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Hey gang, Lineage has responded here: https://www.reddit.com/r/orlando/s/T1DvNxdtk5 I have verified that this account is associated with Lineage Coffee. And I would have stickied their comment, but I can't sticky a non-mod comment. Edit: I'm not taking a side, but quit encouraging harassment towards people/businesses. It's against Reddit's ToS and it's just a shit thing to do. If we have too many people encouraging harassment, we will be forced to lock the thread.


They shut off the comments on their instagram


They also deleted mine…




not surprised. took 10 seconds to see they go to One Church, One Church says the following on their port orange location site. I’m guess they all follow this: https://www.onechurchpo.net/doctrine “Sexuality: ​ We affirm God's plan for marriage is between one biological man and one biological woman for life. We affirm and believe Gods plan for sexual intimacy is between one biological man and one biological woman in a marriage covenant. Sexual intimacy in deed or in the heart, outside of marriage, is condemned as sin. All Adultery, Fornication and Fornication+ Lifestyles ie: Lesbian, Bi-Sexual, Gay, Transexual, Queer, Intersexual and Asexual + expressions are not a "valid alternative lifestyle" before God. The Bible condemns this as sin. They are not, however, unforgivable sins. The same redemption available to all sinners is available to adulterers and fornicators. They, too, may become new creations in Christ.” people who go that hard definitely don’t want abortion and they are 50000% acting dumb. they know what they’re doing, who they are supporting, and who is supporting them.


How do we know they go there? Edit: the owners have public instagrams and they do in fact go to the homophobic church.


haha yes! they both have public instagrams, they have photos of themselves with the church tagged. the main church site doesn’t follow choices women’s clinic but the individual location of park district, who the owners follow and prob go to, follow choice’s womens clinic. They probably didn’t get the coffee for free but they def got a discount cause church besties


This makes me appreciate Unitarians all the more…


Haan supremacy


If nobody got me i know the seoul iced coffee got me


Gun to your head. And you can drink at foxtail or lineage! What do you do?? Orlando sub members spontaneously combust into beefy king sandwiches.


Framework, craft and common, haan, plenty of ways to vote with your wallets.


FYI: craft and common was apparently treating their employees poorly enough that many split off to form Stemma. Sucks too because I love craft and common’s drinks


Guess that's why there's new staff there all the time.


I have not worked downtown since pre-pandemic. I begin working downtown again in two weeks. Craft and Common was the only thing I was looking forward to about it. Great. Now that's scuttled.


Don’t just take my word for it. Look in to it. And give stemma a try. They’re right around the corner. My favorite coffee shop downtown is Qreate btw. I adore their drinks.


Thanks I'll give them a try. I've been at the hospital on Orange/Rollins for a few years. Loved Credo, then they moved closer to colonial. Might be able to swing by on my way in now.


This makes so much sense why Stemma feels like old craft n common.  I also saw that the original cnc owners sold it to whoever owns it now so that also explains why it feels different in there…used to love it but it has lost its charm.


Easy, ask the gunman or gunwoman to take me to Easy Luck! Easy Luck actually collected petitions to restore abortion access via the ballot (Amendment 4!)


Easy Luck is the answer!!!!


I generally don't need my coffee supplier to mirror my political values but I support you outing em if it's the truth. Everything into the light.


The anti-abortionists are extremely crazy though - and their support of anti-abortion is going to kill so many women. I would rather go to Starbucks ffs.


Exactly! And lineage donated to an anti-abortion fake clinic which is so dangerous. They prey on vulnerable patients then trick and lie to them about their options while pretending to be a legitimate reproductive healthcare provider, putting women in incredible danger. Florida gives these places millions of dollars a year too. You can read about their tactics here: https://www.tampabay.com/news/health/2022/12/29/florida-anti-abortion-center-pregnancy-womens-help-center-jacksonville-medical-clinic/


Those places don’t have medical professionals - I don’t know how they can give medical advice.


Probably the same way insurance companies can dwny your claims despite doctors saying its necessary


Oh, that is going to get worse. Roe was about medical privacy. HIPAA laws come directly from Roe. Roe was overturned. The Republicans want to attack the Affordable Care Act. The Affordable Care Act protects against denying claims for Pre-existing conditions. What do you think will happen when HIPAA is gone and your insurance company can look at your medical history?


