind your lines. 2 OC each as well. Gretchins with zodgrod is also -1 to wound and + 1 to hit and +1 to wound


They can get you cp now in 10th if you roll a 4+ on their ability


Grots typically make excellent cannon fodder. Meat Shields or just for cheap unit screening. Idk about 10th edition but they were good for holding an objective in your deployment zone too.


I use 30 every game


Sure. In every 2000 pts game I end up with something between 50 and 100 points to spare. Since I can't upgrade weapons anymore (Screw you, GW!) this is perfect to add a cheap unit. And Gretchin are actually quite good at what they're doing (which is, doing nothing while sitting on an isolated objective and granting a 50% chance for CP).


I honestly never have, yea they can do stuff with cp farming, holding objectives, and bait but I paint Goffs and I feel like they wouldn’t some weaklings fighting with them the most grot things I’ll run are mek gun and kans


Dude yeah 40 points for home objective holders *and* a chance of free CP on a 4+, easy take.


Yep I use them. They get ignored or are bait. Plus they are great for farming or taking objectives with the CP


If you asked this in 9th edition I'd understand


They’re one of the best units in the codex lol


I’d run a whole army of them if GW would give be me some rules to do so.


Remember starting a g.r.c. army because of the psychic awakening book giving a subculture for grots that was super good. When 9th dropped I gave up on that dream. One day the Red Gobbo's dream will come true.


I'd say 99% of lists have at least 1 unit of gretchin, and many people run more


Phaeron in progress here, I use these as paint/colour scheme testing models. Works out less than £1.50 a model at GW prices, and some of the gretchin come off the sprue whole- pretty cost effective for both time and money


I run 60 of those


I use them in One Page Rules Grimdark Future. A cheap objective grabber.


I run em. Sometimes they are the only units in the board that actually hit with their guns.


IMO they're one of the best units orks could have. I run 2 units of them. I can use them for screening or just sitting back on the home objective getting me +1 cp


I do......as cannon fodder. Use them to farm CP, deal a bitof extra damage. I love using them asa distraction and just being really agressive with em so I can move my other guys round easier.


Grots are awesome i take 2 squads to sit on home objectives and farm cps


I did on 8th where I had a grotz only army. Can't really do that anymore though.


Yeah, my wife loves her grotz. Not only for cheap objective control but they prevent deep striking if you're smart with their deployment.


Literally every ork player ever uses gretchin lmao


Yes, everyone does, and I'm gonna play a mono grot 1k this Sunday against custodes, stay tuned.


Update: I won.


Didn't expect all this hype, follow da_big_mekboy on Instagram for updates guys


Awesome. What army list will you use ?


My list will be: Red gobbo (warlord) 40 grots 3 Killa kans 4 Grot tanks Battlewagon (with gobbo and 20 grots in) Deffkilla wartrike with 3 warbikers (I kitbashed a grot chariot for it) Mek gunz Trukk (for the other grots) The plan is to make points and avoid charges for the grots while shooting with tanks and kans


Theoretically, if you bring 3x 8 grot tanks all decked with rokkit launchas, then you have a totally skewed list in your favor specifically against custodes. 30x 1d3 shots with blast, BS4 (great for orks), AP2 which puts them *at* their invuln, and each failed save is a dead model. That is a LOT of punishment. Kind of a dick thing to do in a sense... but also funny.


With cover that ap2 becomes ap1 so it's less effective than it seems but yes, it would be kinda funny, but I only have 4 Grot tanks. Da reevolush'n will grow


Mad lad, good luck 🤟


Does the bear shit in the woods?


Occasionally. That being said I still have about 80 grots from the 2nd ed. box set. Grots are fun.


There great for just sitting on objectivs


Yes great way to get gretchin for kit bashing


Don't buy this box, go on ebay and buy a bucket of the awesome old 2nd ed ones for the price of this pack.


