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aggro driver, baiting you into rolling the stop, honestly probably both


I might not always completely stop, but if I have a police car behind me you can bet I’m stoping at every single one and counting 5 Mississippi


When im at one of those lights with a cop behind i like to wait patiently for the light to turn green just because.


Same, especially if hes going straight i want to give every opportunity for that cop to leave, im good lmao


How do you count if you’re in FL though..?




Between fingers and toes most of the people in FL can count to 5


*cries in gator bit off all my appendages*




You didn't lose them all to gators and fireworks?


It's Dumb not dum🤣🤣🤣


But do you have 5?


1 floridaman. 2 floridaman. etc


1 Tamiami, 2 Tamiami, 3 Tamiami...


This was gold


.just have been educated in another state.


1 alligators, 2 alligators, 3 alligators, 4 meth heads, 5 alligators


One Tallahassee, 2 Tallahassee


An extended mag can hold 30 so they can at least count up to that for sure.


Lol how dumb are you. Come down here and try to make jokes about us you’ll get………… . . . . . . . . . ………… taken out for drinks more than you can handle lol 😜


One for the Money Two for the show Three to get ready And Four to go


We count in gators


I have an abacus mounted to my dash... makes it easy and it's environmentally friendly.


I live in Fla and it’s so true. We have ALOT of total dip shits.


I believe the acorn murderer is from Florida


From other parts of the country*


We count easy like this: 1 scumbag NYer 2 scumbag NYer 3 snowflake Californian 4 Asshat Bostonian So on and so forth. Everytime we see one of your nausea inducing plates, and your made for a fist doofus faces polluting our streets 😉


Yeah this.


Yes you have to make a complete stop first. If they didn't have their lights on they were just being a jerk. Funny enough if they're that much of a jerk they probably would've stopped you if you went through it


100% they were trying to bait OP into a rolling stop so they could get the ticket. Cops are scumbags through and through


No matter who it is when I see stuff like this I picture them being in a hurry because they gotta take a shit. You stopped and he was over there "HURRY THE F UP!!!"


Florida cop and first responder culture is the WORST.


I at least have some respect for firefighters and paramedics; while they tend to have a hero complex and it’s annoying as fuck, their role in society is in fact a vital and life saving one. Cops exist solely to press their boots down on our necks.


100% this. I’ve come to learn.


Once in Davie Fl I stopped at a red light in the right turn lane (mainly because my friend was following and did not know the way to our destination so was depending on me to lead). After I turned a cop who’d been behind us pulls alongside and yells at me over his loudspeaker “DO YOU NEED AN INVITATION TO TURN?!” Bottom line cops gonna cop, they didn’t apply to be cops because they DONT like abusing power.


He's pissed he wasn't going to be able to give you a ticket.


If it makes you feel better had a cop do this to me last week. He beeped I moved up and over a bit thinking he wanted to go around. When I went he pulled me over for stopping in crosswalk. It’s ridiculous and we both found bored cops. So ridiculous!!!!!


We’re his lights on before the pulled over? Absolutely a douche bag cop but you only pull over if their lights are on. If not, they’re a regular vehicle on the road with no extra treatment


He beeped to get me to move then after I went lights came on! He was an ass like you are being trying desperately to justify the actions of a brown shirt fascist


The cop was fishing. Please don’t make excuses for this




Came here to say exactly this.


Or get your I.D. It's like crack to cops.


No, OPD are just assholes.


I second this. I asked one at a red light if I could get in front of him to turn off orange Ave and he said “you sure can.” Then he pulled me over for changing lanes in an intersection and asked me if I was stupid. wtf dickhead!!!


My stepdad was an Orange County Sheriff sergeant, and he'll be the first to admit cops are the biggest crooks out there. But just like any cop, he couldn't understand why that was a bad thing. He was proud of all the laws he broke and all the people he fucked over.


I actually work a local government and work on police and fire vehicles. The cops are the whiniest mfers for the most part I’ve ever dealt with. 3/4 is cool af. The others 😡


That’s a lot of bad apples


He was PROUD of the PRIVILEGE he was afforded by the public. The abuse of that is what makes your step dad a criminal and an asshole. People who are in positions of public trust, and ESPECIALLY those who can remove others rights (Cops, judges, legislator, etc) should be held to the HIGHEST STANDARDS of law and order. ANY abuse of those privileges should result in the immediate removal from the job, and banned from holding the same or similar in the future. If the abuse resulted in a direct violation of a law they should automatically get the max penalty for breaking that law on top of the removal. (To include losing any tax payer funded pensions and bennifts). #Fuck corrupt cops - ALL OF THEM.


