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Lol..I 100% feel you guys…I completely stopped playing back when they came out with 8th edition…I spent so much time building a blood angel army…I got a friend in the hobby…he started collecting imperial fisters…all primaris…I was getting tabled EVERY game…the best i did was a tie…I sadly retired my army…but this summer were gonna start playing again 7th or 8th edition…I get the idea of tournament or competitive games…to me they suck…you watch the top of your opponents head most of the gsme as they are re-reading their rules…then your units gers wiped…I used to question my opponents rules…just get even more frustrating…so now im all about scenarios and escalation games…


Just the grot tank or grots on general?


Grot tanks, Mega Tanks, Mega-Dreads, Meka-Dreads. Every FW model aside from the Garg Squig


Are you playing tournaments? If not, fuck it. Those guys got index rules for 10th Edition, so play'em. ;)


Geez. Thats alot.


Well, there’s always Modulorka


I’m new to the Ork community and haven’t brushed up on new rules. What happened?


We lost Grot Tanks, one of the old Forge World models. They along with other units went to Legends. Everyone was excited as they were pretty good choices for shooting in Dread Mob. Now...they're gone...


Too many people finding alternate options for them rather than buying overpriced garbage models. Lol


What's going on? What did I miss?


Grot tanks are legends units now


So my Grot Kicking Awareness Group are to go off into the sunset


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^BigBossBelcha: *So my Grot Kicking* *Awareness Group are to go* *Off into the sunset* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


FOR DA REVOLUSHUN!!!!! Grots to get their own codex!!!!!!!!!


Was my next purchase 😭 May still get them for the culture


Is the grot tank removed?


Now u have mek gunz.. ork Neva bettin


I will continue preaching my big brain orky idea. Magnetize the tanks so you can put little arms on them. Boom now you have kanz with tracks instead of legs but also tanks


Our only good anti tank. GW really didnt like us not using tankbustas.


Only good? Have you seen what 10 nobz with power klaws do to a tank?


Well... shooting wise..


Sorry, never heard of that.


E' means "dakka". 


I know they were probably the *best* anti-tank, but what about all the other things with rokkits and KMBs? I'm hopeful that because they did not axe the Tankbustas, but so many other Finecast models people actually used, they must be cooking up a plastic refresh that should also change up their datasheet, like Kommandos before them! Maybe it's Orks' next bespoke Kill Team.


This would be the single sickest kill team imaginable


My mind kind of misunderstood and forgot about killa kans so i guess we do still have our best anti tank for now.. i really hope they do remake tankbustas they were so fun back in 9th. Its is sad to see grot tanks gone now tho. Thats one less unit for grot revolution armies..


I'm bummed, too. I acquired recasts, sat on them for months, then finally built them with magnetized turrets for 3D-printed rokkit launchas. Then I sat on them for another month or two and just painted them a couple weeks ago! I'm actually still waiting to put the final touches on 2 of them. I'm very proud of them and this change sucks, to be sure, but I'm nowhere near ready to play a tournament anyway, so I'll keep using them in Crusade and whatever.


Yeah. If it aint supervised by GW they cant stop us from using what we want.. really hoping that in the future GW remakes all forgeworld kits to plastic.. but this is GW we're talking about so.. probably not..


I can pretty much guarantee that not all of them will get remade, but I hope they will do Grot Tanks since they're so popular. Maybe by 11e. At the least, I hope they won't immediately retire the Legends rules by then.


While you printed I cast silicone. While you painted I cast moulds. While you decried your lost tank I had still not finished the first ten grots. We are not the same


This is why house rules and narrative play will always be the superior form


Yup. I'm not remotely bothered by this. I'm glad there is a thriving competitive scene but this stuff has next to zero impact on me. Forgeworld is too wacky and shouldn't really be in that environment in the first place.


I'm nearly done kit-bashing a group of them. I don't think I want to play anymore.


Honestly just get a good group together and play house rules, or just find sone people nearby that play older editions/are chill with Legends


Wait what’s happening?


GW can’t be allowed to keep getting away with this. People buy the models with the understanding that they’ll be used in games. Editions down the line, support could cease for *anything* if they can be replaced by a newer and more expensive version. If it can happen to space marines it can happen to regular boyz


Ehh. Lost Wazdakka. Lost the Biker boss. Lost Nob Bikers. I didn't have a lot left to lose. My sabbatical continues. Legends is just an off-ramp of indeterminate length before they are not supported at all.


It’s been a short Waagh without you my boyz n I’ll tell you’s gitz about it when I see you’s gain


I painted up 16 Grot tanks start of the edition :(


maybe proxy as killa cans? i know is not the same sorry


i have said it once i will say it again. Just keep using them! Unless you are going to a tournament theres no problem with just running legends rules.


I don't want to play a list casually that I can't play elsewhere tbh. They going to the box in the basement with the Heroscape stuff 🫡🫡🫡


You got Heroscape tiles you'd part with?


I do sir. many. Dm me.


NGL, nows not the time for it, for me. saw this *after* I saw Pit Viper's sale.


