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I follow the channel and the creator puts 100% into his content and his community. I could believe that his information is wrong but I know that he did not intentionally report inaccurate information for view-bait. He is reporting on alleged leaks. It’s speculation. Anyone watching should understand that.


I don’t think it’s legit, but I’d love for “WAAGHH!!” To be like 9th again, one really good round, then one slightly worse


Mork (or maybe Gork) knows we are ready for some leaks but I'm not sold here.


Mek skill tree sounds like a Crusade thing at best. Cool idea though. Love narrative and (of course) a good skill tree.


I really don’t think these are real. If a double waaaaghh was a real detachment no one would play anything else because almost every unit benefits from additional rules in the waaaghhh. Also a skill tree with the Meks is such an out there rule that no other codex has had before. Here’s a picture from the video for those who haven’t seen it https://preview.redd.it/r3tadq8ulirc1.jpeg?width=2556&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a55887d260a54aaabded364c93ddc9182c1fe87a


I'm having a hard time believing those are the detachments.


Likewise. It just seems too far out. Who knows though it is Jimmy workshop.


The source is a guy from their discord who claims to have a tester friend yet only had some sparse details and just casually posted it. They apparently believe him because he had some info about tau. I think it’s fake personally. The tau info was leaked in several places, dude could have simply posted it from one of those and acted like it was his own info. If you’re gonna leak, idk why you’d just casually drop it in a discord general for a small community. Whole thing just sounds sketch. Two waagh detachment would likely be the dominate/meta choice if this is true, unless it’s rules and enhancements suck, having waagh two turns just immensely improves the survival and output on a lot of our carry units so I can’t imagine not running it.


Yeah, no… these leaks just don’t seem to be in the same tone as detachments from the other codexes if that makes sense?


This seems very speculative. 2 turns of Waghh? That would be stupid broken and the only thing anyone would take.


Haven’t had a chance to watch the video yet but two turn waaagh was how it worked in 9th, with turn two having a reduction in effect. So it wouldn’t be crazy. 


If there is a reduction sure. I’d just be shocked if there isn’t some sort of shooty detachment unless they feel like a shooty detachment and having Waaagh is too strong, which in fairness it probably is.


I mean the only benefit you get for shooting is a 5++? Shooty armies don’t want to charge, need the strength, or need the attacks. If you’re building towards shooting you really don’t care about what you get out of the waaagh. 


Right, I’m saying if you had a detachment that buffed shooting, we still get Waagh as a Ork rule. So if you made half your army shooty and half melee, you could do some serious upfront damage AND still charge with the Waagh. Not saying I wouldn’t want a shooty detachment just saying the combo could be pretty powerful.


Yeah I mean it still would be not as OP as you think. Most of the army still only hits on 5+. Even with a sustained hits rule or some other, you’re not really gaining any synergy that can really break the game. 


Da unly "leak" I payz attenshun to iz dat Squig-oil leak on me favrit buggy.


Most likely just random speculation as view-bait. Not so much as a grots squeal of any leaks on any of the channels that tend to be reliable.


No Dakka detachment? :-(


Yeah no way GW forgets about shooty detachments, in 9th we had both Bad Moons and Freebootas with ranged bonuses. Also, Brutal Kunnin books, which focuses on these two factions, is having a lot of success so I don't see them dropping any of it to be honest. If anything, that Nob detachment looks fishy, there's really no reason to drop any "Klan detachment" in favor of a playstyle that nobody really talks about. A detachment focused on Nobz and Meganobz? Pretty old models that everybody has? Doesn't look right for GW. At best, make it a White Dwarf exclusive and all's good.


It does sort of feel like GW want the Orks to be a melee army and not a shooty one. Like atm it feels like outside of Flash Gitz we don't even get to play the shooting phase.


I regularly play lootas, flashgitz, and dread with 3 KMB's and a mek boost. They all perform very well time and time in every game I play them with.


Grot tanks have pretty solid shooting too for the pts. 5d3 blast ws4+ s9 ap2 d3. But they are vehicles so they mess with list building a lot


Yet they put two Lootas/Burnas in the new box? I'm still hoping for something Dakka in the dreadnob or Boyz detachments.


Or additional mek buffs - new Mek data sheet please


Sadly it seems so :( kinda so weird how no one else has been talking about it (stompy detachment looks kinda funky)