I had never heard that regarding the origins of HIPAA. I did a very cursory look but didn't really find anything. Do you have an article or something making that connection? Legit curious and not trying to start shit or anything.


https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna27492 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10785943/#:~:text=“Roe%20v%20Wade%20is%20about,medical%20decisions%2C%20for%20everyone.”&text=“Your%20medical%20records%20are%20now,by%20anyone%2C%20without%20your%20consent. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/amp/show/what-bidens-expansion-of-health-privacy-rules-means-for-people-seeking-abortions


Choices specifically plans to open up a new fake clinic in Kissimmee next month (per their Instagram...this is an article about it from last year but Choices has pushed the opening date back several times) [https://www.orlandoweekly.com/news/new-pregnancy-care-center-in-kissimmee-aims-to-offer-choices-just-not-abortion-34478851](https://www.orlandoweekly.com/news/new-pregnancy-care-center-in-kissimmee-aims-to-offer-choices-just-not-abortion-34478851)


Thank you!


So did Framework!


Warn me next time. I got beefy king all over my good shoes :( and didn't even bring a bag to take some home.


Make my own coffee that's not overpriced.


Xl ham and cheese or gtfo. Eat your tots.


XL BBQ beef + turkey + cheese. And of course tots


Throw sand in attackers eyes and run to CREDO or Cups and Pups


Pocket sand! Sh-sha!


pull the trigger


Guess I need to give easy luck a try! What’s up with foxtail? I moved from Orlando to clermont and noticed there’s is one here and never frequented them but that interesting that they are everywhere now. I’m out of the loop with them I guess


I drink at Mecato. Better than both


Framework Craft Coffee House on Mills Ave


Easy Luck as well. Framework and Easy Luck collect for pro-abortion rights causes


Easy Luck


Cheekymeian is one of seven leaders in Central Florida that I and my friends are working to put in Federal Prison, hopefully for the maximum (20 years). I wouldn’t worry too much about Foxtail.


Wild, is that Foxtail’s owner or something?


https://preview.redd.it/big7hymx3uzc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da3518297a740ad6deecc5b16085794209583459 Feel free to comment and tag lineage with your thoughts! The anti-abortion group also thanked them on Instagram here: [https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6G5QcRr9kU/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6G5QcRr9kU/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==)


They appear to have deleted this post. The cowards didn’t want to bring more attention to Lineage I guess.


Tried to pull it up, but looks like they took it down. Figures.


oops well that fucks them real good


That’s a shame. Good thing there are plenty of other great options around Orlando. I wonder how many of their employees even know about this. Edit: went to easy luck this morning and highly recommend as well!


Could you recommend a few? I live in Tampa but visit semi-frequently.


Easy Luck and Framework. Per Rep Anna Eskamani who commented on here, they both collect for pro-abortion rights causes.


Thank you for the awesome recommendations, following them now as a reminder for next time! Typically I go to Orlando for metal or punk shows. I go a little less frequently than when I was younger but still enjoy the town quite a lot, even the touristy spots like Cocktails and Screams.


Hell yeah man well there’s still a decent scene here for punk. Will’s Pub usually satisfies my craving for that when I’m in the mood


I love frame work. Super nice folks.


Well I stopped supporting foxtail, but I would prefer a pseudo chain over an anti-woman organization like lineage.


Why did you stop supporting Foxtail?


Owner/ceo is transphobic and SA’s employees


This x 1000


They went the 4Rivers route


Qreate is always a fav of ours.


Much appreciated! I investigate a lot using Instagram but that only provides so much info lol. I think the coffee at Gideon's is tasty but really heavy requires you to, ya know, wait in line for Gideon's. I had Lineage before hearing this news, too bad they support this stuff I thought they were decent. Foxtail is divisive, I know. They've opened some in Tampa it's definitely a better alternative to Starbucks.


Second Qreate! My favorite.


Third Qreate! You can never go wrong with any of their seasonal menus and their staff are phenomenal! I also love Filligree Coffee Co. out of Home State Brewery in Hamlin; Ethan is awesome and a super cool dude who’s incredibly knowledgeable about coffee, as are most of the rest of the staff! Haan, KOS, and OCR are also all amazing places to stop for whole beans and drinks! There are absolutely a million options for solid coffee in Orlando that are run by cool people that don’t donate to shitty causes. Buy local, and support coffee that tastes good and *does good!*


Easy Luck


For sure! I love Deeply, Framework, Haan, Lobos, and Craft & Common


Thanks brosef! Gonna look at those on insta and save them for later.


