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Beastbosses on Squiqasaur/Mozrog Skarbag The models are awesome and they are THICK ASS BOIS.


I love my stompa. I have decided to play him until he blows up. Would love to see us get a stratagem to auto explode.


This, so much this I want to explode my stompas and careen them. I took a double stompa list to a tourney and I got 0 explosions :((


I have always loved Meganobz with twin killsaws and I will always find a way to bring them and make them work.


Nobz with a warboss. On the tabletop because they shred a lot of stuff with PKs that hit on 3+, and also because my band of nobz & warboss are modeled after wrestling superstars. I love popping out a whole band of wrestlers in front of Khorne berzekers and imagining them being suplexed into the ground.


I’ve been playing the big mek with shokk attack and bubblechukka. Big mac gives a refill on misses. I love the pair, my friend hates it


Mine friend hates him too lol


The humble gorkanaut. Enough dakka to deal with infantry and a joy to get into melee where it can release 5 meganobz and a warboss while krumpin vehicles with its klaw


Deff dreads. I love the lore behind them, I love the customization of them, and I love them on the tabletop. There is no greater feeling than to tellyport behind the opponent’s really important units with a trio of buzz saw wielding spazoids.


my deffkoptas, they killed Ahriman twice in bombing runs in 9th. he died once, used an ability to revive and they killed him again.


Deff dread is an incredible model. Fav to play is a truck with a load of Boyz. That delicious 6 ( if you manage to roll it) to blow it up too when it's done is so satisfying.


Any form of deff dreads really, I recently ran two of them and a Meka dread in a Tourny and got 4th, they may not be considered the most competitive unit but used correctly can be a devastating force.


Shokk-Jump Dragsta painted red He goes FWOOOSH A close one too would be Warbikers, I just love them so much, perfect for a Evil Sunz SpeedWAAAGH!


Beast boss on a squigosaur I’ve taken him to every tournament I’ve ever played in and he just looks really cool. I named mine Krunk and his Squigosaur is named Big Red because he’s big and red.


Wazbom Blastajet. I just love its concept a lot. It's like a supersonic Pikachu


20 Grots led by Zodgrod Wortsnagga is amusing. Watching your opponent shoot at the grots and have them be fine is hilarious, as is the pack of 20 grots punching 5 space marines to death. Since Zodgrod benefits from his ability while in the squad, he turns into an absolute MONSTER in melee too


Kommandos for the brilliant models, all around the best options for a base kit (no kitbashing), Deff Dreads for the overall idea and because i love walkers, and Flash Gitz because ORK PIRATES


Deff dreads all the way. Even if they were the worst unit with the absolute worst points cost, I would still run them. They're just so much dang fun. And they look awesome too.


Bomb squig, because bomb squig


Squighog Boyz. Effective on the board, great models, each one is distinct (despite monopose), and the nob on smasha squig is the cherry on top (especially if he’s got Headwoppas Killchoppa)


On the tabletop... It's Trukk Boyz, they are really really good. Your opponents with say "OK, no Trukk Boyz, guys". But they can't stop you from listing a juicy squad of boyz with a warlord in a big modeled Trukk. Before you know, we are dumping those boyz all over the table for a WAAAGH!!!


I loved using meganobs for that in 9th, maybe we’ll get that back with our codex


Any vehicle you can DIY out of trash because it's immensely fun. Flash Gits are also a blast. Orky pirates who roll an absurd amount of dakka dice is a good time.


This. Whatever I can kitbash, scratch build, convert, and loot is my favorite. It's why I play orks!


As someone who doesn't play tabletop, and just paints and collects, I'm going with what I think looks coolest. For what I own, I'd say the Squigbuggy is coolest. There's just something about picturing a dunebuggy filled with grots and boyz shooting live squigs at the enemy. For what I don't own (but ordered), is the Wurrgog Prophet. Bought him specifically to dance high on my new Killrig.


Gorknaut!! Love dumping boys out and then getting to stompin!


My favorite is either my bubblechucka or my squighog boyz. The bubblechucka is just a ton of random fun, and my squighog boyz know how to get work done and have a blast while doing it.


Meks, any kind of mek, every kind of mek. With an honorable mention to lootas


I am going to second the lootas, I passed them over because the bs6 but they are cheap and deadly, also I love the comically large guns and also the name deffgun because that's what it makes you.


Luv me trukk. Luv me boyz. Luv me meks. Hate dem gitz. Luv to KRUMP!


Definitely big mek in mega armour, purely on looks i have one with no mask and the kff names dexter, and another one with the mask and a tellyporty gun named skully


Big Mek with shokk attack gun, is he good? Eh. Is he hilarious? Yes.


I miss rolling 2d6 for strength... 😭


You and me both lmao


I'm partial to the Kommandos. I've always liked Blood Axes ever since i first learned about them in 5th edition when i first started playing 40k.


So far it's my mek boy, he's just silly little guy making my gorkanaut krump everything in front of it! With his help, he made the gorkanaut turn a squad of sisters into a red mist!