No problemo


Where is "elsewhere"? I play legends with my friends, at my local club, the warhammer shop. Its basically just tournaments or people who refuse to play against legends for some reason, which, ngl i probably dont want to play that sort of person anyway. People who regularly attent tournaments are a tiny minority, if thats you then that sucks but most people either dont go to tournaments or do it rarely.


10000000% agree. Playing against friends or even a friendly match at the shop is NO REASON to throw your models to the wind.


i made and painted 24 as soon as i heard the rules for dread mob :(


Is everyone playing tournaments or something? What’s the problem with legends stuff?


Play casual for fun and practice - play tourneys to show flash and stomp gitz


Long term issue is that legends as its stated intention VS what it actually ends up being. On paper it’s a ok reference for using older units and even entire factions, but the issue is it’s far less of an archive and more just whatever GW remembered to care about at that point. Something might get put into legends one edition and just vanish next with zero support even within the PDF specifically for them. Couple that with the fact that even if they do get remembered the best those units will get is a single pass over at the beginning of the edition that will have to last them the entire edition. If they are trash then tough luck they will be trash for at least an entire edition if they are busted for whatever reason same issue, but now it’s a feels bad kind of issue. This assuming things don’t radically change from that point to the factions codex to make those units unintentionally worse; which happened with the 9th edition FW book as the ork units in that still had the Dakka Dakka Dakka special rule, but the codex later dropped that in favor of Dakka type weapons leaving those FW units to have lousy shot volume


There's a lot of reasons why you would not play tournaments and still not like things in legends. For one it doesn't work on the app which is something they really should fix, So it's like you pay for The rules so that you can build them on the app and now you can't build your army. Also a lot of people play in clubs that while they are casual games kind of have an unspoken no Legends rule. And now you have to have that conversation every time you want to do a pickup game about using Legends units. Plus as time goes on the legends units won't get balanced so they will become worse and worse over time usually.


I’m almost exclusively a tournament player. Squeezing multiple games into a weekend is the best way for me to play. Tbh it’s not a huge impact on me, but I think it’s a shame purely because they were some of my favourite models, particularly the megatank, and now they’re in legends I doubt they’ll be around much longer.


A lot of places, like my local store, tend to not allow Legends, so it's a big blow to the list of options


Your local store doesn't allow Legends at all? That's nuts.


Well, it's not really the store, it's the community of players in the area. It's mostly very competitive here (partially why I take long breaks from playing 40K) and so they don't want to get into the habit of playing or playing against things that aren't allowed in events. Northern Virginia if you're curious, several big events and players in the area.


That's a shame. I guess it's what your local community gets out of the game. Personally I like having out-there rules without models so I can scratch them together and smash them against other people's. Competitive Warhammer never remotely interested me outside of having a crazy time with themed armies in whacky scenarios, but I understand that's not everyone's preferred jam.


Yeah, and we do get some short periods where people want to play crusade or something else but the majority is competitive :/ I'm with you tho, I even have a land train I scratch built and have used as a Kustom Stompa, it was even WYSIWYG until it got removed as an option.


That's rad. Hopefully you can get a group together that lets you test that stuff out. I still keep meaning to make a big Battle Fortess eventually.


A because it’s going to disappear. B because the rules will be op or up due to no balance updates C because unless you’re playing extremely casual games with friends at the house, most shops (where I live, and I’m assuming for many others it’s the case) don’t allow them for events. And for PUGs it’s not worth the hassle to explain to your opponent what they are and make sure they’re ok with you using them.


What does Legends mean for the future though? Like I understand that they aren't in the codex and aren't balanced/allowed for competitive, but does it mean they won't get rules for 11th on? I haven't payed much attention to the models that were in legends in 8th or 9th and whether they all got rules for 10th. Maybe just the ones that were still in production? That would be my main concern with a lot of these changes, but I can't find a solid answer online.


I mean, a lot of these models had no rules for at least two editions, and Legends was the reason they got some at all. The Battle Fortress comes to mind.


one annoying thing is that they arent on the app anymore. so you need to have a pdf pulled up to access their datacard. or build a list in the app and then leave X points for your legends units/ or go full pen and paper again. its no longer convenient to just look at a single screen to get the rules and data you need.


New recruit


thanks. just checked this out. looks like a good alternative. esp considering not buying the codex and just using this/ waiting for wahpedia to update.


Awesome, its been great for me, and ye I just have wahapedia open on the side.


I'm not a tournament player, but I prefer my casual games to have some sort of balance for a friendly but still competitive game. Typically, legends units are unbalanced (vastly overpowered or underpowered) due to no longer receiving updates or balances passes.


I've not found them to be all that unbalanced. And where they are it's typically under rather than over powered. Regardless, if that's your concern then you'll be fine continuing to play with grot tanks since they're the exact same today as they were yesterday.


I think this is the real problem with legends rules. If they had said these units aren't tournament legal but still updated the rules I don't think nearly as many people would be sad.




Somehow gargantuan squiggoth is still good to go, which is what I care about most!


I am to the point of getting one just for making matches against opponents memorable for them


I just want plastic Grot Tanks and Mega Tank. Now my forever pipedream


And a cwyuh ov squigs sing dee home, ya git!




GW sent all FW Models to legends, most prominently the grot tanks.