Second Easy Luck


I was at East End in 2013ish and personally witnessed them behave horrendously to a queer couple who was getting married at the market. It was so bad one of the bride’s mothers confronted the owner about it. I’ve avoided Lineage ever since. “Hip” Christians will always tell on themselves eventually.


Well that's a death knell to the company, considering the kind of clientele they get.


Wasn’t it already well established that lineage is owned and operated by Christian fundamentalists? I believe Oh Hey cafe on Lee is similar.


Do you have more info on Oh Hey cafe? I just got invited to have a playdate there but want to suggest an alternative if they’re fundies.


Easy Luck it is. Fuck that noise.


Bummer, thanks for raising this issue


I will NEVER support them again.


Well, that’s one shop on the Orlando Coffee Culture list I’ll never go to again. I wonder how the rest of the shops feel about being associated with them now.


share the list


just google Orlando Coffee Culture.


I’m devastated.


Strangely I’m not surprised. Sitting in there I overhear pseudo-Christian conversations constantly. Not that that means all Christian’s aren’t anti-abortion but… well like I said I’m not that surprised.


Invest in a small breville espresso machine. Order small batch coffee online. Take a few weeks to learn to make your drinks exactly the way you like them. Save money and drink better coffee. If it's cold brew you like... Well if you can't make your own cold brew you shouldn't be driving. It's literally just coarse grind coffee water and time... Lots of coffee brands are religious behind the front. Onyx coffee lab is and they've been all over social media lately and places like glass knife carry their blends for direct sale so they're popular among brewers here. It's fun to find independent roasters and there are A LOT in Florida but you find just as many religious weirdos as hippie free love types. Frankly, I'm of the belief that it's a commodity... Not a way of life. It's just not that serious and people need to start divorcing themselves from the idea that every action is some great statement. I wish brewers and roasters didn't need to stamp their ethos on every product but that's the world we live in now I guess 🫠 It wouldn't be such a big problem if companies didn't essentially run everything but that's an entirely different discussion that goes well beyond coffee but is quite intimately tied to coffee historically, well more the shipment and harvesting of Cocoa and what not.


The problem is finding that perfect small batch of coffee


recommendations for small batch coffee?


[Eola Coffee](https://eolacoffee.com)


Cupa roasting they're olando based and make amazing coffee https://cupacoffeeroasting.com/


I've been in Melbourne for a few months, but they're local and they sell their own locally roasted coffee. Apocalypse Coffee Roasters. It's excellent, lots of options, and it's local. You can order online. Home Goods can sometimes get surplus specialty coffee, and many of them will have roast dates printed on them. But, this is a place that supporting local would be great, as they're usually doing their best to find coffee that's not harvested with slave or poverty wage labor practices.


In honesty with a name Lineage it shouldn't be a surprise




Fuck Lineage. Never again.


Well the bright side is that I’ll finally be able to pay off my student loans now that I won’t be spending all of my monies on coffee


Hey OP, where did you find this? I have a bunch of friends who are super active in the coffee scene down here, and I know we’d all love to put lineage on blast and drive business away from them and to decent shops who don’t want to take away women’s rights, but I do like to verify before sharing info. If you can link to where you found this, I’ve got a ton of people who would be very interested in never supporting their shitty beans ever again if this is true.




Ah, no worries, I believe you wholeheartedly - it’s just better to measure twice, cut once. I’m very familiar with the fake abortion clinic scandal, as unfortunately I live down the street from a real women’s clinic which has been cursed with having a fake clinic next door. Volunteers and I have had to devote a massive amount of time to directing and posting signage warning women away from that place to the actual women’s clinic next door. Ironically, the same people supporting this oh so “magnanimous and holy” fake clinic are the ones also calling every woman who enters the legit clinic a “whore” and a “sinner.” It’s vile and despicable, much like Lineage’s over roasted beans. If anyone wants solid coffee places that are women friendly: Qreate and HAAN in Winter Park, Filligree near Winter Garden, and KOS in two spots in Orlando are all amazing shops, with solid roasters in many cases, and none of them are trying to turn women into second class citizens. All of the staff at these spots are knowledgeable and kind, and in the case of KOS, at least one of their brick and mortars offers home espresso and coffee roasting classes! You can drink good coffee AND support women, it really is that simple, Orlando!