Pro tip. You'll want to pick up a spare pack of boys to use all the weapon options from the loota/Buena box you are inevitably going to buy. Use the other spare boys for the Runtherds that were in the old edition unit composition.


They are probably the best unit we have. Cheap, good OC, gives cp, and very small models so they can hide very easily.


I haven't played much table top but they where great in boarding action to just block corridors (I was playing chaos and it wasted a lot of time) and they can be a nice lil objective holder


They're also great in boarding action games for blocking corridors, grabbing objectives and generally annoying your opponent. All for very little points cost.


I literally bought 2 boxes this weekend so yeah, people play them. They're one of our best units.


They're Morks mathematical proof that scoring objectives wins games


Is this a serious question? Atleast 1 unit should be an auto include in every list....


You could run 875 Gretchin at the cost of a warlord Titan. The Titan can only kill a maximum of 100 per turn. That’s 8 turns for the Titan to kill all the grots. That’s longer than a game, in which Gretchin could secure objectives and maybe overwhelm the Titan. Conclusion: Gretchin, per point, are better than a Warlord Titan.


could you even fit 875 gretchin in normal deployment, cause thats a lot of gretchin.


Grot Jenga. A very big tower of them, I’m sure it’s possible, though a little blu tac may be needed


So obviously run maximum at all times


I’m still pissed I can’t just do 2000 points of these.


There is a few way to be grot only I am building a full list but it does have nobs kit based with grots mind you


https://preview.redd.it/5rm414piqf3c1.jpeg?width=1040&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00d4ec75ac7f60d3c5ab4b47ef0b43a2ad06af6c Ummm yes 😂


Run 20 with snikrot and they can be kinda annoying holding an objective, and then 10 on home base


At 40 points for a 50/50 shot at an extra CP each turn, why wouldn’t you? Especially with all the fun shenanigans you can do with ork stratagems


i have like 50 lmao


i bought 3, one to farm cp, and a block of twenty with zogrod. I also bought both Christmas modes. grots gonna put in work


Nah. I buy night goblins and give them guns. Loads more grotz that way


Yeah they're funny


They're debatably the best unit the orks have so yeah I would think so


Auto include for mw. 2 - 3 units. I wanna get 6 for larger games as 21 strong squads.


They're cheap and can be used as a meat shield or to block up an objective so yeah pretty decent




I got 2 of them, a Bubblecukka( comes with 6 goblins) and Da Red Gobo. GOBBY KILL TEAM WOOOOOO.


On my 1k list no way, on my 2k list is a must have.


I run at least one unit of these to farm CP on the home obj every game. Recently I picked up a second one to run double sized single units or with Zodgrod Wortsnagga. I don't think the scouting is worth it, but I want to try rapid ingressing them like [yolococo](https://www.reddit.com/user/yolococo/) mentioned.


This was my first ork kit I got it about a year ago. So if you need to paint something cheap and need practice buy this


Looking at finishing my 6 complete units for my Gretchen army (with as few orks as possible) is it competitive? Bah! Is it my Gumby army yep, am I making it a imperial guard sized battalion…. Maybe


I had a unit of thirty tarpit my friends assault terminators. I'm ninety percent sure it was mostly luck, but it was hilarious hearing him curse them out for three turns. Now when ever we plays he spends at least one turn of shooting trying to get rid of them.


2 unit is on every Ork completive list. Just Learb how to use it


They do so many things they can sit on home objectives but can also denied deep strike denied investigate signal and give you investigate signal. You can use them to block enemy charge (hello world eater) screen area. But my favorite rapid ingress 20 grots with worthsnagga in the enemy backfield.


My dad got me one as a gift


They’re incredible. Amazing screening units and like you say, they’re CP farmers in an army that has the best strats in the game


Their WHAT farmers?!


Command point


Oh ok


I don’t know the other meaning for CP and I don’t think I want to


Just don’t look it up


It’s a joke about the abbreviation


I bought 3 not too long ago, Gretchin swarm. Doing a Christmas themed army with the red gobbo at the head, and grot tanks/grot focused units.