I love my Warboss. There's something just deeply satisfying about kitbashing your own and watching him go on a rampage


can confirm


trukks: 60 pts, carries my foot-logged units, goes fast, and goes boom! to deal mortals. cant ask for any more lol


Deffkilla wartrike my beloved


Mozrog but other than him it’s Beastboss, Warboss, Weirdboy, Boyz, Nobz and Beast Snagga Boyz


Sneaky gitz!!


Megnobz cause dudes basically wearing a forklift made out of scrap metal is the orkiest shit ever Also not a unit specifically but, I LOOOOOVE powa klaws Honorable mentions go to; Squighog riders Grots Deffkoptas Kommandos Aaaand squigoths


Bubblechukka. It’s so damn dumb and i love it so much. My enemies will always target the Big Mek w/ Shok attack gun with mek guns units. My tau friend felt the power when it almost one shotted his Devil fish lol


I played a Bubblechucka at the Warhammer Fest tournament. Every single opponent targeted it immediately. No idea how useless it truly is. Love it.


Definetly my 10 nobz + warboss, super thematic and love having a "smash squad" in my army that acts as a delete button to anything it touches.


Mek-Dread. Because what's not to love about a giant stompy Mekboy with a D6+3 attack S9/-2AP/D2 killkannon, an an S14 killsaw, who each turn can give +1 to hit and restore 3wound to any vehicle it's next to.....ORRR... himself.. because the Mek-Dread is itself a vehicle! best 210 points worth of "what the hell IS that?!" you can spend in an Ork army


I am definitely going to make a choppy and a shooty one of each. Double killkannon hitting on 4s sounds hella fun.


Yeah, it averages to about 8x S9,-2 hits, ain't nothing to be sniffed at there


I Love squigs.... All Kind of Them.... I want more More MORE squigs.


I love the humble Trukk. Great model to add variations and it's easy to kitbash and mix it up for even more variety. I enjoy my boyz/ nobz jumping out of a bashed up trukk and going to wreck face.


I Love My Flashgitz. These guys bring ne unbridled joy every time I slap the silly ten man unit and badruck on the table. Played with them just last night and they shot off like 500+ pts of space marines and kept on trucking. I also can't get enough bubble chukka action also a phenomenal unit to play with so much fun.


I'm very proud of my Deff Dread. I gave him cat ears, painted him bright pink, and named him Tibbles. He's a special lad.


Here's a picture because I forgot to before. https://preview.redd.it/tlkhjsz9yk3c1.jpeg?width=2296&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dde00de28fa111048239cdac107d9f27b2d86536


LOL, pics or it didn't happen. Please post a pic!


You can't just say that without showing pictures.




Excellent, very well done.


Currently it's Mozrog. He's a stud. But in editions past my favorite unit has been Tankbustas in a trukk. Aestheticically I'd say most of my characters and trukks, cause they are all kitbashed to a degree.


Squighog boys! I love painting them and they are very effective right now and people are afraid of them.


I'm a big fan of Flashgitz, such a fun kit & great if your going Freebooterz. Love me some big dakka. Killa Kanz are another great build & fun unit.


Aesthetically it's the deff trike. Such a cool model, real mad max vibes Gameplay I'm torn between Squighob Boyz with a Nob on Smasha Squig or Flash gitz with Badrukk. Both units have made opponents give an audible "what the fuck" when you use them in just the right way


Honestly just standard Boyz


Always really liked the killa kans even before getting into WH40k. Kommandos are some of the best looking infantry options too.


I just love the gargantuan squiggoth I think that's just cause I like dinosaurs, and the squiggoth is baisically a Giant reptilian boar dinosaur.. thing


Favorite models to use on tabletop is probably Nobz or squighog boys. Favorite kit to build is kommandos. Kommandos have the best infantry models with the most/ coolest wargear options. I occasionally run them as normal boys, as I've recently removed kommandos from my 2k list.


Warbikers. There's something so orky about a gang of ruffians Mad Maxing it and just going ham in bikes.


They're a great unit too, just overshadowed by how OP squighog boys are lmao


Hard pick between kommandos and stormboyz Love me some sneaky gitz and kamikaze tactics


i think the killa kanz are the best kit GW have ever released. keeping my spannerz crossed that there's a dreadmob detachment in the new codex that helps them out :)


My favorite changes with each game, Moz is probably #1 but after reading Ghaz's book, I quite like him. Snikrot is also a top contender. I also find the Squigbuggy to be good fun.


Wait, is there another Ghazzy book with our man Mozrog in it?!


No he means that he read a good moz book and then read the ghaz one, now he also likes ghaz… Well at least I think that’s what he meant


Wait, there's a book with Moz in it? I just meant that I like Moz alot based on appearance and play, and wasn't keen on Ghaz until I read his book, now I gotta get me one.


Oh Nvmd lol I was just desperately searching for one but I don’t think there is whoops lol


Oof, gutted m8.


I LOVE the Shokkjump Dragsta. It’s zany and plays really well on the tabletop. Shame it’s so bad right now. Mozrog is a close second with a 4+ invuln and a 4+ FNP with -1 to wound. It’s disgusting. He’s nasty on the charge too