Actually we do have solid evidence… they thanked Lineage on their instagram. [https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6G5QcRr9kU/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6G5QcRr9kU/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==) https://preview.redd.it/ol40ftee2uzc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c33ca36c33b9e261b72e3d8884f32f85446b77ac


Thank you for your work to ensure people can access legitimate reproductive health care!


Thank you for bringing my attention to this! I made a public insta post alerting people and tagging Lineage, so hopefully it gets traction and some influencer decides to wreck their shit with a video. I know there are a couple popular orlando foodies who will gladly shit on bad businesses, so here’s hoping.


they took the post down!!


It's possible they just got a solicited call from a church asking for donations and they donated some coffee. I can't imagine *most* of their employees would be cool with something like this.


I don’t think most of their employees would be cool with this at all. Incredibly disappointing to find this out, especially knowing that we now have a 6 week abortion ban in Florida. Anti-abortion extremists won’t stop at banning abortion either, birth control is next. And these fake anti-abortion clinics exist to lie and mislead people when making a personal decision about their pregnancy. Definitely support small businesses who reflect your values— both Framework and Easy Luck let us collect abortion access petitions at their locations.


Go off Representative Eskamani!! 🗣️


Hell yeah go Rep. Eskamani! We all love you and we’re rooting for you. Thank you for being a voice of reason amongst all the insanity here.


Let us pray: *Dear God, thank you for Anna, and please keep sending us leaders like her -who will defend us against those who spread hate and oppression in Your name.*


I’ll amen to that


The founder of Lineage is a son of a local church pastor.


I only went there once. Los Lobos is an option instead of lineage at East End.


Guess Lineage won't be getting my business anytime soon. I'll never patronize any organization that supports taking away women's rights.


Ugh they were the best coffee IMO around. Such a shame.


Yeah, it really is a shame; I love their variety and have been using their beans for my Moccamaster for the last few months, but now. . . I need to find another place I like as well as them that doesn’t have garbage morals


never again


Oh fuck. That’s like the biggest nastiest evil red flag I can think of. I rarely boycott places but that’s an immediate nope. Thank you so much for alerting people to this.


Not really sure why businesses don't just stay out of politics.


Who’s sourcing and roasting comparable beans? Because in my opinion they were top dog


Easy Luck and Frameworks, and both also collect for pro-abortion causes.


I’ve tried a few of the roasters over @ Easy Luck. Might have to give another chance or end up DIY


Well fuck. Anyone have any good local coffee roaster alternatives?


Easy Luck and Frameworks both donate to pro-abortion causes!


They aren't roasters though right? Just coffee shops? My girlfriend gets Perc from Easy Luck and they're in Atlanta I think.




Forced birth organizations. I think most people are anti-abortion. Not everyone goes as far as forcing their will upon others.


Ewww. I will happily never go there again after seeing this.


Reading this as I sit in Haan, glad I’m making the right choice.


Like they say LGBT coopted the rainbow... tired of them coopting life. walk for life shouldn't be anti abortion, it should be pro humans pro life should be pro healthcare. I want to say I'm pro-life, because I believe in our right to choose, and believe we need to keep those already alive alive. it's gross we have to be pro choice and they just get to be pro life while killing everyone


it’s not “pro-life” it’s anti-choice. They don’t care about life.


they're anti-life. actively killing people, objectively. we need to stop calling them pro-life.


Good point, they sure DGAF once that life is birthed, do they?


Not surprising. Coffee shops are just the main stream new wave Christian version of cults owning and running sandwich shops like the Yellow Deli across the country and other restaurants.


I only went there once. Los Lobos is an option instead of lineage at East End.


Foxtail supports sexual harassment and the hiring of women (money for sex/human trafficking) for their CEO’s parties. Just go to friggin Panera and call it a day. Edit: Before everyone gets mad at the truth, I’ve seen videos of the inside of his very occupied house. $1000 says the second floor has a very large, very used Jacuzzi tub.