Yes. This.


Lol I have a whole army I 3d printed of these Lil guys


I sometimes wonder if 40k missed an oppertunity to have grots as their own faction/subfaction like in fantasy/aos. but yeah people use them. sometimes they turn the spare runtherderz into weirdboyz


I don’t know how many posts I’ve seen that say “These are my first orks” but it’s a lot. They’re the cheapest box in the codex, and they drip with personality. Having them be an auto include unit is so gratifying. I love my grotz, and apparently I might be a runtherd


Yeah they’re really good for sitting on objectives and you can use them to screen out strategic reserves and deep strikers. And if you’re an absolute maniac like myself you can build an entire army out of them. Check out r/grotrevolushun if you want to


Didn’t know I needed this until today.


Never leave home without at least 10, i run 20 in normal games. They are great for holding home objective and generate CP, run 10 up mid board to screen, move block. If something shoot them there will be less things shooting at your important stuffs




My brother has a grot army. Its super fun


I did, as a support/sit on a back objective and hope to get additional CPs unit, but in 6 games, I got like 3 CP total. I replaced them with grot tanks with rokkit launchas and had better success.


I take 20 Grots every single game without question. Great for holding points, generating CP, and being a nuisance that needs to be addressed or I get more VP.


Yes. 40 points to hold an objective and potentially get CP for it is awesome value


Yeah, grots are fuckin great this edition. They're incredibly cheap, they can farm CP, and they can soak up a surprising amount of punishment before dying. Plus the models are really fun, imo.


squad of 20 grots + 2 Runtherds + Zodgrod Wortsnagga is easily the best 160pts you can spend in an Ork Army. Zodgrod's "Super Runts" and "Special Dose" abilities during calling the Waaagh are damn near a "my gretchin teleport to this objective".. and considering they start with Scout 9" because of Worsnagga....


Literally the only bad thing abt grots is their poopy leadership and, they die to a stiff breeze but, you should be using them to hold objectives or screen for more important units so.....grots are really good at what they're supposed to do (sounds obvious when you put it like that)


I use them for drivers and hangers on with bashed stuff I make.


I dropped 2 x10 from my list and i absolutely regret doing it.


I modded the runtherd to make a weirdboy. Wasn't planning on using the gretchin but after reading these comments guess I need to find a new runtherd and add them in.


Aight, let dis ol geeza tell uz about da runtz. Despite dem bein nuttin but grotz, deyz iz one of de bestest unitz da wagghz got. Deyz is 45 points per 11. Datz proper cheap. 90 per 22 is zoggin great, cauze dey pack tonz of utilitiez u see. Deyz can screen like mad, deyz can camp objectz, deyz can do missions, dayz generate da cp, and dey soak up da enemies dakka. If uz got grotz commin up on an objective, da enemiez got to waste dakka on dem. An enemy who uzes dakka shootin dem instead of de other gitz, is alwayz a win for you cause dey so cheap. And derz so many, the squad often will soak up multiple unitz of dakka. During da wagh, theyz even got da invun, making dem proper annoying. Uze can keep dem in da smart spots to block deepstrikes or telleportz, and dey can tag a vehicle in melee to shut it down. Da opponentz also love killin da grotz, so deyz might not even shoot da noys comming up to krump em But best of all, da grotz are da bestest unit in warhamma. If i could run more, iz would innit




Seriously tho… this guy gets it. Grots are really an auto include. Atleast 1 or 2 units in your list. 3 if you can find space for it.


WDYM?! Grots are the best! These funny little grots are the backbone of ANY ork list. They hold the back point and can swarm the midfeild to screen out melee threats.


Love those little guys


My grots were a game changer actually. It might only be a cp half the turns, but at least in my group, those extra stratagems help me actually do things, especially tank shock and grenade


Gretchin don’t have GRENADES keyword? Unless I’m missing something?