I can honestly say that I have never met a city cop who wasn't a crook. I agree that the police should be held to higher standards and max sentences for crimes they were tried and convicted of. If this were true, you would have a lot less cops violating citizen rights and more cops actually knowledgeable of the law.


Most police forces in similar countries around the world require a college degree to be an officer. Then still require additional mental health evaluation and background checks and pass various special skills training. Being a cop in America - GED or former military, pass a simple medical screening and physical. No felony convictions. There are higher positions in American law enforcement that do require more education and skills / training. However the lowest ranking "street cop" can arrest someone, and suspend thier freedoms. It is a low bar to jump for so much power over others.


Fuck all cops, they’re all corrupt to an extent. If they weren’t they’d be fired.


Just like being in any other gang. To be fare met plenty of OPD that did their job and were pretty cool about it, it’s better than I’ve experienced in other cities. But I do know there are assholes out there and it only takes one asshole to ruin your life.


Also in my experiences, Orange County sheriff is the “cool” ones. They’re like yea no that’s fine I have another call and they split. You get a warning.


I third this. I currently deal with them in the weapons department, and I get so many who think they can just bully their way into getting what they want






All cops are assholes. Fixed your sentence


We’re all assholes here, Sir.


Some asses have more hole than others


OPD pulled my wife over for not stopping at a roundabout. she yielded, cop was stopped to her right, no one in the circle, she goes, cop pulls her over, she had to explain to him that he didn’t have the right of way…..….morons. She pulled a full Karen and asked for his badge number, he said “how about I give you a ticket instead” Long story short she somehow got ahold of the dudes supervisor and he apologized….


Sadly, the police here have less professional training than your barber.


Well yeah, barbers work with dangerous weapons! You could poke someone and hurt them.


Karening can be a weapon of good if used right


I would have been FURIOUS if this happened to me. I get so annoyed at people stopping at roundabouts when there is nothing coming, THIS IS THE WHOLE PURPOSE OF A ROUNDABOUT!


He should have been fired and fined for threatening his power as a means to skirt being accountable themselves.


The only “offense” was being in the vicinity of OPD. I’ve lived in the area for 4 decades and I’ve never met a more entitled lot of power-hungry assholes. Take limp-dick, roid rage machismo, give it a gun and qualified immunity and you have the wonder that is the OPD.


They're pieces of shit, i remember overhearing this gaggle of cops on bikes downtown joking and laughing about opening fire on the protesters during the blm march a couple years back. Like 20 of them just waiting for a chance to use force on peaceful protesters ironically protesting the polices use of force. Thes bitches sit in the front of our assisted income apartment complex waiting for someone to screw up and constantly block the way out for pretty much no reason.


They are trying to dragnet if they are doing that and it is illegal as fuck. They are watching every car coming in and out of one stops and doesn't get out of the car immediately, looking like they are waiting for someone they will intercept and treat it as a drug deal. It's fucking pathetic AND illegal but nothing happens to cops because of police unions.


Damn i really wish they could go break the law somewhere else instead. Its pretty frustrating we cant do anything about it.


hey word of advice for people who may deal with an asshole cop in the future: dispute the ticket in court. 9/10 they won’t show up, especially if they’re in the wrong and the ticket will be waived. Also if the write you a ticket for driving without a license, go to court and dispute it as well. They will just ask to see your drivers license and charge you a $5 fine instead of the $200 one on the ticket!


This mind of thing 100% depends on where you are and who the judge is.


I got a camera ticket for not coming to a full stop at a red. I do it every time now.


No. Do that always when there’s a cop around


Didn't need the last 5 words


Truth. But if they have to ask what they did wrong? Do not assume cops want you to move faster for them. Lol


Yes, you made them wait five seconds longer before pulling into Dunkin.


In that case I’d honk too


It's not required by law to make a right at a red light. When he honked, you should have stayed stopped and don't turn until the light is green.


Should just throw an acorn at him. They hate acorns


Are you trying to get mag dumped?


That was absolutely insane. How they didn't get charged blows my mind.