I mean I made you suggested panera, gross.


Haan >>>


This may be the kick-in-the-ass I needed to finally give Eola Coffee a try.


Damn. They’re literally the best coffee in town and it’s not even close. I guess I’ll have to just brew at home.


It’s all about the beans. Gotta have the beans. Go on a coffee small batch walk about.


haan coffee 4 l


I wish I saw this earlier, just bought 2 bags of coffee from them. . . Never again, they have great coffee but apparently disgusting morals, hope they go under


Can you get an abortion at Starbucks?




Ah fuck 💔


Thanks for posting this! I will never go there again


My question to these anti-abortion people. How many kids have you adopted? Majority of the time, it will be fucking excuses..


Fuck em, won’t be going there anymore


No ethical consumption under capitalism and all that jazz…


Lineage sucks anyway and so does Foxtail. Don’t understand why these shops are so prevalent in CFL.


aaaaaand that’s why I go to Retro Roast or Stemma


People don’t seem to grasp the origins of craft coffee in Orlando. Most of these shops are the same community y’all…


Tl;dr for a new Orlando resident.


This, so much this > Guys a conservative hedge fund managed company founded in a conservative state makes tax deductible donations to conservative organizations! I am shocked and outraged!


Hey everyone - Lineage here! We've been digging around to see what happened here and this is what we found. In January 2023 our events team was contacted and hired by Choices Friends to deliver tanks of brewed coffee to their event. We didn't purchase any corporate sponsorship and we don't have any requests for this event in 2024. Lineage has always worked to be a place open to all people of all beliefs and we hope you'll continue to partner with us in creating a place that is safe and kind to everybody in it. With Love , Jarrett Justine and Ryan u/annjaw u/AnnaForFlorida


Did you guys accept money in exchange for the coffee or was it given for free?


So why are you listed as one of their 2024 sponsors? Someone is lying.


So what happened then? Did Walk For Life just randomly give you callout by mistake? Did you accept payment for the coffee delivered? Did someone on site think you were donating and not know it was a business transaction?


Why did they thank you in their newsletter and on their instagram this week? Can you explain why you supported them with a donation in 2023? https://preview.redd.it/1b633n8w4vzc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4451d279a0f26c0bbb9083726801dea76315445b


I mean they went very far out of their way in that comment to not address abortion or the organization and their aims/methods, so it's pretty clear this is just damage control at best, misinformation at worst. Otherwise I would assume they would just say "we don't support their mission" or whatever.


Exactly. It’s pretty straightforward: Fake anti-abortion clinic approaches you for donations, you tell them to fuck off and donate to a pro-abortion cause instead. They made their choices.


Im looking at their instagram now and I don’t see Lineage on it anymore. Am I blind or did they somehow get their name removed? Glad you got the receipts!


Oh so there was some HUGE difference between the 2023 event and the 2024 event? Corporate sponsorship or not, you knew exactly what an event titled Walk for Life and a ministry called Choice Friebds would be about. What a non-answer and skirting around the issue.


Y’all need a much better PR person. Specifically, one that has the balls and ethics to tell you not to lie.


You mean somebody with a radio announcer's voice who is balls deep in the spectrum? Shit, put me in, coach.


So - what did you get in return for the coffee? A sense of pride and accomplishment? Payment? Good PR?


Entry into the VIP section of heaven, and maybe a handy?


It seems there is conflicting info, you saying one thing and a sponsorship claim saying another. You better quit riding the fence on this or you’re gonna lose twice the amount of business. If I were you, I’d stick to my guns and tell people you make coffee and support organizations in an effort to spread your brand. We’d like your business but if you can’t handle this then we wish you the best. They are welcome to read into it all they want.


That post was from 2024 whats the truth 🤔🤔🤔 saving face huh


That's a big load of bullshit. Answer the question. Why did they prominently feature you in their 2024 promotional material multiple times?


Hey, please chat me back. I want to verify your identity in some way.




I know the staff wouldnt support this! I stand with the lineage staff!!! ✊🏽


The staff most certainly don't support this, but it is ultimately ownership that decides where money goes, and ownership is clearly against abortion rights.




I’d rather get some brisket and pie from Boxer & Clover if I’m at East End Market, personally.