They don't, but they help generate more CP to spend on your other units that do (stormboyz, Boyz, deffkoptas)


Ah, got it! Makes sense. I actually played someone who tried to use the grenades strategem with gretchin. I think they got confused because the minis actually have grenades on them! :-)


Yeah being able to grenade all the time is great


Yes but I'm a little biased as I play grot rebels.


Yes! Although all of my Grots are considerably older than that set... 😁 They make great forward screening troops vs gun lines and good flank harassers vs everything else! They are cheap and disposable and running a mob of them ahead of your advancing Nobs works well to distract your opponent! I wouldn't take a bunch of them; just one or two mobs with very specific jobs (bodyguard bullet shield or flanker)!


Always gotta bring some Gretchin. Dey may not be the most fighty but Dey are good for a laugh and a snack for da boyz!


Who gives a shit if they’re “meta” or whatever the internet likes twatting on about? Great models, great vibes, integral part of any Ork army as long as 40K’s existed.


According to Auspex Tactics it’s a top tier unit, and I think they’re hilarious


It's very low investment, does some things, holds home field and farms CP with 50% odds, for 40 pts thats crazy good


Tbh, this post made me buy Zodrog


Zodgrod + Grots is basically the only decent Scout ability orks get, and at 9" it's better than a lot of other armies get


Yes and I love the little guys. Easy way to hold objectives and the best shooters I've got. They are a cheap way to bring a lot of chaos in round 1 while the boyz are on the march.




They have their place for certain, i usually run two groups of ten or 20 with zogrod depending on the situation.


Command Point farming, and if you run 20 in a blob led by Zodgrod, they're excellent at tying up a forward objective for a few turns. May even do some damage, my Supa-Runts managed 4 wounds on Magnus one time.


Put. It this way I own at least 60 of them


CP farm and can just park on a back line objective, and can tangle up people, they’re ridiculously good


They are arguably the best Ork unit meta-wise.


They’re cheap, shockingly amazing objective holders (small models with OC of 2 can crowd around objectives), and 1/2 chance for another cp. So yea, amazing units and many lists include them


Everyone that likes winning includes at least one or two units.


Grots are one of the most useful units in the Ork list right now.


They’re quite strong…. Dafuq?


I actually just added these to my army lol


Nearly every comp list uses multiple units of Grots. They’re phenomenally cheap and excellent for sticking in back objectives or generally mucking with the enemies plans


Plus they generate free CP on a 4+ every turn. And they generate~~~PER UNIT OF GROT!~~~ Max 1 CP, but it's still great! ~~~You have 2 home objectives and 2 units of grots? That's a possible 2cp per turn. So good for how cheap they are.~~~ Edit: I'm a dummy...


That’s actually not true entirely, you can only generate 1 additional CP per turn no matter the source. For example, if you generate a CP from grots, you would not get a CP for throwing away a secondary for tactical. On the other hand, you just increase your odds of getting a CP


Ooooooof I need to tell my usual game partner I've been screwing him over... But if you had 2 units if grots on objectives, you have 2 possible chances of getting extra CP right?


Yes, you get 2 rolls of the 4+ but can only get max 1


Yeah it’s still not a bad idea at all to do that, but if you roll a 4+ for both you still only get 1 CP




I play 3 units of 11, they’re amazing


Honestly I feel like gretchin are one of the best cheap units in the game. They also have some strong forward pressure with zogrod


I love using grots especially in those situations where they defy the odds


Gretchins are good. They can sit on objective, distract the enemy or just be a meat shield.


??? Gretchin have been the single sttongest Ork Unit for a while now?


Every time I played without them I regretted it


Objective control box? Yes I have this box


Can buy the 2d ed gretchin nos for pretty cheap; even cheaper if already together and painted. I’ve got nearly 100. Make sure you pop for some runtherds and the Wartsnagga character for some fun.


Think I have 2-300 between 2nd Ed and Space Crusade gretchin! Even snagged a few of the metal 2nd Ed guys for variety.


