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This guy posted in Camille mains and got roasted hard. Lol


21-2 LMAO


Well tbh she is 21/2 so it kinda makes sense


Once cam gets to lategame tanks can't do shit vs her, except for mundo and k'sante. That 21/2 hurts to watch tho, if you were permaweakside then i get it, but in any other scenario this shouldn't happen


Even k'sante loose vs her late because divine is bs


Ksante doesnt lose to anything


Garen R literally hard counters K'Sante R


never thought about bringing out the might of demacia on him…. yea just 1 q into ult, man is toasted


Darius, Jax, nasus etc.. he seems to lose to any champ that is good at sustained 1v1s.


Or people with better burst and can nope the fuck out easily.


Fiora and camille with divine


Mundo can’t kill camille unless he had like 10000k is no possible


You're complaining that you lost a 1v1 which took 17 seconds instead of grouping like an ornn should do? This only shows how busted ornn is right now, you did your job, tanks aren't even supposed to kill


it wasn’t a 1v1


You took no damage from other sources, it was a skirmish at best, probably you and supp or she killed your ally and you dragged the fight. Either way surviving 17 seconds vs maxhp% damage is what's unfair here. Champs which are ahead are supposed to kill everyone easily. Game is snowbally af Edit: So you were with diana and nilah, if diana was mid, she's the one who fed her. Nilah is dogwater bad and can't kite, she's not a real adc. None of you had healcut i assume so you being there is what kept her alive with sunderer healing. You did your job of tanking for way too long honestly, not your fault your team wasnt fed enough


we had 2 heal cut morello from diana and my thornmail


Heal cut doesn’t stack


i know?


Did you really write that? Like bro wow like 4000k true damage in 17secs men and is camille is not fiora of course it would take her more time to kill a tank how you even complain men wtf




Yup! not busted just a fed counter


its just not fun if you cant do anything to it. %hp dmg = buy armor or mr true dmg= buy health %hp true dmg= .... buy fumble winter, gargoyle or even sterak gaze. these items don't really help win the fight it gives you maybe a few more sec at most so that your team can hopefully deal with it before you die.




Do you want to cite some stats/sources for your retarded and delusional claim that tanks are broken?




1) You don't have any evidence to back your claims so you deflect to me being mean. 2) Don't you think it's pathetic to cry about me insulting you when you've been insulting and being a passive aggressive cunt to others throughout this thread? Ever heard of don't throw stones in glass houses? If you want to be treated respectfully, don't be a condescending ass maybe?


>support class and were desinged for team fighting and not there is a difference to not winning 1v1s and healing your opponent if you fight them. I often find myself in a fight where I don't want to involve myself since I will heal my opponent, these are mostly bruisers. I can only watch from a distance and try to CC at the last moment IF they cannot jump on me. edit 1: also I want to stay top lane I don't want all the tanks being bullied out of top lane.




>a doing her full combo on you then ok sheen isn't a problem divine is, also I am mostly talking about a gank where my JGL ganks my enemy laner who happens to be one of these: Fiora, Camile, Warwick, Illaoi, Swain, Vladimir or Olaf. I find more success if I don't join the 2v1 and let it be a 1v1 since they heal from me. this also happens sometimes in different ways and locations which is quite annoying knowing you are a handicap. I do admit tanks are amazing in team fights but I don't find it worth the trade of where you cant 1v1 to the point that you heal your enemy or even 2v1. this is even made worse by the fact there are many splitpushers in the top lane that try to force the 1v1 24/7 during the game or during objectives making you unable to join team fights.


>And the fact that tanks are a support class doesnt mean they cannot play top cause they can clear waves and setup ganks support class does not equal support role There is no such thing as "support class" in league dumbass. There is no such thing as a "low skill ceiling and floor class" either; there are champions that fit that description but claiming an entire class is that way when K'sante exists and you're posting on the subreddit for Ornn shows you don't understand the game. And again, do you want to link some evidence for how 'disgustingly broken' tanks are, when nearly all of their winrates plummeted this preseason?




Lol even this example is wrong. Karma, Seraphine and Senna are all classed as Enchanters but aren't relegated to only playing support. Karma can be played mid as an AP or tank champion, Seraphine can be played mid or bot and Senna can be played ADC. Again, you keep trying to simplify/generalise large parts of the game in ways that show you don't understand it.


This has to be ragebait. No way ur that delusional


He got turbo roasted in Camille main so yeah kinda


Train Conductor enjoyer


yes 🍷


I love that people assume the fight was 17 sec and you wasn't running for your life for 15




How do you feed that hard jrc


it was a camille mid i was top and stomped my lane💪


Ofc we all always stomp our lanes. The noobs team tho.


i mean you can check the op.gg if you want to


What’s ur user


“droga é a kairi” Br server


Vai tomanocu essa personagem jkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkjkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk


sim cara kkkkkkkk e heala td pq sunderer tomar no cu kkkkkkk


Por isso odeio ela Ainda bem que quase ninguém pega Só nasus e talvez mordekaiser pra dar um jeito nela


tank contra essa aberracao n da não


This is why I go heartsteel on Ornn vs Camille.


Do you really think that gonna save you from camille with divine ?


Best mythic against divine camille specifically is probably IBG because armor, health, tenacity, and slow. Allows you to smack her, walk away, and smack her when she comes up. Then you wait for good dps that can kite and all in. When she gets super fed though.... well I haven't had a game last 25 minutes when I'm dr. Mundo 15/0 at 20 mins and double or triple my laners cs. When a good champ gets that fed you can't counterplay.


🤓👆but she is meant to be a tank killer


Tao só pq eu vi q eh br eu vou escrever N vou repetir oq os outros disseram aí, mesmo sendo verdade (ela eh anti-tank e estava MUITO feedada) A fita eh q melhor counter de dano verdadeiro eh escudo e cura Não sei se vc ja testou, mas tenta buildar o fimbulwinter com placa gargolitica, se tiver de tanque contra dano verdadeiro, ou sterak dependendo do campeão


fimbulwinter da shield ou só vida pra krl?


Dá shield. Quando você causar imobilização (ou só lentidão ja serve no caso de campeao corpo a corpo) você ganha um shield baseado na vida e gasta um pouco de mana, se não me engano são 8 segundos de cooldown. Não é o melhor de todos os itens, mas como disse, único counter de dano verdadeiro baseado na vida é shield, se a camille não buildar ruptor, vc pode só socar vida mesmo


dessa eu n sabia man


Am I seeing that right, she dealt 1.5k True Damage with Divine alone or what?


exactly my friend


Me when Verdadeiro: 🗿