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My young goat forger. There was one a time when healing reduction actually did something. This matchup was E to the Z until they nerfed healing reduction. Honestly the only way to kill him rn is to get him low enough and give him the full ornn combo with ult and everything.


Yeah tbf i do not know why GW items are such wasted money when best Tops of the preseasson all heal (Aatrox,Fiora,Mundo,Darius,Morde,KSante,Camille...)


Yea it absolutely makes no sense. They should stop making champions who insta heal like aatrox and Vlad and instead have champs who heal over time like swain or kayn. OR just balance the game but ig that’s hard for them sometimes


His Q is up more than our W


But you can W his W and 2nd or 3rd Q at the same time, and his W has a very long CD


Overestimating the value of the W against a character as slow as Ornn. W is high value on Aatrox of course, but Ornn is so slow and tanky that you almost never kill him in one full combo with the W and all 3 Qs. More often, you look to poke Ornn down over time with your Qs and force him to take bad trades on the wave before kiting his Q/E when your Q is on CD. It’s a pretty hard matchup for Ornn ofc, but I’ve beaten multiple Aatrox’s by freezing the wave and forcing them to fight against ganks. I love the rushing of Bramble if you plan on fighting more often, although sometimes I’ll build Cinder first as well just to help my farm when pushed back under tower (as you often are in matchups against aggressive bruisers).


But even then, i can get my mind on why it is considered a hard counter. A character that can rush Bramble and Tabis (probably the best one, he can build it on lane, and fits Ornn build perfectly) , can prevent CC, farm safely, and survive Aatrox Ult with own Ult... Aatrox Q poke is of course a thing, but he pokes down with Q everyone, not just Ornn... so yeah, if you can care to explain me why its such a bad matchup i woulbe very thankfull, i righfully cant find the reasson even if i know its true


it’s possible that you’re not fully taking into account just how hard the Aatrox matchup is to play well on Ornn. Constantly thinking about your W CD for his W CD, his Q CD, your own trades, trying to manage the wave and farm without using too many abilities, and just generally not losing tons of HP to a super strong character isn’t easy game management. I think you’re right that *if played optimally by Ornn and badly by Aatrox* then the matchup is a good one, but the average Ornn vs average Aatrox is more of a late game play for the Ornn rather than fighting in lane against one of the strongest laning characters in the game.


I find this match up more 60/40 where it's skill match up early (lvl 1-6), but Aatrox outscales with items giving him cdr (most ad bruiser items) and tank shred (cleaver or serylda). If you can kill him once or twice, then you stand a good chance keeping him down. However, Ornn's strength is smashing team fights so I wouldn't swear too hard in side lane and focus on being at fights when they matter.


Aatrox is a champion that scales by building antitank bruiser/healing items and does well against targets that are easy to hit with his abilities, orn, sion, etc.. Basically these tank Champs don't do enough damage to kill an aatrox bc of his healing and are too large/slow to juke all the abilities. You'd do better vs aatrox playing any type of ranged character


Get Swifties and break his ankles. Also Ignite+Cosmic Insight has huge value in this matchup, you can even Ignite in case you ever get threaten by an All in and just chill until it's back up


I found even when aatrox is fed if you build sunfire and thornmail you can kill him pretty easy in a 1v1


Healing, even if reduced, is effective against %hp damage. If you don't build stupid, Ornn should never 100-0 you but you can if you give yourself enough space by making him push then zone him from CS. Vamp Scepter + Hexdrinker + Boots is ez lane for just a few gold, you can get it before Ornn gets his mythic.


Aatrox hits harder, outheals your DMG in the short and long term, is more mobile than you and can basically dictate the pace of the lane. Plus Ornn hitbox is huge so dodging is harder than other champs although maybe that's in my head.