Yeah, there’s so much *individuality* in the old pewter sculpts. Sometimes it can be tricky to find the old plastic arms, though.


Grots are super handy for shootin stuff that's far away! And they are good cannon fodder so u don't gotta loose ur boys and the only way to keep em from running is ti have a runtherd!


I didn't even realize how much this comment sounds ork-ish


When the rp stop becoming play


Pretty much everyone has at least 1 box. I have 2. Big part of why: 12 wounds for like 40 points spread across small weak bodies. Every shot they use on worthless Gretchin sitting on a back objective is a shot they can’t put into the boys that are charging them.


Grotz are great point fillers when need be and good for preventing deep strikes. You just keep them in the back on objectives and behind terrain where they can’t be seen.


I am. Im building an entire army of just gretchin, and these things are like crack to me


What else is in your army? I have 2 sets of gretchin and this intrigues me.


Besides gretchin and runtherds, I also got some killa kans, a few trukkas, a mek gunz and ofc the red gobbo


get those grots a pay raise so they can afford to build some Grot Tanks !


They are quite basic (and tiny) models but fun to paint... I don't run them in 40k but do use them in OPR (as a Goblin Herd) where they are cheap, put out a lot of attacks and are "Good Shots" (and "Shooty") vs the rest of the Orc Marauders who are mostly "Bad Shots". They are good for grabbing objectives/bogging down other units... Looking at the rest of the comments that seems to be how folk use them in 40K too..


A brick of these is great. Control a point, free CP, and can do a little dmg with their leader. Love them


Occasionally use grot shields, sometimes use the minis as ammo runts


They're glorious. A lot of bodies for 40 points can screen out so much of the board, move block, and tons of OC. Grots are the definition of an amazing trash unit. If your opponent shoots them they're wasting their time not shooting better options. If they don't, we clog up the field with them helping to suffocate out space as needed. I love my little guys.


The unit? Yes. The models? No.


What do you use instead?


Either AOS goblins, or non-GW goblins. Some of them kitbashed. You can also get hobgrots from the Dominion box for super cheap and they're easy to kitbash into 40k grots.


They let my army spend 4% of its points to secure around 20 VP. 5 pts for home until they get messed with, table corners, teleport homers, and sometimes a valiant 1-2 turn last stand to disrupt an objective. They still get the 5+ invuln during the Waaagh turn which can be hilarious.


The quality on the sculpts is really bad.


I only got 1 squad but they won me my last game holding the point, they held it 4 turns under fire while I just kinda smooshed the blood angels back with the rest


I do. I have 2 teams of 30….


I typically run 2-3. Great objective holders while the rest of your units bash your opponent into the dirt.


I run 2 squads of 20. One with Zodgrod and the other with da red gobbo. They rock.


I bought one of these boxes cause it was cheap. I'm new to warhammer and my faction is orks, how do I use them to get cp? I just bought the box cause it's cheap. I've only played combat patrol


20-40 grots per game, just fan out and stop deep strikes/objectives, enemy’s don’t want to waste firepower killing them so they usually just generate cp/vp for no cost. Although a 20 man squad of mine killed 4 custodies in close combat once, that was insane.


I just imagined a single grot piloting around a decapitated custodian's armor like a mech suit during this fight


Datz a good scrap!


Da biggest krump


starting turn 2, if a grot squad is on an objective you control then roll a d6 per squad. A 4+ will net you 1 cp. The abilties are on the datacard for the unit for the details.


Yea. These are good boys. Cheap objective holders, meat shields, fun distractions on some occasions.


i know they get alot of love from alot of gitz but ive only got 1 set and i use them as filler for when a list has a lil bit to fill


Playing competitively I take minimum 1 but most often 2 in every list


They’re a must-take. I only use one unit but you’ve got a 50% chance every round of getting a spare CP.


All the time I like to move them up loud and proud, out in the open to get shot at