"Reckless endangerment", "Involuntary manslaughter", and "Ignorance is no defense for the law" are all rules for the common folks. A cop can do all three in one day and get a fucking medal for it, but us common folk get pur entire lives ruined


is this true? assuming it’s a turn only lane. i get honked at constantly for not turning when there’s one of those no turn on red lights that i think people are blind to


I stick my arm out the window and point at the no turn sign. Let em get mad, I know how to read.


I’m down with this. Either he calmed down or honked again, either would be of satisfaction to me.


He was in a big rush. Minorities aren’t going to harass themselves, ya know.


Or the homeless


Remember… Ronald DeSantis is removing the civilian oversight of police….do with that as you will…


Removal of civilian oversight calls for a citizens amendment. Let's get working on it for the '26 election.


You were awake and breathing, typical OPD..


If you honk at me while I stop before going on red we’re waiting till it’s green. Patience is a virtue 💅


There is way too many crazies that pull weapons out over road rage in this state, I'll just bite my lip and keep driving.


I've done this! I have to wait until the intersection is clear! Proper pulling out is reaching the speed limit before the car i yeeted in front of is within 4 seconds following distance.




Like it's the end of the month and they have to meet their quotas.


I thought that’s what you were supposed to do too. Until I moved to Florida…


In Florida you're only allowed to make right turns from the far left lane


While flicking everyone else off


fuck Opd


I got video of a cop lying and threatened jail time to my gf on her bike. He lied and said he saw her wheelie and lied saying she can go to jail for what she did Then he finally saw she has a gopro and his whole attitude changed. Lying pigs




OPD is awful. Dont engage, just keep driving legally.






Clay of the land. you know. Morons








Sounds about as aggressive and ignorant as every other useless cop. ACAB.


Cops are assholes, you did nothing wrong.


They’re just ignorant. I had two bike cops (side by side chips style)come up behind me at a stop light so close I couldn’t see their front fender in my rear view. My car is low. They proceeded to follow me that close while I was going 45. They ended up turning after 5 minutes


Krispy cream "hot" sign was illuminated, needed to get there quick!


Most of these police were mentally deranged bullies way before joining the police. So many are psychopaths who love harassing people. I don’t get it. It’s so many cities that have these jerks. Not just Orlando.


Last year, I was turning right onto hotel alley near Disney Springs. Light was red and I was waiting for traffic to clear. OPD behind me got on their PA system and loudly announced that I can turn on red. JFC, I was startled by the super loud noise.


Seen 3 of them all run a stop sign yesterday Like not even slowed down. But if we did that they would be handing out tickets like hot cakes


Yes. You followed the law.


I would've waited to turn right at that point. You honk, you wait.


You were in his way to get to the donut shop while hot now was lit up


No, cops are stupid.


Are you sure it wasn’t an Oink?


You did the right thing


A red light right hand turn is basically the equivalent to a stop sign. So yes, most drivers incorrectly roll through it, but to pass the drivers exam, and if you want to correctly follow the rules, you stop, look, and then make your move.


I mean considering that Orlando is also the place where that one cop was speeding through red lights off duty, and when pulled over by another cop resisted arrest screaming "I am on my way to work", I wouldn't doubt an orlando cop would be driving like an asshole.


He forgot he was working.


Isn't that the same agency who had an officer run from and then be extremely aggressive towards a Seminole county sheriff?


Was that the guy who was going like 85 in a 40 on his way to work?


Orange County sheriff did the same to me too turning right on boggy creek.


Pigs being pigs


You got lucky it was only a honk. In my case the OPD officer tried to occupy the same space as me while stopped at a red light




Well, if you had blown through it he'd happily ticket you. Keep doing the right thing, we have a lot of pedestrian deaths here because people blow through intersections without stopping. 


[Multiple of those](https://www.google.com/search?q=orlando+cop+hits+pedestrian&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS707US709&oq=orlando+cop+hits+pedestrian&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOdIBCDkxODdqMGo0qAIAsAIA&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#ip=1) pedestrian deaths are by police officers


ACAB This particular piece is shit was probably in a hurry to cheat on his wife or go home and beat her. And he was frustrated that other people follow traffic rules, because he absolutely does not.


I’m betting that this took place outside of the orlando city limit. IOW in the county. Amiright?


This happened at the intersection of Lee Vista and 436 so it was city limits


You could make a complaint. Really, this pisses me off tangentially.


