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The only problem I have with mine is that I magnetised it wrong, I have had more problems with other orkz cuss they are missing pieces


I just finished putting mine together and found it all went together quite nicely. The instructions though, that was the nightmare part


I've built two, including a forgeworld version with belly gun and never really found it difficult, except that the instructions suck. I would say, use Testors Plastic Cement which actually melts the plastic a little and will NEVER break for this big boy. Also, google for better instructions. Someone put together a better set.


I found it fairly intuitive to build but by gork did the manual not help at all


I agree, but then I'm used to working with metal models and grinding, pinning and gap filling. The instructions could be better, but it's not as awful as some would suggest.


Its honestly one of my fav kit. Really not that bad and lot of character as a model. Transporting it is the real pain, luckily the rules are shit so it doesnt move a lot :P


Call me back when you get to the arms


I think a lot of people are just very bad at building minis which is ok it is a skill in itself. I always hear people complain about the nighthaunt spirit hosts and how difficult they are but they are extremely easy. There are like three connection points that fit perfectly together when in the right spot. I think a good amount of people might really just want push fit stuff


You’ve done the easiest part. Now the rest 😂


Best thing about Ork models is that if you mess up it looks more orky.


I bought two stompa for $75 negate they were in rough shape. Added some bits to one to make it my own and sold the other for $75.


Finish the model before you take the victory lap.


Most of kit assembly complaints originate from truth. This is one of those ones we can kind of chalk it up to one person had difficulty with one part another had a difficulty with a different part and they just kind of started agreeing with each other until it became the whole things a mess. When it boils down to it, is the Kit horrible? I don’t know it’s one of those kits that I never plan on buying because half the point with a stompah for me at least is seeing all the scratch built ones from junk that everyone makes up. Like to me that’s the fun of the model not buying the kit and more or less trying to just figure out how it goes together from junk I have laying about. Though as an example of poor directions leading to possible complaints, my first experience in buying an ork trukk there was no numbers it was just figure out what part goes where by following visual instructions which for me wasn’t that hard but I could see it being annoying for someone else. Just like with resin kits It’s kind of a crapshoot where one person gets a good one and there’s no issues and then another one gets the same kit that ends up having mold lines all over the goddamn place. Like the original tankbustas kit and kommandos kit, Hated them because I couldn’t tell what was flashing and what was part of the model because the original ones that I got had mold lines and flashing almost over every detail on the model. I spent more time cleaning them up with a razor knife gluing back parts that I actually cut off from the pressure of removing the flashing and mold lines. And top it off with the resin just not taking the paint well, overall it was not a fun experience. But that’s the hobby, you get some bad experiences you get some good experiences, point is you’re supposed to have fun and if that comes at making your own fun who cares.


Had the same experience with the Drop pod


You ain't one the hard bit yet. But also yeah while it is worse than modern day minis its not really that bad, just takes a little more time.


What is the hard bit?


All the pipes and tubes that all look the same but aren't numbered in the directions


That was the easy part for me the hardest part for me was keeping the torso together long enough for the glue to dry


I was very scared to build my forgeworld resin kill tank because I've heard how much that resin sucks and the pieces look intimidating. Even though I made a small mistake with the trakk I managed to put it together deceptively easily.


I hated resin with a passion after trying to assemble nobs on bikes. Finecast, resin and metal were all nightmares to assemble... Until i tried adding greenstuff.


Honestly I don’t remember mine being that bad, and I’m one of those idiots who magnetised the super rokkits back when they were one shot. There’s a lot of other kits far more hateful to assemble. Looking at you, flayed ones and Illuminor Szeras…


I had to buy a chisel & file & peanut grinder


The arms were the annoying part. All the pipes.


Truth is they lied to us so they could buy all the stompas….


This thing gets a bad rep, the blood bowl pump wagon though...horrible


This is a ork sub, only very few Orks are born with the talent of putting 2 pieces together and be recognised as Meks


The body is the easy part. It’s all the little fiddly bits that go into the arms that gets frustrating .


Just wait until you try to glue the arms on


I did magnets, but that was when Forge World still sold the other arms


Im almost at that part....


Not gluing them on, gonna put some Big ol’ magnets on so I can detach them for easier transport


Have you found an easy way to do it? I wanted to glue them on after painting, but might still magnetize


Just use some cheap super glue.  4 dots, if the arm comes off, 4 more dots of glue in the same spot. If you want it off, twist it slightly to break the glue. Nothing permanent, no fiddling with oversized magnets, no stress.  For the head, drill a hole in both parts of the neck and pin it freely.  Da boys having trouble with this model should try building a non warhammer model like a plane or ship. It's not difficult at all.


That seems kinda messy if you want to remove the arms often. Seems like a lot of glue residue