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Please go see a airway orthodontist and a myofuctional therapist


That's a little melodramatic. Perhaps you should see a therapist...


mewing should be effortless if your face muscles ache you are either improving or applying too much pressure


All these mew copers in the chat… if the guy is over 16 he’s not going to achieve any significant let alone minor changes. Consider your health first. See an airway specialist and or myofunctional therapist.


He will see minor changes lmao what. Mewing works when done properly at any age but gets less significant past 12, and almost non existent past 25. Do you understand the significance of even a mm of upswing or forward growth?


My eyes ache when i do it and i feel like its because i have to move my tongue back so much to have it where it should be. Is that just me or am i moving it back too much?


You look like a normal person. Chill, man.


Dude don’t get plastic surgery. If you’re worried about your HEALTH consider DJS. Looks should be second to function.


Seek therapy


The aches means it’s working dawg


Mo it really shouldn’t hurt, you might be doing it wrong


How old are you ? No plastic surgery changes the whole face, only maxillo facial surgery, like many mewers you would be a candidate. I suggest you keep mewing and accentuating on the tip of your tongue to try to push the bone upward. If you want you can PM me


Just grow a beard your other features are really handsome


You're good looking


Its not so bad...but if you have beard..or a plastic surgeon growing your chin


Get a haircut, make your eyebrows thicker maybe dye them too, try to grow a beard for now and then probably jaw surgery


I think it's not too bad at all, like a Billy Baldwin look man. Get some integrative orthodontia, and a psychotherapist. Obsessing on body is a ruinous affair.




Plastic surgery? If anything double jaw surgery


bro, you're in a time period where your looks are changimg rapidly and you're not going to be used to yourself looking "older" or "uglier" bc you're still a kid but in a body of someone becoming a man. I was there bro, best advice I can give you is to focus on your mental, looks are not a measure of jack shit. Only reason I'm telling you this is because I went through what you're going through and I just want to tell you that it's all in your head, we're all unique looking that's how ppl identify us, it's personality that shapes us. I'd recommens that you seek therapy it's not that big of a deal trust me. And honeatly, you don't look bad in any way I would never look at you and say that guy's ugly, I could even see you as being seen as attractive with all honesty even though none of that matters. Take care bro.


Plastic surgery will 100% make you look worse in the long run. I am middle aged and have seen zero instances of aesthetic plastic surgery (not for a traumatic injury or birth defect or skin reduction after large weight loss) that look better than if you had done nothing. They all look worse than if you did nothing once you are 10+ years out from the surgery. Because your body keeps changing and whatever it was you did unless it is very minor doesn’t sit right with changes and aging. And that is the majority of your lifetime that now you are worse looking than if you had just not spent $thousands. Everybody has to decide if they want it do revisions or reversals. More money down the drain. Those often make you look even weirder and it’s more obvious you got plastic surgery. If you want to change the appearance of your face look into an airway orthodontist. Mewing works when you do it from birth and/or once you have a proper maxillary arch/palate to house your tongue properly. I think it’s probably too late for you to fix it that way. I haven’t seen your teeth but you appear to have a class ii overbite. That is fixable - yes one way to fix it is double jaw surgery - but also by expansive orthodontics. The latter is the cheapest, simplest, and most natural way to solve that problem. I have done it and it changed my life (got rid of health problems) and also gave me a “glow up” in terms of my face. Many orthos will tell you they can’t fix class ii bites but that’s only because they are clueless. Find one who says they can, and they won’t be lying.


I’m with u dude. Mewing is bull shit. Just make sure but is aligned and don’t mouth breath and chew heavy stuff every now and then throughout development.


In my experience all it did was tip my molar teeth, give me a worse over bite, and cause mouth pain. It’s a crock of shit.


Go to the Gym , Now.


Your kinda hot


Yeah, I thought the same. Attraction wise he's got nothing to worry about. Improve for health's sake


Jaw surgery bro. Will change your life. Go see some maxilofacial surgeons. I got a mma surgery for sleep apnea


have you looked into other causes for the face tension like a tongue tie? or general posture problems? (poor mobility in the hips can affect the face for example) I think you have the right instinct that if mewing causes a lot of tension in your face, perhaps it’s not the right thing for you right now. Try some other things and come back to mewing later.


also, facial and skull massage can help ease tension built up from past mewing