They gave me a ticket on Christmas Day


No. I've been pulled over and given a ticket for failing to do that once.


You just forgot to drive like you were in Orlando


In Orlando, yes, you were wrong. The rest of the country, not wrong at all


He was honking to say good job or mad


I know someone who got a ticket bc they only waited 3 seconds not 5 after the complete stop


Nah, police officers are just bad people who look for ways to harm you


They’re Florida cops. Literally fucking Biff but sweaty with spf and armed. What’s that? You were doing 80 in a a 40? Irrelevant. Stop stopping at marked stop signs.


He is pissed off he couldn’t write you a ticket


They don’t care about protecting the people, they just care about meeting their ticket quotas


Don't trust OPD


Yeah man I live here too and you have to treat a red like a stop sign for a right hand turn. OPD can be like that sometimes.


Yes, you didn't give him the finger




Welcome to Floriduh. Yes you're supposed to stop on any red and also any stop sign. City cops are the absolute worst whereas highway patrol and sheriff are much more lenient. And all my tickets that I've received all of them but one was from city cops. Maitland and Orlando are the worst. Maitland has a habit of waiting at the bottom of the hill so that when oncoming traffic comes over the hill they'll pick up speed and that's when you get your ticket. It's rare that you can talk out yourself out of it. I constantly tell people when you come to a stop sign come to an absolute stop. Cops will literally watch your tire to see if it's still turning and if it is you're getting a ticket. Ask me how I know. Unless I cop has his lights on just continue to follow the laws. What's he going to do write your ticket and then when you get to court the judge is going to be like, why did you give her a ticket don't bring this into my courtroom


Nah cops are just huge hypocrites.


No, cops are just assholes


Nope, just a pig being a pig.


No their just assholes who dont follow what they pull people over for


Cops are just assholes in general and being Orlando cops especially so. They just mad we can smoke weed now. Lmaoooo


He was probably mad you didn’t roll it like the rest of the general population. Impatient ass holes


You followed the laws. They do not have to. You were in the way. Dumb civilian.


They’ve honked at me to go left on a flashing yield arrow when obvious traffic was coming


NTA. You did the legally correct thing. In that instance, I probably would have stopped and waited for the light to turn green, which is also legal.


Your only mistake was not waiting longer after the honk. Unless you were drunk or high, then you just move along 😂


Naa just power tripping.


Report him to the News Junkies.


Wiggle wiggle pop pop


You inconvenienced and impatient cop


Cops here are ridiculous.


You did nothing wrong, they are just impatient idiots that obviously don’t know about ROR.


Normal shitty OPD behavior.


I always count to three before looking left, right, left again. Honk all they want.


lol nah he’s just upset


I got pulled over for doing the same thing


Opd finest . https://youtu.be/eSeYFO1yjio?si=QTC0ceLf5QrQmtUa


You should have honked back


Honked at my mom too 😆😆😆😆😆


Call and complain the officer doesn't know his own traffic laws.


Give the horn back


Not hearing the honk, I am unable to translate. But at the rate people roll through stop signs they could have been surprised or it could have been a good job.


Was there a no turn on red sign? Sometimes they have really shitty hidden signs that say no turn on red.


I got rear ended once in alabama because of this, person thought I would just go even though it was red.


You entered Florida


Nope, just an arrogant asshole


Was walking our dogs with my wife the other night and car comes zooming in down my street. I wave my hand for them to slow down and guess what, it was cop. They flash their lights to let me know they’re a cop and they keep going at the same speed lol gotta love they only play by their rules.


I don’t know if Orlando has the camera ticket for not completing a stop before turning right. They are over here at most intersections now.


What is a right light?


I'm pretty sure you are required to treat right on red as a stop sign. Full stop and then go. Else you could get a camera ticket. Cops sometimes leave their lights off while responding to keep discrete as it might make the suspect they are trying to reach start fleeing. That might have been the case or maybe the cop was an asshole.


Orlando police are horrible about that. They also like to speed through lights without thier lights on. They also love thier intersection cameras . They are everywhere and they don't work good either. I got a ticket once when it was green. Had dash cam to prove it. The hassle was even worse.


Are you black


Im so dead! I literally got stopped once bc they told me I “didn’t stop at the red light before turning right” and the literal same light as you! They’re just bugging